Essays on Environmental Science

Free essays on Environmental Science are written documents that explore different topics related to the environment, pollution, climate change, biodiversity, and ecology. These essays are often written by students, scholars, or environmental enthusiasts who are passionate about protecting the environment and promoting sustainable development. The essays cover different aspects of environmental science and discuss various issues such as air pollution, water contamination, deforestation, natural resource depletion, and global warming. The purpose of these free essays is to create awareness among people and motivate them to take action to save the planet.
Deforestation Causes Effects And Solutions
Words • 303
Pages • 2
Deforestation often takes place as an effect of overpopulation, arbitration, economical reasons and governments corruption. Due to arbitration, the demand for housings will rise, causing more land to be cleared in order for more housing to be built to house the locals. Forests are cleared tort agricultural purposes, such as to grow more crops on a bigger area of land. These crops are sources of food for people. Materials from the trees, such as timber, are used for making furniture…...
Climate ChangeDeforestationForestNatural EnvironmentPollution
Germination Lab Report
Words • 584
Pages • 3
Conclusion and Evaluation: The aim of the experiment is to observe how does using the same plants and conditions except watering them with different amounts of water will affect the ate of germination. The amount of the temperature,oxygen and light(by placing all the plants into the same place) is controlled. Some errors may caused by; * The plants were kept in room temperature 230 as measured but the temperature may varied in night and day. * The plants were placed…...
Pollution In Pakistan Essay
Words • 468
Pages • 2
As the world is incessantly changing, there are many attributes which are leading towards a prosperous life but on the contrary, some problems are spreading of great magnitude; one of them is pollution. Pakistan is one of the developing countries which are sustaining the pollution problem. Traffic congestion is one of the main causes of air pollution. The usage of old transports is ruining the situation. No prevailing laws are strictly implemented, as a result, factories exude their smoke into…...
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Environmental Issues In International Business
Words • 371
Pages • 2
Company has taken several measures to response to the alarm of reducing the oil consumption especially in research and development. In June 2006, Shell planned to $200 million wind farm on the island of Maim to eliminate the need for a coal-generating there and investing in producing ethanol from straw and Grass by contracts have been signed with the involvement of Idaho farmers as well as German company respectively. This has further increased other business opportunities which are environmentally good…...
Environmental Science
Harmful Effects Of Non Metals On Living Systems And The Environment
Words • 325
Pages • 2
Among the most harmful and dangerous non-metal compounds are nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and hydrogen sulfide. These can cause devastating effects to human beings, plants, animals and the environment. Metals are generally less harmful, although lead is extremely toxic. Hydrogen sulfide is a highly toxic gas. It has a very bad smell, often identified in rotten eggs and stink bombs. Hydrogen sulfide interferes with cellular respiration. If inhaled, Hydrogen Sulfide combines with Mongolia in the bodies…...
Pollution In Argentina
Words • 647
Pages • 3
The following sample essay on "Pollution In Argentina": tells how Argentina suffers from environmental degradation. Argentina: Like other countries Argentina suffers from environmental degradation. The main threats to its biodiversity and landscapes are deforestation and pollution. In Argentina, there are many environmental issues that include air pollution, inaccessibility, dissatisfaction with garbage disposal, dirtiness, water pollution etc. One of the biggest factors of pollution in Argentina would be air pollution, which to a certain extend is caused by the society. Despite…...
Environmental Science
Pollution Facts And Types Of Pollution
Words • 297
Pages • 2
As the twentieth century is at its final curtain, our country has marked a new era in Science and Technology, which has also created pollution as the adverse effect. The definition of pollution is the contamination of the air, water, and land. We have to recognize that pollution is inevitable in any developing country, and its increasing quantum threatening the population’s health, must be reduced by identifying its sources. Even though pollution is a tough nut to crack, but tit…...
How to Keep Campus Students from Littering
Words • 439
Pages • 2
The following sample essay on as a proposal to help with the littering problem on campus, I suggest more trashcans in the parking lots and other high trafficked areas, some motivational propaganda to promote awareness of litter problem and arsenal student initiatives to help keep campus clean. Let’s look a little more at the main reasons people give for why there is litter on campus. The first reason given is laziness, they don’t feel like walking to a trashcan to…...
