Essays on Physics

Free essays on Physics are academic papers that are made available to the public without any cost. These essays discuss various topics related to physics, such as mechanics, electricity and magnetism, thermodynamics, and quantum mechanics. They explore new discoveries and theories, as well as the history and evolution of the field. They may provide insights on current issues in physics, or review experiments and scientific studies. Free essays on physics may serve as a valuable resource for students, teachers, and researchers who are studying or exploring the field of physics.
Essay On Nuclear Energy And Advantages And Disadvantages
Words • 678
Pages • 3
Dynamite was invented by Alfred Nobel in order to develop the industry of getting minerals and digging tunnels; however, Dynamite is now widely used in military purpose. Similarly, nuclear energy is undoubtedly a powerful source of energy compared to other conventional fuels such as coal, oil and gas. However, nuclear energy also has a lot of disadvantages, such as nuclear wastes, nuclear plant accidents and nuclear weapons. So before widely use this technology, both pros and cons should be taken…...
EnergyNatureNuclear EnergyNuclear PowerNuclear Weapon
Beverage Density Lab
Words • 820
Pages • 4
Drain the rinse solutions into an Erlenmeyer flask, k Don’t forget to rezone the balance prior to each new mass measurement. 7. Calculate the density and record the value in Data Table one Part B 8. Use the procedure in part A to determine the density of two beverages. Record all mass and volume data in Data table B and use clean glassware. Between successive beverage measurements rinse the pipette with the second beverage. V _ P re-Lab Questions 1.…...
How Does Mass Affect Weight
Words • 625
Pages • 3
Does the Mass of a Material Affect it Aerodynamics? There are five basic steps of the scientific method, step one Is to make observations step two is to come up a hypothesis. Step three is to make a experiment to test the hypothesis, step four Is to test the hypothesis and step five Is to either reject or accept the hypothesis. Scientific method Is Important because It Is a series of techniques that helps you keep track and correct any…...
AirplaneDensityFlightGravityPhysicsScientific Method
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Direct Exchange Geothermal
Words • 380
Pages • 2
Direct exchange geothermal heat pump The Direct exchange geothermal heat pump is the oldest type of geothermal heat pump technology. It is also the simplest and easiest to understand. The ground-coupling is achieved through a single loop circulating refrigerant in direct thermal contact with the ground (as opposed to a combination of a refrigerant loop and a water loop). The refrigerant leaves the heat pump appliance cabinet, circulates through a loop of copper tube buried underground, and exchanges heat with…...
BuildingEnergyMechanical EngineeringPhysics
Death In The Open Lewis Thomas
Words • 716
Pages • 3
Death in the open In the essay “Death in the Open” Lewis Thomas talks about the dead animals he finds on the side of the road and how he feels about such death. Life is about leaving an impression in one way or another. Death is a reflection of what a person has done in the world. Thomas’ feelings towards death Is sadness and anger because of the way he reacts towards dead animals on the side of the road,…...
Slider Crank Lab Report Politeknik
Words • 622
Pages • 3
Crank and Connecting Rod Introduction- The motion of assemblies is determined by the configuration of links and joints. Using the configurations the operation of rotational and sliding joints are examined and observed. This kind of mechanism is very commonplace in machines. Machines are made up of a number of parts and relative motion between the various parts permits the working of the machine. As the crank is rotated the rod starts moving but the velocity is not uniform. It is…...
Mechanical EngineeringMotionPhysicsTime
Controlled Variables in Domino Experiments
Words • 801
Pages • 4
Controlled Variable: The number of dominoes used (8 dominoes), the distance between the dominoes (2 CM), the loads used as the initial force applied on the amino (egg), the inclined plane used as a platform that will direct the load to hit the first domino (200), the stopwatch used to time the domino effect, the person using the stopwatch, the person releasing the metal weight from the top of the inclined plane, the ruler used to measure the distance between…...
Energy Conservation Essay
Words • 809
Pages • 4
Conserving energy is very important because there is a limited amount of nonrenewable energy sources available on earth such as coal, oil, and gas. If people do not conserve the nonrenewable resources we have now, there might not be any left for future generations. In addition, energy conservation is important because when nonrenewable energy sources are consumed this impacts the environment. The combustion of oil, gas, and coal in power stations produces carbon dioxide and contributes to global warming. The…...
