Free essays on Environmental Science are written documents that explore different topics related to the environment, pollution, climate change, biodiversity, and ecology. These essays are often written by students, scholars, or environmental enthusiasts who are passionate about protecting the environment and promoting sustainable development. The essays cover different aspects of environmental science and discuss various issues such as air pollution, water contamination, deforestation, natural resource depletion, and global warming. The purpose of these free essays is to create awareness among people and motivate them to take action to save the planet.
Somewhere Over The Rainbow Musical Analysis
The first song I analyzed was “Over the Rainbow” sung by Judy Garland. This song was written for the movie “The Wizard of Oz” in 1939 and is considered a ballad. Harold Arlen was the composer of this song while lyricist by E.Y Harburg. Harold Arlen came up with the melody for this song while on a drive with his wife. Judy first recorded this song on the MGM soundstage while using arrangements by Murray Cutter. Dorothy, played by Judy…...
Environmental Science
Safe Drinking Water Act Essay
The Clean Water Act, (CWA) and Safe Drinking Water Act, (SDWA) was formed when a growing public awareness and concern for controlling the water pollution led to the enactment of Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1792. As amended in 1977, this law became commonly known as the Clean Water Act. The act established the basic structure for regulating discharges of pollutants into the waters of the United States. It gave EPA the authority implement pollution control programs such…...
Determination Of Acceleration Due To Gravity Using Spiral Spring Pdf
The aim of this first experiment is to examine simple harmonic motion exhibited a mass on a spring. Using data recorded in doing this, the spring constant for each spring can be calculated along with a value for gravity. In the first part of this experiment, the relationship between the period of the oscillations of the spring and the mass of the spring is observed. The period of oscillation of mass on a spiral spring depends on the mass on…...
Environmental Science
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The Art Of Racing In The Rain Essay
The ART OF THE RACING IN THE RAIN by Garth Stein, Published May 8, 2008. It’s a novel; this title of the story is about a dog who believes that you come back into life as a man. He the narrator of the story. Also, the titlemeans courage, patience, mind, body, and how when you drive on a track you keep going in the rain and the sky keeps moving forward and believingthat you aren’t yourself. You are everything. Let’s…...
Environmental Science
Hanging Fire Poem Questions
Teenagers do not always long to grow up. The term “hanging fire” refers to a firearm with its trigger pulled but is delayed in igniting. In this case, of the poem “Hanging Fire” by Audre Lorde, it represents the girl being hesitant and insecure about her future, therefore is neglected in going on, as in the bullet that is supposed to fire. Lorde’s focus is on several issues that confront the teenager within the poem and affect teenagers in the…...
AdolescenceCommunicationFireHuman NaturePoetry
Water Pollution Research Paper Outline
The water pollution can take many forms: chemical, bacteriological, but also a thermal pollution. In addition, it have to be taken into account that polluted water and water bodies may be fresh, brackish, or salt, ground or surface. It may even be rain or dew, snow or polar ice.Essay Example on Research About Water Pollution It can also involve interfaces, including estuaries, wetlands, and particularly its sediments that can absorb and release some pollutants. Sediment can be heavily polluted and…...
Environmental Science
Twelfth Night And She’s The Man Comparison Essay
She’s the Man, a modern film that is based on the plot of Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night. The film’s connections to the play are emphasized through a number of visual and dialogue references. The film is about a young girl named Viola who is a strong and tomboyish. Sebastian is Viola’s twin brother who is going to be starting school at Illyria. Viola is a soccer player and is driven to pretend to be her brother at Illyria once her schools…...
NatureNightTwelfth Night
A Long Walk To Water Character Analysis
Salva is a character from A Long Walk To Water and in the novel he has been showing throughout the novel that he has been brave throughout the story by going with dangerous outgoing tasks. Throughout the story he has been proving he was being brave was when he had to walk from Ethiopia to the refugee camps in Kenya with over 1500 boys some of them were under the age of five. In the text it states “ Salva…...
Environmental Science
Isolation In Rhapsody On A Windy Night
Rhapsody on a Windy Night This modernist text reflects the conflicted emotions and perspectives regarding the war and its aftermath. The odd an almost non-sensual literature presented by T. S. Elliot is enhances by the detailed imagery he embodies. Corresponding with the modernist literature movement, Elliot manifests Surrealist notions of an unconscious, abstract and dream-like atmosphere within his poetry, utilising the subconscious mind as a medium.Essay Example on Rhapsody On A Windy Night Isolation As Rhapsody on a Windy Night…...
