Free essays on biology refer to the academic papers that are available for public access and are not charged or restricted by any institution or platform. These essays generally cover a wide range of topics in the field of biology, including the study of living organisms, their structure, classification, evolution, behavior, and interactions with their environment. These essays can be helpful in providing insight into various biological concepts and theories and can be used as references or study materials for individuals who are interested in pursuing a career in the field of biology. Additionally, free essays on biology can benefit students who require research material for their academic projects or assignments, or those who want to expand their knowledge base in the subject area.
Onion Cell Labeled
Osmosis/Plasmolysis Lab Name: Problem: How do solutions of various salt concentrations influence osmosis in relation to an onion cell? Materials: (per student group): red onion epidermis forceps, dropper distilled water NaCl solution paper towels microscope slidecover slip Procedure 1. Make a wet mount of the red onion epidermis. 2. Examine under low power. When you have a clear view of several cells, switch to high power. Make a labeled drawing (cell wall, membrane, cytosol) of your cells. This will give…...
Psychology Essay Examples A Level
One reason that studying memory and organisation may be interesting is because the area was neglected, up until the 1990’s, when psychologists became interested in how an ‘enormously important but complex facility operates in people’ after being stimulated by the attempts to provide information about computer systems and how information is organised.( R.Gross, Hodder and Sloughton) One theory in relation to memory suggests that organisation may occur at two separate stages of memory. Meyer said ‘to remember is to have…...
Suntans And Sunburns Case Study
On the first day after arriving in Australia for Christmas vacation, a University of Niagara student plays out in the sun for six hours. Later that night he notices that the skin on his trunk, legs and arms becomes red, swollen and extremely painful. By morning all of the afflicted areas have developed numerous blisters. These areas cover about 30% of the trunk (front and back) and 40% of the arms and legs. 1. What organ has been damaged? The…...
BiologyCase StudyEducationLearningMedicineMuscle
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To The Memory Of Mr Oldham Summary
Oldie’s verse, rough and unrefined, In comparison o Dryness style begs the question, why did Dryden want to pay tribute to a much younger and less accomplished poet? In the first ten lines of the elegy we can see that Dryden attempts to establish the history between the two. “Too little and too lately known… ,” shows us that the two authors had Just recently met and “Whom began to think to call my own,” tells us that John Dryden…...
Nandos Vision Statement
Node’s * Its success Is due to Its commitment to encouraging and developing the skills of Its workforce. Of management used to be cashiers or grilles. Communication and implementation of its core value systems is important. * “one part chicken; one part people” * Combining the right people with a winning product has got Node’s to where it is Node’s Vision: “To keep exploring new territory. ” Node’s justified its vision by keeping an underachieving store open. They franchised the…...
Investigatory Project
Natural Mosquito Repellant A Science Research Project In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement in Science And Technology I Melvin T. Magsayo March 2012 ABSTRACT This research entitled NATURAL MOSQUITO REPELLANT conducted by KAYE ANGELLIE C. NAPIGKIT of Lanao Chung Hua School. One problem of today especially with regards to health is the disease caused by mosquito. Mosquitoes are a family of small, midge-like flies, the Culicidae. It is said to be the most dangerous species on earth. It carries virus…...
Dengue FeverInfectious DiseasesMalariaMicrobiologyResearch
Soapy Water On Plants
The following sample essay on Soapy Water On Plants conclusion, the experiment was about the effect of soapy water on plants. The hypothesis was, “If plant A is given 10 ml of plain tap water every other day for two weeks and plant B is given 10 ml of soapy water (5 ml softsoap and 5 ml plain water) for the same amount of time then, plant A will grow at least 3. 0 cm taller than plant B. ”…...
