Free essays on biology refer to the academic papers that are available for public access and are not charged or restricted by any institution or platform. These essays generally cover a wide range of topics in the field of biology, including the study of living organisms, their structure, classification, evolution, behavior, and interactions with their environment. These essays can be helpful in providing insight into various biological concepts and theories and can be used as references or study materials for individuals who are interested in pursuing a career in the field of biology. Additionally, free essays on biology can benefit students who require research material for their academic projects or assignments, or those who want to expand their knowledge base in the subject area.
What Is Cva Stroke?
The following example essay on "What Is Cva Stroke?" describes an acute violation of the blood supply to the brain, which is characterized by the sudden onset of neurological symptoms that persist for more than 24 hours or lead to the death of the patient in a shorter period of time due to cerebrovascular pathology. A cerebrovascular attack, more commonly known as a stroke, occurs when a blood vessel in the brain is either blocked, also known as an ischemic…...
Cardiovascular SystemDiseaseMedicineNervous SystemStroke
Joints And Body Movements
This sample of an academic paper on Joints And Body Movements reveals arguments and important aspects of this topic. Read this essay's introduction, body paragraphs and the conclusion below.Purpose: What is the purpose of this exercise? In this exercise I will exam how joints function and thereby discover how they allow for movement in the body. Joints are where two bones come together. The joints hold the bones together and allow for movement of the skeleton. All of the bones,…...
Canions Clothing
You may think that the clothes today are wild and extravagant but compared to Elizabethan times they are nothing. Rich people searched all over the country for clothes to wear. On the other hand poor people just trailed behind. It was a long way from the Middle Ages when the government said what kind of material different classes could wear. As there were no sewing machines or factories, clothes in Elizabethan times had to be sewed by hand. Even the…...
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Women’s Brains Summary
Women’s Brains by Stephen Jay Gould discusses how inferior women are to men, based on scientific data. George Eliot, in the prelude of Middlemarch, grieved over the unfulfilled lives of talented women. She wrote in 1872 that the leaders of European anthropometry or measurement of the human body, scientifically measured the inferiority of women. But it was craniometry or measurement of the skull, led by Professor Paul Broca, which got more attention. Broca argued that women had smaller brains than…...
Transpiration Lab
When water is transported from the roots to the mesosphere cells in the leaves, it is evaporates out the stomata, called transpiration, to create a lower osmotic potential. Osmotic potential is the part of the water potential of a tissue that results from the presence of solute particles. Even though the stomata open to release water, it also brings in carbon dioxide to produce sugar and oxygen through a process of photosynthesis. The water absorbed by the roots is moved…...
Sickle Cell Anemia Essay
The following sample essay on Sickle Cell Anemia Essay tells about anemia patients. This Project was inspired by the fatality of the subject in question. Though, many people have heard about this Disease but only a few have the knowledge of the characteristics and the know-how to handle this fragile but deadly blood poison. I propose to undertake this topic to achieve the following: To create awareness on the deadliness of the disease to both the General Public and members…...
BiologyCellDiseaseHealthScienceSickle Cell Anemia
Evolution Essay Outline
This essay is first going to look briefly at the pre-Darwin theory of evolution which came from Jean-Baptiste Lamarck. Secondly, outline Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution and look at some criticisms, lastly it will evaluate Darwin’s theory Lamarck (1744-1824), a zoologist, claimed that changes that occurred in animals had been passed on from their ancestors, who in their own life time had responded to its survival needs. Lamarck’s example of this would be the giraffe that stretches its neck to…...
BiologyCharles DarwinEvolutionNatural Selection
Anatomy And Physiology Lab Report Example
This document is not meant to be a substitute for a formal laboratory report. The Lab Report Assistant is simply a summary of the experiment’s questions, diagrams if needed, and data tables that should be addressed in a formal lab report. The intent is to facilitate students’ writing of lab reports by providing this information in an editable file which can be sent to an instructor. Purpose: What is the purpose of this exercise? The learn about the different joints…...
Human Traits Lab
There are two types of genes, the dominant and the recessive genes. The dominants, often represented by a capital letter, are that when present, the living thing will have the characteristic. Recessive genes, represented by a lower case letter can be together with a dominant gene or another recessive gene. For example: suppose that in bees, the shape of their body is dominant when shaped as a cone (S), and recessive when shaped as a sphere (s). In this case…...
Yeast Lab Report
The yeast breaks down sugars in the dough through glycoside and alcohol fermentation and produces a small amount of AT P, will also release carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide produced by alcoholic fermentation causes the dough to rise. Carbon dioxide is made by yeast as a waste product and the quantity of carbon dioxide is a sign of growth. Yeast organisms’ size and quick reproduction make them great for testing different factors such as temperature, which is what will be…...
