Essays on Learning

Free essays on learning are written to help students understand the different theories, methods, and practices related to the acquisition and development of knowledge and skills. These essays cover a wide range of topics, including the psychology of learning, principles of effective teaching, instructional design, e-learning, and more. They contain useful insights, research findings, and real-life examples that help readers gain a deeper understanding of how learning works and how it can be optimized. These free essays on learning are typically written by experts in the field or talented students who have a passion for the subject matter, and serve as valuable resources for anyone interested in improving their learning experience.
Jayanta Mahapatra, Indian English Poet
Words • 2740
Pages • 11
Jayanta Mahapatra is an acclaimed Indian English writer, profoundly established in Indian ethos. He stands tall among the numerous rootless Indian English language writers. His profound enthusiasm, humanism, and wistfulness for the lost wonders of his race blend Mahapatra's lazy, subjugated comrades. He is a genuine artist of-the dirt. He is a talented artist interested by the Indian legacy, fantasies and legends. The verse of Jayanta Mahapatra against the expansive point of view of Indian verse written in English especially,…...
CultureEnglish LanguageLanguage
Song of Autumn I Analysis- Poetry Project
Words • 1034
Pages • 5
In the poem, Song of Autumn I, written by Charles Baudelaire and translated by C.F. MacIntyre, there are many important poetic and literary devices that help the reader to analyze what the author is saying. The author has a very interesting background and has written many other poems, the author shows the romantic period very well in many of his poems, including this one. The narrator discusses his feelings towards and opinions of three of the four seasons in a…...
EducationEntertainmentLearningLiterary GenreLiteratureMusic
Development and Validation of a Burnout Scale Among Science
Words • 1100
Pages • 5
Teaching is said to be one of the stressful jobs often times having an intense interaction with students, parents and peers (Bakker et. al., 2006). One of the serious problems in school settings is teacher burnout (Blanford, 2009). Thousands of highly effective teachers in the United States were being affected by it for it is told to be as a serious psychological condition. Some researcher even showed that burnout among primary and secondary school teachers is high most in North…...
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4 Research and learning styles Despite becoming a restaurant manager
Words • 2373
Pages • 10
4. Research and learning stylesDespite becoming a restaurant manager I am very creative and easily driven through attractive visuals. I usually generate my knowledge from reading books and magazines. In order to identify my learning sources I have conducted a VARK (Visual Aural reading and Kinaesthetic) test. This method helps an individual to learn about their research style 9King, Ni Bhroin and Prunty, 2018). In addition to this, it also allows a person to identify which aspects manipulate a person.…...
EducationHobbyLearningLearning StylesLifeRestaurant
Prevention and mitigation of accidents in civil engineering
Words • 1380
Pages • 6
Flooding is the most destructive natural threat in Pakistan, and the recent flooding has demonstrated its seriousness. Floods are common throughout the country, but their characteristics differ from region to region. This article examines the flood behavior of major basins and flood management at the national level. Monsoon rains are the main source of flooding in the Indus Basin, while Mediterranean waves and cyclones that are generated over the Arabian Sea cause flooding in the Haran Basin and the Makran…...
Civil EngineeringEducationEngineeringLearningScienceTechnology
I am doing my project over cheerleading Cheerleading has a bunch of
Words • 611
Pages • 3
I am doing my project over cheerleading. Cheerleading has a bunch of different quantities of genetics and different measurements than I very much thought it would. There are a lot of things you have to learn and know to be able to do dangerous things in cheerleading.Stunting is a very important thing in cheerleading. Stunting helps with muscles and quick learning . It can also help with a lot of other things also like accuracy , velocity , reflexes and…...
Changes over the years of the popular word “nice”
Words • 1166
Pages • 5
Words have been pivotal in making up phrases which facilitate language. It is worth noting that word is the least unit of meaning; however, it does not necessarily stand on its own. Throughout history, words have been used to have some sense which when constructed together they form language which facilitates communication amongst people in the society. Over the years, some words have changed their meaning, to the extent that their previous implication might shock many people in the community.…...
