Essays on Europe

Free essays on Europe are educational resources on various topics related to the cultural, social, political, economic, and environmental aspects of European countries. These essays are available to students, researchers, and anyone who wants to read and learn more about Europe's history, geography, languages, religions, arts, and literature. Some of the popular themes covered in such essays are the European Union, the Renaissance, the industrial revolution, World War I and II, immigration, and climate change. These essays provide valuable insights into the diverse cultures and perspectives that shape and define Europe's complex identity.
The White Field Of Lenka Hornakova-civade Review
Words • 1157
Pages • 5
When Marie at the beginning of the twentieth century saw the light of day, the small village in Moravia belongs still to the Empire of the Habsburgs. 1929 comes Maries daughter Magdalena to the world, as a citizen, founded after World War Republic of Czechoslovakia. But ten years later Moravia is occupied by the Germans, and the Second World War begins. After the end of Magdalena's daughter Libuse is born, be socialist in the same year (1948), in the country…...
Nazi Germany
The us love by Jenna Blum Review
Words • 1142
Pages • 5
Trudy Swenson, 56, is a professor at the Historical Institute in Minneapolis. She specializes in the history of the Third Reich. On behalf of the Center for Holocaust studies, they will interview witnesses (in winter 1996). Suitable she holds a seminar on "The role of women in Nazi Germany." She wants to question to what extent the Aryan wife was "fanatically anti-Semitic" perpetrator and "part of the war machine." For a differentiated view as close to her heart, her students…...
LoveNazi GermanyThe Holocaust
28 days of David Safier Review
Words • 1166
Pages • 5
Mira's father can no longer stand the humiliation and repression. Until recently, a respected doctor, he was not allowed to exercise more since he was shipped to the ghetto of Warsaw with his family his profession. After all, he has put his passion and his life to an end. His suicide has left a mentally broken widow and three fatherless children in a small one-room apartment. The depressed mother is almost silent; she does not leave her bed. To meet…...
Nazi Germany
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Enlightenment by Anne Chaplet Review
Words • 621
Pages • 3
Commissioner Giorgio DeLange and three colleagues from the Frankfurt police are in an exchange program in Peru. are - (we bathe in blood "Nos bañamos en la sangre") The sightseeing tour bus - - Machu Picchu and Cuzco, 3,400 m above sea level and the numerous horror stories of tour guide about the atrocities of the Spanish conquerors and the bloody local rites DeLange severely beaten on the stomach and mind. Before leaving for Frankfurt DeLange eager to visit the…...
Age Of EnlightenmentEnlightenmentPeruPhilosophyPolitics
All I’m Anna Funder Review
Words • 992
Pages • 4
To date, Ruth has not gotten it, that she had not interpreted the signs correctly. Since then, she emigrated with her husband Hans to London, he had changed. Ruth Becker comes from an Upper Silesian manufacturing family. "In my family no one ever was with physical work on ... We were enlightened to Germany's Jews formed secular and more Prussian than the Prussians." Hans Wesemann however, comes from a pastor household. His life "was partly influenced by the honest, practical…...
Adolf HitlerGermanyNazi GermanyPoliticsWeimar Republic
“Professor Bernhardi” by Arthur Schnitzler
Words • 1202
Pages • 5
Most political theatre comments on what is happening in recent events. It is intended for the audience to feel a spark of motivation, a need and want for drastic change in their society. It can be shown in many different ways, allowing an audience to become so solely emotionally invested in the characters, that they too begin to see themselves within elements of the play, later comparing themselves to those characters and seeing that they are not so far apart.…...
Human NatureNazi GermanyPoliticsSocial ClassTheatre
French Revolution
Words • 1672
Pages • 7
The following example essay on "French Revolution" is a discussion on whether you agree with the idea that the French revolution ushered in an era of a new political cultural explain. Keith baker defines the term revolution as ‘a transformation of discursive practice of the community, a moment in which social relations are reconstituted and the discourse defining the political relations between individuals and group of radically recast. ’(3) According to Albert soboul, the French revolution is situated in the…...
FeminismFranceFrench RevolutionLiberalismMarxismMedieval Europe
Essay Examples on World War I
Words • 596
Pages • 3
1st Essay Sample on World War I World War I was the result of leaders’ aggression towards other countries, which was supported by the rising nationalism of the European nations. Economic and imperial competition and fear of war prompted military alliances and an arms race, which further escalated the tension contributing to the outbreak of war.On the European continent there were chiefly five raising great powers.On one side France, Britain, and Russia and on the other were the Central Powers…...
