Essays on Learning

Free essays on learning are written to help students understand the different theories, methods, and practices related to the acquisition and development of knowledge and skills. These essays cover a wide range of topics, including the psychology of learning, principles of effective teaching, instructional design, e-learning, and more. They contain useful insights, research findings, and real-life examples that help readers gain a deeper understanding of how learning works and how it can be optimized. These free essays on learning are typically written by experts in the field or talented students who have a passion for the subject matter, and serve as valuable resources for anyone interested in improving their learning experience.
Higher Education System in Chile 
Words • 1882
Pages • 8
For my annotated bibliography, my group is focusing on Caribbean & South America. And I chose to study Chile. The purpose of my annotated bibliography is to delve into the higher education system in Chile. I tried to find fifteen sources however I only found thirteen because not all of the articles were available. However, I spoke with one of the librarians, she said that she would request those particular articles for me, but I have to wait a couple of…...
Studying Abroad
Learning from the sessions of Mr. Chandan Gowda
Words • 935
Pages • 4
A major learning from his session was one of the unheard concepts of Pluralistic Past and Pluralistic Future. I have hardly come across such a novel and deep concept to look at the things and how the situation gets inverted when you add up various perspectives to the situation. I got to know that we have a monopolistic view of the past where we have a tendency of accepting the virtue side of the story which is the dominant thought…...
Cultural HeritageLearning
Advantages of Studying Economics Abroad
Words • 602
Pages • 3
Analyzing the current society and by reading ‘Freakonomics’, where S. Levitt depicts economics as the critical factor to penetrate our complex reality, I have realized the most relevant fields of study in order to comprehend our reality are those of Economics and Finance. Hence my decision to attend the Italian Liceo Scientifico, which enabled me to develop a scientific methodology thanks to the intense study of Maths and Physics and and to boost my problem-solving abilities through the use of…...
Studying Abroad
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Preserving On Cultural Heritage
Words • 1624
Pages • 7
Helwan University Heritage conservation and site management (HCSM) Noha Abbas Hamed Preserving Cultural Heritage Case Study: the old town of Warsaw Preserving Cultural Heritage: the old town of Warsaw Historic Background of the City and Its Heritage Property The proper bank of Warsaw dates back to the medieval times once the primary settlements were shaped in space, a part of today’s Praga South, The grounds were 1st burned so as to clear them to make settlements. Praga received town rights…...
Cultural HeritageUniversity
Education As An Important Function In Society
Words • 1475
Pages • 6
Residential segregation separates groups of people into different neighborhoods depending on their level of education or class in society. Depending on your education level, did you go to college did you finish high school what was your GPA, your occupation are you a lawyer or do you work as a waiter, and your income how much do you make a year are you above the poverty level and you making average income are you over the top, these are all…...
American Education SystemEducationImportance Of EducationLearning
Work With Foreign Students
Words • 378
Pages • 2
Tell us about your academic and personal achievements. What have you learned from your successes and/or challenges, and how will this influence you as you pursue your college education? (300 words) One of my personal achievements is to be able to help other international students to know North Seattle College as I do. For the record, I am not exactly fond of schools and it is really a big change for me to work for one. However, my desire to…...
Studying Abroad
Successful Project Turned Program
Words • 534
Pages • 3
When I started thinking of a project to choose for this assignment, I wanted to write about a project of my own country, the one that gave me opportunity to study abroad, so I chose a project that became a program of a whole country – “Bolashak”. “Bolashak” – the word means “Future” – is a program of JSC “Center for International Programs”. It is a program that allows high-performing students of Kazakhstan to study abroad all-expenses paid. Simply saying,…...
Studying Abroad
York University Is a Model of Excellence
Words • 606
Pages • 3
From an early age, I have been anxious to learn new things and have always been curious about how the human body functions. The perfection of the human anatomy is marvelous, yet this existence is fragile. It is not only threatened by diseases but also by various other factors. What fascinates me the most is how it is able to overcome difficulty in its battle of endurance. I used to research for my answer and eventually learned that our existence…...