An Inconvenient Truth Reaction Paper
Reaction Paper: An Inconvenient Truth The documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, by Al Gore is an eye opener and also a w ake up call for me. I have heard about global warming before, probably back in g rade school but I knew a little about it or I only knew the meaning of the term global warming. The documentary gave me a deeper understanding of what global wa rming really is and what will be the consequences if we do…...
Red Panda: an Endangered Species
RED. PANDAS Hello, boys and girls my name is Kira, and today I’ll tell you about one of our greatest discoveries When most people see the word “panda,” they think of the Big, furry, black-and-white Giant Panda. But the Lesser-known Red Panda, three times smaller, is also in Danger. Today classified as vulnerable, its status could Quickly change to endangered. The red panda is a living fossil. It has no close surviving relatives, and most resembles raccoons and skunks, not…...
AnimalsEcologyEndangered SpeciesRed Panda
Persuasive Speech On Global Warming
PERSUASIVE SPEECH ON GLOBAL WARMING by: Jennifer Zelmer Introduction: We all know about global warming, but do we really care or try to do at least some of the things that will help stop it or at least slow it down? 1) Over the last century our planets temp. has risen 1 degree. I know that doesn’t sound like much but it’s been enough to melt a lot of the polar ice caps and glaciers. A) The hottest years ever…...
Which Liquid Dissolves Aspirin The Fastest
Practical Experiment Report 11-11-2013 Introduction This experiment was designed to investigate and compare the rates at which different aspirin tablets dissolve in both Water (H20 [representing saliva]) and Hydrochloric Acid (HCI [representing the stomach’s acid]). The amount of Water and Hydrochloric Acid will be kept constant between tablets, and tests. Aim To investigate and compare the rates at which different Aspirin Tablets dissolve. The different kinds of Aspirin tablets are: Enteric Coated Tablets Capsules Regular Tablets Dissolving Tablets.Essay Example on…...
Causes Of Pollution In Rural Areas
Over time, land pollution degrades the quality of not only the land in n area where waste is present, but also the quality of things growing in that land. Land pollution contaminates ground water, kills animal and plant species, causes disease and more. One of the major causes of land pollution is industrialization. Mechanized creation of goods sacrifices resource conservation in favor of speedy and inexpensive production. This results in a greater amount of industrial waste which must be disposed…...
Earth An Ailing Planet Save It From Plastic Cancer
Our planet is in great danger. The people of earth have wasted and misused the natural recourses of earth. Several plans have been developed to stop the abuse of earth. Environmental problems have become so complex that many individuals feel they can have no effect on them. Problems like oil spills, hazardous waste, loss of rain forests, endangered species, acid rain, the ozone layer, the municipal waste crisis can feel out of our control. At the very least, these problems…...
Observing Nature Essay
Observation of Nature in my backyard. With my notebook in hand, I sit down on the swing bench on my back porch. Tuning into all my senses, I close my eyes, I slow my breathing, and I deepen my concentration. Free from visual distractions, I calm my mind and lay down to take in what I could observe through my auditory senses. I feel the warmth from the sunshine above. I feel the gentle breeze. I open my eyes and…...
Solubility Of Potassium Chlorate
My plan is to find the determination of solubility curve of potassium chlorate.PredictionMy prediction is to find that the solubility of potassium chlorate (kClO3) increases as the temperature increases.ApparatusThe apparatus that I used during the experiment were* Bunsen burner* Tripod* Gauze* Safety goggles* Heat resistance mat* A boiling tube* A test tube rack* Thermometer* Burette* Two glass beakers* Two grams of potassium chlorateSafety measuresWear safety goggles and lab coat.When do the experiment stand up don’t sit down.Use caution when dealing…...
In What Ways Are The Cells Of Onion Epidermis And Elodea Similar
Materials: 1. Beaker 7. Eyedropper 13. Paper towel 2. Compound microscope 8. Forceps 14. Pencil 3. Coverslip 9. Human blood slide 15. Purple Onion 4. Drawing paper 10. Iodine solution 16. Scalpel 5. Elodea slide 11. Lens paper 17. Toothpick 6. Epithelial Cells Slide of Cheek 12. Microscope slide Results: 1.Essay Example on What Observable Characteristics Can Be Used As Evidence For Classifying A Specimen As A Plant What is the basic structural feature that distinguishes plants and animal cells…...
Man Made Disaster Essay
Man-made disasters are the consequence of technological or human hazards. Examples include stampedes, fires, transport accidents, industrial accidents, oil spills and nuclear explosions/radiation. War and deliberate attacks may also be put in this category. As with natural hazards, man-made hazards are events that have not happened, for instance terrorism. Man-made disasters are examples of specific cases where man-made hazards have become reality in an event. Global warming Global warming is one of the most overlooked and ongoing man-made disasters ?…...