CommunicationConservationEnergyEnergy SourcesNatural EnvironmentRenewable Energy
Calculus Basics: Limits, Functions, Derivatives, Integrals, and Series
Words • 984
Pages • 4
Calculus is the study of change which focuses on limits, functions, derivaties, integrals, and infinite series. There are two main branches of calculus: differential calculus and integral calculus, which are connected by the fundamental theorem of calculus. It was discovered by two different men in the seventeenth century. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz – a self taught German mathematician – and Isaac Newton – an English scientist – both developed calculus in the 1680s. Calculus is used in a wide variety of…...
CalculusGeometryIsaac NewtonMathematicsPhysics
Impulse And Momentum Lab
Words • 717
Pages • 3
Background: Momentum is a measure of inertia and can be defined by “mass in motion” ( Stan brought ,) anything with mass that is moving has momentum. Mo momentum can be calculated with p=mass x velocity, there fore momentum is dependent on both mass and velocity. Momentum is similar to energy in that both are always conserved, but energy ha s multiple forms and has to be in the right situation to be conserved. M momentum transferred is the integral…...
EnergyForceMechanical EngineeringNewton'S Laws Of MotionPhysics
Life Cycle Of A Star Essay
Words • 745
Pages • 3
At this point the gas will be hot enough to glow. But since here is still a large amount of dust surrounding the gas there isn’t much radii Zion given offing the visible spectrum(light humans can see) Brown Dwarf: A brown dwarf is when a protestor has not been able to reach critical mass, the is means that fusion was never able to begin, these objects range in size from 13 90 times t he mass of Jupiter. Main Sequence:…...
Atwood Machine Lab
Words • 452
Pages • 2
Atwood’s Machine Abstract: Ideally, Atwood’s Machine consists of two masses, connected by a massless inelastic string threaded over a frictionless pulley. In this experiment, the dependence of the acceleration on the two masses was investigated. Introduction Atwood’s Machine is represented schematically to the left. Upon inspection, Newton’s Second Law for the system can be derived: For m1: (1) For m2: (2) Solving the (1) for N, followed by substitution into (2), yields the following equation: Rearranging terms and solving for…...
Mechanical EngineeringNewton'S Laws Of MotionPhysics
Range Of Projectile
Words • 653
Pages • 3
As we all know ski jumping is a worldwide sport in which athletes skate down a slope ramp, gaining speed that throws them in the air that makes them land some distance away. The distance travelled at the time when the jumper leaves the ramp, until he reaches the ground is known as the jump range. This interesting and challenging sport involves a lot of physics behind it. Kinetic energy, gravitational potential energy, motion, speed, height, time, distance and the…...
EnergyForceFrictionGravityLearningMechanical Engineering
Electrostatic Charges
Words • 703
Pages • 3
As there were five similar experiments done, there is one common observed behavior – similar charges repel and opposite charges attract. The experiment went expected as there were no unusual observations recorded. In the first part, it was observed that when the plastic rod was rubbed it attracted the tissue bits. The explanation with this is, when the plastic rod was rubbed, it became electrically charged. Conduction happens when the tissue paper was rubbed into the plastic rod. The tissue…...
Simultaneous horizontal and vertical motion in projectile
Words • 442
Pages • 2
An object in a projectile motion moue horizontally with no acceleration and vertically with the gravitational acceleration at the same time. This experiment is to investigate projectile motion using experiments, equations and comparing the expected and experimental data. Procedure: Case I: Use formulas to find equation of horizontal Range (R) in a projectile motion. Rearrange equation for Arena, and find the angle Adjust the launches angle to angle Launch the ball, measure Irma Use the equation to solve for initial…...
ForceLearningMechanical EngineeringPhysicsProject
Centripetal Force Report
Words • 699
Pages • 3
An object hat moves at a constant speed and changes direction is also experiencing acceleration even though its speed never changes. Both the acceleration produced by changing speed and the acceleration produced by changing direction require a net force. This force that is produced in called the centripetal force and the acceleration that causes a change in direction is called centripetal Centripetal force means “center seeking. ” It is the force responsible for keeping an object in circular motion. If…...
