Essays on Writer

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Shakespeare Soliloquy
Words • 746
Pages • 3
How far would you agree with this statement with particular reference to the ways in which Shakespeare presents Hamlet through his soliloquies? William Shakespeare presents Hamlet as possessing a mind that is in turmoil. However, it must be argued whether this turmoil exists in Hamlet’s subliminal thoughts, as a result of recent experiences, or whether, as his soliloquies suggest, Hamlet’s conscious thought processes reveal his reasoning behind why he should take revenge. The tragically flawed hero’s confusion can be explained…...
HamletMindReasonThoughtWilliam Shakespeare
Setting Of A Christmas Carol
Words • 747
Pages • 3
How does Dickens set the scene for the appearance in Jacob Maryles Ghost in stave 1 of a Christmas carol? Dickens immediately sets the scene by writing a forceful, yet mysterious beginning to the first scene. “Marley was dead to begin with” The effect of this opening is startling and also shocking. This is a very unusual way to open a story. Also this is a question to his death, so he is dead but could come into the story…...
A Christmas CarolCharles DickensChristmasHolidays
Head Of English Poem Analysis
Words • 705
Pages • 3
How do poets create the illusion of the speaking voice? Write about Carol Ann Duffy’s ‘Head of English’ and one other poem from section one. In your answer show how language is used in both poems to convey attitudes and values. ‘Head of English’ by Carol Ann Duffy explores the idea of stereotypical teachers and how G.B. Shaw’s dictum, “He who can, does. He who cannot, teaches” may apply. Carol Ann Duffy is almost scornful towards her main character as…...
Carol Ann DuffyCultureEnglish LanguagePoetry
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Robert Frost Themes
Words • 598
Pages • 3
He is a very quotable writer, which means his way of putting words together is very useful in everyday conversation. Frost was very good at taking small words and giving them and incredibly broad meaning. Robert Frost uses his work to express many types of themes but the most important seems to be his opinion on social and natural environments. Much of Robert Frost’s work is focused on worldly events and his beliefs and opinions about them. One issue he…...
Mushrooms Sylvia Plath
Words • 953
Pages • 4
Hawk Roosting on the other hand, Implies a metaphor for the arrogant, selfish megalomaniacs of today’s world and Hughes achieves this by expressing the enticements of a hawk through the hawk’s perspective but in the terms of a human. Hawk Roosting by Ted Hughes is a poem of two levels. On the surface, it portrays an actual hawk on the top of a tree, surveying his kingdom, and talking about the rest of the world in his own perspective, albeit…...
Robert Frost Acquainted With The Night
Words • 653
Pages • 3
Hari Jani 2nd Period 10/29/13 Poetry Response The poem “Acquainted with the Night” by Robert Frost is about a person who feels isolated and depressed in their life but thinks everything is alright. The author discloses the isolation and depression the speaker is facing through the use of figurative language and tone. The title of the poem is an important part of the poem because it is repeated in the poem. The use of refrain in the first and last…...
Reverend Dimmesdale
Words • 661
Pages • 3
Good versus evil, moral versus immoral, though each corresponding word contains a different connotation, the comparisons as whole entities are essentially equal. Hawthorne in The Scarlet Letter creates an allegory by using his character, Reverend Dimmesdale, to define the human condition, and the imperfections with which all humans inherently struggle. In Dimmesdale’s case, he struggles with his sense of responsibility to tell his sin to the town’s people, who he believes depend on his pure and righteousness being. He further…...
Good And EvilNathaniel HawthorneScarlet LetterThe Scarlet Letter
“Macbeth” by William Shakespeare
Words • 643
Pages • 3
The following example essay on “Macbeth by William Shakespeare" discuss the techniques William Shakespeare has used to express the theme of ambition and good vs. evil in Macbeth, Shakespeare expressed these themes using various techniques such as imagery, symbolism, hyperbole and personification. The theme of ambition is one of the major themes within the story and it shows the destruction ambition can cause.When Shakespeare first introduces us to Macbeth, who in my opinion is the most ambitious character in the…...