EuropeInternational RelationsMilitaryPoliticsWar
Essay Examples on Titian
Words • 610
Pages • 3
1st Essay Sample on Titian No one knows exactly when the Italian artist, Tiziano Vecellio, was born. Over the centuries, there has been a great deal of confusion concerning the date, due to a misprint in his biography by sixteenth century art historian, Girgio Vasari. Vasari recorded the date as 1480, but the progress of Tiziano Vecellio's work, as well as other documented sources, announce his date of birth to be sometime between 1488 and 1490. (Magill 2310) The place…...
CulturePaintingRenaissanceVisual Arts
Essay Examples on Humanism in the renaissance
Words • 585
Pages • 3
The following sample essay on Essay Examples on Humanism in the renaissance deals with powerful, creative individuals. The renaissance started in the 14th century in cities of Northern Italy. During this time the social elite became more interested in the literature and ideas of ancient Greece and Rome. People started to reject some of the ideas and practices of medieval civilization and turned to the idea of humanism.Humanism was a new concern with people as powerful, creative individuals in a…...
CultureMedieval EuropeRenaissanceTranslation
Essay Examples on Hundred Years War
Words • 593
Pages • 3
1st Essay Sample on Hundred Years War How long did the Hundred Years War last?The answer is actually a surprising 116 years.The Hundred Years war is the name given to the series of on and off warfare fought between the kings of England and France, from 1337 to 1453.The war consisted of sieges, raids, sea and land battles, and long periods truce ("Hundred Years War", 222).The war shaped the way the time period ended and the way western Europe looks…...
FranceJoan Of ArcMiddle AgesMilitaryWar
Essay Examples on Feudalism
Words • 666
Pages • 3
The following sample essay is sample essays on feudalism. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. 1st Essay Sample on feudalism I have just read an article on Feudalism in a Britannia magazine. Feudalism began between the 8th and 9th centuries. It wasfirst recognised in France, and later spread to most countries of Western Europe. When Charlemagne died there was no strong ruler to take his place. That was when feudalism was established as the main…...
CasteEuropeFeudalismLawMiddle AgesPolitics
Essay Examples on Berlin Wall
Words • 646
Pages • 3
The following essay is two sample essays on the Berlin Wall. To read the introduction, body, and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. 1st Essay Sample on Berlin Wall My topic is "The Fall of The Berlin Wall" , Communism and politics. The Berlin wall was built in 1961. The wall was built to divide the eastside and the west communist. The Berlin wall was constructed as a heavily forted barrier that is about 26 miles long. Berlin was a…...
Berlin WallCommunismEuropeInternational RelationsJoseph StalinPolitics
Essay Examples on Battle of the Bulge
Words • 976
Pages • 4
1st Essay Sample on Battle of the Bulge The following sample essay on Ardennes offensive was a last ditch effort by the Germans to achieve an advantage in the war, but it turned out to be an acceleration of GermanyOs ultimate demise. Previous to the offensive the Allies had managed to achieve a beach head and advance toward Germany from almost every direction. On the eastern front Russia was steadily advancing on Berlin. The western front was around the Belgium and…...
Adolf HitlerInternational RelationsMilitaryNazi GermanyWar
The Lebensborn Project
Words • 291
Pages • 2
The topic of eugenics cannot be discussed without encountering the Holocaust, but this is as it should be. When contemporary geneticists, genetics counselors and clinical geneticists wonder why it is that genetics receives special attention from those concerned with ethics, the answer is simple and can be found in history. The events which led to the sterilization, torture and murder of millions of Jews, Gypsies, Slavs and children of mixed racial heritage in the years just before and during the…...
EugenicsLearningNazi GermanyProject
The Humanism Essay Analysis
Words • 321
Pages • 2
Humanism gained ground in the Renaissance in part as a revival of classical learning, and such a revival included new study of classical humanism from the Greek and Roman world.Classical humanism placed an emphasis on philosophy and codes of ethics, notably embodied in the writings of Plato and Aristotle and many of their contemporaries. Artists in the Renaissance period followed the emphasis of the humanists on the human being as the center of existence, a shift from the Medieval emphasis…...
CulturePhilosophical TheoriesRenaissance
View of London in ‘Composed Upon Westminster Bridge’ and Blake’s poem ‘London’
Words • 2943
Pages • 12
In the late 18th century and the early 19th century there were two poets named William Blake and William Wordsworth, who came from different backgrounds, but had similar ideas. They were both classed as Romantics. Romanticism means revolting against established social and political structures and against the scientific rationalism of nature and literature. However the late 18th century and early 19th century was a time of historical and social change. It was the time of Revolution. These events had an…...