CommunicationCultureLanguageLinguisticsPopular CultureResearch
QuestionWhat have you learned from VAK system Week one? How will you
Words • 1670
Pages • 7
Question:What have you learned from VAK system (Week one)? How will you use it in your day to day life?I have learned the following key points from VAK model:The VAK model explains how people learn things by using three main sensory receivers (Vision, Auditory and Kinesthetic). This model helps us to find out the preferred learning style for a person.Though, no person has a single learning style, as they use two or all three learning styles to receive the information,…...
Period of Time From the Moment of Birth to the Present
Words • 1035
Pages • 5
When looking at age it is essential to know that the connection between the maturing procedure and language has customarily been broken down from two points of view: the changing language utilized during the life expectancy of an individual, and the language of various associates of people living inside a speech community. When we address the aspect of speech communities we are addressing people of any social class they may be employees, students or they may even be friends or…...
How Do I Feel When I Read a Memoir?
Words • 619
Pages • 3
Reading Memoir I identify with being a dormant reader. This is because of my absolute hatred towards being told what to do. Something that I’ve stuck with my 12 years of living. I remember being told to read in front of my dad every afternoon before starting my homework. He claimed that it was a, good habit that I should obtain my entire life. Of course it seems like I good move for a parent, but oh, how that affected…...
Employability Skills
Words • 2206
Pages • 9
Introduction Employability skill define ability of the employee. Employability is shoe employee achievements, understanding and employee attributes that will help employee to gain success (Benson, Morgan and Filippaios, 2014). The skill is identified employee are ability to do work in the organisation and he is gain success. Employability skill are employee qualities and attitude for there work. In the employability skill I have skill to gain success to complete work an innovative idea. My skill and attitude help organisation to…...
The adult education
Words • 901
Pages • 4
The following sample essay on "The adult education": the adult education organization that I have chosen is The Bowman Center. This organization has rich background in the Cleveland Ohio area. The Bowman Center is located at the corner of 120th in union. The Bowman center first started off as a hunger center for children and adults to be added to the meal program in 2001, the center became the Thea Bowman Center, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, named for Sister Thea…...
Adult EducationCommunicationHuman NatureInternetLearning
The Sirs Program For Student Studying
Words • 741
Pages • 3
For many years student have been given the opportunity to gain new knowledge through sirs. Sirs is a great way for students to explore their interest and learn something new. The Sirs program was designed to teach up rising young adults responsibility, time management, and social skills. This is great for some students who have never been involved with any real adult problems. This project also molds teens into becoming young adults by making us conquer a fear of social…...
Optimization and Experimental study of cutting parameters by
Words • 644
Pages • 3
Optimization and Experimental study of cutting parameters by turning operations in lathe machineCalvin Palanna1, Moin Shaikh2, Sayar Guha3, Ravi Kumar Mishra4Mr. N. Lenin Rakesh51234 Students, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bharath Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, India5 Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bharath Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, IndiaAbstractTo achieve a certain measurable performance in cutting machines, the machine parameters need to be optimized. Several constraints determine the possible values that these parameters can take. Although parameters are…...
The Importance of Reading
Words • 454
Pages • 2
The following sample essay on "Reading": is good and totally important for people and for society. It provides us with everything necessary to be able to improve, grow and, in many cases, find ourselves. In one way or another, reading also gives us very important tools that we can use later in the real world. And when I refer to the "real world", I mean that place we come back to after having read a good book, a good story…...
Section BIBL 105B06Old Testament Bible Study AssignmentPassage 2
Words • 2492
Pages • 10
Section: BIBL 105-B06Old Testament Bible Study AssignmentPassage: 2 Kings 4:1–7Instructions:For this assignment, you will be studying the Old Testament story of “Elisha and the Widow’s Oil” found in 2 Kings 4:1–7. You will use the template below in order to complete a study of this passage. In your study, you will use the skills of Observation, Interpretation, Correlation, and Application that you have learned through your reading in Everyday Bible Study (EBS).I. ObservationA. I have read 2 Kings 4:1-7 in…...
Use of Analytics in Enhancing Student Performance in Higher Education Institutes
Words • 1758
Pages • 8
Abstract This study collects and summarizes information on the use of learning analytics. It identifies how learning analytics has been used in the higher education sector, and the expected benefits for higher education institutions. “Early academic analytics initiatives are seeking to predict which students are in academic difficulty, allowing faculty and advisors to customize learning paths or provide instruction tailored to specific learning needs. Specialists in this field are concentrating on scholastic issues, basically understudy access, moderateness, and achievement. The…...
