Free essays on country refer to essays that are available online, and can be accessed or downloaded for free. These essays typically explore different aspects of a specific country or culture, and may cover topics such as history, society, economy, politics, and more. The essays may be written by scholars, journalists, students, or other individuals, and offer valuable insights and perspectives on the country in question. Whether you are researching a particular country for academic purposes, or simply want to learn more about a particular culture, free essays on country provide a great resource to help you gain deeper understanding and appreciation.
Essay Examples on Hawaii
1st Essay Sample on Hawaii MOTTO: Ua mau ke ea o ka aina i ka pono (The Life of the Land is Perpetuated in Righteousness) Located in the Pacific Ocean, Hawaii consists of eight major islands.They are Hawaii, Maui, Oahu, Kauai, Molokai, Lanai, Niihau, and Kahoolawe.Honolulu, which is in Oahu, is Hawaii's capital and largest community. Hawaii entered the Union on August 21, 1959, as the 50th state.Hawaii's economy was long dominated by plantation agriculture and military spending.As agriculture has…...
Essay Examples on Hundred Years War
1st Essay Sample on Hundred Years War How long did the Hundred Years War last?The answer is actually a surprising 116 years.The Hundred Years war is the name given to the series of on and off warfare fought between the kings of England and France, from 1337 to 1453.The war consisted of sieges, raids, sea and land battles, and long periods truce ("Hundred Years War", 222).The war shaped the way the time period ended and the way western Europe looks…...
FranceJoan Of ArcMiddle AgesMilitaryWar
Essay Examples on Gladiators
1st Essay Sample on Gladiators Throughout history the gladiatorial games found great distinction and prestige from any other type of entertainment of its time. Thefirst games were held in Rome in 264 BC by the two sons of Junius Brutus Pera, as a type of commemorative service in their father's honour. After thesefirst games word spread and interest rose exponentially. At thefirst games there was a total of three matches, by the time Julius Caesar was in power he had…...
Ancient RomeGladiator
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What is Enola Gay?
The next example is an essay on "What is Enola Gay?" tells about the strategic bomber model B-29, which on August 6, 1945 dropped the world's first nuclear bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima at the end of World War II. Protests over the public display of the Enola Gay, the plane that dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima in WWII, serve as an important symbol of the public struggle between conservative and political ideologies in America.History is largely…...
Essay Examples on Cherokee Removal
The following sample essay on Essay Examples on Cherokee Removal about Cherokee Indian and his family. In my opinion the removal of the Cherokee Indians wasn't justified at all. The Cherokee Indians had settled in Georgia a long time before the European settlers had settled. Now you would think that the government would respect the fact that the Cherokee Indians were therefirst and that they adapted to the landfirst. Congress had no right to pass an act called the Indian…...
Essay Examples on Causes of the Civil War
To write a good essay on Causes of the Civil War, first, you need to get an idea of what to write about. To get inspiration, please go through our essay examples on this topic. Table of Content 1st Essay Sample 2nd Essay Sample 3rd Essay Sample 4th Essay Sample 5th Essay Sample 6th Essay Sample 7th Essay Sample 8th Essay Sample 9th Essay Sample 10th Essay Sample 10th Essay Sample 1st Essay Sample on Causes of the Civil WarThe…...
Essay Examples on Causes of the Russian Revolution
1st Essay Sample on Causes of the Russian Revolution Throughout global history, there have been major social, economic, and political revolutions. In Russia, these revolutions have a variety of complex causes and often have a vast impact on the lives of the people involved. First, social change was a major cause of the revolution and had a vast impact on the Russian people. Under the rule of the czar, the Russian people were treated horrible. The Russian social class was…...
PoliticsRussiaRussian EmpireRussian Revolution
Canada – Country Information
The following example essay on "Canada - Country Information" collects brief information about the country in North America, the largest in area on this continent and the second largest in the world. Ever after this country was a multicultural community, since the immigrants splitted up in Natives and Inuit. Demonstrable the Vikings where thefirst visitors in Canada, a long time before Columbus. Two less academic underpined (substatiated) theories are: In Quebec some scientists found epigraphs on stones, that proably where…...
Essay Examples on Causes of the American Revolution
1st Essay Sample on Causes of the American Revolution As of 1763, the British Empire was the most successful empire in the world. Despite this fact, the thirteen colonies of British North America, decided to courageously revolt against the mother country.This decision left the British, as well as many Americans, wondering why they would want to break from and go against such a triumphant empire.Many factors lead up to the revolt such as "differences in life, thought, and interests [that]…...
