What percentage of the western European population was rural during the late Middle Ages?
A. 70%
B. 75%
C. 80%
D. 90%
E. 100%

Western Europeans of the later Middle Ages referred to themselves as
A. Franks.
B. Europeans.
C. Westerners.
D. “Old Worlders.”
E. Latins

What caused the end of serfdom in western Europe?
A. the Black Death
B. the rise of popular literature
C. the rise of cities
D. the decimated agricultural productivity of the early 14th century
E. emancipation after participating in the Hundred Years’ War

Which factor was not a contributor to the doubling of the European population between 1100-1445?
A. economic growth
B. warm temperatures
C. new farming techniques
D. few epidemics
E. unification under Christianity

The Bubonic Plague was brought to Europe by
A. Mongol invaders
B. Chinese explorers
C. Genoese traders
D. Christian monks
E. Russian serfs

The continued growth of trade and manufacturing after 1200 resulted in
A. The growth of urban areas in the Latin West
B. The continuing economic depression in agriculture
C. The isolation of Europe from the rest of the world
D. Religious revival and expansion
E. Strict government regulation

Marco Polo’s goal was to
A. travel to the Mongol capital.
B. find his way to India.
C. follow the route of Alexander the Great.
D. find Prester John.
E. establish a Venetian trade outpost in Central Asia.

A guild was
A. a band of knights without ties to a lord.
B. an association of craft specialists from the same trade.

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C. an order of monks.
D. a unit of currency in use throughout the Latin West.
E. a measurement of distance.


One of the most significant growth industries in the 14th century was:
A. merchant banking
B. stonemasonry
C. papermaking
D. wool weaving
E. metal smelting

Which of the following is true of merchant banking in the fifteenth century?
A. Jews were prohibited from moneylending for religious reasons.
B. Florence lagged behind the rest of the Latin West.
C. Checking accounts, shareholding companies, moneychanging, loans, and investments were offered as services.
D. Services were only offered to the clergy.
E. No money could be lent for the purpose of warfare in accordance with the Banker Agreement of 1499.

What “architectural wonder” first made its appearance in France on or about the year 1140 C.E.?
A. Guild halls
B. Opera houses
C. Gothic cathedrals
D. Chateaux
E. Romanesque churches

Which of the following is not a distinctive feature of the Gothic cathedral?
A. The flying buttress
B. Giant stained-glass windows
C. The Gothic arch
D. Their great height
E. Domes

The Renaissance began in
A. eastern France.
B. southern England.
C. southern Russia.
D. Austria.
E. northern Italy.

Some of the “lost knowledge” of the Greek and Arab world came into the Latin West through
A. the recapture of northern Germany from the Huns.
B. the recapture of southern Italy from the Byzantines and of Sicily and Toledo from the Muslims.
C. contact with the court of Khubilai Khan.
D. the discovery of the remains of the Library of Alexandria.
E. the lively trade in classical antiquities.

The two new religious orders in the 13th century that lent themselves to teaching were:
A. Benedictines and Cappucines.
B. Ursine and Jesuit
C. Dominican and Franciscans
D. Carmelites and Cistercians
E. Augustinian and Josephite

The most notable work in Scholasticism, the Summa Theologica, was written by:
A. Geoffrey Chaucer
B. Thomas Aquinas
C. Dante Aligheri
D. Jan Hus
E. Peter Abela

Which of the following does not describe the Divine Comedy?
A. It features the Roman poet Virgil as the author’s guide through Hell.
B. It used the vernacular, foreshadowing the literary fashions of the later Italian Renaissance.
C. It was written by Dante Alighieri.
D. It made use of Greco-Roman classical themes.
E. It was written in Latin like most literature of the time.

One of the significant features of the growth of literature in the 14-15th century was
A. the development of epic poetry
B. the fusion of mythology and religious overtones
C. the incorporation of political criticism
D. the composition of literature in the vernacular
E. the inclusion of common people in literary tales.

Which of the following fostered artistic growth in the Renaissance?
A. The ability of the average person to afford art
B. The war against the Muslims, in which many Muslim artists and artwork were captured
C. The “artistic tax” by which part of every salary was used to support museums
D. The patronage of wealthy merchants and prelates
E. Universal education

Credit for “the lost art of painting” being revived is traditionally given to:
A. Giotto
B. Van Eyck
C. Da Vinci
D. Botticelli
E. Rembrandt

What changes transformed later medieval military technology?
A. The catapult
B. Firearms and crossbows with metal-tipped arrows
C. The organization of knights into armies and primitive biological warfare
D. Universal male conscription and the invention of the mace
E. Military advancement based on merit

Which of the following statements about the Magna Carta is not true?
A. It affirmed that monarchs are subject to established law.
B. It confirmed the independence of the church and the city of London.
C. It gave new rights to the peasants.
D. It means “Great Charter.”
E. It guaranteed the nobles’ hereditary rights

Joan of Arc
A. led the French to victory in a decisive battle during the Hundred Years War.
B. brokered the English and French peace treaty, thus ending the Hundred Years War.
C. became the queen of France during the Hundred Years War.
D. was the only woman permitted to attend the University of Paris.
E. founded the city of Orleans.

The Great Western Schism originated over
A. whether the seat of Catholicism should be in Rome or Constantinople.
B. whether or not women could be priests.
C. the nationality of the pope.
D. whether or not priests could be married.
E. the formation of different types of monasteries (Franciscan, Dominican, Cappucin, etc)

Which of the following is true of “new monarchies” in Europe between 1450-1600?
A. The primary nations were England, France and Spain.
B. it increased centralized power within largely fixed geographic limits.
C. it increased control over powerful noble families.
D. they relied on full-time armies paid for through taxes.
E. all of these.

By 1500, the English Parliament
A. had been disbanded by King John.
B. had overthrown the king and gained complete governmental authority.
C. had become a permanent part of English government.
D. had yet to be officially formed.
E. had been disbanded.

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