What Factors Made Survival Possible For Salva In A Long Walk To Water Essay
Leadership and luck are two very important survival factors that play a pivotal role in Salva’s life. In the book, “A Long Walk To Water” by Linda Sue Park, Salva, an 11-year-old refugee, used many survival tactics to withstand the difficult journey of walking barefoot across the harsh terrain of Southern Sudan. Walking from refugee camp to refugee camp, leadership and luck is what ultimately made his journey possible. Salva managed to survive his journey and multiple obstacles with his…...
Environmental Science
Spending a Weeked with My Grandparents
Last weekend was one of the most enjoyable weekends I have ever had. I spent it with my grandparents not their farm. I have often stayed on the farm before but this was a special occasion. It was my first visit during the middle of the fruit season. My grandparents have a huge orchard full of fruit trees such as durians, lychees and mangosteens. The fruits in the orchard are deliciously sweet and tasty, as I have often tasted. When…...
Global Warming Literature Review Essay
It is examined how the temperatures rising effects the amount of thunderstorms and the amount of crops are affected. They explain how the crops are being transformed to be able to feed more people with less substance for growth. Does global warming explain the relationship between thunderstorms and floods controlling the effects of the agriculture? Holler Breathable. 2003. Back to the roots. Essay Example on Research Global Warming Literature Review EMBOSOM Reports 4, no. 1, (January 1): 10-2. Http://www. Protest.…...
Environmental Science
Global Warming Sample Critique
It is true that too cold climate can provoke downfalls of civilization, but whether human can handle the slow upward trends in temperature is also questionable. Due to the tiny increase n temperature, there may be more frequent and intense weather events, such as hurricanes, tornados, tsunamis, blizzards and so on, which cause huge loss each year or even injuries and deaths. Actually, human do not have any effective way to prevent such kind of disasters till now. Secondly, in…...
ClimateClimate ChangeEarthFloodNatural Environment
Ph Lab Report Discussion
Introduction: Substances, even household substances, can be acidic, basic, or neutral. Acids and bases are called aqueous solutions, or mixtures of certain substances dissolved in water. The amount of acidity or basicity can be measured by using the pH scale. The scale runs from 1-14. The scale has to do with the amount of hydrogen ions [resent in a substance. Hypothesis: Our hypothesis for this experiment consists of twelve different substances.Essay Example on Ph Lab Report Sample The tomato juice…...
Essay Example on The Environment Consists Of
In It BY nonhuman An environment consists of all the things like the living and the non living things in it. It can be classified as natural environment and Built environment. One has to keep some points in mind while writing an environment essay. One can define the natural environment as something that has been in existence for long and the built is the one that has been created by man. One can get more information from the Nature and…...
Environmental ScienceNatural EnvironmentPollution
Increase emissions of carbon dioxide
In fact, since 1 990, yearly emissions of carbon dioxide have gone up by about 6 billion metric tons worldwide, that’s more than a 20% increase. Almost all of that increase is due to human activities. In addition, 2000-2009 was the hottest decade on record, with eight of the hottest 10 years having occurred since 2000 (1 1 Facts About Global Warming). To solve this problem, global warming, we should stop cutting trees, use less of electricity, and drive less.…...
Environment Negative And Positive Impact
Humans are the cause for many problems on the environment, right? Actually, humans cause many positive effects in nature. The human race may have had many negative impacts on the environment, however we have also made an equal number of positive impacts. We have not yet made our environment the best it can be, but we are working hard to fix the problems. There is much more that can be done. The human race can be blamed for destroying our…...
BeachCoral ReefNatural EnvironmentSea
White Pollution In China
Have you ever heard of the term “white pollution’? It is an image title of one of the most serious and common environmental problems in China. The white color is supposed to refer to something pure and clean. In China, however, white pollution, increasing rapidly, stands for some plastic waste due to its major color, caused by single-use plastic tableware and thin plastic bags, which are parts of municipal solid waste. They meet Chinese people’s favor and have become a…...
Environmental Science
Research Paper On Global Warming Outline
Global warming poses a serious threat for tomorrows future. We are already seeing a disturbing change in tornadoes, and weather patterns this year. This paper will focus on global warming,the impact due to human actions, and the efforts that the human race must take to stop global warming to reinstate our earth for the sake of our future generations. (Turk & Bunsen, 2011 II. Body paragraph #1 A. Essay Example on Global Warming Outline Greenhouse gases trap heat radiated from…...
