Relationship with reading

The following sample essay on “Relationship with reading”: when I was youger, I had a very unpleasant relationship with reading and writing. It all started in Middle school, where I had my first English class. During that time, I was not a fan of writing, especially following a step to step process that our teacher provided us. Looking back, I still remember those nights where I wouldn’t sleep because I was struggling to start my essay. I would sit on my bed, staring at my royal grey computer, and it shocked me that every time I looked up at the screen words didn’t magically appear.

Even though I was younger I had a mindset of why do I have to do this when it has nothing to do with my career in the future. On the other hand, I always had a strong desire for reading, even if that didn’t have anything to do with my future.

It was my escape.

Something I looked forward to doing after a long overwhelming day. Reading came naturally to me, and I did much better in my reading assignments than my writing. However, as time moved on, my writing skills began to somewhat improve. Fast forward, in High School, my freshman and sophomore classes were existing to be my favorite. There was this infrequent essay where we had to write at least three or four pages. Because of this, I became a better writer. Hence I paid attention to my writing errors more.

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I was never too anxious when we got an essay assignment because I could knock it out in a few hours the night it was due and still get a good grade on it.

But I spoke too soon. My junior year came along and everything changed. When finding out that my English teacher was Mr. Martin. My heartfelt like it was on the uphill part of the roller coaster about to go down. All my older friends warned me about him. How he was a strict grader and he only liked a specific way of writing. The worst part was if you did not write the way he wanted you to, there would be some kind of punishment. As a result of my very poor luck, I did not take his first paper seriously. And I wish I could tell you why but that reassuring thought never came to me as well, as to why I didn’t try my hardest on a paper for a teacher that all my friends warned me about. But what can I say very poor luck. So I procrastinated writing this aimless essay in a few hours the night it was due.

As the day came, when Mr.Martin returned our graded essays, I was so astonished that I started to quiver to see that I got a low C. This was the lowest grade I ever received on my essays. I was disappointed in myself. And I made a promise to myself that I would stop my procrastination and give most of my time to this class. As my junior year was going by, I felt like I was back in middle school. I would once again start to stare at my white blank word document on my computer, trying to keep looking back up so I could see those magical words appear. But like old times, they didn’t. Unlucky me. Therefore, I started to think of the perfect thing to write on this dreadfully blank white document, even though it was seemed doubtful.

Based on how junior year was going, one could only imagine how devasted I was when Mr.Martin assigned our first eight-page essay. I kept thinking to myself, “If I’m having such a hard time writing a two page essay, how on earth will I be able to write an eight-page one.” Finally, on the more bright side, the topic of this essay was to pick a controversial issue, and pick a side on the issue. After more than many days of failed topics, my light bulb went on and it finally lit up after a whole year. As long ago, when I was younger I always had an interest in past wars and people who fought in them.

It’s probably because my grandpa was in the Vietnam war and would tell me stories about the war life itself, which intrigued me. Nonetheless, I came up with my topic. I wanted to write about Robert Lee. Who was the leader of the Confederate Army in the Civil war. Most people believe that he was a traitor who did not fight for slavery. But I believed that he was a well-respected individual who fought for his family and honor. I was so happy because I could finally write about something that got me extremely excited.

Furthermore, a few weeks after revising my Robert Lee essay, I felt good about it, I made it exactly the way I wanted it. This was one of my most important papers that I felt very confident about. When the day came, when Mr. Martin returned our essays back to us I was surprised to see that I got a 98. It was the only grade in that class that was higher than a C. I was proud of myself, and I could Mr.Martin felt the same. I could vividly tell he was fairly impressed. In conclusion, to this day, that paper is one of my finest works of writing and the most I’m proud of. But I am still aching to put my English skills to test and become a way better writer, not only in Mr. Martin’s eyes, however.

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Relationship with reading. (2019, Nov 21). Retrieved from

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