MacbethWilliam Shakespeare
Key Themes of the Christmas Carol
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Pages • 4
Furthermore, Dickens uses effective language to give us a vivid picture of what the character of Scrooge is like. Firstly, he uses present participles to show the reader how important money is to him. Scrooge is described as a ‘squeezing, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous old sinner. The verbs all emphasise that money means everything to Scrooge by associating with hands and thereby showing his desperation he is a money grabber. The rhythmic use of these verbs which are repeated could…...
A Christmas CarolCharles DickensChristmasHolidays
The Crucible Stage Directions
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Pages • 2
Explore Arthur Miller’s use of the stage directions in Act 1 of The Crucible to create drama and inform the audience about the nature of the society in Salem The Crucible is a play written in the early 1950’s based on the truth of the accusations and trials of witchcraft in Salem around 1692. The main story line of the Crucible concentrates on a group of girls who are believed to have had an encounter with witchcraft. People of Salem…...
Standing Nude: Three Poems Analysis
Words • 1005
Pages • 5
Essay comparing a similar theme in three different poems from the section ‘Standing Female Nude’ The theme I’ve chosen to consider is how Carol Ann Duffy adopts different personas and displays the character effectively through the use of language, style and content. The three poems I’ve chosen are ‘Standing Female Nude’ Comprehensive’ and ‘The Dolphins’. I’ve chosen these poems because they all have entirely different characters which are all shown effectively by Carol Ann Duffy. To begin with the poem…...
Carol Ann DuffyCultureEnglish LanguageLanguagePoemsPoetry
Ensel Adams: American West Photographer
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Pages • 3
Ensel Easton Adams (20 February 1902 – 22 April 1984) was an American photographer, most famous for its black-and-white shots of the American West. Adams was also the author of several books, including the trilogy The Camera, The Negative, The Print, and one of the founders of the f/64 group of photographers. In addition, Adams, along with Fred Archer, created a zone system, which allows photographers to improve the quality control of the finished negative. College students writing their research…...
Ansel AdamsPhotography
Edgar Allan Poe on Love And Death
Words • 659
Pages • 3
Edgar Allan Poe was born. Soon after his birth, he was taken Into the family of John Allan after the death of his mother and father. Following this tragedy Pope’s brother died and his sister went Insane. Poe applied at the university of Flagella where “he became an active member of the Jefferson Literary Society’ (Wilson). He made good grades but failed to give enough money for the expenses of school, which forced him out of the university. Poe left…...
DeathDiseaseEdgar Allan PoeHealthLifeLove
Eleonora Edgar Allan Poe Summary
Words • 991
Pages • 4
Paper Type:Critical essays
Edgar Allan Poe is one of the most illustrious litterateur’s to have graced the art in the United States of America. His short stories and poems were enjoyed by the public during his own life time as they are still relished contemporarily. His two greatest artistic gifts are his perceptiveness of psychological nuances and his ability to illustrate it in lyrical prose. Both these qualities are seen in his numerous critically acclaimed short fiction and poems. This essay attempts to…...
Miller’s Definition Of A Tragic Hero
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During and after the Second World War, Arthur Miller, American Novelist and Playwright, wrote three of his most successful plays: All My Sons, Death of a Salesman, and A View from the Bridge. These three beautifully tragic plays, are considered by many to be the epitome of all critical analyses using as a basis; the American culture and the American Dream. He does this by using tragic heroes, who on the one hand demand our sympathy, yet on the other…...
“The Adventure of the Speckled Band” by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Words • 517
Pages • 3
During his time in Calcutta, exotic animals, particular species being sent to Stoke Moran, fascinated Dr Roylott. For the duration of Holmes’ investigation, a cheetah and baboon roam around the Manor House. Dr Roylott also allows Gypsies to wander freely over his grounds. Both these factors create tension for the reader, encouraging them to read more of this mystery. The reader is intrigued to discover if the cheetah, baboon and gypsies have a part to play in Helen Stoner’s horror,…...
Arthur Conan DoyleSherlock HolmesThe Adventure Of The Speckled Band
Freedom Writers Monologue
Words • 325
Pages • 2
Don’t ask me nothing, young feels. I’ve no head. All do is march. And if you want to know why you should be marching you ask the buck inside. Me? Sure everybody was marching the day… Well, for the same reason as everybody else. My reasons no different to anybody else’s. Wan man wan vote -that’s what I want. You know -wan man wan vote. Sure I know that. Sure I know we got it. Gerrymandering- that’s another thing- no…...