How Many Types Of Dwarfism Are There
Michelle Aderholt Dwarfism 11/24/09 Sources Tortora, Gerald J. , and Bryan Derrickson. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology. 12th ed. United States of America: John Wiley and Sons, Inc, 2009. Print. “Dwarfism. ” <http://kidshealth. org/Search01. jsp> Nov. 24, 2009. Kugler, Mary. “How many types of dwarfism are there? ” <http://rarediseases. about. com/od/dwarfism/f/dwarfismtypes. htm> Nov. 24, 2009. “Dwarfism” Have you ever been somewhere and seen a person who is shorter than the average person, but appear to look older? More than likely…...
Bacterial Growth Curve Lab Report
Microbiology (Lab Report) Closed system growth curve Closed System Growth Curve Lab Report PURPOSE Bacteria grown in a closed system show a specific growth pattern called the growth curve which consists of four phases. The lag phase, which is a period of slow growth; exponential phase, period Of maximum growth; stationary phase, where nutrients become the limiting factor making the growth rate equal to the death rate and the death phase where organisms die faster than they are replaced. It…...
The Role Of Memory In A Computer
Memory is an important component of any computer. A part of the Central Processing Unit (CPU) of a computer, memory performs either short-term or long-term storage functions. At a conceptual level, memory can either refer to the storage devices themselves (hard drives, DVDs, etc) or to the data/information stored therein. The Random Access Memory (RAM) is the most important for the functioning of a computer, for it is essential for immediate and high-speed computing operations. But RAM has a limitation…...
Computer ScienceComputersDataInformation AgeInformation TechnologyMemory
What Is Vagal Escape
Lab 34b Cardiovascular Physiology 1. What was the baseline heart rate for the frog? 59-63 bpm 2. Which wave is larger, the one for atrial contraction or the one for ventricular contraction? Why? Ventricular. It shows the strength of the ventricle as it pumps blood, and it is a thicker muscle to pump stronger as it contracts 3. At what time during the contraction cycle was it possible to induce an extrasystole? The time during the relaxation part of cardiac…...
BiologyCardiovascular SystemHeartNervous System
Osmosis And Diffusion Lab Report
Kinetic energy, a root of energy stored in cells, causes molecules to hit into each other and move in new directions. Diffusion is the result of this contact. Diffusion is the random movement of molecules to an area of lower concentration from an area of higher concentration. Osmosis is a type of diffusion. This is the diffusion of water through a selectively permeable membrane from a region of higher water potential to a region of lower water likely. Water potential…...
BiologyCell MembraneChemistryOsmosisPhysics
Anthropology 101
Komron Sabbagh Prof. Rowe Anthropology 101 March 25, 2013 Elderly Human “Y” Chromosome The unearthing and examination of a tremendously infrequent African American “Y” chromosome goes back in time with regards to the most recent common ancestor for the “Y” chromosome ancestry to 338,000 years ago. This period exists even older than the age of the most eldest known structurally contemporary human fossils. University of Arizona geneticists have revealed the most ancient known hereditary subdivision of the human “Y” chromosome…...
What Is The Sleeper Curve
Johnny’s idea of multiple threads in watching television fundamentally lies In his overarching theory called The Sleeper Curve. A thread Is a strand of Information in one scene; a scene can have up to ten threads Increasing the complexity of the show. Multithreading is “keeping [these] densely Interwoven pipelines distinct” (Johnson 63). In comparison to earlier television shows that only followed one or two stories, today’s features present a greater deal of complexity. The plot lines In shows Like Stark…...
Isolation Of Microorganisms Pdf
The following sample essay on Isolation Of Microorganisms Pdf. It is crucial in the field of microbiology to study the morphology, biological activity, and the behavior of microbes thus the isolation of such microbes from the environment is necessary because it allows scientists to study them in close proximity. Microbial life forms are found everywhere. They are major players in biochemical cycling of elements and primary producers in numerous environments. There are also some microbes living inside higher forms of…...
Hypertension Homeostasis
It Is my ole to educate you all about hypertension and how to stay healthy from here on out. Diagnosis Alright Mr.. Patient, have a seat. As I told you, my name is Brigit and it is my role to educate you on your diagnosis of hypertension. Now Mr.. Patient, I don’t want you to worry because this is something that we can get under control and maintain with both education and medication -both will get you back on the…...