ForceGeometryMechanical EngineeringPhysicsSpace
The Refutation Of Medical Paternalism
Words • 691
Pages • 3
The following sample essay talks about the refutation of medical paternalism. To read the introduction, body, and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. Alan Goldman’s piece. ‘A Refutation of Medical Paternalism’ . contains an statement for why medical paternalism is incorrect. Goldman argues from the thought of ‘The Relativity of Value. ’ Explain this peculiar statement and demo how it is an statement against medical paternalism ( be certainly to first specify what medical paternalism is ) . Do you…...
EthicsLibertyMedical EthicsPhilosophical TheoriesPhysician
Effect Of Air Conditioner On Global Warming
Words • 699
Pages • 3
Air Conditioning and Global Warming Air conditioning systems use energy to remove heat from a given location, transferring it to the exterior in the form of exhaust. Some of the energy is invariably wasted as heat, and this additional heat must also be exhausted. Thus, air conditioning results in net heat release to the environment. The warming effect is aggravated, moreover, because higher forms of energy such as electricity are used to power air conditioners. Generating and transmitting this electricity…...
ChemistryEnergyGlobal WarmingHistoryMaterialsMechanical Engineering
Solar Fan Essay
Words • 542
Pages • 3
This survey aimed to establish out if solar power can power a fan which can alleviate heat from the caput by the usage of a cap. The energy solar power to chemical energy which is stored in the batteries to weave energy which is the fan to assist alleviate heat in the organic structure. The feasibleness of a solar fan cap made from cap as a base. solar panels from reckoners. and a CPU fan. The cap was cut in…...
EnergyPhysicsSolar Energy
Molar Absorptivity Of Red 40
Words • 702
Pages • 3
Absorption Spectroscopy Author: Lab Partners: Instructor: Chem 152 Date Work Performed: Date Work Submitted: Abstract A Beer’s Law analysis was used to determine the molar absorptivity of a Red-40 food dye. Using a spectrometer, the best wavelength to use for the analysis of this dye was determined to be 501nm. A series of dilutions were performed and the concentrations were calculated to find ‘E,’ the molar absorptivity, which was determined to be 18035 M-1 cm-1. Introduction The experimental behavior of…...
ChemistryConcentrationPhysicsScientific Method
Eutectic Temperature Of Naphthalene Biphenyl System
Words • 720
Pages • 3
Abstract Thermal analysis of a solid-liquid phase using cooling curves at various compositions is a method used to obtain the eutectic composition and temperature of naphthalene-biphenyl. The XE was 0. 45 and the TE was 310. 3K these are slightly different from the theoretical values which are 0. 44 and 312K respectively. Results The cooling curves obtained from both groups Group A Group B The table with the mole fraction and the actual masses added. RUN| Group A| Group B|…...
ChemistryMaterialsMechanical EngineeringPhysicsThermodynamics
Cooling Curve Of Paraffin Wax
Words • 746
Pages • 3
A cooling curve is actually a line graph representing the change in the state of matter of a substance, either from solid to liquid or liquid to solid. In this graph, time is usually represented on the x – axis and temperature on the y – axis. The particles in the wax in the solid state slowly start to get more energy when heated and start to move more rapidly at a certain temperature and then change to liquid. When…...
Free Space Permeability
Words • 732
Pages • 3
1. Gather all necessary materials listed above 2. Using the electronic scale, measure the mass of the wooden block and record this, taking into account uncertainties where applicable. 3. Attach the string to the wooden block, and the other end to a mass-hook. 4. Place the sheet of sandpaper underneath the block and tape the sheet firmly in place on the table using sticky-tape (also note the exact position of the block on the sheet as we will try to keep that constant…...
