Essays on Physics

Free essays on Physics are academic papers that are made available to the public without any cost. These essays discuss various topics related to physics, such as mechanics, electricity and magnetism, thermodynamics, and quantum mechanics. They explore new discoveries and theories, as well as the history and evolution of the field. They may provide insights on current issues in physics, or review experiments and scientific studies. Free essays on physics may serve as a valuable resource for students, teachers, and researchers who are studying or exploring the field of physics.
Essay On Stress And Strain
Words • 370
Pages • 2
Several mechanical properties of materials that are important in design are ascertained by applying tension, compression or shear load on the material.   Of the three, the most common mechanical stress-strain tests are performed in tension (Callister, 1997).  When performing tensile tests, the load and elongation are measured in relation to the cross-sectional area or original length of the material (before the elongation).  These geometric factors are normalized to the respective parameters of engineering stress and engineering strain. When a specimen…...
ChemistryCivil EngineeringMaterialsMechanical EngineeringMental HealthPhysics
Saint Xavier University Cnl Certificate Courses
Words • 249
Pages • 1
Saint Xavier University Online MBA Program No GMAT degree is designed for nurses who want to take their clinical expertise to the next level and take on the challenge of instituting more prominent and effective methods of patient care. These particular skills learned can be applied to most any clinical settings,as well as hospitals and doctors’ offices including rehabilitation centers and hospices along with Veterans Affairs Medical Centers. Our curriculum prepares our students for the Clinical Nurse Leader certification exam with class leading curriculum and faculty. The Saint…...
CurriculumHealth CareHospitalLearningPhysicianUniversity
Candle Experiment Lab Report
Words • 667
Pages • 3
Record as many observations as you can. . After that, light the candle. Observe the candle when it’s burning for at least 5 minutes. Record. 4. Blow the candle out. Observe the candle until no more changes are taking place. Observation before burning: + white *solid + the wick is black (got burned) +smell fresh Observation during burning: *fire *yellow on the very top of the wick, blue at the bottom + melting -; clear liquid *hot Observation after burning:…...
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So-Called “Guantum” Theories
Words • 550
Pages • 3
The following sample essay on So-Called "Quantum" Theories. Quantum physics is a general name for a set of the natural theories originated in twentieth century, which, like the theory of relativity, mark a rupture between what is now called classical physics – all theories and physical principles accepted in the nineteenth century. The so-called “quantum” theories describe the behavior of atoms and particles – what classical physics, including Newtonian mechanics and electromagnetic theory of Maxwell, could not do – and…...
Chemistry Cheat Sheet
Words • 450
Pages • 2
Procedure for Negatively Charged Ions (CHIC-) Use the same procedure as outlined above, then as a last step add one electron per negative charge to fill octets. Carbonate ion has a 2- charge, so we have two electrons available to fill octets. Using the procedure above, we arrive a this structure: The two singly-bonded oxygen atoms each have an open octet, so we add one electron to each so as to fill these octets. The added electrons are shown with…...
Alcohol Experiment Lab Report
Words • 432
Pages • 2
Proof of the Alcohol Solution: (Percent of Alcohol Based on Volume) (2) = Proof of the Alcohol Solution = (17. 6 96) (2) = 35. 2 Conclusion The experiment was very successful. The experiment went exactly as planned in all three parts. In part I and II of the lab, density of ethanol and water was calculated. The density of water was . 907 g/ml and the density of ethanol was . 724 g/ml. Since the density of ethanol is…...
Uniform Circular Motion Lab Report
Words • 757
Pages • 4
Practice whirling the stopper in a horizontal plane until you can keep the paper clip a short distance just below the bottom of the tube. If the paper clip touches the bottom of the tube, then the clamp is no longer supplying the centripetal force. If the paper clips rises or falls appreciably as the stopper whirls then the radius of the circle is changing. B. Constant Radius and Variable Speed 3. With the paper clip against the tube and…...
