Students’ Motivation in Reading


Reading is an activity which is useful in learning English for adding vocabulary and knowledge be better. Iftanty (2012) states that reading as one of indicators instructed as an art to translate a written discourse. In addition Salikin, Zulfikar, Putri, & Yuliandari (2017) state that reading is easiest and cheapest way to get information. Therefore reading is very important skill as medium accessing knowledge and applying information.

Besides, Reading is a skill about understanding written text. According to Pang, Muaka, Bernbardt, & Kamil (2003) reading include of two related process, first: word recognition indicate that a process of apprehend how written symbols conform to one spoken language.

Second: Comprehension is the process be understandable of words, sentence and connected text (p.6). Similarly, Cline, Jhonstone, & King (2006) state that reading is decoding text for specific reader purposes and understanding it, readers decode written text by translating text into words and directly translating it into meaning. In short reading is a skill of language to bring information from written text.

Regarding to this, it is important to remember that motivation is very essential in reading. Ryan and Deci (2000) argues that motivation consist energy, goal, diligence, and equifinality all aspects of activation and intention. Mendil (2016) states that, thus motivation in reading is very important because unmotivated readers do not read appropriately and succesfully. based on the explanation above unmotivated readers make them difficulties to achievement.LITERATURE REVIEW

The Concept of Motivation

According to Dornyei (2001) motivation is an abstract, hypothetical concept that we use to explain why people think and behave as they do.

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Motivation is related to one of the most basic aspects of the human mind, and most teachers and researchers would agree that it has a very important role in determining success or failure in any learning situation (p.1-2). Furthermore, motivation is a convenient way of talking about a concept which is generally seen as a very important human characteristic but which is also immensely complex (p.6). The main question in motivational psychology is, what these antecendents are, because human behavior has two basic dimensions, direction and magnitude (intensity). Motivation by definition concerns both of these it is responsible for: a) the choice of particular action, b). the effort expended on it and the persistence with it. Therefore, motivation explains why people decide to do something, how hard they are going to persue it and how long they are willing to sustain the activity ( p.7).Intrinsic Motivation

According to Deci (1975) intrinsically motivated activities are ones for which there is no apparent reward except the activity itself. Intrinsically motivated activity are related to supporting internal systems that are owned and supported there is no significant biological effect on the non-nervous tissue system (p.23-24). Intrinsic motivation is defined as the doing of an activity for its inherent satisfactions rather than for some separable consequence, when intrinsically motivated a person is moved to act for the fun or challenge entailed rather than because of external prods, pressures, or rewards Ryan & Deci (2000).

McGeown (2013, p.3) described the intrinsic reading motivation are Curiosity, Involvement, Challenge (adapted from wang & Guthrie, 2004). The definition are Curiosity: by its name is strong desire to know or to learn something. Involvement: means the interest or enthusiasm that we feel about something, and the feeling of taking part into an event or activity. Challenge: it is desire to assimilate complex idea in a text kusumaningputri (2014).

Extrinsic Motivation

According to Ur (1991) extrinsic motivation is that which derives from the influence of some kind of external incentive, as distinct from the wish to learn for its own sake or interest in task (p.289). Ryan & Deci (2000) extrinsic motivation a construct resulting in behavior that is encouraged by external rewards and accurs outside the students. Data Collection

In this research to collect data by using two instrument, first: Classroom Observation, second: Students’ Interview

Classroom Observation

The researcher choose observation to know students’ motivation in reading English text. According to Patton (1980) the purpose of the observation data is to describe the site observed activities that look place at those site participating, in the activity and the meaning of the site, their activities and participating to those people (p.124). Observational data is also very useful in overcoming discrepancies between what people say and what they actually do and might, help you uncover behavior which participants themselves may not be aware Brikci & Green (2007).

There are three steps in conducting this observation. Firstly, the researcher conduct a classroom observation as a non-participant observer. Creswell (2012) said that a non-participant observation is a person who takes field note and observing participant in research site without actively participating. Secondly, the researcher will utilize an observation checklist as an evaluation tool. The list of checklist observation questionnaires with agree and disagree scales in which the sources is from Wiegfield & Guthrie (1997). Furthermore, the word “I” in wiegfield & Guthrie questionnaires will be transformed into “student”, then there will be a notes column to take notes related to students’ motivation in reading. Lastly, the researcher will make a descriptive notes during learning process. The observation will be ended up after the detailed information has been complied.

Students’ Interview

To obtain the deeper information about students’ motivation in reading English text. Semi-structure interview will be used for the three students. According to Bernard (2006) semi-structure or in-depth interviewing is a scheduled activity, a semi-structure interview is open-ended, but follows a general scripts site and convers a list of topics (p.210). Semi-structured interviews are superbly suited for a number of valuable tasks, particularly when more than a few of the open-ended questions require follow-up queries Adams (2015). The researcher will use Bahasa Indonesia in one-to-one interviews, then record the interview and transcribe it. The tape recorder will be used to record all communications with students. The interview will be stopped after the interviewees have finished answering all the questions.

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Students’ Motivation in Reading. (2021, Dec 10). Retrieved from

Students’ Motivation in Reading
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