EducationStudyStudying Abroad
MSU Is One of the Best Universities
Words • 460
Pages • 2
First off, I’d like to say congratulations. You are all in the lucky seats. You are fresh faces at the best university . . . (and I’m not biased), plus you have the Honors College as this amazing bonus support system. Realize the privilege you have being here and take full advantage of it. Beginning college is the most nerve-racking and exciting time. MSU is one of the largest universities in the country. There are over 50,000 students here. The…...
StudentStudyStudying Abroad
The Value of Studying Abroad
Words • 1065
Pages • 5
Migrating to America from the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere has taught me one valuable life lesson: America is truly the land of opportunity. My family arrived with nothing of monetary value and yet with a little hard work, we achieved a comfortable standard of living. I was raised in a single parent home, my mother being the sole provider for three children. On several occasions, I have watched her work three full-time shifts in a twenty-four hour period.…...
StudentStudyStudying Abroad
My Personal Experience of Studying in China
Words • 623
Pages • 3
I will forever remember the day when I walked out of my senior high school entrance examination in China asking myself how I was unable to finish the exam. Those long enduring study hours and my lack of a social life were all for nothing. As I looked in the mirror, I understood my life had inevitably been altered. In China, students can only take the high school entrance examination once, and prominent high schools will only admit students with…...
StudentStudyStudying Abroad
Master’s Abroad as a Fulbrighter
Words • 490
Pages • 2
I graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry of the International University of Misr. I am an excellent student among my colleagues, in fact, the fourth in my group. The Fulbright program has always changed the lives of students and has had a great impact on my professional and even personal efforts. It is an honorable achievement to be the cultural voice of my community in American society, but most important is to bring the knowledge gained during my studies abroad…...
StudentStudyStudying Abroad
Living and Studying in Brazil
Words • 2000
Pages • 8
My expatriate year was filled with fear, elation, sadness, pride and most of all Brazilian “carinho”. I remember the emergence of fear the moment I stepped onto the plane. I couldn’t help but wonder if I was making the right decision or the wrong one. Yet, the feeling of elation as countless hours spent doing paperwork had paid off and I would finally be landing in Brazil. I was excited to be able to do my own thing. I experienced…...
StudyStudying Abroad
Privileges to Study Abroad
Words • 542
Pages • 3
Are you considering leaving to study abroad, and in particular would you like to study in Australia or Canada, but have not yet decided which one to choose between the two destinations? Then this article is right for you! Yes, because today we want to talk about all the pros and cons for each of these two countries, whether you want to study English abroad or you want to study at university or college. We are sure that at the…...
StudyStudying Abroad
Studying Abroad Is a Good Choice
Words • 1680
Pages • 7
Introduction Over the years, many international students choose to study abroad, one of them are Indonesian students. Studying abroad is a choice of life. Some students study abroad since middle school, high school, or even college. Whenever the time has come, there will still be many things taught in the life of an international student that cannot be obtained by those who continue to curl up in their comfort zones called “home”. Being a student studying abroad can be challenging.…...
Increase Achievement Of Fourth Grade Level Students
Words • 1450
Pages • 6
The effort to understand how teachers will teach the process of reading comprehension to increase the achievement of fourth-grade level students. Reading comprehension amongst fourth-grade students is very essential to ensuring student success on performance in class and high stakes testing. According to Block, Oakar and Hurt highly effective grade four teachers distinguish themselves by their abilities to simultaneously instruct learners who are either learning to read, reading to learn, trying to use higher-order thinking skills to gain more information…...
AchievementCollege Students
The Study Of Islam
Words • 1728
Pages • 7
The significance and correct methods of studying Islam are very prevalent topics discussed by many academics, especially amongst Western scholars. Within this essay, I am going to discuss these topics from the lenses of three different authors: David Waines, Seyyed Hossein Nasr, and Carl W. Ernst. Each of these scholars listed above has overlapping viewpoints about these subject matters. First, from Seyyed Hossein Nasr’s perspective, he believes that the significance of studying Islam can be a bit complex due to…...