BridgeFilm AnalysisFranceFrench RevolutionPoetryRomanticism
Medieval vs Renaissance Life
Words • 311
Pages • 2
There are several major differences and similarities in the way people lived in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. 1. Middle Ages; people had a sense of place, community was important. Renaissance; People wanted more out of life, individualism was emphasized. In both periods, social classess existed, but they were less rigid in the Renaissance. 2. Middle Ages; Feudalism. Renaissance; Rise of towns and cities. Both; universities, the only difference being the curriculum. . Middles Ages; Pessimism, God was to…...
HistoryLifeMedieval EuropeMiddle AgesRenaissance
Women in the Harlem Renaissance
Words • 1109
Pages • 5
The Harlem of renaissance is an important period in the history of African American society. It is the period in the African American literature movement between the early 1920’s and the late 1930’s when important men and women African writers made contribution in the literature. The period has been considered as the most successful era of the African American literature. Notable figures in the Harlem renaissance have been a center of modern studies with scholars doing extensive studies and research…...
Harlem RenaissanceHistoryMedieval EuropeRenaissanceUs History
Which Excerpt From “The Love Song Of J Alfred Prufrock”
Words • 5631
Pages • 23
Poem Summary Lines 1-6 This epigraph is taken from Dante’s Divine Comedy. It reads: “If I thought my answer were to one who could ever return to the world, this flame would move no more; but since no one has ever returned alive from this depth, if what I hear be true, without fear of infamy I answer you. ” The words are spoken by a lost soul, damned to Hell for the attempt to buy absolution in advance of…...
Literary Analysis
Words • 793
Pages • 4
El Dorado, a ballad poem written by Edgar Allan Poe, is notably one of his most prolific, and prominent works. It depicts the journey of a knight searching for the “land of El Dorado”, while enduring a loss of strength, and affliction of old age. The term “El Dorado” is frequently used metaphorically to describe a utopia, true love, success, or sincere happiness. There are various interpretations of what Poe was referring to in his mentioning of El Dorado. However,…...
Edgar Allan PoeHuman NatureLovePoetryRomanticism
Renaissance Humanism
Words • 1093
Pages • 5
Renaissance humanism considers man to be the sole most significant entity in the cosmos. Order within the Renaissance era had paramount importance and any disruption in this order was professed to lead to anarchy and chaos. The great chain of being was hugely significant to the Elizabethans; this refers to a hierarchical structure perceivably constructed by god. Should everything occupy its correct position and this great chain be maintained, humanity would perceivably flourish and reach its true potential. Rebellion against…...
HamletKing LearMedieval EuropeRenaissance
Ideologies in the Characters of Small Island
Words • 3307
Pages • 14
The plot of the great book seller Small Island (2004) is formed around four characters: Hortense, Queenie, Gilbert and Bernard. Each character has a different past, identity, ideology, dreams and expectations. But they also have one thing in common: all of them change after the war. Although, everyone experiments the war in a different way, all felt affected by it. At this point, all that they have experience before or what they believe in seems lost, with no sense (Gilroy, 2004). This war is not the only factor…...
CharacterHuman NatureImperialism
Comparing Napoleon’s Reforms in France
Words • 1535
Pages • 7
An Assessment of Whether Napoleon Bonaparte or Louis Napoleon Had More Significant Reforms in France Both Napoleon Bonaparte and his nephew Louis Napoleon Bonaparte were important rulers of France. They ruled with great power and control, they implemented many sweeping reforms and laws that greatly changed the course of French and European life. Napoleon Bonaparte and Louis Napoleon, also referred to as Napoleon III, each directed France through many reforms under their rule. However, the leader with the more significant…...
FranceFrench RevolutionItalyMedieval EuropeNapoleonPolitics
Ode To The West Wind Theme
Words • 389
Pages • 2
Shelley’s “Ode to the West Wind” The eighteenth century was a time of revolution in Europe; the French Revolution. It introduced a new era of enlightenment and individual freedom. This revolution led the poets to explore freedom, independent ideas and limitless imaginations on poems. This movement was called Romanticism and it was characterized by stressing new ideas of nature and change. Percy Bysshe Shelley took up these revolutionary ideas in his poems. In “Ode to the West Wind”, Shelley presented…...