Transfer Lab Escherichia coli
The following example essay on "Transfer Lab Escherichia Coli" is about a bacterium commonly found in the lower intestines of warm-blooded organisms, some strains of which can cause severe food poisoning. Introduction Escherichia coli is a bacterium that can affect our health or even kill. Like most bacteria, E. coli is able to change and progress into different forms based on genetic changes that they can go through. One example of this genetic change is shown in the E. coli…...
Variations On The Word Sleep
In Variations on the Word Sleep the storyteller of the verse form instantly addresses his/her scruples demand to link with the other individual. and they besides recognize the hopelessness of this end: “I would wish to watch you kiping. which may non happen” ( 1-2 ) . The gap to the verse form. as we see here. could be considered typical of Atwood’s composing in the sense that one individual longs to bond with another. and recognizes the trouble. It…...
Yeast Fermentation Experiment
In this lab, the purpose is to measure whether the changes of substrate concentration will affect the rate of anaerobic respiration. Because the rate of reaction refers to how quickly the reactants are used up or how quickly the products are formed, one method is to measure the volume of gas given off, the more gas given off per time interval results faster reactions. Question: Will the changes in substrate concentration affect the rate of anaerobic reaction? Why or why…...
Anaerobic RespirationCarbon DioxideChemical ReactionChemistryConcentrationEnergy
Social Darwinism Essay
In the wild, animals compete against one another for survival, fighting to keep their spot in the world. America, along with every other country goes through tough economic struggle, where the population has to fight in order to survive. Social Darwinism is a term used to describe the idea that humans, like animals and plants, compete in a struggle for existence in which natural selection results in “survival of the fittest. ” People living in the United States indeed, have…...
CommunicationHuman NatureNatural SelectionSocial Darwinism
From Stone To Steel E.J Pratt’s Poem Analysis
In the poem “From Stone to Steel” Pratt begins with a cynical ironic stance and then at the last two lines of the poem ends with compassion and hope. Throughout the poem Pratt appears to be mocking man’s brutality and questions whether man has really changed at all over the years. E.J Pratt was living in a time of change. He was amid the 1st world war and the second industrial revolution. This poem is during World War 1 and…...
Human EvolutionPoetryReasonRhyme
Finding Nemo Disney Children Movie Analysis
In his journey Memo learns not to lack self confidence because he has disability swimming with a tiny fin, and how much his father’s advice and protection really is a value to his life. Even with the deep message the movie was very funny and compelling. The movie takes place in the ocean near Australia. The graphic in this movie really makes the screen look kind of like a fish tank. Marlin, Memo’s father, is over protective of his son…...
Finding NemoMemoryMemory Loss
Contagion Movie Summary Essay
In 2011 , the blockbuster, Contagion, was released, featuring several prominent actors. In summary, the movie is the story of a father who loses his wife and son to a completely brand new virus. This new virus, dubbed MOVE-I, originated from a bat in Hong Kong. The bat bit a fruit then dropped it into a pigpen infecting the pig that consumed the fruit with the bat’s virus. While pig was prepped to be cooked, the chef touched the pig’s…...
EpidemiologyInfectious DiseasesMedicineMicrobiologyPublic HealthVaccines
Should Animals Be Used For Research
I chose this peer reviewed article to use in my research, because here are a great deal of facts, and information in this article. This article is very informative, and it has great facts in it. For example, there were reports of animal experiments designed to investigate the orientation of tumors by chemical agents as early as 1915 (Buyer, Beck, and Landowners. 322). In the next few decades, animal studies were also conducted to explore the health effects of cancer-causing…...