Five Pillars Of IslamIslamStudy
Be a Professional In Practice And Learning Starts at School
Words • 969
Pages • 4
I would like to pick Nonmaleficence and discuss the situations where providers we will be forced to take care of family members, friends, neighbors, and coworkers. Nonmaleficence means do no harm and for the same reason, American Medical Association says that Physicians generally should not treat the family. But, AAPA in its guidelines says, “it might be ethically acceptable to treat one’s own child for a case of otitis media, but it probably is not acceptable to treat one’s spouse…...
Children’s First Reading Experience
Words • 2489
Pages • 10
Since childhood is a crucial period in human life, and that the first reading experience happens in this period, children are special readers of literary works who require a particular form of writing and translation. Actually, a translation with appropriate quality can increase the reading inclination in children who practice their first years of the reading experience. The investigation of the extratextual and intratextual factors has been among the most addressed research topics in the investigation the of translation studies.…...
ExperienceHarry PotterJ. K. RowlingReading
Students’ Motivation in Reading
Words • 973
Pages • 4
Background Reading is an activity which is useful in learning English for adding vocabulary and knowledge be better. Iftanty (2012) states that reading as one of indicators instructed as an art to translate a written discourse. In addition Salikin, Zulfikar, Putri, & Yuliandari (2017) state that reading is easiest and cheapest way to get information. Therefore reading is very important skill as medium accessing knowledge and applying information. Besides, Reading is a skill about understanding written text. According to Pang,…...
Having Jobs While Studying: Pros and Cons
Words • 899
Pages • 4
Getting access to education is a fundamental part in each and every human being's life. People believe that with education, they are able to achieve life goals that they have been longed to, deal with everyday issues from a wider and more reasonable perspective, and most importantly, acquire a stable job after they pursue bachelor and master degree for higher education. Since getting a stable job is crucial, people give out all of their efforts while studying in university and…...
Ideologies of the Catholic Church in the novel Love in the Time of Cholera
Words • 1030
Pages • 5
At the turn of the 20th century, the ideals of the Catholic Church greatly influenced values of Colombians. Gabriel Garcia Marquez sets the novel Love in the Time of Cholera in Cartagena, Colombia in the beginning of the 20th century to embody the ideologies of the Catholic Church. These ideologies include the importance of purity and sexual morality, as the Catholic Church believes the idea that the absence of purity leads to corruption in human love. Using the main characters,…...
Catholic ChurchIlliteracyLiterature ReviewLove In The Time Of Cholera
Parental Awareness Of Adolescent Substance USE 
Words • 2540
Pages • 11
Adolescence is a period of growth not only physically but also psychologically; it involves volatile emotions and behaviors, and often times experimentation with substances like cigarettes, inhalants, illicit drugs, prescription drugs, marijuana and alcohol use. During this time, adolescents seek autonomy from their parents and grow closer to their peers (especially in mid-late adolescence), which can lead to risky behaviors and potential substance use. Parents who talk to their children directly and are more immersed in their child’s life have…...
Research Paper Outlining Imperative Strategies
Words • 563
Pages • 3
This exploration paper will spread out some imperative strategies of the awareness and the defense in depth to detect emerging threats and strengthen countermeasures. In the event that one thinks about it, the entire simple space has moved into computerized space in the course of recent years, and the beginning of this cutting-edge theme with Artificial Intelligence and propelled protocols have indicated exponential development. Notwithstanding, we didn't figure the expense of hazards and threats coming alongside these trendsetting innovations of…...
How to Catch a Cheater: Tips from a Private Investigator 
Words • 687
Pages • 3
There is nothing that hurts than finding out that your spouse or partner is cheating. It stings. Any expert can agree that the best way to confirm whether your better half is cheating on you is hiring a private investigator. Doing this helps you get someone to do the snooping for you However, you can also do some on your own to see if you can get some first-hand information. Do you see signs that your partner is cheating and…...
