Increase Achievement Of Fourth Grade Level Students

The effort to understand how teachers will teach the process of reading comprehension to increase the achievement of fourth-grade level students. Reading comprehension amongst fourth-grade students is very essential to ensuring student success on performance in class and high stakes testing. According to Block, Oakar and Hurt highly effective grade four teachers distinguish themselves by their abilities to simultaneously instruct learners who are either learning to read, reading to learn, trying to use higher-order thinking skills to gain more information from content-area texts and using higher level comprehension abilities.

Furthermore, the authors discovered that teachers in study collectively agreed that they have the ability to adjust the literacy activities based on the cognitive scale of their student’s needs. This further proved the results of the study, which was teachers, would teach the process of reading comprehension to increase the achievement of fourth-grade level students.

The teachers’ knowledge of the process of increasing reading achievement scores will develop high scores in assessments.

It is important for teachers to know that process and skills to help students learn the skills and obtain success on high-stakes tests. Role of Reading Engagement For Increasing Achievement Scores The effort of increase students reading comprehension achievement scores is vital to classroom performance and high stakes testing. According to the authors, classroom engagement activities during reading instruction has the potential to enhance students’ understanding of the skills that need t be learned to receive achievable scores in fourth grade reading. Using engaging activities during reading instructions have a connection on the students understanding on how to apply the skills they are learning during testing.

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The engagement model of reading comprehension development proposes that engagement in reading is the joint functioning of motivational processes and cognitive strategies during reading comprehension. Students respond well by being highly engaged readers and are both internally motivated and strategic, and less engaged readers to show lower motivation and less use of strategies and skills for comprehending text. The students that were in the control group, such as, reading intervention, showed significant improvement in increasing their achievement levels. As teachers, it has an impact on students learning when different approaches of delivery or instructions on skills and strategies to use, students increase their comprehension which implies that their performance on high stakes testing would also improve.

Moreover, exploring fourth-grade students’ understanding of the skills being taught for reading comprehension may lead to direct-reflective teaching of this content. According to Wigfield, Guthrie, Perencevich, Taboada, Klauda more direct reflective approach should be used to teach a sufficient level of skills to maintain achievable scores. Furthermore, the authors discovered that the teachers in the study collectively agreed that they did teach explicitly the reading skills because the reading comprehension skill was a part of their curriculum. This further proved the results of the study which that they have the ability to adjust the literacy activities based on the cognitive scale of their student’s needs, which was teachers, would teach the process of reading comprehension to increase the achievement of fourth-grade level students. Effective reading engagement activities will potentially lead to increase scores on the high-stakes science tests.

Increasing reading comprehension for fourth-grade level students has been an ongoing task. “Despite numerous attempts, including the major curricular reform efforts of the 1960s, to improve students’ speed, accuracy, and comprehension skills, students have consistently been shown to possess inadequate understandings of several aspects of NOS.” The author reinforced the fact that the teachers in the experimental group taught integrated in speed and accuracy in comprehension of a text. Effective content delivery of reading comprehension skills aligned with speed and accuracy is possible and has proven to be successful. “There has been a growing realization that children’s ability to decode the words in text does not paint a complete picture of the children’s ability to comprehend text.”

Modifying existing reading activities to enhance student understanding of reading skills and strategies is a necessary task. The research indicates, “Almost any reading activity can be modified to explicitly teach some aspects of reading, without much effort, loss of class time, or loss of attention to the important subject matter.” According to Kucer, “All that is needed is the placement of some carefully planned questions within the activities that you are already doing. Your questions and subsequent discussions bring understanding to the surface and promote student learning of the original subject matter.” This further proved the results of the study which that they have the ability to adjust the literacy activities based on the cognitive scale of their student’s needs, which was teachers, would teach the process of reading comprehension to increase the achievement of fourth-grade level students. Furthermore, Kucer agreed by stating, “Assessment gives clear messages to students about what is important in the subject.”

In the design of self-concepts, children’s reading comprehension develops in the factors of direct or indirect of influencers. The researcher indicates, “Effective reading comprehension draws upon individuals factors, such cognitive and linguistic skills and psychosocial perceptions of ability, as well as contextual factors, such as environmental influences, which include both home and school literacy environments.” Researchers believe that human development has an impact as influencers on individual and contextual development. Based on previous research, “Its is plausible to hypothesize that child and family literacy practices will not only enhance the child’s literacy skills but also his or her enthusiasm and sense of competence towards reading.” It has been proven that This further proved the results of the study which is that they have the ability to adjust the literacy activities based on the cognitive scale of their student’s needs, which was teachers, would teach the process of reading comprehension to increase the achievement of fourth-grade level students.

According to the researcher, it concluded, “the study findings confirm that there is much more to reading comprehension than one’s cognitive and linguistic skills.” Family engagement typically has an impact on achieving learner’s scores, such as the child’s family and literacy practices and reader’s self-concept plays a huge role in their reading comprehension. Assessing For Generalized Improvements in Reading Comprehension The effort to improve teacher perceptions of student performance on state, national and international assessments may help guide instructions for student success on high-stakes tests. Research indicates that teachers who use a hands-on, constructivist approach have the greatest positive effect on student state, national and international in reading comprehension assessments. Teachers can use test to drive data use instructions for their low-performing students. Teachers can disaggregate the data, analyze the reading skills that their students are performing below grade level or have not mastered the skill to on the fourth-grader level, compare student’s achievement to other students around the world, and assess what reading skill that the students know.

This study shows that exploring national and international assessments provides reading teachers an opportunity to learn about the curriculum, teaching and assessment practices on a global scale with the potential to impact local instruction. Furthermore, teachers are required to teach reading towards the high stakes testing so the students are familiarized with the standards and the format questions to the test. According to Neddenriep, Fritz & Carrier, the majority of teachers were somewhat concerned about high-stakes testing in reading. If teachers and students didn’t have anxieties about the high stake tests then both teachers and students will perform better and have high scores on the high stake test. “Reading anxiety, which is a reaction develops against reading can manifest itself not only in situations in which reading is required such as a classroom reading activity or an exam, but also as an abstinence from reading.”


  1. Block CC, Oakar M & Hurt N 2002. The expertise of literacy teachers: a continuum from preschool to Grade 4. Reading Research Quarterly, 37(2):178-206.
  2. Katzir, Lesaux & Kim, (2008) “The role of reading self-concept and home literacy practices in fourth-grade reading comprehension” Springer-Science & Business Media
  3. Kucer, (2008). “Speed, Accuracy, and Comprehension in the Reading of Elementary Students” Washington State University Journal of Reading Education
  4. McNamara, Ozuru & Floyd, (2011). Comprehension Challenges in the Fourth Grade: The Roles of Text Cohesion, Text Genre, and Readers’ Prior Knowledge Washington, D.C. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education
  5. Melanlioglu, (2014), “Impact of Metacognitive Strategies Instruction on Secondary School Students’ Reading Anxieties” Education and Science
  6. Neddenriep, Fritz & Carrier, (2011). Assessing for Generalized Improvements in Reading Comprehension By Intervening To improve Reading Fluency University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
  7. Zimmerman, (2008). “Profiling Classrom Reading Comprehension Development Pracitices From the PIRLS 2006 In South Africa” South African Journal Of Education, Volume 34, Number 3, August 2014
  8. Wigfield, Guthrie, Perencevich, Taboada, Klauda (2008). “Role of Reading Engagement In Mediating Effects of Reading Comprehension Instruction on reading Outcomes ” South African Journal Of Education, Volume 34, Number 3, August 2014

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Increase Achievement Of Fourth Grade Level Students
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