AmericaAmerican RevolutionCountryGovernmentHistoryJustice
Political Structure of Brazil
The following example essay on "Political structure of Brazil" tells about the political structure in Brazil, which implies a strict separation of the legislative and executive powers. Brazil's government is a federal republic. They are a federation with 26 states and a federal district. Brazil's federal constitution was enacted on October 5, 1988 and developed a democratic political system with periodic elections for public offices. They, like the United States, have three branches of government. Those Branches are President, National…...
Essay Examples on Brown v. Board of Education
Stepped up efforts to change the educational system. In the fall of 1950 members of the Topeka, Kansas, Chapter of National Association for the Advancement of colored people agreed to again challenge the "separate but equal" doctrine governing public education. The NAACP was eager to assist the Brown's, as it had long wanted to challenge segregation in public schools. With Browns complaint, it had "the right plaintiff at the right time." Other black parents joined Brown, and, in 1951, the…...
Essay Examples on Booker T. Washington
1st Essay Sample on Booker T. Washington Booker T. Washington was a great leader. He was all forhelping the black communitybecome stronger. His goal was very hard to achieve considering the period in which he lived. America, during Washington’s time was under reconstruction. The Civil War was over and blacks were, by law, equal to any other human being. Slavery was abolished and many southerners had a problem with that. To many whites, black people didn’t deserve and weren’t intellectually…...
Essay Examples on Boston Tea Party
1st Essay Sample on Boston Tea PartyThe colonist in 1773 had endured several attempts to tax them by their mother country, but the tax on tea was the breaking point. Britain had been defending the colonist with their Navy, and incurring a lot of debt in the process. The mother country decided to try recouping some of the debt by devising ways of taxing the colonist.After the end of the French and Indian War, Britain emerged with a large empire,…...
Everything you wanted to know about the Aztecs
1st Essay Sample on Aztecs The Aztec Indians, who were known for their domination of Southern and Central Mexico, ruled between the 14th and 16th centuries. The ancestors of the mighty Aztecs migrated for many years before settling sometime in the 13th century in the Valley of Mexico where the Empire later existed. The Aztecs were formed after the Toltec civilization occurred when hundreds of civilians moved towards Lake Texcoco. In the 1320's the Aztecs had established their capital city…...
Everything You Wanted to Know About America and the Great Depression
To write a good essay on America and the Great Depression, first, you need to get an idea of what to write about. To get inspiration, please go through our essay examples on this topic. What is the Great Depression Essay As the saying goes, money makes the world go ‘round. Many think of it as nothing more than an old saying, but in many ways it holds true. America, along with the rest of the world, learned this the…...
AmericaCountryDepressionHealthHistoryMental Health
The Impact of the Neolithic Revolution
The following example essay on "The Impact of the Neolithic Revolution" is an exploration of the Egyptian civilization, this civilization has two regions , the upper and lower region. The civilization I have chosen is the Egyptian civilization. Egypt rose along the banks of the Nile. This river that flows starts in the heart of Africa ,visually I can tell it’s located south of the equator , and moves north through Africa and finally expelling its water into The mediterranean…...
Mughal Art and Culture
At the height of the Mughal Empire, the Mughals occupied an area of what we know today as parts of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan. The Mughals also interacted with many of their neighboring empires and countries during its existence. As a result, Mughal art and culture were very unique because they contained a mixture of Arabic, Persian, Buddhist, Sikh, and Hindu influences. Mughal art was a great focus during this period because most of the great Mughal rulers viewed…...
AsiaCultureIndiaMughal Empire
Impact of Religion on Aztec Cu
Every civilization has its own religious and spiritual belief system, and this has many effects on environment. One of them is to build architectures like temples and monuments in the name of their gods they believe in. The Aztec Empire was an American state that ruled now Mexico from 1427 until 1521, by the time they were invaded by Spaniards. The boundaries of the empire were from west from Mexico Valley in central Mexico to the Gulf of Mexico and…...
Constitution vs Articles of Confederation
On October 23, 1783, a most extraordinary event took place.George Washington gave up power.How could anyone do this?Power was the "thing" that everyone wanted.So, why would Washington be crazy enough to give up such a valuable possession?Since he had helped Americans gain their freedom from a king, he didn't want to become another ruler over them.Now Americans that had their freedom, they worried about how they would maintain order among themselves.So, to govern the United States, the Continental Congress created…...