Percy Bysshe ShelleyPoetryRomanticism
Bastille Day and the French Revolution
Words • 321
Pages • 2
"Bastille Day, on the Fourteenth of July, is the French symbol of the end of the Monarchy and the beginning of the French Revolution".It is very much like Independence Day in the United States because it is a celebration of the beginning of a new form of government. There are several factors that led to the Revolution. King Louis XV and King Louis XVI both led extremely extravagant lives. They spent a lot of the government's money on luxuries even…...
FranceFrench RevolutionGovernmentMedieval EuropePolitics
Philippine literature (ppt)
Words • 1000
Pages • 4
The history of a nation can be learned in its constitution,its laws,and its political statements.To learn the history of a nation's spirit,you must read its literature •Croghan 1977 Philippine Literature •in English reveals the spirit of a Filipino •this literature has learned to express in words that create memorable images sharing of human experiences,learn what you are and how you have become what you are,learn what you might be in the future,shows how the filipinos differ from the others •Importance…...
Chapter 17 Review
Words • 889
Pages • 4
How did the merchant class in northern Italy influence the renaissance? The merchant class in northern Italy influenced the renaissance from small city-states having a high percentage of citizens that could be involved in politics, which they dominated. They used their wits to be successful and deserved power and wealth from individual merit. In what ways did literature and the arts change during the renaissance? Literature and arts changed completely, from writing in vernacular form, self-expression to portray the individuality…...
Catholic ChurchChristianityCultureFlashcardsRenaissance
APWH Chapter 14
Words • 1110
Pages • 5
What percentage of the western European population was rural during the late Middle Ages? A. 70% B. 75% C. 80% D. 90% E. 100% D Western Europeans of the later Middle Ages referred to themselves as A. Franks. B. Europeans. C. Westerners. D. "Old Worlders." E. Latins E What caused the end of serfdom in western Europe? A. the Black Death B. the rise of popular literature C. the rise of cities D. the decimated agricultural productivity of the early…...
CultureFlashcardsFranceMagna CartaMiddle AgesRenaissance
The Enlightenment Period of American Literature Unit Test: English Honors III
Words • 534
Pages • 3
What were the common beliefs of the American Enlightenment Period? The power of reason and science to further human progress. That a social contract should be the basics of government. That by nature people are born good, not evil. In the attainability of a perfect society. What was the format in which most of the Enlightenment Period writing was presented? Most writing was public (newspapers, magazines, and almanacs.) What was the subject matter of most of the Enlightenment Period writing?…...
Age Of EnlightenmentCultureFlashcardsPhilosophical TheoriesThomas Jefferson
Characteristics of Romanticism, Realism, Modernism, and Postmodernism
Words • 633
Pages • 3
Modernism Biased first person controls narrative PostModernism Multiple narrative voices and worlds Modernism search for meaning/truth-they still exist PostModernism there is no one meaning or truth-both are relative and subject to change Modernism with the exception of the Harlem Renaissance, most writers are still white PostModernism Writers of color/different backgrounds relative and subject to change Modernism Little African American women's writing beyond Zora Neale Hurston and Nella Larsen PostModernism burgeoning group of well-known African American women writers, such as lucille…...
The Five I’s of Romanticism
Words • 143
Pages • 1
Innocence and Youth Innocence and youth are admired by Romantics because young innocent people are not yet corrupted by the evils of society or civilization. Imagination The Romantics believed that the imagination was a valuable source of information that deserved exploration. Inspired by Nature The Romantic thinkers believed that nature is more valuable than towns and cities. In nature people are free to be themselves, free from the judgement of others, and free from the negative influences of society and…...
FlashcardsHuman NatureMetaphysicsRomanticism
Exploring Romanticism.
Words • 525
Pages • 3
This paper example reveals the main arguments and ideas related to Romanticism. Read more about Romanticism below. Romanticism was a time in which imagination, irrationality, and emotion were considered more important that rationality and intellect. Writers of the Romantic time period appreciated the beauty of nature and emotion. Goethe, along with many other Romantic writers, used nature to help him express the kind of mood he was trying to create in specific scenes. In the text 'Faust', Goethe uses nature…...
CultureFaustMedieval EuropeRomanticism
To what extent can it be argued that Hitler was in fact a ‘weak dictator’?
Words • 3438
Pages • 14
At noon, on Monday 30th January 1933, President Hindenburg reluctantly appointed Adolf Hitler Chancellor of Germany. Within 18 months, by terror, threats and semi - legal measures, Hitler became Fuhrer, a position in which he held hypothetically limitless power that ultimately led to Germany initiating a World War and the annihilation of six million Jews. However since the 1960's revisionist historians, categorised into two schools, Structuralists and Intentionalists have begun to debate the emphasis on the personal role of Hitler…...