Research Paper On Tornadoes
Words • 661
Pages • 3
Tornado is an atmospheric phenomenon that is manifested in the form of rapid vortex funnel with height of 1.5 km, extracted from the cumulonimbus cloud to the water surface or ground. Inside the tornado funnel air rises, creating a vacuum of 0.4 atm. When the funnel reaches the ground, its width is 50-500 meters. Air velocity in the middle of tornado reaches 200 m / s with a strong upward component. Tornado sweeps over the surface at a speed of…...
Renewable Energy Thesis Proposal
Words • 529
Pages • 3
Renewable energy is the type of inexhaustible energy which can be used in all spheres of human life. Today people use many kinds of energy, which are not considered to be everlasting: gas, oil, coal, etc. Moreover, these types of energy are not ecologically safe and they ruin the environment and cause pollution of all types. Then, nuclear power stations are even more dangerous, because their wastes cause serious problems for people, animals and plants. Besides, such resources as oil,…...
EnergyPhysicsRenewable EnergyResearch
Chernobyl’s Consequences & Radiation Impact
Words • 334
Pages • 2
The following sample essay on "Chernobyl": consequences of Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Disaster, impact of radiation on human and nature. The Causes and Effects of the Nuclear Accident At the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant A meltdown has occurred.Millions will feel the effects of this disaster."An accident has occurred at Chernobyl nuclear power station. One of the atomic reactors has been damaged. Measures are being taken to eliminate the consequences of the accident. Aid is being given to the victims. A…...
EnergyNuclear EnergyNuclear PowerSafety
Paper Blowing In The Wind
Words • 903
Pages • 4
Is The Answer: Blowing in the Wind? With the figure of people turning daily, the usage of electricity is on the addition. The Earth will run out of the supply of fossil fuels, if this uneconomical usage continues. The modern comfortss as ovens, air conditioners, visible radiations, etc. all use electricity. We need to look for other beginnings of energy. The other beginnings could be solar, atomic, H2O, and air current power. The 1 that does n’t consume itself is…...
Disadvantages Of Nuclear Waste
Words • 955
Pages • 4
The following sample essay talks about the disadvantages of nuclear waste. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. Nuclear Pros and Cons A seemingly ideal action, Yucca Mountain is 100 miles outside of Lass Vegas, with the nearest humans 15 miles away (Hansen, 2001). However, many environmentalists and Nevada residents have grave reservations about putting the permanent storage at Yucca Mountain, citing concerns such as waste transportation dangers, geological instability, and the inability of the site…...
EarthquakeEnergyNuclear EnergyNuclear Power
Hamza HammadScott EvansWriting 1242018In The Name Of LoveThe
Words • 717
Pages • 3
The essay called In the name of love by Miya Tokumitso and suggested by Edmunson is meaning of having a darker side that makes you overlook every other class. The author states that if someone has a job and loves it they dont consider anyone else dreams that makes it possible of them to do what they love to do. She talks about the CEO of Apple and how labour working in his factory from all across the globe doing…...
ImmigrationLightLight PollutionLoveNatural EnvironmentPollution
Physics is my interest
Words • 433
Pages • 2
The following sample essay on "Physics is my interest": why is our world like this? How did it come into existence? How does everything manage to work together in sync to shape our universe? For the longest time, the physics behind the universe has peaked my interest. Technology and other advancements have continued to achieve the impossible, defying many laws through mathematics. New discoveries and theories then arise with their complexities that have yet to be solved which leads to…...
PhysicsStephen HawkingTime
The Field Of Astronomy
Words • 660
Pages • 3
What makes a field interesting? It is the liking to the field , its usage in the modern day and how much more there is to research in the field. My favourite field is the field of modern day Astronomy. Astronomy is a branch of space science that applies the laws of physics and chemistry to explain the birth, life and death of stars, planets, galaxies, nebulae and other objects in the universe. It is then further divided into Astrophysics…...
Electricity in the North of Cyprus
Words • 619
Pages • 3
The following sample essay on "Electricity in the North of Cyprus" is reviewed by The cost of electricity production in northern Cyprus. Special attention is being paid to alternative, cheaper types of energy. As prices are seemingly skyrocketing and the production of electricity has proven quite expensive at the expense of consumers due to high electricity tariffs. It is high time that the country should divert this method of energy production into cleaner, cheaper and renewable forms of producing energy…...
