Free essays on biology refer to the academic papers that are available for public access and are not charged or restricted by any institution or platform. These essays generally cover a wide range of topics in the field of biology, including the study of living organisms, their structure, classification, evolution, behavior, and interactions with their environment. These essays can be helpful in providing insight into various biological concepts and theories and can be used as references or study materials for individuals who are interested in pursuing a career in the field of biology. Additionally, free essays on biology can benefit students who require research material for their academic projects or assignments, or those who want to expand their knowledge base in the subject area.
Hereditary, Lifelong Blood Disorder
SWBAT create a scientific research paper discussing a disorder caused by a genetic mutation and explain the impact of environmental factors. In this lesson, I will reinforce our previous lesson on DNA extraction and mutations, and protein folding. I will also reinforce writing skills necessary for the development of a scientific research report. The ability to construct a well written research report is an important skill and asset that a student needs in their academic and professional careers. Not only…...
DiseaseGeneticsSickle Cell Anemia
Integrated Brain-Body: Perfect Posture and Spatial Orientation.
When the brain and body are totally integrated, it is easy for a person to maintain spatial orientation, balance, sit or stand tall and erect, maintain evenness in the gait while walking or running, and be aware of and respond to surrounding situations. When the brain and body are not totally integrated, the way our brains process information is compromised, affecting mental and physical performance. This lack of integration is referred to as Functional Neurological Disorganization. It is a common…...
BrainKinesiologyNervous System
Fond Memories From My Childhood
My uncle used to say “Music has the ability to bring you back to a certain memory in your life—good or bad”. I can remember fond memories in my childhood -- only when I hear certain songs from the late 50-70’s era. The songs I listened to were on vinyl records played on my uncle’s record player or at local diners that had a jukebox. I can recall begging my uncle for a quarter so that I could play my…...
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Balancing Ethics: Animal Captivity by Melina Martinez
Zoos are among the most popular and notorious animal facilities. Historically, Zoos have also served as entertainment and recently for educational purposes. The ethics of these animal facilities face dilemma as new generations start questioning the use of the vulnerable(such as animals in this case) for a benefit. Zoo ethics are put to question as we attempt to balance responsibilities and balance values to find the best solution to ethical animal conservation. Keywords: Animal welfare- state of being of the…...
Animal WelfareBiodiversityZoo
Genetically Modified Organisms
Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the debate over GMOs, detailing specifically what they are, their history and the pros and cons behind their expansion and use. Central Idea: The use, expansion and selling of Genetically Modified Foods is a controversial subject for many people. To address this debate, I will explain what GMOs exactly are and examine their history and origins in the United States, and detail the pros and cons of GMOs using evidence from scientific studies…...
The Relationship Between Crispr-cas9 and Stem Cells
Have you ever wondered if it is possible to cure cancer, have genetically related babies from same-sex parents, completely eradicate mosquitoes, resurrect an extinct species, or even insert a GIF into bacteria and have the bacteria replicate the GIF? With technology becoming more advanced by the hour, increasing possibilities are arising. In 1993, certain segments of DNA were discovered, called CRISPR (Clusters of Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats). Twelve years later, Cas9, an enzyme responsible for separating areas of DNA…...
BiotechnologyDnaStem Cell Research
Ancillary Care Obligations
Intro Ancillary Care Obligations are moral duties binding a medical researcher to provide information, treatment, or other resources to study participants for reasons other than scientific soundness, roughly their responsibilities are conducting medical research to aid study participants for diseases or injuries that were not caused by the study. In the “ Ancillary Care Obligations in the Light of an African Bioethics” by Thaddeus Metz, he explains the model called the partial-entrustment model presented by Henry Richardson which concerns what…...
Human Experimentation and Exploitation in the Tuskegee Syphilis Study
As discussed in The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, oppressed groups of people have often been the subjects of cruel experimentation. Lacks herself distrusted doctors and scientists at Johns Hopkins, but this fear also stemmed from an inability to fully understand the methods used by her doctors. Her doctors used cancer treatment methods which are now considered inhumane and brutal, and instead of curing her cancer, the methods spread her cancer throughout her abdomen, ultimately torturing her until her death.…...