Business IntelligenceDataInnovationLeadershipLearningStudent
The World of Video Games
Words • 966
Pages • 4
The following example essay on "The world of video games" talks about personal gaming experience, creating games, developing characters and worlds. When I was younger, I used to throw myself into the world of video games. I was immersed in the world of characters, such as Ratchet and Clank, Crash Bandicoot, Sonic the Hedgehog and Mario. The fact that a group of people have the same drive and passion can make something so incredible and entertaining has always amazed and…...
ConfidenceDrawingHuman NatureLearningResearch
Words • 1638
Pages • 7
Supreet Kaur RandhawaStudent Id: T00631077English 1011-OLAssignment #122, Feb 2019Answer 1The meter of “Provide, Provide” is spondaic in nature as it includes the repetition of two similar words. The use of / “provide, provide”/ (Frost) is crucial as it is the basis in which the words provided can be intonated. There are two reasons why Frost might have chosen such a jingly rhyme. First, the repetition of /provide-provide/ brings about the stressing effect in the poem. When any word is emphasised…...
Language can define a community in a negative way by making those
Words • 1473
Pages • 6
Language can define a community in a negative way by making those who do not speak the language well or overall can not understand it, feel left out and alienated from the members of the community. However, language can define a community in a positive way by empowering cultural values and embracing one’s ethnicity and origins. This can also create a stronger and closer community.What Rodriguez means in the statement is that when using a family's language in school is…...
CommunityCultureEducationEnglish LanguageLanguagePrivacy
Why Education Is Useless
Words • 499
Pages • 2
If you were to ask a high school student today if they enjoyed school, you would most likely be met with a dramatically negative response. Few outliers might say that they like school because they get to see their friends every day or because they have fun at sports games, but almost never because they are so captivated or inspired by what they are learning. More students today claim their educations are pointless, and that nothing they learn in school…...
EducationHigh SchoolLearningSchoolStudent
well point system of dewatering
Words • 1174
Pages • 5
WELL POINT SYSTEM OF DEWATERINGManasa S1, Dr.P.Shivananda21student of first year MTech (T.E & M), Reva University, Bangalore, India2 professor, Department of Civil Engineering Reva University, Bangalore-560064, India [email protected] [email protected]: Dewatering techniques mainly control the common and complicated problems like groundwater or water logging. Construction dewatering can become a costly issue if overlooked during project planning. The aim of dewatering techniques is to permit the structure to be constructed “in the dry”. This leads to concepts like pre-drainage of soil, control…...
Civil EngineeringConstructionNatural ResourcesWater
Relationship with reading
Words • 946
Pages • 4
The following sample essay on "Relationship with reading": when I was youger, I had a very unpleasant relationship with reading and writing. It all started in Middle school, where I had my first English class. During that time, I was not a fan of writing, especially following a step to step process that our teacher provided us. Looking back, I still remember those nights where I wouldn't sleep because I was struggling to start my essay. I would sit on…...
BOLDFlash Project Milestone Three
Words • 2479
Pages • 10
7-2 BOLDFlash Milestone Three: TrainingAlexander O. DiStefanoIT-520 Technical Communications7/8/2019Doctor KwameSouthern New Hampshire UniversityPart 1: The TrainingThe Training: Target AudienceThe primary target audience for the revised internal business processes is the management team of BOLDFLASH’s Mobile Division, with the overall employee body of the division being the secondary audience. The management staff is ultimately responsible for making strategic and business decisions, and deciding upon effective processes that allow their division to meet its goals. Thus, their choices and actions directly affect…...
Howard Gardner and Robert Sternberg’s Work on Diversity in Development
Words • 2172
Pages • 9
Essay which demonstrates an understanding of critical research of two seminal researchers who adopt different positions on human development. The work of seminal researchers Howard Gardner and Robert Sternberg have been examined and compared in depth in order to gain a greater understanding of their theories of intelligence in relation to practice within the area of SEND. Intelligence can be defined as the ability to gain and apply knowledge and skills (Soanes and Hawker, 2013). Intelligence is best known to…...