Environmental Science
Example Of Extempo
Words • 571
Pages • 3
As student, explain the value and relevance of this year’s theme In our present time. There is no greater solution to what’s happening in our country today than to be united in one cause. The fact that we are gathered together in this great hall with the hope alleviating and educating ourselves on disaster risk management and reduction is a part of that solution.Essay Example on Extempo Speech I may be young and innocent but innocence is different from ignorance.…...
N-butyl Bromide Lab Report
Words • 591
Pages • 3
Add drop of water to aqueous solution that you plan to discard. Make SUre water dissolves then discard. Add ml MM HOSTS to remaining solution and shake. Again, remove the aqueous layer on bottom and discard. Add ml of water to solution and shake. Organic layer on bottom, transfer bottom layer to clean ml vial. Add saturated aqueous sodium bicarbonate a little at a time while stirring. Shake and allow layers to separate. Transfer lower alkyl halide layer in ml…...
Pollution Earth’s Enemy Number One Essay
Words • 223
Pages • 1
Air pollution is caused by harmful gases such as carbon oxide, sulfur dioxide,nitrogen dioxide carbon monoxide and very small particles of carbon. Most of the pollution is caused by factories, vehicles and livestock. Today air pollution has become dangerous to humans. Heavy air pollution may asseverating problems such as asthma or other health problems. Lancer’s in human activities has also polluted air. Water pollution is the presence Of harmful materials in water, such sewage, dissolved metals, waste forearms and factories…...
Observation Of Water Pollution
Words • 705
Pages • 3
Air pollution is the introduction into the atmosphere of chemicals, particulates, or biological materials that cause discomfort, disease, or death to humans, damage other living organisms such as food crops, or damage the natural environment or built environment. The atmosphere is a complex dynamic natural gaseous system that is essential to support life on planet Earth. Stratospheric ozone depletion due to air pollution has long been agonized as a threat to human health as well as to the Earth’s ecosystems.Essay…...
Environmental Science
Polluted Rivers In Kerala
Words • 390
Pages • 2
All 44 rivers in Kraal are highly polluted due to inflow of untreated domestic, industrial wastes and agriculture runoff. Most of the industries are near the thickly populated riversides, often near cities and towns. There is no efficient water treatment system in industries and city municipalities. Pollution level in some of the sites is far above permissible limits.Essay Example on Water Pollution In Kerala Close proximity of increasing numbers of leach pit latrines under varying soil conditions, late rite (midland)…...
Outline About Environment
Words • 325
Pages • 2
University Of Phoenix Water management – developing various plans to maintain the present and future water demands. It also may include importing state water, developing new resources, using reclaimed water, and managing existing supplies more cautiously. Describe water management and use.Essay Example on Outline Of Air Pollution Freshwater sources – Is water from the earth surface using glaciers, bogs, ice caps, ponds, lakes, streams and rivers Water supply problems- The demand for water increases yearly. Water inspiration – The careful…...
Climate ChangeNatural EnvironmentRiverWater
Magnesium Oxide Experiment Lab Report
Words • 298
Pages • 2
One objective was to figure out if the burnt MGM ashes weigh more than the product which is Magnesium Metal. Another objective was determining the formula of the compound that results when Magnesium and Oxygen react. Theory: The purpose of this lab was to confirm the chemical formula of magnesium oxide by comparing the masses Of pure magnesium solid prior to any reaction and magnesium oxide solid after a reaction between all of the magnesium and oxygen from the air…...
Chemical ReactionChemistryMaterialsOxygenWater
Light Pollution Essay 100 Words
Words • 503
Pages • 3
“Light Pollution” is a form of environmental pollution in which excessive artificial outdoor lightings affect the natural environment. Light pollution in Hong Kong is very serious. The main reason behind that are the artificial outdoor lightings. As there are many buildings scattered in Hong Kong, artificial lighting is omnipresent. The severe light pollution reduces the number of stars that are visible in the sky. The HUSSAR Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, 20% of the total electrical consumption in Hong Kong…...