History of the Great Wall of China
The Great Wall of China is one of the largest building projects ever accomplished. It stretches about 1,500 miles from Bo Hai off the Yellow Sea in the East to the Gansu province in the West. It is so large it can be seen from space. A majority of the wall was built between 500-3000 years ago. The wall served to mark the boundary between the agricultural civilization of China and the civilization of the nomadic tribes of the north…...
George Washinton
The following sample essay on "George Washinton" talks about The Success Of George Washington's Administration. George Washington was thefirst President of the United States, tackling a difficult job in putting the country's government together. Washington was very successful in running the country, setting a precedent for the future presidents of the United States. He helped to organize the country into a nation with a powerful and organized government that supplied the laws and enforcements that the country needed to survive.He…...
Film Summary – The Interview
In the film “The Interview,” TV host (Franco) and his producer (Rogen) manage to secure an interview with Kim Jong-Un, the leader of North Korea – only to find themselves hired by the CIA to assassinate him. Despite clearly being in comic movies together, stoner-quest lineage of the films Pineapple Express and This Is the End, North Korea isn’t laughing. According to Reuters, UN ambassador Ja Song Nam told UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon in a letter,”To allow the production…...
GovernmentNorth KoreaPolitics
Film Chicago directed by Rob Marshall
With all the chaos of the 1920s spiraling around this film, Chicago brings a special point of view of the women in this time period. From dancing to murdering, this film has put together some of the darkest themes that are balanced out with cheerful and energetic music (with the exception of Mister Cellophane sung by John C. Reilly). Chicago has done an excellent job at putting together acting and an interesting storyline to present a clear image of struggle…...
RAMLY FOOD PROCESSING SDN BHD is a well-known Bumiputra-owned food-based manufacturer dealing in meat-based product such as beef, chicken and marine-produced. Ramly Burger does not need introduction for Malaysians, and the popularity of the Ramly brand itself eclipses its very own creator, Dato’ Haji Ramly Bin Mokni. Ramly is the guy who has almost single-handedly changed the way how burgers are commercialized via the ‘gerai’ concept. In 1970s, imported meat became very popular in Malaysia and Ramly saw the opportunity…...
CommunicationKuala LumpurMalaysia
Democracy and the Golden Age of Greece
The following sample essay on "Democracy and the Golden Age of Greece" talks about the "Golden Age" in Athens, which was the heyday of democracy, i.e. the power of the people. At this time, all personally free citizens received the right to participate in government. A golden age is a great time for a countries growth. A golden age is a time for learning and great achievements. It includes things like sculpture, poetry, science, math and architecture. Pericles was a…...
CountryDemocracyEuropean UnionGovernmentGreecePolitical Science
Is School Bad For Children Analysis
Alright, there are several factors that led to the differences between the Chesapeake and New England colonies. The first factor would be the types of crops they grew. Farmers in New England grew sustenance crops, mostly to feed themselves. This led to small family owned farms, which would surround a group of houses which had an area of common ground in the middle of the town. Now, the south tended to favor cash crops such as tobacco and indigo and…...
CultureEnglandFarmNew EnglandSchoolSlavery
View of London in ‘Composed Upon Westminster Bridge’ and Blake’s poem ‘London’
In the late 18th century and the early 19th century there were two poets named William Blake and William Wordsworth, who came from different backgrounds, but had similar ideas. They were both classed as Romantics. Romanticism means revolting against established social and political structures and against the scientific rationalism of nature and literature. However the late 18th century and early 19th century was a time of historical and social change. It was the time of Revolution. These events had an…...
BridgeFilm AnalysisFranceFrench RevolutionPoetryRomanticism
Questions for Ap Us History
"Columbus, the Indians, and Human Progress" (pp. 1-11) 1. According to Zinn, what is his main purpose for writing A People's History of the United States? To tell history from the viewpoint of the victims and not overlooking what the country has done to become what they are today. It includes the cruelty and hardships the people had to go through. 2. What is Zinn's thesis for pages 1-11? He will be as blunt as he can to show what…...
The Civil War: Causes, Battles, and End
The following sample essay on "Civil War": the events that led up to the Start of the Civil War, the battles during the Civil War and the end of the Civil war. How, when and why did the Civil War end? What battles took place during the Civil War and how did they affect the outcome of the Civil War? How, when and why the Civil War started? What events led up to the start of the Civil war? There…...
United Phos Set to Buy Cerexagri
United Phosphorus, the country’s largest agrochemical company, is all set to acquire Cerexagri for euro 111 million (nearly Rs 637 crore). The acquisition, fifth in a row this calendar, will make United Phosphorous the third largest generic agrochemical company in the world. This year, the company had acquired Advanta BV, Crop Serve, some products from Bayer Cropscience and Bensulfuron from DuPont. Sources close to the development said both the parties had reached the final stage of agreement.A deal might be…...
Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points
Former United States President Woodrow Wilson took the courage to make a stand in ending a war that plagued the world into oblivion and distress during 1914. World War I gave an everlasting impression how far a nation can go just to defend her territory, resources and people. At the hype of this raging war, Wilson publicly declared in January 8, 1918 his Fourteen Points as a gateway for world peace and diplomatic alliances.According to Wilson, there was need for…...
The Proliferation of the Western Civilization
At the fore of the history of world civilizations was the rise of Eastern Civilizations or Asian Civilizations, with the Chinese the longest to reign ever (it is one of the four great ancient civilization and the only one to survive up to this date). In terms of influence however, much credits is to be given to the western civilizations. Its influence went as far as trade and commerce, religion, philosophy, socio-politics, education and arts. It is to be noted…...
Gang Violence in Salinas CA
Gang violence has been threatening the progression of our society due to the fear that has been put into everyone’s eyes. In Salinas CA now in days whenever people hear the police car sirens, the first thought that comes into their mind is someone got shot. Gang violence is not just an issue in Salinas; gang violence is known to be an issue all over the world. Gang violence seems to be increasing all over the world throughout the years,…...
Gangs In America
Japanese Katakana
The katakana syllabary was derived from abbreviated Chinese characters used by Buddhist monks to indicate the correct pronunciations of Chinese texts in the 9th century. At first there were many different symbols to represent one syllable of spoken Japanese, but over the years the system was streamlined. By the 14th century, there was a more or less one-to-one correspondence between spoken and written syllables.The word katakana "part (of kanji) syllabic script". The "part" refers to the fact that katakana characters…...
AP AM DBQ: Strict vs Loose Constructionists – Jefferson & Madison Presidencies
During the presidencies of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, the characterization of Jeffersonian Republicans as strict constructionists and Federalists as loose constructionists was generally true for the most part. While both Presidents were Democratic-Republicans and often adopted a strict constructionist view, there were several exceptions in which they or other Republicans adopted a loose constructionist view. The same goes for the Federalists, who had several examples of them adopting a strict constructionist view.During the time of the Jefferson and Madison…...
Australia Facts: Interesting Facts About Australia
The Land Down Under is an anomaly in many regards. It is an island, a country, and a continent at the same time. Keep reading to learn some very interesting facts about Australia. Situated in the Southern Hemisphere, the Commonwealth of Australia comprises the continental mainland, the Tasmanian island, and many other smaller islands. One of the interesting facts about Australia is that the oldest skeleton found in Australia is reportedly more than 40,000 years old. Dutch explorers discovered Australia…...
Goal of Religious Tolerance in the Middle East
America is currently engaged in the military occupation of Iraq after overturning an oppressive regime led by notorious dictator Saddam Hussein, a devout Sunni Muslim. However, the political void once filled by a murderous tyrant has been replaced by the eruption of civil war in the historical epicenter of Islamic culture. Two groups have been involved in a near constant struggle for control over the area, as well as significant influence over the 1.3 billion Muslims worldwide (, 2000). The…...
Why the United States is Competitive as a Society
That America is the World’s super power goes without saying. America has virtually dominated all fields from the military might and strength to agriculture, space exploration and other aspects that include sports, music, innovations, democracy and many other fields where the country scores highly. The country has reached a remarkable level that has seen it gain the super power status in a span of 3 centuries since its colonization. Since its colonization in the 18th century the transformation that has…...
Roman World: AD 100-450 Characteristics
The world of classical Rome is a complex yet interesting area of study. It can teach us a lot about the Roman and wider European past and the society we are today. Therefore study of the later Roman Empire is essential when dissecting the inner workings and fall of this powerful empire. To learn fully about this time looking at the characteristics which made up this world is essential. The following essay will discuss in detail many of the characteristics…...
Ancient RomeCharacterChristianityCultureRoman Empire
Racial Stacking in Football
Sport as an institution has seen many of its records and barriers shattered over its countless years of existence. For instance, sport has seen Jackie Robinson break the color barrier in Major League Baseball, and Billie Jean King defeat former champion Bobby Riggs in “The battle of the sexes”. One barrier that still exists in sports today is racial stacking and stereotyping. The social phenomenon of racial stacking and stereotyping within the institution of sport has profoundly hindered the development…...
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on Country