DiversityEducational PsychologyLearning
Entwistle describes Philosophical Anthropology as the study of
Words • 524
Pages • 3
Entwistle describes Philosophical Anthropology as the study of the character, disposition, qualities and inclinations of human beings (Entwistle, 2015). This discipline pursues to merge several empirical investigations of human nature to understand individuals as both creatures of their environment and originators of their own values.Comparing the differences and similarities of Psychology and theology of this discipline can be significantly helpful when trying to understand the integration between the two subject matters. Both perceptions have their views and beliefs about human…...
Bright Light InnovationsArielle Bailey
Words • 1892
Pages • 8
Critical Issues The top management team of Bright Light Innovations is excited about the Starlight Stove product they have developed and are preparing to review its place in the market. The team is a grouping of students and faculty from Colorado State University’s Colleges of Business and Engineering. Created with several purposes, including replacing the burning of solid biomass fuels for cooking and eating in the home, the stove will work to improve the quality of life for some of…...
InnovationLiteracyMarket SegmentationMarketingTechnology
Respect for people and assistance to those in need
Words • 1445
Pages • 6
I joined the US Navy and became a rescue swimmer over 5 years ago. I wanted to become better and to help people who could not help themselves. This all stems from the fact that I was 17 years old and worked on a golf course in my hometown. One day I was driving home, and a car that pulled up to me flew off the road and flew into a stream. Without hesitation, I rushed down the hill into…...
La’Kesta DorseyWeek 4 ProjectAugust 26 2019Mrs Sharon
Words • 1251
Pages • 6
La'Kesta DorseyWeek 4 ProjectAugust 26, 2019Mrs. Sharon W.Hogarth, Breakfast Scene, 1795As the second portion in the marriage arrangement, The Breakfast Scene offers the main sign of how the bond between the couple is creating. Depending by and by on masked imagery, the craftsman implants iconographic (for example representative) which means into ordinary things. Here, the tricky look on the young lady's face, alongside her not as much as polite posture, unveils that she has been planning something sinister, while her…...
FranceLearningNapoleonProjectVisual Arts
Learning Assistant By Rahul
Words • 729
Pages • 3
Attention to task: What I'll do in the day. The first work-related activity of my day to determine what I want to achieve that day and what my absolutely must accomplish. clear on this purpose. I check my email and start responding to queries and resolve issues. Setting a clear focus for my day might require as little as five minutes,save several hours of wasted time and effort. Type of focus: The time I have to myself becomes even more…...
CommunicationHuman NatureLearningMindThoughtTime Management
A Study with a Group of UK Researchers
Words • 1743
Pages • 7
Parker in 1998 completed a study with a group of UK researchers which established a hypothetical framework, which they suggest that use of some illegal drugs like cannabis, amphetamine and ambiguously ecstasy have become ‘normalised’. Throughout this essay there will be a discussion on this idea and how valid it is in society. The main body of the essay looks at the meaning of the term ‘normalised’ from a historical and contemporary perspective. After discussing the meaning and history of…...
CultureLearningMental DisorderStudySubstance Abuse
My fascination with narrative literature
Words • 491
Pages • 2
Paper Type:Narrative essays
My interest in writing started way back during younger years of my childhood days when my parents would sit by my bedside and read me bedtime stories while I painted personal pictures in my mind of what they were learning to me, this happened every time before I slept. As I grew older, I began to read those stories myself, and I always went back to compare my mental optics with the ones i read in the book. I invested…...
The situation in the nursing home
Words • 941
Pages • 4
In this essay, I looked at a number of different professional communication issues that arose with a client who had deep and complex Learning Problems (PMDs) representing autism and anxiety. Communication became difficult when the onl displayed defiant behavior. Problems that arise: Difficulty understanding verbal and non-verbal communication. It is difficult to calm down after a stressful and anxious episode of a disturbed routine. The Gibbs Reflexive Cycle (1988) will allow me to learn from my participation in this process…...
AbuseCommunicationDisabilityLearning Disability
People Who Inspire Me: Elon Reeve Musk
Words • 593
Pages • 3
The following example essay on "People Who Inspire Me: Elon Reeve Musk" is dedicated to the American entrepreneur, engineer and billionaire who is the founder, CEO and chief engineer of SpaceX, Elon Musk. Learning all about emerging aspects in organizational behavior is very valuable for us to really know what goes on inside an organization. But there are five revelations that have really gotten my interest. Here are the following: first is e-business, and then Elon Reeve Musks opinion about…...