Carbon DioxideCellular RespirationChemistryOxygenSugar
The Way To A Man’s Heart Is Through His Stomach
The way to every man’s heart is through his stomach Ever since I was 13 years old, I have always wanted to be a chef. I have loved food with a passion, not Just food but also cooking It. My mother would teach me the basics when was young and I used to love to help her. She would tell me neat little tricks and I would listen very Intently. For years, my mother and I would serve dinner to…...
BiologyCommunicationFree Papers
Evolution Lab Report Simulation
The sum of both allele add up to one or one hundred percent for that population. To calculate the frequency we use There are five conditions in order satisfy the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. These are, mutation, gene flow, genetic drift, non-random mating and selecting. Evolution does not occur in individuals, it occurs in a population. Charles Driven theory of natural selection states that natural selection acts to preserve and accumulate minor advantage to any trait that helps them to Bette suited…...
BiologyEvolutionGeneticsNatural Selection
Sleepy Time Gal Gary Gildner
The stories Sleepy Time Gal by Gary Gildner and Happy Endings by Margaret Atwood have an array of interesting characters that are portrayed using many devices such as actions, words, reputation, other characters and direct comment. The first story Sleepy Time Gal by Gary Gildner is about a man named Phil, his girlfriend and how they did not end up together. Two characters will be discussed from this story due to their relevance in the portrayal of the other. They…...
Essay On Down The Memory Lane
The stars have been shining brightly under the dark blanket of the sky. Thin little gray clouds hover around casting light shadows on the face of the moon. A few chirping notes from the sound of crickets outside completes the serenity of the night. I have long been fond of watching these diamond-like trinkets sparkling from high above that simply watching them every night gives me this feeling like that of a child given sweet treats. But It seems Like…...
Pepsi Taste Challenge Results
The following sample essay on Pepsi Taste Challenge Results The second one was hat there is no difference between brushing your teeth and not brushing your teeth, within the last thirty minutes, in their ability to distinguish between Pepsi and Coke. After doing the test and performing the necessary calculations on the chi-squared test, I found out that a greater amount of people who brushed were able to correctly identify the cola products. If you were given a blind taste…...
Digestion Of Starch By Salivary Amylase
The role of salivary amylase in the digestion of starches remains controversial. In the absence of pancreatic amylase, the key enzyme for starch digestion, salivary amylase may well represent a potential compensatory alternate pathway for the digestion of amylose, amylopectin, and glycogen. Clinically significant depression of pancreatic amylase occurs in chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic resection, pancreatic neoplasm, cystic fibrosis, and other causes of pancreatic insufficiency. Quantitation of salivary amylase in these diseases has yet to be performed. It is also unclear…...
Digestive SystemEnzymeGlucose
Enzyme Activity Lab Report
The reactant an enzyme acts on is referred to the enzyme’s substrate. The enzyme will combine with or to its substrate. While the two are joined, the substrate is converted to its product by catalytic action of the enzyme. There is an active site of the enzyme molecule which is a restricted region that actually attaches to the substrate. Usually the active site is formed by only a few of the enzyme’s amino acids, the rest is just the framework…...
Lady Macbeth Sleepwalking Is Caused By Her Guilty Conscience
The play Macbeth, by William Shakespeare, tells the story of a brave man, called Macbeth, who killed his way to the throne. In doing so, he brings about his own downfall. The description of Macbeth from “brave, valiant cousin and worthy gentleman” and that of his wife “honoured hostess” changes to “dead butcher and his fiend like queen”. This change is due to the receiving of prophecies, ambition and greed and desire. The play explores themes, including power, ambition and…...
Neolithic Revolution Essay
The Neolithic Revolution and the Renaissance provided mankind with new ways of life. Although these advancements in architecture, agriculture, education and ideas transpired in different periods of history, they both had massive effects on our way of life today. Without these revolutions, our lives today would be unrecognizable. Life was drastically different before the Neolithic Revolution. During the Paleolithic Period, people were nomads. They lived in groups of 20-30, and survived solely off their surroundings by hunting animals and gathering…...
Misinformation Effect Example
The misinformation effect is a memory bias that occurs when misinformation influences people’s reports of their own memory; this reveals the pliability of memory. There is a general acceptance, supported by research, for the misinformation effect: The introduction of misleading post event information will impair the memory of an original event (Toland, Hoffman & Loftus, 1991). In exploring the factors that enhance susceptibility to misinformation, it was discovered that allowing time to pass after the event, so that the original…...