Questions Can Pose Bioethical Issu
This section should include at least 1 outside reference and your textbook and should be at least 1 ½ pages long. Locate an article that discusses a bioethics issue. First, provide a summary of the article and the bioethics issue being presented. Next, discuss what ethical actions the nurse should take in relation to the issue being presented. Also, discuss possible legal issues that the nurse should be aware of. When I was 19, I had to make a hard…...
Autonomy in Neuroethics
Neurosciences is multidisciplinary sciences which is mainly concern with the study of the structure and function of the brain system. This area of study is quite relatives new in Malaysia compared to western countries that have been involved in this area of study for quite some long time ago. Advances in neurosciences raise ethical, social and legal issues in relation to the human person and the brain. Ethical problems resulting from brain research have induced the emergence of a new…...
Investigation Related to Mediation on The Brain
INTRODUCTIONEvery human uses their brain every second they are alive. The could be sleeping or doing a rudimentary task, but the brain is vital for these actions to occur in the first place. The brain sends messages across the body to the muscles and other organs so they can do their role for the body. With that said, the brain has many tasks that it has to do. It stores our memory, its connected to our eyes so in a…...
Article Analysis of Food Microbiology
Food microbiology is an area of study that cover microorganisms that can prevent, create or contaminate food. This area of study also includes the study of microorganisms causing food spoilage. Over the years Escherichia coli O157:H7 has been insulated with increasing frequency from fresh produce. Some produce that are included are bean sprouts, cantaloupes, apples and leaf lettuce. Lettuce is the main focus of this study. E. coli O157:H7 is a strain coming from Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC), which is…...
Food MicrobiologyFood Safety
Physician Assisted Death: Most Controversial Topic in Bioethics
Social ethics hardly noted in ancient world, people started thinking about in 25 centuries ago in Greece. Ethics is an accepted norm. In medical practice the practicers is bound by medical ethics. His or her role should be strictly followed with honesty and consciousness. Bioethics is a systematic study of moral conduct in life sciences and medicine. Bioethics also concern with questions about basic human values such as the rightness or wrongness of certain development in healthcare. In applying the…...
Cloning: A Review on Bioethics
With the discovery of therapeutic cloning and the advancements with the ‘success’ of cloning animals and the companies that make money offering to clone the pets of both the rich and the regular people, it’s not hard to imagine that cloning humans would be the next logical step in this timeline. However, cloning humans is far from the scientific breakthrough that it would seem to be from first glance. There are already a large number of ethical problems that stem…...
Doctor House’s Bioethical Philosophy
Is American Media so drama centric that we can just dismiss any hopes that we’re consuming something genuine? House M.D. is a medical Drama/Mystery that debuted on first in the USA on the 16th of November 2004(“House M.D.”). It had a run time from 2004-2012 with 176 episodes and was created by David Shore (“House M.D.”). House has won a staggering 56 awards and has had 131 nominations, which includes a notable, 2 Golden Globes and 5 Primetime Emmy Awards…...
The Principles of Medical Bioethics
Decision-making: Medical Case Context Introduction Decision-making is a vital engagement within all organizational contexts. Decisions, in the medical field, hold more significance given the inherent seriousness of various impacts on the patient’s health and mental wellbeing. The decision-making processes require adequate consideration of both patient autonomy and physician recommendations (Quill 763). The case under review focuses on the moral and ethical aspects of decision-making by a new physician, Dr. B. Dr. B has counseled that the patient be discontinued from…...
Bioethics of Terri Schiavo Case
Bioethics plays a major role in ensuring the proper implications of health care for all people. It is defined as both ethical and moral reasons on what the best interest of a person during medical treatment is. Whenever a person is medically incapable of making their own medical decisions, it is up to the closet family member to represent them, unless otherwise stated. The battle of Terri Schiavo was one of the most debated and controversial cases of withdrawing treatment…...