Animal TestingAnimalsBiologyMedicineResearchZoology
Homeostasis Essay
Homeostasis is the name given to the process that allows optimum conditions to be regulated in the body. This regulation of the internal environment must be independent of external environmental constraints. In humans this process is controlled by almost all of the bodily systems but mainly by the endocrine, respiratory and renal systems. Homeostasis therefore allows an organism to live in habitats that are not ideally suited to the internal environment, because, only in favourable conditions will the organism thrive.…...
What Is The Initial Air Temperature
Gizmo Warm-up To survive, an organism must be able to maintain stable internal conditions in a changing environment. This process is called homeostasis. The Human Homeostasis Gizmo™ allows you to explore how the human body stays at a nearly constant temperature in different conditions. Notice the Air temp. and Body temp. thermometers representing the air temperature and body temperature. 1. What is the initial air temperature? _32 degrees F_____ 2. What is the initial body temperature? __99 degrees F__ 3.…...
How Are Glofish Made
GloFish: More than Just glowing. What is a GloFish? GloFish is a genetically modified animal, a fluorescent zebra fish. It is made and then advertised by Yorktown technologies. It is a genetically modified organism (or GMO). The fish got the fluorescence from a red fluorescent protein from a sea anemone under the myosin light peptide 2 genes of zebra fish. The new green colored fish got is color from the extracted Green Fluorescent Protein that is taken from one Jellyfish…...
BiologyBiotechnologyGenetic EngineeringGeneticsGmo
Gattaca Vincent
Gattaca is a science fiction film written and directed by Andrew Niccol. It is about a man’s struggle to follow his dream despite being pre-determined by the society in which he lives to not be able to achieve it. Gattaca shows that people can in fact exceed the potential that society and their genes place on them. This is seen in the characters of Vincent and Director Joseph who both exceed their expected potential. Director Joseph’s claim that humans cannot…...
BiologyGattacaGeneGenetic EngineeringGenetics
Genetic Transformation Lab Report
Genetic transformation is the process by which DNA is moved into an organism so that its genotype is altered. Experiments to observe this can be really expensive and complicated, but gene transfer in E.Coli bacteria are simple. In this specific lab, bacteria is transformed with a gene that codes for GFP (Green Fluorescent Protein). This allows the bacteria with this gene to glow a green color when it is exposed to ultraviolet light. Also, plasmid DNA which contains genes that…...
Fungicides Market
The following sample essay on "Fungicides Market" : describing different aspect of Fungicides Market and it's benefits. Fungicides Market by Type (Benzimidazoles, Dithiocarbamates, Phenylamides, Chloronitriles, Strobilurins, Triazoles,), by CROP Type (Cereals & Grains, Oilseeds & Pulses, Fruits & Vegetables), & by Geography – Global Trends & Forecasts to 2019 The fungicides market has grown exponentially in the last few years and this growth is expected to continue. Numerous factors such as high cost of seeds, ease of application, modern production…...
Vladimir And Estragon
Furthermore, the search for confirmation of existence is apparent in the characters Vladimir and Estragon. The fact that they are living in a bare setting already gives them a lack of identity. Yet, they have an identity and know who they are by their names; they just crave confirmation from each other. The two characters are extremely sensitive and vulnerable which is why they can never leave each others’ sides; they feel weak alone. This neediness shows a sufficient lack…...
Human NatureMemoryMemory LossMetaphysicsWaiting For Godot
Food Bourne Illness
Foodborne illnesses are defined as any illness that you receive from the consumption of food that has been contaminated by a certain bacteria, virus, or parasite. Salmonella is a common foodborne illness found in beef, poultry, milk, and eggs. It has an estimated 1. 2 million cases every year just in the United States. Salmonellosis is also known as Salmonella. According to Salmonella (n. d. , “Salmonella is a genus of rod-shaped, Gram-negative, non-spore-forming, predominately motile enterobacteria with diameters around…...