Air PollutionLightLight PollutionNatural EnvironmentPollution
Effect Of Water Pollution Essay
Words • 306
Pages • 2
Water Pollution and Its Effects The water pollution is very harmful to humans, animals and water life. The effects can be catastrophic, depending on the kind of chemicals, concentrations of the pollutants and where there are polluted. Below, we shall see a summary of the effects of water pollution. The href="" data-wpel-link="external" rel="nofollow">effects of water pollution are varied and depend on what chemicals are dumped and in what locations. Many water bodies near urban areas (cities and towns) are highly…...
Environmental Science
Animal Extinction Research Paper
Words • 449
Pages • 2
Animal Extinction Phenomenon Animal extinction is a biological phenomenon, consisting in the disappearance (death) of all members of a particular species or taxon. Animal species that are subject to the threat of extinction are called endangered species. Extinction may be of natural or anthropogenic causes depending on certain environmental factors.Anthropology Observation Paper Example Animal extinction is a relatively new problem as until yet recently people were killing as many animals as they needed for food or skins. With the growth…...
Animal ExtinctionAnimalsEndangered SpeciesExtinctionHuntingNatural Environment
Chipko Movement in India Case Study
Words • 596
Pages • 3
Case Study on Chipko Movement The Chipko movement of the Uttarakhand region in the northwest part of India began as a communal reaction of local villagers to protect their forests from commercial deforestation practices. The term “Chipko” which literally means “to embrace”, was designated to these villagers who reacted by actually hugging the trees. It became so popular that the movement spread throughout all of India and different parts of Asia. Local women of the region are central to the…...
AgricultureNatural EnvironmentNatural Resources
Air Pollution Essay In English
Words • 633
Pages • 3
Causes and Effects of Air Pollution-Essay When air gets polluted with dust, smoke, motor vehicles, mills and factories etc. Is called air pollution. We know that air is an important element of our environment. But it is a matter of great regret that it is being polluted day by day in different reasons.Write An Essay On Air PollutionWrite An Essay On Air Pollution Causes of Air pollution: There are different kinds of reasons of air pollution. The causes of air…...
Silver Water Short Story
Words • 300
Pages • 2
In Amy Bloom’s short story, “Silver Water”, Violet, the youngest daughter describes the effects that the mental illness of her older sister Rose has on her and her family. She recalls the struggles with finding a suitable therapists, hospitals, as well as the rollercoaster ordeal of coming to some sort of wellness in her sister, only to have her slip back into debilitating mental illness. (74). In order to bring the reader closer to the experience of mental illness, Amy…...
Air Pollution In Cambodia
Words • 262
Pages • 2
Air Pollution Short Essay Some pollutants may not have direct health effects. Choose one of the following atmospheric issues: air pollution, global warming, ozone depletion, and acid deposition. Then, respond to the following: ; What air pollutants combine and contribute to this issue? ; Briefly describe the health and environmental problems caused by the selected atmospheric issue. ; Provide one key solution to help either reduce the effects or recover from the effects of the selected issue.Short Essay On Air…...
Environmental Effects Of Industrial Revolution
Words • 357
Pages • 2
The environmental damage caused by this revolution was not seen until around the 1 ass’s, and by that time most Of the damage was already irreversible. When the earth’s natural resources are depleted, the environment and the wildlife that inhabits it suffer greatly. Because of the increase in production that the Industrial Revolution spurred on, easily attainable fuel sources like wood were used in large amounts that had very significant impacts on the environment but were over looked because of…...
Aim Of Environmental Studies
Words • 339
Pages • 2
Objectives of Environmental Education Laid against an ecological format, the information gleaned through the study of all these varied disciplines gives us a holistic view of the environment for sustaining life On earth on an infinite time scale. The unlimited exploitation of nature (environment) by mankind for the sake of development has threatened the sun. ‘vial of not just human beings but also all other living organisms. The number of living species has decreased, a large number are threatened, and…...
BiodiversityEnvironmental EthicsEnvironmental ScienceNatural Environment
Stop Pollution Save Earth
Words • 571
Pages • 3
Ways to Stop Pollution Meaning unclear However, there are still people who do not realize the effects of pollution to everyone’s omit generalized terms life and health until these days in which many nations are experiencing natural disasters such as, change punctuation to colon flash floods, landslide, and global warming and nature extinction. In order to prevent these natural disasters from destroying our planet, pollution should be surmounted. Be specific. Answer these questions when forming thesis: who, what, where, when…...