ForceMechanical EngineeringPhysicsSpeedTime
Unidentified Rebel of the Most Powerful People of the 20th Century
Words • 508
Pages • 3
On the 5th Of June 1989 a single Chinese man stood up to a line of 18 tanks in Tiananmen Square. The image of him and his righteous act was broadcast all over the world as the image to forever illustrate one insignificant mans power to stand up to a virtually unstoppable force. Despite all efforts, Western Media Sources have been unable to discover his true identity so he has been dubbed ‘The Unknown Rebel’ by Time Magazine and was…...
Albert EinsteinCommunicationPhysicsPolitics
Nuclear Energy Pros And Cons
Words • 823
Pages • 4
Nuclear energy is a powerful source of energy compared to other conventional fuels. All crude oil based fuels derive their energy from oxidation, which is a change in the energy levels of electrons outside the nucleus. However, nuclear energy derives power from changes in the nuclear energy levels of the atomic nucleus! Tremendous energy lies locked up inside a radioactive nucleus and nuclear fission is a way of tapping this energy. Nuclear power plants derive energy from controlled nuclear fission reactions. This…...
ChemistryEnergyNatureNuclear EnergyNuclear PowerNuclear Weapon
Natural Resources Essay
Words • 962
Pages • 4
Natural resources are materials and components (something that can be used) that can be found within the environment. Every man-made product is composed of natural resources (at its fundamental level). A natural resource may exist as a separate entity such as fresh water, and air, as well as a living organism such as a fish, or it may exist in an alternate form which must be processed to obtain the resource such as metal ores, oil, and most forms of…...
Environmental ScienceNatural EnvironmentNatural ResourcesNatureResources
Molar Volume Of A Gas Experiment
Words • 382
Pages • 2
Which in turn would give lower liters per mole ratio and State that there is less H2O gas then there actually is. Molar Volume Calculation for distorted trial one ;0. 011 L H2O = IS. Mm/L (4. 9 x 10-4 -e . 0002 mol of distortion) 7. A different student fails to insert the stopper into the flask while determining the available volume of the 125 ml flask. What effect does this error has on the calculated molar volume? Mathematically…...
Packing Samples for Heating in Capillary Tubes
Words • 244
Pages • 1
Melting point temperature is a physical property of pure substances. It is an intensive property, which means the amount of material tested is irrelevant. This lab will determine the melting point temperatures of two known pure substances, naphthalene and p-dishonorable, using micro-sized quantities and a capillary melting tube apparatus. The percent error will then be calculated y comparing the experimental value to the known literature value. Results: In Table 1 on the next page, it shows the literature value melting…...
Recording Steady State Water Level Difference
Words • 669
Pages • 3
Measure the water level (head) difference. 2. Once the flow reaches its steady state (i. E. When a constant outflow rate is maintained), record the elevation head (by reference to an arbitrary datum such as the base of the tank) and the pressure head at each viscometer. Also measure the water and sand levels (relative to your datum), and the dimensions (length, depth and width) of the tank. 3. By injecting a small dose of dye just below the surface…...
Civil EngineeringMechanical EngineeringPhysics
Investigatory Project Using Mango Peelings
Words • 715
Pages • 3
Mango peelings notation acids like Gaelic acid, caffeine acid and lactic acid which scientifically, these acids are known to be producing electricity. This study will involve literature search on the composition of raw mango peelings explicitly on the acid content in determining its competency to produce electrical charges and processing the extract from the peelings to distinguish the voltage required for a motor-generated device. Introduction problems is the peels Of the mango (Magnifier indict L. ) fruit. Several methods have…...
Density Measurement Lab Report
Words • 656
Pages • 3
Liquid is usually confined in a container, so its volume is relative to the volume of its container There are various instruments that are used to accurately measure the density of substances; the most commonly used are the densitometers, viscometer and hydrometers [3]. In this experiment, the density of selected liquid samples will be measured using a viscometer. 1. 2 Objectives of the Experiment 1 . To determine the density of low boiling point liquid samples by measuring their mass…...
Large Hadron Collider Size
Words • 492
Pages • 2
Large Hadron Collider, abbreviated as LHC, is a particle accelerator at the oncoming bunches, designed for acceleration of protons and heavy ions (ions of lead) and study the impact of their products. Collider has been built at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research), located near Geneva, on the border of Switzerland and France. LHC is the largest experimental installation in the world. Over 10 000 scientists and engineers from over 100 countries has participated in the construction and research. Those…...
