Temperature affects the fermentation of the yeast

The chemical reactions within yeast are facilitated by enzymes; most enzymes optimal temperature range is warm. The warmer the water, the more the enzymes are in their optimal temperature angle and the more efficiently they catalyst chemical reaction; this makes the fermentation proceed more quickly. In this experiment, the effect of variation of temperature on the fermentation of yeast was tested.

If temperature affects the fermentation of the yeast, then the rate of yeast fermentation will change with the different levels of temperature.

To perform this experiment the following materials were used: 3 empty, clean water bottles, 3 latex balloons, 3 rubber bands, glass measuring cup (1 -cup capacity), teaspoon, tablespoon, all-purpose flour, granulated sugar, 10 degree Celsius water, 29 degree Celsius water, 43 agree Celsius water, and 3 packets of active dry yeast.

To start this experiment, each empty, dry water bottle was filled with one 1/4 ounce packet of active dry yeast, 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar, 2 tablespoons of all-purpose flour, and 1 cup of room temperature distilled water. A latex balloon was then secured on the top of each bottle with a rubber band.

3 glass bowls were filled with water of varying temperatures. One water bottle filled with the yeast solution was placed in a glass bowl at 10 degrees Celsius, one placed in a bowl of 29 degrees Celsius, and the other placed in a bowl at 43 degrees Celsius.

Yeast Temperature Celsius

By keeping all glass bowls at their constant initial temperature, observations and results found that temperature does indeed have effect on the fermentation of yeast. The water bottle that was placed in the cold water (10 degrees Celsius) had no change after 20 minutes.

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The water bottle placed in the room temperature water (29 degrees Celsius) experienced change after 20 minutes; the solution slightly foamed inside the water bottle as the yeast fermented and the balloon inflated to a diameter of 21 h CM.

The water bottle placed in the warm water (43 degrees Celsius) experienced change after 20 minutes as well; the solution created very much foam inside the water bottle (about 2 inches above initial solution volume level) and the balloon inflated to a diameter of 30 CM. The picture above was taken with an phone to show visual results gathered by the experiment conducted. In conclusion, the higher the temperature of the water in the glass bowl, the more fermentation the yeast had.

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Temperature affects the fermentation of the yeast. (2019, Dec 05). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/paper-on-lab-report-on-yeast-fermentation/

Temperature affects the fermentation of the yeast
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