BehaviorBusinessEducationHuman Resource ManagementLearningOrganizational Behavior
Words • 592
Pages • 3
Paper Type:Reflective essays
REFLECTION ON MY EXPERIENCE IN THE PROJECT BUSINESS CASE GROUP WORKThe main purpose of this report is to reflect on my experience while working as a group to develop a project business case. In my team we are six in number from different cultural backgrounds, but we speak a common language which is English, we had different roles in my team, I was an implementer and a completer, in accordance to the Team Role Theory which states that in a…...
CommunicationEducationHuman NatureLearningProjectTeam
We live in interesting times
Words • 1057
Pages • 5
The following sample essay on" We live in interesting times". We talk of self-driving cars. We see websites serve us fascinatingly accurate recommendations. What was once restricted to the realm of sci-fi is no longer fiction but a reality. I read up about technologies and appreciated the scale of it but also realized it is really a mixed bag of simple instructions. Having said this, I want to introduce myself as Bipin Dharmic Veerlapati. The youngest guy who is so…...
Novel “Game Time” by Ulla Hahn
Words • 1392
Pages • 6
As a continuous event and narrative stream without chapter divisions we exquisitely Hilla Palms Cologne Study 1967 and 1968. According to them, a generation is named, which stands for renewal, riots, revolution and liberation. She freed institutions of encrusted structures, the recent history of repression, thinking of taboos and many people from constricting conventions. Hilla himself freed at last from their capsule and flourishes. Hilla, which is Hildegard (as "the uncorrupted Daktylus my name") or Heldejaad (within the family) and…...
“Wound Edges” By Sepp Mall
Words • 692
Pages • 3
The back cover of Sepp malls "wound edges" gives the reader a brief insight into the historical background of his novel: the South Tyrolean "freedom struggle". But who of us readers already know that South Tyrol was awarded after the first world war against the will of its German inhabitants Italy? After that, the mass-immigration of Italians was subsidized by the state, to reduce the South Tyrolean gradually becoming a minority in this region. Italian was the official language, and…...
“A Touch of Italy” by Valeria Vairo
Words • 473
Pages • 2
"Il re del caffè", "il Frate di Pietrelcina," "Nico lo Zombie," "nonno, nipote, cane e polpo", "Terroni" and "poland toni" malicious "munacielli" and many others are the touch heroes great and small, tells about the Valeria Vairo stories directly the heart of every Italy fans. The fifteen stories illustrate a very personal way, like 'the Italians' to family, religion, superstition , the sea and the caffè are. The author is a native Italian, knows that is the good and less…...
CommunicationCultureEuropean UnionItalyLanguageLinguistics
The fabulous sisters of the Cooke family of Karen Joy Fowler Review
Words • 629
Pages • 3
The Cooke family from Bloomington, Indiana, which is truly an unusual community. It is presented to us by Rosemary, who was born in 1970 daughter from the first-person perspective. Her brother Lowell is a bit older. Vince Cooke, both father was a professor of comparative behavioral psychology in humans and animals, a pedantic, ambitious scientists, absent father , workaholic , a heavy smoker and drinker, until 1998 at a heart attack died. His wife (the nameless remains) was their children…...
ConsciousnessFamilyHuman NatureLanguageResearch
We've found 1427 essay examples on Learning
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FAQ about Learning

QuestionWhat have you learned from VAK system Week one? How will you
...As a coach, I need to evaluate the process whether the coaching is creating a necessary change or not. Therefore, I plan to use and constantly improve this skill, as evaluations can take place after each coaching session or at the end of the whole pr...
How Do I Feel When I Read a Memoir?
...The settings spoke to me like no other book before.This opened the pathway of genres that were available to me. And that felt pretty grand to know that I could like reading because of one book. Until, it didnt. Then I was back to reality, were whatev...
Why Education Is Useless
...Educators fail to recognize that students obsession with getting to the next step attending a top university impedes with their opportunity to learn about the world as it is, explore it, and eventually lead independent lives. While pure learning ofte...
People Who Inspire Me: Elon Reeve Musk
...This show just gives hope to every aspiring entrepreneur who thinks that their product or idea is worth it and who has the guts and courage to present their work in front of business magnates. But unfortunately, not all entrepreneurs go out of that s...
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