EpistemologyHuman NatureMemory
The Importance Of Stupidity In Scientific Research
The Importance of stupidity in Scientific Research This essay talk about how two students from graduate school reunited with each other after many years for the first time. They were both Ph. D students at the same time and they were also studying science. One of the friends later dropped out of graduate school. The reason why she dropped out of the school was because she felted stupid in the program. After feeling stupid for a couple of year she…...
BiologyDevelopmental PsychologyFree PapersHuman NatureResearch
Ikea Vision Board
The IKEA vision is “To create a better everyday life for the many people. “? Our business idea is “To offer a wide range of well designed, functional home furnishing products at prices so low that as many people as possible will be able to afford them. ” the IKEA concept is based on the market positioning statement. “We do our part” focuses on our commitment to product design, consumer value and clever solutions. By using inexpensive materials in a…...
Pharmacology Laboratory Experiments
The following sample essay is about pharmacological laboratory experiments. To read the introduction, body, and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. The functional studies provided information regarding the presence of musician cholesterol that mediate contraction only. Thus radioing binding techniques were also employed to determine which musician cholesterol subtypes were present and their relative densities. In vitro functional studies: Experimental protocol l: The intent of this experiment was to determine the relative potteries of selected incurring clinometers Zionists. The stock…...
Passive Genotype-environment Correlation
The first is a passive kind, in which the parents who are genetically related to the child liver a rearing environment similar to the parents’ genetic disposition. The second is an evocative kind, whereby the child’s characteristics receive response from others that is directly influenced by their genotype. The last type that is known as active is when the child seeks out compatible and stimulating environments. It is the purpose of this paper to describe how these three genotype-environment correlations…...
CommunicationGeneticsHuman NatureParent
Lab Report of Yeast Respiration Experiment
The experiments tested yeast respiration in both, warm water at 42 degrees Celsius and at room temperature. The outcome of the experiment indicates the warm water is optimal for yeast respiration in comparison to cold water. Introduction Respiration is the process that converts sugar known as glucose to energy, in this case TAP (Adenosine Troposphere). This process is found in all living organisms. Respiration can occur in two ways, aerobic and anaerobic. Aerobic respiration requires oxygen to produce energy. Anaerobic…...
Anaerobic RespirationCarbon DioxideCellular RespirationChemistryOxygenWater
Evolutionary Explanations Of Aggression
The evolutionary view states that all aggressive behavior is a product of genetic programming and inheritance. Every individual is genetically programmed to maximize their fitness. There are two ways 1) reproducing and generating 2) by avoiding predation or by being successful predator. There are many types of aggression. Male on female aggression – the men uses the violence to keep the women faithful to him. Miller study show that 55 % of battered wives perceived jealousy as reason for husband’s behaviour.…...
AggressionBiologyCultureDomestic ViolenceEvolution
Population Genetics Lab Report
The following sample essay talks about a report from a population genetics lab. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. The data was found using a program called Popsicle (Heron 2002), which picked genotypes Mandalay, and showed the results after particular conditions were entered. Students took these numbers and visually displayed them in charts. They configured the predicted amount of adults for each genotype by using the Hardy- Weinberg mathematical equation pa + PC + q…...
BiologyEvolutionGeneticsNatural SelectionOverpopulationPopulation
What Is The Main Idea Of The Damnation Of A Canyon Brainly
The Colorado river, The Nile river, the Jang c� tiang river. They have one incommon. Every of them is polluted and somehow destroyed by humans. The modern establishments of people have brought us a new possibilities how to treat with nature. As far as I am concerned, nowadays, it is a question of business. No matters whether it harms the environment or not. But who cares? Mr. Edward Abbey was looking for some objections in the environmental perspective in his…...
BiologyBrainNatural EnvironmentPollutionRiver
Temperature affects the fermentation of the yeast
The chemical reactions within yeast are facilitated by enzymes; most enzymes optimal temperature range is warm. The warmer the water, the more the enzymes are in their optimal temperature angle and the more efficiently they catalyst chemical reaction; this makes the fermentation proceed more quickly. In this experiment, the effect of variation of temperature on the fermentation of yeast was tested. If temperature affects the fermentation of the yeast, then the rate of yeast fermentation will change with the different…...
BalloonChemical ReactionEnzymeExperimentWater
Human Interest Carol Ann Duffy
Stealing by Carol Ann Duffy is written in first person narration. The speaker indicates directly to the reader that the most unusual thing he ever stole was a snowman. The speaker describes how he did so and how thrilling it was to learn that the children would cry in the morning as a result of the theft. He also informs the readers about other things he stole, which were frequently of no use to him. He rebutted why he was…...