EnergyEnergy SourcesRenewable EnergyRenewable ResourcesSolar EnergyWind
Security Documentary Sandra Aguinaldo
Words • 1548
Pages • 7
The first part of documentary showcase the training that Sandra Aguinaldo together with her executive producer and camera man have gone through. they were assisted by CTS or the Consolidated Training System Inc., to prepare them to go in a place where only few has the chance to visit/go. They were trained to go out of the helicopter assuming that it crashes in the sea and to save themselves from different kind of scenarios. it took them 3 days of…...
DocumentaryLiterary GenreNatural GasPhilippines
Big Bang Theory Essay Examples
Words • 564
Pages • 3
The Theory of the Big Bang started from observations and scientific facts. The Big Bang theory provinces that after the “Big Bang” the existence expanded from its original pea-sized beginning to astronomical proportions. and the enlargement of the existence still continues today but at a much slower rate. In the 20th century many scientific developments were made by scientists that contributed to the creative activity of the Big Bang Theory.Essay Example on About Big Bang Theory In 1910 Vesto Slipher…...
AstronomyBig Bang TheoryPhysicsTelevisionUniverse
Hooke’s Law Experiment Conclusion
Words • 613
Pages • 3
The aim of this experiment is to investigate Hooke’s law for simple springs of rubber. The relationship between a load force and a light spring (F=k. x) was first determined by Robert Hooke in the 17th century. Where F is the force applied to the spring, k is the spring constant, and x is the extension of the spring. Hooke’s law states that when an elastic material is subjected to a force, its extension (x) is proportional to the applied…...
Mulanay Movie Reflection Paper
Words • 365
Pages • 2
PlotEssay Example on Mugged Andrew Payne Ria Espinosa portrayed the role of a newly licensed doctor who volunteered to join the “doctor to the barrios” organization to help the places where there is a need for medical assistances. There she met Norma, a midwife in the Barrio of Mulanay, Quezon. It took her a hard time to get used in the area. She thinks that it will take time for her to get used living in the barrio. Most of…...
CommunicationHuman NaturePhysician
Physics Research Proposal Sample
Words • 527
Pages • 3
Paper Type:Proposal essays
Particle physics is a branch of physics which studies the structure, qualities and interrelation of particles. The major tool in the research of the theory of particles is quantum field theory. Briefly, every particle is not a piece of the entire matter, but a certain particular excitation of a Hilbert space. The world is observed in the sphere of particle physics as a vector in the Hilbert space of conditions, which turns in it with time. The main result of…...
Magnesium and Copper’s Potential Energy Difference
Words • 589
Pages • 3
Magnesium, due to its reactivity, has a very high potential energy, so the electrons travel from it to the copper, which has a very low potential energy due to its unreactivity. The difference in the potential is called the cell potential difference. If the difference of potential energy is large, then clearly the voltage produced by the galvanic cell will also be large as voltage is potential difference. From the electrochemical series, magnesium has a standard electrode potential of -2.…...
Essay Example on Residual Model Of Social Welfare
Words • 577
Pages • 3
Introduction In this piece of coursework I aim to find the effects of length on a piece of nichrome wire. Resistance is a force which opposes the flow of an electrical current, this is why energy is needed to push the particles around. The circuit also contains its own resistance if the wires vary in thickness, a thin wire has a high resistance as there is less room for the particles to move and a thick wire has a low…...
Thank God For The Atom Bomb Summary
Words • 361
Pages • 2
In the article by Paul Fussell “Thank God for the Atom Bomb,” Fussell illustrates his views on the dropping of the atom bomb. Within seconds of reading you understand his claim that there was justification in dropping the atom bomb. He makes this apparent with his title and with the experiences of other people. Fussell also explains the opposing side of dropping the atom bomb. However, he counter argues their claims by stating facts and the works of others to…...
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How Does Mass Affect Weight
...Then we measured the paper and found the density for it, then we made paper airplane. After making it we flew each type of the paper airplanes in the concerned. From our lab if the mass of the paper airplane was heavier than it would mass affects bot...
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