Victorian Ideals
Words • 585
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The following sample essay on "Victorian Ideals": discussing of beauty ideal in victorian literature. Dickens’ dislike of women does stem back to his aforementioned mother, but also from his mistress, Ellen Ternan, who bore a likeness not uncanny at all to that of Estella’s. She would tease him, taunt him, ignore him, order him about, deliberately forget celebrations, never thank him or do anything which would normally have constituted as being an “angel in the house”. Added to this, when…...
Charles Dickens
Personification In Still I Rise
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Dawson 1 China Dawson Dr. Geraldine Seay ENC 1102 16 October 2012 Still I Rise In the poem “Still I Rise” by Maya Angelou, Angelou uses strong words to describe how she feels. She uses words like sassiness, haughtiness, and sexiness, to describe herself. She asks her enemy does her sassiness, haughtiness, and sexiness upset or offends them. Angelou is speaking to her audience of oppressors about how she had overcome racism, criticism, sexism, and personal obstacles in her life…...
Maya Angelou
Sherlock Homeless
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Pages • 4
The following sample essay on Sherlock Homeless Conan Doyle did not really write about children at those ages, because he looked at it as a person from the upper class, which indeed he was. In the stories such as “the sign of four” and “back street irregulars” children are shown homeless and poor and would do anything to get money, yet they were written for the readers to laugh upon, due to the fact that it would be a comedy…...
Arthur Conan DoyleHomeSherlock Holmes
Which Line From The Poem Evokes A Sense Of The Place And Time?
Words • 1062
Pages • 5
Composed upon Westminster by William Wordsworth is a celebration poem about how beautiful London is; an embodiment of purity where city and nature are deeply connected. This is surprising and therefore memorable as Wordsworth is regarded as one of the best Nature poets and therefore it is odd that he is praising the city, especially seeing as Wordsworth had attacked the city in the Prelude. It is presented almost as if it is a diary entry, a description of one…...
LanguageLiterary CriticismPhilosophyPoetrySonnetTime
Composed Upon Westminster Bridge And London Comparison
Words • 838
Pages • 4
Comparison between “London” by William Blake and “Composed Upon Westminster Bridge” by William Wordsworth The city of London has inspired many poets throughout the ages. Two of the most distinctive portrayals are William Blake’s “London” published in Songs of Experience in 1974 and “Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802” by William Wordsworth. While both Blake and Wordsworth comment on the conflict between appearance and reality, Blake shows the gloomy ugliness by taking down London’s streets. William Wordsworth’s ‘Composed Upon…...
BridgeFilm AnalysisLondonPoetrySonnetWilliam Blake
The Convict vs The Dungeon Poem Analysis
Words • 662
Pages • 3
Compare and contrast the attitude to prison conditions in the 19th century between ”The Convict” by William Wordsworth and ‘The Dungeon’ by Samuel Coleridge. In this essay I will compare the two poems’ The Convict’ by William Wordsworth and ‘The Dungeon’ by Samuel Coleridge. I will be talking about the background between these two poems and describe the conditions of prisons during the 18th century. Then I will look at their writing styles, their poem’s structure and their use of…...
CommunicationIronyPoetryPrisonWilliam Wordsworth
The Devil And Tom Walker Themes
Words • 557
Pages • 3
Comparison Essay As the reader or audience members read the book, “The Devil & Tom Walker” and the play Macbeth , you tend to visualize the comparison between the two authors. The most common theme used by both Shakespeare and Irving is greed. In which Greed is the intense and selfish desire for something, such as wealth, food, power or excessively or inordinate desire for wealth, and profit. Throughout the book “The Devil & Tom Walker” and in the play…...
GreedMacbethWilliam Shakespeare
Image of Gabriel Garcia Marquez
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Chronicle of a Life Foretold Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s writing has been described as “richly composed worlds of imagination, reflecting the continent’s of life and its conflicts” (Nobelprize. org). He was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1982 for his novel One Hundred Years of Solitude which explores the genre of magical realism. Marquez’s William Faulkner-esque style combines narrative talent with the mastery of the literary mode, stream of consciousness. His international appeal and success come from his ability to…...