CheatingCommunicationLearningMarriagePrivacySocial Media
Who Is Now Kylie Jenner’s BFF Since Jordyn Woods Cheating Scandal  
Words • 737
Pages • 3
Kylie Jenner is a reality television star, model, and beauty mogul who is well known for being Forbes youngest self-made billionaire amongst other things. She came into the spotlight at the age of ten when he began appearing in her family's reality TV show Keeping Up With the Kardashians. She has since gone from an awkward adolescent into one of the most famous and powerful young women in the world thanks to the beauty and cosmetics empire that she built…...
Information Literacy Is My First Course at the University
Words • 751
Pages • 4
Information literacy is my first course at the university. Before this course I was in the foundation program. Information literacy is a set of skills requiring inviduals to identify when information is needed and have the capacity to locate, evaluate, analysis, and use the information ethically and critically. I learned many useful information and got experience from this course. Firstly, I learned what I need to do my research ,and present it without errors. At the beginning most things were…...
Zusak Is Able to Portray
Words • 619
Pages • 3
The following example essay on "Zusak Is Able to Portray" is an analysis of Markus Zusak's literary work "The Book Thief". The essay reveals the plot of the "Death's Diary: The Parisians" chapter of the book. Death as more human-like through the use of characterisation, language and themes. The chapter is called Death’s Diary: The Parisians chapter 52 takes place late in the book fragment told completely in the perspective of Death himself highlights Death’s reaction to all of the…...
Fostering Critical Thinking Developed by Edward de Bono
Words • 808
Pages • 4
In the magazine I will present an approach to the development of critical thinking, for example by Edward de Bono, which he calls this parallel thinking. The most famous version of his approach is the Six Thinkers method. One of the most widely thought-out approaches to critical thinking, as it emphasizes raising awareness of multiple viewpoints and considering context with a better point of view and considering context with an improved point of view and broadening thinking, which is a…...
Bullying as an Abuse and Mistreatment of Someone Vulnerable by Someone Stronger
Words • 3150
Pages • 13
Webster dictionary describes bullying as an abuse and mistreatment of someone vulnerable by someone stronger and more powerful. (Merriam-Webster's collegiate dictionary, 2014) Till recently bullying was considered a harmless and normal process of growing up. Now we know it’s not true, on the contrary recent research and studies have shown the negative impact bullying can have on children’s physical, social and emotional wellbeing. With the help of this bullying action plan, the goal is to have clear understanding of what…...
Freewriting Practice from “Writing without Teachers” by Peter Elbow
Words • 610
Pages • 3
Peter Elbow, professor and author is considered by many teachers for his popularization of the concept and practice called “freewriting.” In “Freewriting,” which is part of his book “Writing without Teachers,” Peter uses pathos to show his emotional tone about how he feels that freewriting helps improve ones writing. He goes on to tell us how the best way to become a better writer it to simply just write. In this writing, Elbow’s uses the rhetorical appeal of pathos, by…...
CommunicationCultureHuman NatureLanguage
Importance Of Education
Words • 867
Pages • 4
Education is the process by which a person obtains knowledge and learns new talents and skills. Getting a proper education is essential to achieving more success and happiness in life. It is vital to attaining a healthy body. Education gives us the opportunity for a better and more prosperous life. It helps in the development of personality, personal standards, standards in society and transforms the living status of a person. Parents will tell you education plays a critical role in…...
HappinessHuman NatureImportance Of EducationLearningLiteracy
10 Advantages Importance Reading Newspaper Daily
Words • 1134
Pages • 5
There are a lot of advantages of reading the newspaper on daily basis. Reading newspaper is really a good hobbit for all that provides a really good sense and very importance for educational value. It carries the lot of information about politics, entertainment, sports, education, the industry trade and many other aspects of life. Here we will discuss some advantages of reading newspapers daily: Advantages of Reading Newspaper Daily Advantages for Students The first advantages of reading Newspapers are strong…...
Advantages Disadvantages Exams Essay Points Students
Words • 1441
Pages • 6
Here is the topic about the Advantages and Disadvantages of Exams full Essay in Points for Students. Examinations are a part of every student’s life. I remember the anxiety and stress I had when I had to give an exam. Exams or examinations are actually a standard set by every school and college to assess the performance and knowledge of students in a given area or subject. For some people, it is a nightmare while for others it is a…...