Natural Disasters
Persuasive Speech Global Warming
Words • 330
Pages • 2
Paper Type:Persuasive essays
Global Warming Persuasive Speech Gas is a colorless, odorless gas that is present in the atmosphere and is formed when any fuel containing carbon is burned. Plants and trees are using it in the process of photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide is also used in refrigeration, fire extinguishers, and carbonated drinks. In other words this is the gas we need to fight with! By using fossil fuels in almost everything we do, we make a huge cloud of gas and this is…...
Carbon DioxideClimate ChangeFireGlobal WarmingHistoryNatural Environment
Environmental Imapct Of Plastic Bags On The Society
Words • 1049
Pages • 5
In 1933 polythene was accidentally created to bring about the now famous product called plastic was first produced at a chemical plant in Norwich, England to be used in the second world war (Thompson, Charles, Frederick, & Swan, 2009). In 1965, the polyethylene shopping bag is patented by the Swedish company Celloplast and it quickly begins to replace other shopping bags which were used before like cloth. By 1979 many of the countries in Europe were using plastic bags and…...
Tree and nature
Words • 480
Pages • 2
The following sample essay on "Tree and nature ": if a tree is sacred, then we will not chop it down in order to sell it for profit. But trees are no longer sacred, why? In order to justify the destruction of our forests, fields, lakes, seas, rivers and streams and to justify the torture and destruction of animals and animal species, you need to be detached from nature yourself and think of yourself as being above nature, better than…...
AgricultureNatural EnvironmentSeaWater
Organic reactions and mechanisms report 1
Words • 1309
Pages • 6
center53657500Organic Reactions & Mechanisms Lab Report 1Experiment 2Chloe Condon, X00147696, DNA & Forensic Analysis3rd October 2019Date of Practical:3rd October 2019Title of PracticalPreparation of 4-vinylbenzoic acid by a Wittig reaction in an aqueous medium.Lab partners:Meagan Dooley, Emma EganIntroduction:The Wittig reaction involves the reaction of an aldehyde or ketone with an ylide that is generated from a phosphonium salt, in order to produce an alkene [1]. An ylide is a neutral molecule that has positive and negative charges on adjacent atoms and…...
Chemical ReactionChemistryHydrogenMaterialsWater
HSCI 1130 Foundations of Health Science
Words • 1145
Pages • 5
HSCI 1130 Foundations of Health ScienceAssignment – 1Social Determinants of Health in Our CommunityName – Harveen KaurStudent ID – 100303874Instructor’s Name – Dr. Alexis Palmer - FluevogCommunity is a place where a group of people living in a same place or share some characteristics such as interests, attitudes, beliefs and goals. As I belong to Sikh family and we all share a common living place where not only Sikh families, but other religious families are also living together. It is…...
Air PollutionAmritsarPovertyScienceSocial Class
Lappe Anna The Climate Crisis at the End of Our Fork From
Words • 1374
Pages • 6
Lappe, Anna. “The Climate Crisis at the End of Our Fork”. From INQUIRY TO Academic Writing. Green & Lidinsky. Bedford/St. Martins 2018. (702 to 720).In the article, Lappe discuses about the methods used in the food production and distribution have a huge impact on the planet. In the essay “Why Bother”, Pollan provides us with reason why people should bother to help stop global warming. There are three main cause between food production and food distribution that play big role…...
Usually the process industry is often confronted
Words • 1485
Pages • 6
The following sample essay on "Usually the process industry is often confronted": usually the process industry, is often confronted with problems where explosive atmospheres endanger safety and health of the personnel. A number of reported incidents with serious results for personnel and equipment confirm the meaning of that problem. Historically, fire and explosion are the predominant causes of chemical plant losses and adoption of effective measures for prevention, protection and mitigation of fire and explosion requires high priority. INTRODUCTION Usually the…...
Environmental issues faced by Australia
Words • 1583
Pages • 7
Contents Australia is enclosed by the Indian and Pacific oceans. Australia is the largest country in Oceania and the world's 6th largest county by total area. Australia is highly urbanized and heavily concentrated on the eastern seaboard. The population of 25 million of the country. Sydney is the largest city in Australia. The country originates income from different sources, such as mining-related export, telecommunication, manufacturing, and banking. Australia is a highly developed country with the world's 13th largest economy. Australia…...