PhysicsQuantum Mechanics
Osmosis And Diffusion Lab Report
Words • 353
Pages • 2
Kinetic energy, a root of energy stored in cells, causes molecules to hit into each other and move in new directions. Diffusion is the result of this contact. Diffusion is the random movement of molecules to an area of lower concentration from an area of higher concentration. Osmosis is a type of diffusion. This is the diffusion of water through a selectively permeable membrane from a region of higher water potential to a region of lower water likely. Water potential…...
BiologyCell MembraneChemistryOsmosisPhysics
Factors That Affect The Rate Of Cooling
Words • 789
Pages • 4
Introduction: The experiment will take place with three conical flasks with the same amount of water in each flask. The three flasks will be different colours, which are black, silver and a clear glass. The experiment will be carried out twice, in one case the factors affecting the rate of cooling will be experimented in the lab and in the other case the factors affecting the rate of cooling will be experimented on the data logging, produced as a graph.…...
Yeast Fermentation Experiment
Words • 671
Pages • 3
In this lab, the purpose is to measure whether the changes of substrate concentration will affect the rate of anaerobic respiration. Because the rate of reaction refers to how quickly the reactants are used up or how quickly the products are formed, one method is to measure the volume of gas given off, the more gas given off per time interval results faster reactions. Question: Will the changes in substrate concentration affect the rate of anaerobic reaction? Why or why…...
Anaerobic RespirationCarbon DioxideChemical ReactionChemistryConcentrationEnergy
Brayton Cycle Example
Words • 680
Pages • 3
In this one hour course, the open, simple Brannon Cycle used for stationary rower generation is considered providing thrust instead of power output. In order to keep the scope of the thrust analysis simple, the working fluid exiting gas turbine expands to the atmospheric conditions final working fluid exit pressure is equal to the ambient pressure. The Brannon Cycle thermal efficiency is presented only for the air as the working fluid. The thermal efficiency derivation is presented with a simple…...
EnergyEnginesMechanical EngineeringPhysics
Chemistry Lab Report
Words • 387
Pages • 2
In this experiment, you Will investigate the variation in density among three Group AAA elements. You will use your results to predict the density of another Group AAA element. Pre Lab Questions: 1. How are elements arranged in a periodic table? – Atomic number 2. What are the vertical columns in the periodic table called? – Periods 3. What determines whether two elements will have similar chemical properties? If they are in the same group 4. What property will you…...
Spectrophotometry Lab Report
Words • 897
Pages • 4
In the equation, A = BBC where A is the absorbency, a is the specific absorbency, b is the path length, c s concentration. This report presents the procedures for the experiment, the experiment’s results, and an analysis of those results. In this experiment, suspects containing a reagent blank is inserted into the spectrophotometer with the meter adjusted to read zero absorbency. The composition of the reagent blank should be intestinal to that of standard or unknown solutions except for…...
ChemistryPhysicsScientific Method
Best Balloon Car Design
Words • 560
Pages • 3
In creating our balloon car, we used many physics principals to change the designs until we had a well performing car. The different principals helped us to change certain aspects of our car so that every part worked well together. The principal that with every action there is an equal and opposite reaction is what we used for the thrust of our car. We based our wheels on what ones caused the least friction. We used the fact that vertical…...
BalloonForceFrictionMechanical EngineeringMotionNewton'S Laws Of Motion
What Is A Paper Helicopter
Words • 720
Pages • 3
If the mass of the paper helicopter increases, then the drop time of the paper helicopter will decrease because the paper helicopter with the greater mass will take a longer time to reach terminal velocity ( when there is a balance of forces and thus zero acceleration) which results in a shorter drop time because the object is still accelerating. The mass of the paper helicopter will be measured by using 5 paperclips of each . 7g and the same…...
Example Of An Inclined Plane
Words • 888
Pages • 4
The following sample essay on experiment by inclined plane and air resistance and friction force. To read the essay's introduction, body and conclusion, scroll down. If the metal trolley is let free down the inclined plane, its move will be accelerated. Later, as the air resistance and friction force have influence on acceleration, they will change it. Analysis: The first part of experiment included preparing an inclined plane. The physics book by Giancoli was laying down on one table, while the other…...