Adolf HitlerNazi GermanyPoliticsPropagandaWar
Alexander Pope and the Scientific Revolution
Words • 577
Pages • 3
In the seventeenth century many scientists and philosophers strayed away from the church’s way of thinking and began to seek out their own explanations of the world around them. Scientists questioned, even opposed theories the church had been teaching for centuries. Alexander Pope, a philosophical poet, wrote a very controversial poem that changed a lot of people’s views on God’s divine role in human kind, as well as inspired people to think for themselves. What made Pope’s ideas so unique?…...
BeliefCultureMedieval EuropeScientific Revolution
How Is Love Presented In Victorian Love Poetry
Words • 2957
Pages • 12
Victorian poems show love to be very strong and overpowering. This is expressed in many different ways, they include negative imagery and, on the other hand, positive imagery. In Victorian times, there was a much suppressed attitude. This was because Queen Victoria was in mourning from the death of her husband, Albert, due to typhoid. The country became very solemn from this so people started to express their feelings through poetry. The country had strong morals on issues such as…...
Christina RossettiHuman NatureLifeLiterary GenreLiteratureLord Byron
Chapter 31 World History
Words • 483
Pages • 2
what is a totalitarian state? control over all aspects of public and private life whose theory of relativity replaces newtons laws of motion and gravity? Albert Eisenstein what do Franz Kafka, James Joyce and F. Scott Fitzgerald all have in common? all authors in the lost generation most nations after world war I had what type of government? Coalition government what event started the beginning of the great depression? the stock market crash how did Roosevelt's new deal program fight…...
Adolf HitlerFlashcardsGermanyInternational RelationsNazi GermanyPolitics
Dark Romanticism and the Gothic Literature movement
Words • 242
Pages • 1
Dark Romanticism Works in the dark romantic spirit were influenced by Transcendentalism, but did not entirely embrace the ideas of Transcendentalism. Transcendentalism vs. Dark Romanticism Dark Romantic works are notably less optimistic than Trans. texts about mankind, nature, and divinity Transcendentalism vs. Dark Romanticism While both groups believe nature is a deeply spiritual force, Dark Romanticism views it in a much more sinister light than does Transcendentalism, which sees nature as a divine and universal organic mediator Characteristics of the…...
CultureFlashcardsGothic FictionNathaniel HawthorneRomanticism
Romanticism and Realism in American Literature
Words • 1859
Pages • 8
Germany The Romantic movement originated in Rationalism/Age of Reason Romanticism can be described as a reaction against the limitations of this 18th-century American enlightenment movement marked by an emphasis on: Rationality rather than tradition. American Romanticism Literary movement that is characterized by the distrust of civilization, fascination with the journey, celebrating the individual spirit, and a love of the beauty of nature. Fireside Poets Also known as the Schoolroom or Household Poets — were a group of 19th-century American poets…...
FlashcardsIronyMark TwainPoetryRomanticismThe Adventures Of Tom Sawyer
AP Spanish Literature and Culture LITERARY MOVEMENTS
Words • 572
Pages • 3
naturalismo an outgrowth of realism that is more less concernedealism that is concerned less with the individual and more with humanity as a whole and with the fact that human reality is at the mercy of the natural environment - tends to seem more intense than realism; introduced in Spain by Emilia Pardo Bazán realismo literary movement during second half of 19th century concerned with analyzing reality and presenting things as realistically as possible; El hijo, La casa de Bernarda…...
We've found 255 essay examples on Europe

FAQ about Europe

Which Excerpt From “The Love Song Of J Alfred Prufrock”
...The poem opens with an epigram from Dante’s Inferno in which Guido de Montefeltro, who is consumed in flames as punishment for giving false counsel, confesses his shame because he believes that it cannot be reported back on earth. In context, this ...
To what extent can it be argued that Hitler was in fact a ‘weak dictator’?
...If I were to place myself in one of the schools of thought It would have to be Intentionalist, the main simplified reasoning for this decision is that like the majority of the German nation did, I find Hitler captivating especially his style of dicta...
How Is Love Presented In Victorian Love Poetry
...Victorian poems show love to be very strong and overpowering. This is expressed in many different ways, they include negative imagery and, on the other hand, positive imagery. In Victorian times, there was a much suppressed attitude. This was because...
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