Environmental Science
The Effects of Famine
Words • 2319
Pages • 10
The following example essay on "The Effects of Famine" talks about the negative effects of hunger on the human body. In addition, the problem of chronic hunger in Africa is being raised. Crises in Africa revolving around food and water, or lack thereof, have been all too common and all to fatal over time. Just earlier this year [2018], Cape Town, South Africa, was predicted to reach zero day, the day the town would run out of water, earlier this…...
Environmental Science
In the article Ground Zero by Suzanne Berne the writer shares her
Words • 1399
Pages • 6
In the article "Ground Zero" by Suzanne Berne, the writer shares her significant feelings identified with her visit to Manhattan's money related area, where the calamity occurred on the eleventh of September, 2001, and offers her regard to the people in question. While sharing her solid, nostalgic experience, Berne utilizes non-literal language, tone, and symbolism to pass on her emotions, and through these attempts to make the perusers live that day the manner in which that she lived. An endeavor…...
Cellulose Is the Most Abundant Organic Matter
Words • 933
Pages • 4
Cellulose can be found in woody plants, non-woody plants (grass, algae), bacteria, and waste; generated from forestry, timber industry, agricultural practices or industries, or even paper pulp industries and cities (Li, 2015; Rajinipriya, 2018; Ramesh, 2017). The plant cell has two different parts, an external thin layer, as a primary source. And, in the inner side of the plant, there is the cellulose microfibril, as a secondary source. The microfibrils are composed by elementary nanofibrils. The latter are extracted from…...
Joint venture with NGO in Malaysia
Words • 1117
Pages • 5
The solution for cleanliness in Malaysia is the joint-venture with the Non-Governmental Organization (NGO). The NGO can be defined as non-profit organization which is known as civil societies and it functions independently of the government. Every country have their own NGOs which comprises different scope. NGOs activities include environmental, social, human rights and so on. NGOs play an important roles such as developing society, improving communities and enhance citizen participation. NGOs also play their major roles by pushing the sustainable…...
CleanlinessHygieneNatural EnvironmentPolicySustainability
well point system of dewatering
Words • 1174
Pages • 5
WELL POINT SYSTEM OF DEWATERINGManasa S1, Dr.P.Shivananda21student of first year MTech (T.E & M), Reva University, Bangalore, India2 professor, Department of Civil Engineering Reva University, Bangalore-560064, India [email protected] [email protected]: Dewatering techniques mainly control the common and complicated problems like groundwater or water logging. Construction dewatering can become a costly issue if overlooked during project planning. The aim of dewatering techniques is to permit the structure to be constructed “in the dry”. This leads to concepts like pre-drainage of soil, control…...
Civil EngineeringConstructionNatural ResourcesWater
What Does It Mean to Go Green?
Words • 397
Pages • 2
Go green is an Earth friendly approach to living. This means the choices you make in your day to day life are in the best interest of the environment , more and more of people are thinking about the environmental issues and ecological condition of Earth nowadays , people have understood that their irresponsibility causes harm to the natural environment. Our planet suffers from numerous problems, which have been caused by the results of the excessive anthropogenic activity. Saving trees,…...
Environmental Science
Chapter 2Review of Related Literature This chapter reviews
Words • 1592
Pages • 7
Chapter 2Review of Related LiteratureThis chapter reviews the literature related to the plant extracts that will be used in this study, which will provide basis for the interpretation of the data that shall be gathered later.Staining is a technique utilized in microscopy to enhance structures of organisms. It is considered as biochemical technique to emphasize images under a microscope, it will aid by adding a specific substance to a specimen to measure and to view it clearly. A stain or…...
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FAQ about Environmental Science

How to Keep Campus Students from Littering
...Some think that since there is maintenance it is their job to pick up trash anyway so they are helping provide them a job. Also they let it pile up in their car or they throw it in the back of their truck and the valid blows it out of the vehicle. An...
What Does It Mean to Go Green?
...Going green has slowly been catching on in modern society. There are companies and individuals seeking creative and useful ways for people to go green regularly. It seems more has to be done to encourage more people to do so instead of providing writ...
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