Detecting Oxygen on Planets
Words • 1015
Pages • 5
If one can tell if a planet has oxygen on it based on its bright line spectra, research could be done to tell if people can live on the planet or not. This would be a huge advance in science if it was possible to tell if people can live on other planets by knowing the elements on the other planets. This would solve the problem of the world becoming over-populated and would help prevent the spread of disease. Introduction-…...
Distillation Lab Report
Words • 765
Pages • 4
If the boiling points are too close, this method will not work because the two compounds will begin evaporating at close temperatures and will condense down to the receiving flasks at relatively the same times. This will not create an ideal separation. The apparatus used for this type of distillation is longer than that of a simple distillation experiment because this kind of apparatus creates more efficient separation. This happens because the fractional distillation apparatus is longer, and allows for…...
ChemistryEvaporationManufacturingMechanical EngineeringPhysics
Why I Would Be An Asset To The Medical School And The Medical Profession
Words • 648
Pages • 3
I would be an asset to medical school because I believe that I have the necessary skills, the right attitude, and the necessary understanding of the medical profession which would enable me to become a highly competent doctor someday. However, more than the knowledge, skills, attitude, it is my many experiences in life which I believe is the key for me to become a valuable asset to the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. My inclination towards medicine basically began…...
EducationExperienceHealth CareLifeMedicinePhysician
I Have English Class
Words • 401
Pages • 2
I have come to discover that success is not just an event, rather, it is a series of events. When we say that someone is successful, what we often see is the eventual outcome of what has transpired in the secret. Fundamentally, success comes as a result of everyday events. Nothing captures this better that the words of Albert Einstein who said that “Genius is 90 per cent perspiration and 10 per cent inspiration”.Consequently, I approach all my courses in…...
Albert EinsteinCommunicationHuman NatureLearningPhysicsReason
How Far Do You Agree With This Statement
Words • 727
Pages • 3
I do not agree with this statement very far, as there are many cases in which an abortion should be allowed to happen. But, from a Roman Catholic viewpoint, this statement is totally true. Some women may consider abortion because a baby is a part of the woman until it is actually born. Having it aborted, is just like having a tumour removed. The baby is growing off the woman and therefore, it is not capable of thinking or living.…...
AbortionDisabilityPhysicsStephen Hawking
Factors That Influence Heat Loss
Words • 718
Pages • 3
I have been asked to investigate the link between colour and heat loss. Does the silver or the black cup lose its heat faster? HYPOTHESIS I think that the silver cup will retain the heat for a longer period of time than the black cup, I think this because the black cup will absorb the heat, where as the silver cup will reflect the heat back into the cup causing the black cup to cool down faster than the silver…...
How Does Temperature Affect The Bounce Of A Squash Ball
Words • 841
Pages • 4
I did a preliminary experiment to see if my method would work and if there were any problems with the way I will conduct my experiment. Preliminary Results Temperature (i? C) Distanced Bounced (Cm) 90 81 40 68 0 20 Factors affecting my experiment If I use different squash balls of different elasticity it will affect the bounciness of the ball.  If I use different surfaces for the ball to bounce on, I may get different results because different surfaces…...
Alternative Sources Of Energy Essay
Words • 368
Pages • 2
How can alternative sources of energy be harnessed effectively? Written by Jill (Huimei ZHOU) Nowadays, there are more and more alternative sources of energy for people to use. But in order to harness these alternative sources of energy effectively, different countries take different actions based on their own natural resources. This essay will show that how to make full use of energy from different countries’ viewpoints. Undenied, many years ago, a lot of countries just use the fossil fuels to…...
EnergyEnergy SourcesNatural EnvironmentNatural ResourcesRenewable EnergyRenewable Resources
Cooling Rates Of Liquids
Words • 806
Pages • 4
Heat energy is conducted from the hot end to the cold end. It is transferred from atom to atom. At the hot end the atoms are vibrating a lot. The vibration is gradually passed along to the other atoms as they collide into each other. This happens in all substances, but in a metal something extra happens. A metal has many free-moving electrons. These free-electrons can travel through the metal, transferring the energy more quickly. Convection: The transfer of energy,…...