CommunicationHealthHuman NatureLearning
Advantages Disadvantages Study Abroad
Words • 1325
Pages • 6
I want to study abroad, you also want, well friends today we will talk about Advantages and Disadvantages of Study Abroad. If we talk about future of youth or future of students, every third student will found to get education in UK, USA, Spain, Japan, Australia and Canada etc. There is always a question about study abroad. What the reason is behind that student wants to leave his/her friends, family, daily routine, village or city even country. Now today’s tuff…...
CommunicationHealthHuman NatureLearningLoneliness
Fillemon Johannes; 201602792; Curriculum Development
Words • 1997
Pages • 8
1CODeL ASSIGNMENT COVER2019 ACADEMIC YEARCourse/Module Name Course/ModuleCodeCurriculum Development and Practice CFC3702Assignment no(e.g. 1, 2 or 3, etc.).1Student Name Fillemon JohannesStudent number 201602792Email Address [email protected]/Tel no 0853111370CODeL Centre Windhoek2Table of ContentsSection A ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ........ 3Section B ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ........ 6References ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .... 103Section A1.1.? The syllabus is portrayed as the outline of the themes secured or units to be instructedwithin the specific subject AND curriculum allude to the overall content, instructed inan in…...
BiologyCommunicationCurriculumEducationHuman NatureLearning
Connected But Alone
Words • 513
Pages • 3
WONG, Richard M. Reaction Paper1-CSA Purposive CommunicationDepending on whom you raise, some may say that technology has taken over our lives. One cannot deny that when they area unit feeling uncomfortable in an exceedingly social scenario, or within the locality of folks they are doing not very grasp, their first instinct is to pull out their phone. Even when around best friends, people still appear to be caught on their phones instead of partaking in real spoken language. Siri is answering queries additional usually than encyclopedias area unit being opened, and somehow likes and comments on social media define a person’s self-worth. Technology…...
CommunicationLanguageLoveOnline DatingSocial MediaText Messaging
Rationality in the Dark Woods
Words • 581
Pages • 3
Never have my parents ever refused for something reasonable that I have asked for but it was different this time. It was like they had lost their rationality in the dark woods. Their ability to decide was clouded by their emotions. They could not reason it out with me but they were still adamant when I put up my request to join a boarding school. Just the word would send shivers down their spine. From getting dressed for school and…...
Climate Control Synthetic Yarn Clothing Developed at
Words • 722
Pages • 3
Climate Control Synthetic Yarn Clothing Developed at Maryland VarsityHow often we have to remove our clothes when the climate is too hot or add more clothes when it is too cold? An innovative fabric developed by scientists may help you remain comfortable irrespective of the climatic conditions.The new fabric made from synthetic yarn by YuHuang Wang and Ouyang Min of University of Maryland is capable of adjusting to the heat conditions prevailing in the atmosphere. When it is cold outside…...
ClothingEducationHuman NatureLearningResearchSocial Media
Writing Assignment
Words • 1159
Pages • 5
Nicole ShieldsHistory 108Writing Assignment #14May 2nd, 2019Car safety has always been extremely important in today’s society for the sole reason that owning a car is now a social norm and necessity. For the Library of Congress to allow an exemption of the DMCA, which lets anyone who owns a car tamper with their car control codes, is not only an atrocity but also an extremely reckless decision that could very well make the matter of cheating regulations worse and may…...
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How to Catch a Cheater: Tips from a Private Investigator 
...Be Ready for What You Will Discover While you might think your spouse is cheating, it's also possible that he/she is just going through something else like a family problem, addiction or any other problem he/she is trying to keep you from finding out...
Who Is Now Kylie Jenner’s BFF Since Jordyn Woods Cheating Scandal  
...She comes from a well-to-do background and is very successful in her own right. She is known for being a model and a social media personality. The blondehaired beauty has modeled for brands such as Good American, Pretty Little Things, and other notab...
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