BiologyBrainThe Human Brain
Smoking A Silent Killer Speech
Smoking Is a Silent Killer Researchers claim that smoking is detrimental to memory . Prolonged heavy nicotine use has a negative effect on day-to-day memory, according to research. Researchers from five universities asked smokers and non-smokers to rate their long-term memory, for example remembering to send birthday cards. They found that smoking significantly impaired memory, with heavy smokers reporting the most errors. The survey was carried out by teams from Newcastle, Wales, North Umbria, Westminster and Teesside universities. The survey nvolved…...
Skin Grafting for Severe Burns
Skin grafting is necessary when a patient is severely burned, which is considered to be a third degree burn. In a third degree burn the epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis are all affected from this this burn. Third degree burns are the most severe type of bun there is because the affect the epidermis, dermis, and the subcutaneous layer. After this type of burn the skin may appear charred, blanched, or bright red and normally the person affected by this won’t…...
Telepathy And Mental Illness
Since ancient times there have been countless myths about specially gifted people who can use their mind’s potential in a much higher and advanced level than the rest o the common human minds. It is said that these people use this special skill called ‘” telepathy”, which can be used only by the gifted ones, at least that’s what the majority of people think, but in my opinion, this statement is not really correct, well, at least not precise! At…...
EvolutionFutureHealthMental HealthMind
Goldfish Lab Report
Respiration can be experienced through several structures such as the lungs, tracheae, gills, and integument in order to obtain oxygen. All organisms that experience respiration are either endothermic or isotherms. Isotherms are animals that depend on their environment for body temperature. These animals respond to changes in their environment in order to maintain homeostasis, the stable, internal conditions of the organism. Animals that are warm-blooded and can regulate their body temperatures internally regardless of their environment are endothermic. For isotherms,…...
ExperimentFishHypothesisRespiratory SystemWater
Sleeping With The Enemy Review
Review of Sleeping with the enemy Sleeping with the enemy was a film directed by Joseph Reuben that was launched in 1991. The star in the movie is Julia Roberts. The storyline and plot of Sleeping with the Enemy was based on a similar novel written by Nancy Price in 1987 bearing the same name. In summary, Julia Roberts in the film plays a character who escaped from the abusive tendencies of her husband at their home in Cape Cod.…...
Enduring Vision Chapter 10 Outline
Rachel Wright Sector 3? 8/2/11 Chapter 1 I. Native Peoples of America A. Iroquois 1. 5 Native Americans 2. Engaged in endless cycles of violence 3. Hiawatha a. Tried to restore peace b. Wandered through nature in search of finding answers. c. Hiawatha & Deganawidah (peacemaker)’s story wasn’t written until the 19th century. c. Found holy man who helped their nation to be introduced in a new message of peace. B. Submerging Differences 1. Made a confederacy based on the…...
Biodiversity Essay
Protecting Biodiversity Through Science and Technology “Heal the world; make It a better place for you and for me and the inure human race. ” Man can do or undo the environment. Crimes, wars, poverty, pollution ? name it, the world has it. It is a sad truth universally accepted that humans are the primary cause of these problems. It cannot be denied that human activities further uphold problems detrimental to the environment and to the whole community as well.…...
BiodiversityBiologyNatural EnvironmentPollution
Evaluating the Multi-Store Model of Memory
Psychology Outline and evaluate the multi-store model The MSM was created by Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968) who suggested that memory was comprised of three separate stores. They were; sensory memory, short term memory and long term memory. The model shows how information is transferred between the three stores. The model simply shows that when your are given information of environmental stimuli it will enter your sensory memory and only if you pay attention will it enter your short term memory, which…...
DiseaseEpilepsyEpistemologyMemoryNervous System
What Is Paresthesia
Paresthesia means abnormal sensation on the skin that has no apparent physical cause. The term originates from Greek: para = disordered; aisthesis = perception. The most common abnormal sensations are numbness and tingling. Types of Paresthesia – Anesthesia means absent sensation or complete numbness. – Hypoesthesia is decreased sensation or partial numbness. – Hyperesthesia is increased sensitivity. – Dysesthesia is abnormal sensation, such as tingling or “pins and needles” or “ants crawling” sensation. Hypoalgesia is decreased sensitivity for pain –…...
Forensic Science Essay
Over the years, many different advances in technology have made the use of DNA in forensic science possible. In the past twenty years specifically, there have been many extraordinary discoveries In the fields of science that have led to the advancement of procedures in forensics. Before DNA testing, the most accurate way of identifying people was to match the blood types of suspects with blood found at the scene of the crime. Considering the lack of variability of this procedure,…...
BiotechnologyChemistryDnaForensic ScienceGenetics
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