Milk And Food Coloring Report Example
Words • 779
Pages • 4
For this experiment, we will be using milk and food coloring to represent the water (milk) and gas (food coloring) in the respiratory system, as seen in the liquid-gas boundary of the alveolar wall (water) and its volume (gas). We will place the milk in a shallow dish so that it completely covers the bottom of the dish. Drops of food coloring are going to be added into the milk at the center of the dish, and then observed. Drops…...
Static And Dynamic Balancing Experiment Report
Words • 759
Pages • 4
For archiving dynamic balancing, MI , MM, MM and MM need to stay with the same bearing, but also need to have the length of 6. CACM, 15. CACM, 17. CACM and CM respectively from one end of the scale. An object that imparts a vibration to its bearings when it rotates is defined as “unbalanced”. The bearing vibration is produced by the interaction of any unbalanced mass components which present with the radial acceleration due to rotation. As the…...
ForceMathematicsMechanical EngineeringPhysicsSpace
How To Make Solar Paint
Words • 400
Pages • 2
The purpose of the “Solar paint” invention is to generate inexpensive electricity because various efforts have been made for this kind of power generation over the previous few decades. It is an environment-friendly technology that has eliminated the need of solar cells. It is completely reasonable and sustainable. Solar paint consists of organic solar cell paint. These organic solar cells are protected from water through experienced synthetic sheets for example PET and therefore are absolutely environment friendly. The solar paint…...
CommunicationDiseaseElectricityPainSolar EnergySustainability
An Insulated Piston-cylinder Device Contains 5l
Words • 349
Pages • 2
Explain all your answers using the Problem-Solving Technique 1. A piston-cylinder device initially contains 0. 07 m3 of nitrogen at 130 kPa and 120oC. The nitrogen is now expanded polytropically to a state of 100 kPa and 100oC. Determine the boundary work during this process. 2. A piston-cylinder device with a set of stops initially contains 0. 3 kg of steam at 1. 0 MPa and 400oC. The location of the stops corresponds to 60 percent of the initial volume.…...
ChemistryMechanical EngineeringPhysicsThermodynamics
Egg Drop Research Paper
Words • 466
Pages • 2
egg drop BY alan725 Egg Drop Project There were five forces that where acting on my container there where gravity, inertia, air resistance, shock, and impact. The contraption is trying to lessen the gravity for it would be so light weight that it will glide on the wind and not hit the floor so hard. And it is trying to alter the air resistance force so like I said to try to glide on the wind. Some of the feature…...
ForceGravityNewton'S Laws Of MotionPhysics
The Lorax Essay
Words • 265
Pages • 2
Earth were never so heavy until we started to exploit it for resources. Natural resources used to be thought to be limitless, but soon they will be gone. Everything on Earth is created to support life; instead of appreciating them, we take them for granted. As the population increases, the condition of the environment decreases. The more people there are, the more demand there is, and the more supply are needed. The biggest influence that has occurred so far is…...
Climate ChangeEarthEnergyNatural Environment
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FAQ about Physics

What Is A Paper Helicopter
...To decrease the lapse in stopping the stop watch, using a higher drop height would give the person timing more time to react to when the paper helicopter reaches the floor because the original procedure allowed (at max) 65 seconds to react from the t...
Why I Would Be An Asset To The Medical School And The Medical Profession
...In short, I believe that my years of experience dealing with people in need, my selfless attitude, and most of all, my desire to help preserve and improve the condition of the people in need would allow me to become a vital asset to the Royal College...
How Far Do You Agree With This Statement
...I do not think society as a whole does enough to support pregnant women in situations like these. This is mainly because there are so many debates going on about this issue that not enough people are willing to commit themselves to either helping one...
How Does Temperature Affect The Bounce Of A Squash Ball
...They were easily accurate enough to make a firm conclusion on that increasing the temperature increases the bounciness of the ball. There weren’t any results that didn’t fit into the main pattern. I think this is because I took great care while c...
How To Make Solar Paint
...There are a lot of things that are involved in giving rise to global warming costs. But one thing that is significantly involved in causing global warming is electrical pollution. Electricity causes pollution in a lot of ways and some are poorer than...
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