EpidemiologyInfectious DiseasesMedicineMicrobiologyPublic Health
Who Is The National Governing Body For Football
Football is the national sport for Britain. It is played at all levels from amateur to semi pro to professional. In the past it has been a mainly male dominated sport with very few women’s teams and less importance being put on female football in schools. Grassroots development There are many schemes run by the National Governing Body for football in Great Britain. 90 clubs in England were granted official FA Community Club awards, a certificate that will help English amateur football for…...
Essay On Dreams And Nightmares
Every night, every person around the world “watches” a unique movie in the form of interrupted stories, made up partly of memories, with frequent shifts of scenes. The “watcher” may sometimes even take part in the movie. This sort of movie is called a dream. Dreaming is a form of mental activity occurring during sleep that is different from thoughts while one is awake. Even though dreams are imaginary, they are usually related to real experience in the dreamer’s life.…...
BrainDreamNatureNervous SystemNightNightmare
Investigation Related To Helmet Safety
The following sample essay on helmets. Every year there are 38. 8 deaths per year and overall deaths of riders under 21 almost tripled due to motorcycle accidents, according to, The Insurance Industry Study in The Motorcycle Helmet Law a no-brainer — to both sides By Barry Millman, Staff Writer (Sun Herald / Venice, FL). Due to this statistic I think that there’s a big dilemma which has an obvious answer to it, people in many states are opposing the…...
BrainMemoryMemory LossMotorcycleMotorcyclingReason
Enzyme Activity Prediction for Sucrose at 60°C
Enzyme Activity Name: Daniel Franco Instructor: Professor Jennifer Freer Date: 0308. 2015 Predictions Sucrose will have the greatest activity at 60 ?co (140 Sucrose activity decreases with increasing sucrose concentration Materials and Methods Effect of pH on Enzyme Activity Dependent Variable amount of product (glucose and fructose) produced Independent Variable pH Controlled Variables temperature. Amount of substrate (sucrose) present, sucrose 4 sucrose incubation time Effect of Temperature on Enzyme Activity temperature pH, amount of substrate (sucrose) present, sucrose + sucrose…...
Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin
Dr. Syedna Mohammed Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin born March 6, 1915 is the 52ndDa‘i l-Mu? laq of the Dawoodi Bohras. The Dawoodi Bohras are a sub group within the Isma‘ili-Shi‘ah sect ofIslam Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin was born in Surat, He was appointed to be the future Da‘i at the age of 52 by his father, the previous, Syedna Taher Saifuddin. Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin succeeded his father, upon the latter’s death, when he was 53 years of age. He has seven sons and three daughters. Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin completed recitation of the…...
Informative Speech On Dreams
Dreams to me were always a fascinating thing and had always interested me. I have been interested in how dreams occur, what is the purpose of dreams, and finally h owe they affect our lives. A few of these scenarios may be able to recall : flying, falling, climbing to great or frightening heights, tying to run from a threat through a sludge of quicksand, sharing an embrace with a mysterious stranger, or popping up suddenly in your grade xix…...
The Disease Characterized By The Unrestrained Growth Of Abnormal Cells
Disease Transmission Symptoms Treatment Common Cold Colds are considered a viral infection, meaning they are caused by a virus. Colds are considered a viral infection, meaning they are caused by a virus. The only means of recovery is rest and drinking a lot of fluids. Taking cold medications will only help relieve the symptoms. HEPATITIS, VIRAL HEPATITIS CAN EITHER BE ACUTE or chronic. That means, it can either be a temporary illness, or it can be a permanent condition Hepatitis…...
Describe and Discuss the Multistore Model of Memory
The multi-store model of memory was the idea of Atkinson and Shiffrin. Atkinson and Shiffrin suggested that memory was compromised of three separate stores – the Sensory Memory store, the Short-term Memory (STM) store, and the Long-term Memory (LTM) store. They presented a diagram to show this. The multi-store model of memory is a theoretical explanation of how memory processes work. It was the first extensively accepted model of how memory works, it is however not the definitive explanation of…...
EpistemologyHealthLifeMemoryModelNervous System
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