Negative Effects Of Gold Mining
Gold Mining inevitable damage to the environment, to induce a variety of negative effects of geological environments. Currently, the shortage of resources, population growth, environmental pollution and other issues facing humanity increasingly prominent, visible, in-depth study of mining development and its negative effects induced comprehensive treatment is necessary, its far-reaching. Gold mining-induced negative effects of geological environment, gold mining- induced negative effects of water environment, gold mining-induced negative ecological effects, so people must e the comprehensive management of the gold…...
GoldNatural EnvironmentPollution
Effects Of Industrialization On The Environment
First of all, industrialization developments give rise to roundhouse gases which include carbon dioxide and methane. A series of consequences are caused by high content of the greenhouse gases. The content Of carbon dioxide in the air and temperature are rising. The earth is not appropriate for human being to live anymore when it rises up to a certain extent one day. Furthermore, what serious results greenhouse gases bring about is ice thawing and ocean levels rising and coastal pain…...
De Extinction Argument Essay
Extinct species certainly should not be brought back into existence by the process of de-extinction. De-extinction is defined as the cloning of extinct species using biotechnology and DNA samples from the ancient past, which was stated in the beginning of text 1 by, Angela Herring. This process could result in some remarkable outcomes, but also a great deal of complications which lead to the idea that de-extinction is a bad idea.Essay Example on De Extinction Argument Many species that once…...
Philippine Airline Industry Analysis
Environmental management in the Philippines over these past few years has focused on regulating production industries, such as manufacturing and mining. However, there has been an increasing interest in the environmental effects of the service industry (Goedkoop, van Halen, te Riele, & Rommens, 1998). And this industry comprises a variety of activities, from restaurants to hospitals to financial institutions. The service industry merits its attention because of its large size and consequently the potential for environmental impacts (both negative and…...
Essay On Thermal Pollution
Environmental pollution is the biggest menace to the human race on this planer today and this article is an essay on pollution describing its effects on human beings and whole environment. Basically pollution means addition of impurities to the environment which consists of earth, water, air, plants and animals. If we kept on polluting them then for sure the existence of human and nature will be hampered. Firstly there is a growing amount of atmospheric degradation which causes several repercussions…...
Our Surrounding and Environment
Environment is our surrounding which includes everything from a non-living to a living being. There are two kinds namely the natural environment and Built environment. In actual parlance if one has to describe a natural environment it is one that has natural existence and the built is one that man is responsible for like the dams cities etc. The natural atmosphere is being polluted due to the unnatural factors. While natural causes like volcano’s have its own turn in causing…...
Ode To A Nightingale Essay
The following sample essay on Ode To A Nightingale Essay. Both poems convey similar messages about life but in perspective “Ode To A Grecian Urn” seems to differ in some ways depending on the way you see the poem. In this poem we realise that Keats also tries to tell us that being human and having ups and downs of life is in some ways better than being still and never changing. On the urn things stay the same, the…...
Themes In Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Nighttime
Autism, Language, and Communication Essay Example on Themes The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Nighttime Although the word ‘Asperger’s’ isn’t mentioned in the novel there is clear evidence that the young 15yr old character Christopher suffers from this syndrome. This condition causes Christopher to lack the ability of understanding others emotions and key facial expressions. He expresses himself in a simple and straightforward way always speaking what he thinks and feels. In the novel Christopher mentions he ‘finds…...
Environmental Science
Olivia (Twelfth Night)
Another strong female character in Twelfth Night is Olivia. She is an intelligent character of court, a woman of independence and of property after her father left his possessions to her brother, and then she in turn inherited them from him. However when she marries, according to social aspects of that era, her husband will gain all of that power. She is also the object of desire from Orsino, Sir Andrew, Malvolio and eventually Sebastian.Essay Example on Twelfth Night is…...
NatureNightTwelfth Night
There Will Come Soft Rains Thesis
Analyse how a character is developed for a particular purpose in a written text you have studied. ‘There Will Come Soft Rains’ is a dystopian science fiction short story written by Ray Bradbury. The story is about a house in the future that is left standing after a nuclear bomb. The house continues with its normal routine even in the absence of humans. In the short story a character that is developed for a particular purpose is the house.The houses’…...
CommunicationNatureRainRay Bradbury
Make A Chart On Air Pollution
Air Pollution Chart After reviewing Chi. 8 and 9 of your text, complete the following table, then respond to the questions that follow: Issue Sources Health/Environmental Effects Carbon dioxide (CO)Carbon oxides Effects global warming. Chlorofluorocarbons (CIFS)Pullman made by humans Allows solar IV to reach the earths surface. Ground-level ozone (03) Pullman made by humans Global warming, smog Sulfuric acid (HOSES) Sulfur oxides Irritate respiratory tract Note: Some pollutants may not have direct health effects. Choose one Of the following atmospheric…...
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