Shakespeare’s Performance of Cleopatra
Words • 819
Pages • 4
The following is a sample essay on Shakespeare's representation of Cleopatra. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. Cleopatra has been described as both an “enchanting Queen” and “triple-turned whore”. Examine Shakespeare’s presentation of Cleopatra and how a modern audience might respond to her. In Antony and Cleopatra, written around 1606, according to Wells and Taylor, it is apparent that it is characterised by informality and decadence and this may be a reflection of the times.…...
Antony And CleopatraMark AntonyWilliam Shakespeare
Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations Summary
Words • 824
Pages • 4
Tells the powerful story of a young orphaned boy, Pip, and his journey through childhood to adulthood, following the life-changing events, which challenge him along the way. We see how he develops into a young man, engulfed in aspiring to achieve his ambitions. Lacking parental love and support due to the early death of his parents, he lives under the mercy of his elder sister Mrs. Joe. An abrupt, hot-tempered woman lacking sympathy for others, viewing Pip as an unfortunate…...
Claude Mckay If We Must Die
Words • 735
Pages • 3
Charles Bailey “If We Must Die” by Claude McKay, we must fight!! The poem “If We Must Die, by Claude McKay” is about a certain group of people who are hated and hunted by another group of others. I believe that the poet has made this poem to speak to his fellow African-Americans, who are being mistreated by the white slave owners. The speaker tells his people not to go easily, but rather fight as long as possible and don’t…...
Claude MckayPoetry
What Was Ebenezer Scrooge’s Occupation
Words • 927
Pages • 4
Charles Dickens was born in 1812. Charles had a very unstable upbringing. During his turbulent childhood, he and his family lived in increasing poverty. Charles has projected this onto many of his novels and works. By 1843 his work was immensely famous and popular and he was commissioned to write a series of Christmas books, one a year for five years. The first and most popular of these is A Christmas carol. Dickens used the setting and characters to show…...
A Christmas CarolCharles Dickens
Charles Dickens the author of ‘Great Expectations’
Words • 521
Pages • 3
The following sample essay on "Charles Dickens the author of ‘Great Expectations’": review on ‘Great Expectations’ and literal devises used in story. He was the second child of six. His father was a clerk in the Navy pay office; he was often in debt and ended up in Marshabea prison. Charles was lucky enough in such difficult circumstances to have a few years of schooling before he was sent to work as a friend of the family. Charles worked in…...
CharacterCharles DickensGreat Expectations
Pathetic Fallacy In A Christmas Carol
Words • 788
Pages • 4
Charles Dickens’s A Christmas Carol is a morality tale of a selfish and bitter Ebenezer Scrooge and his visits from 3 spirits representing his past, present and future, bringing him into a complete change of character and reconciliation for his wrongs. It is based in a gloomy social divided 19th century London. The story is split between 5 staves (chapters). For my essay I will explore the language techniques such as repetition, exaggeration, similes, pathetic fallacy etc that Dickens has…...
A Christmas CarolCharles DickensChristmasHolidaysLanguageLinguistics
The Black Veil Charles Dickens
Words • 666
Pages • 3
Charles Dickens, as a novel writer, is renown for writing in excessive amounts in order to describe people or the atmosphere, or for setting scenes. However, in his short stories, such as ‘The Black Veil’, he has to keep the story short, and so cannot afford to go into as much detail as he would prefer. However, being one of the great authors of all time, he still manages to create classic works in just a few pages. The Black…...
The Inevitability of Change
Words • 892
Pages • 4
Change is perhaps the most inevitable experience human beings can live through. By means of his novel The Sound and the Fury, William Faulkner creates a microcosm of the Southern Aristocratic Society of post Civil War America by constructing the county of Yoknapatawpha. Faulkner represents archetypes of southern aristocratic figures and through them experiences change by means of the decay and corruption of the southern moral code these figures have once aggressively believed in. In the first section, change is…...
Calculus Basics: Limits, Functions, Derivatives, Integrals, and Series
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Pages • 4
Calculus is the study of change which focuses on limits, functions, derivaties, integrals, and infinite series. There are two main branches of calculus: differential calculus and integral calculus, which are connected by the fundamental theorem of calculus. It was discovered by two different men in the seventeenth century. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz – a self taught German mathematician – and Isaac Newton – an English scientist – both developed calculus in the 1680s. Calculus is used in a wide variety of…...
CalculusGeometryIsaac NewtonMathematicsPhysics
Essay On Critical Thinking
Words • 369
Pages • 2
Paper Type:Critical essays
Brenda Del Moral| 2nd & 7th pd. | Rationales| 14. A. Incorrect, the first paragraph does not distinguish between two topics. B. Correct, because the first paragraph defines “genius”, an abstract idea. C. Incorrect, the paragraph does not offer a theorem about nature. D. Incorrect, is not present a contrast. E. Incorrect, the first paragraph does not cite a common misconception among critics 15. A. Incorrect, because the speaker does not talk about Rousseau’s precision. B. Correct, the speaker is…...
Human NatureParagraphPoetryWilliam Shakespeare
Poisonwood Bible Characters
Words • 321
Pages • 2
Barbara Kingsolver’s The Poisonwood Bible and Kate Chopin’s The Awakening both portray the desire of women to seek independence as seen by Orleanna and Edna’s dissatisfaction with treatment from their husbands, the significant decision to leave their current locations, and the self-discovery found in a life that breaks their expected norms. Although Leonce and Nathan live on opposite sides of the world, they show a similarity in how they treat women as objects, evoking unhappiness due to this treatment. For…...
BibleCharacterChristianityCommunicationHuman NatureKate Chopin
Barn Burning and the New South’s Social Order
Words • 800
Pages • 4
Barn Burning, The New Social Order of the South Although many political and economic changes took place following the Civil War, it was very evident in William Faulkner’s Barn Burning that the impact on the social lives of the people living in the South were the most difficult to overcome. He utilizes the new tension between the social classes to create a compelling short story of a boy and his father, but more important, using the family to represent the…...
The Crucible by Arthur Miller’s
Words • 506
Pages • 3
The following sample essay is about Arthur Miller's Crucible. To read the introduction, body, and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. Arthur Miller’s “The Crucible” is superficially about the story of how one girl, of the lowest class, created paramount chaos in a brief time span, in the small town of Salem, Massachusetts. The girl, named Abigail, manipulated the townspeople to become stricken with fear and terror. Underneath this external layer lies the story of persecution, deception and fallacious accusations.…...
The Hound Of The Baskervilles
Words • 574
Pages • 3
Arthur Conan Doyle lived in London in the late 19th century. His career was not exactly very successful in the early stages of his life. It started as him being a doctor onboard a ship, he was then a general practitioner in Southsea, but this career did not work for him either, and later he became an unsuccessful optician! So Doyle made the decision to dedicate himself to writing. Undoubtedly his most famous works are the adventures of Sherlock Holmes…...
Arthur Conan DoyleFictionSherlock Holmes
God Will Not Have His Work Made Manifest By Cowards
Words • 829
Pages • 4
Applying the Great Man theory of History as a subtext to Ralph Waldo Emerson’s classic essay Self-Reliance makes for an interesting synthesis. The Great Man theory was brought into public discourse by Thomas Carlyle in the 1840s. But most of the later commentators pointed out to some of the misassumptions and flaws in the theory. Chief among them was Herbert Spencer who viewed that great individuals were products of their culture, history and environment and the inverse is seldom true.…...
CultureEpistemologyPhilosophical TheoriesRalph Waldo EmersonWork
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Which Line From The Poem Evokes A Sense Of The Place And Time?
...Composed upon Westminster by William Wordsworth is a celebration poem about how beautiful London is; an embodiment of purity where city and nature are deeply connected. This is surprising and therefore memorable as Wordsworth is regarded as one of th...
What Was Ebenezer Scrooge’s Occupation
...I believe these are the words of a person who’s only interested in themselves, a personality who’s first to ask What’s in it for me? I think Charles Dickens has added this element to Scrooge’s character to emphasize the dangers of greed and t...
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