7 Skin Care Tips to Have Your Best Skin Ever!
Everyone wants smooth, glowing, young looking skin, right? With all the options available today, skin care can be overwhelming! Our skin health has so many factors. There are countless things that we come into contact with regularly that is harsh on our skin. It is imperative to remember that our skin health also comes from the inside out. What’s going on inside of our bodies is often shown through the condition of our skin. In part, dryness, itching, eczema, redness,…...
Health CareMakeupSkin
Food Microbiology and Safety
Abstract Strawberry is a healthy fruit with numerous health-benefit compounds. Unfortunately, it is highly perishable and occasionally can be contaminated with foodborne pathogens. The overall goal of this study was to evaluate pulsed light (PL) processing for disinfection of strawberries, extension of shelf life, and preservation of quality attributes and compounds that are beneficial to health. Preliminary screening of PL conditions based on visual appearance of strawberries was conducted, and 3 PL treatments were identified for full evaluation. Salmonella inoculum…...
Food MicrobiologyFood Safety
My Future Career in Marine Biology
When I first began my college career, I had hopes and dreams of becoming a trauma doctor. After some time and thought, I have realized medicine is not my passion. Living so close to an incredibly beautiful ocean has inspired me to pursue a career in the field of oceanography. Marine biologists study oceanic life specimens as well as their behaviors and how they interact with their habitats (Craig P. Kahle). This can vary from studying marine plants, to fish…...
Marine Biology
The Impact of Invasive Species in an Ecosystem
There are many things that impact the environment and the ecosystems within them. Some of the impacts are beneficial, while others tear the ecosystem apart such as climate change, overpopulation and invasive species. While some of these events are natural many of these events are caused by the human population. In chapter five of Environmental Geology: Science, Land and Earth Systems by William A. Marsh and John Garcia Jr. there is a section that talks about ecosystem patterns and disturbances.…...
Invasive Species
Preventing Crown-of-Thorns Starfish Spread
The Issues of Invasive Species: Crown-of-Thorns Starfish The basic definition of an invasive breed is when one species native to a different habitat is transported into a foreign ecosystem. Without any natural predators, it completely messes up the food chain for the native genus. Some of the ways an invasive species takes over its host habitat is that it has no natural predator, reproduces quickly, and outcompetes the native species in getting food. In other word, foreign inhabitants can potentially…...
Invasive Species
The Evolution and Domination of Humans and the Management of Invasive Species
Modern man has built an empire. As a species, humans have made it to every continent, every ocean, and even space. The species did not begin this way; in fact, all modern humans can be traced to Homo erectus, a species that originated in Africa roughly 1.7 million years ago (Ayala 1995). Slowly making their way out of Africa, H. erectus introduced themselves to new environments, where they dominated the native species. 1.3 million years after migrating out of the…...
Invasive Species
Invasive Species What They Are and How We Can Better Control Them
Overall critique. You have a strong word choice in your essay, nice transitional sentences, and nice sentence lengths. Over the course of millions of years, life on our planet has evolved and adapted to thrive in their native ecosystems. Complex food webs developed, helping to maintain balanced population numbers of individual species. As humanity too evolved and spread across the globe, often flora and fauna were brought with them, or stowed away in cargo unbeknownst. These plants and animals, in…...
Invasive Species
A Study of the Invasive Species Buckthorn in the Lady Eaton Drumlin
Abstract The Buckthorn population is starting to grow all over Ontario and North America. Buckthorn has made its way to Trent University in the Lady Eaton drumlin. A study was conducted in the drumlin to examine the rising density of Buckthorn and how it affects the other plant species native to the drumlin. Students travelled into the drumlin to conduct their research and to determine the answer to these questions. It was evident Buckthorn is starting to take over the…...
Invasive Species
A Research on Invasive Species, Climate Change and Forest Health
Recently, several researches have been conducted to determine the effect of climate change on invasive species. Frank J. Rahel and Julian D. Olden (2008) conducted a research to assess the effects of climate change on aquatic invasive species. Their researchers present a conceptual framework based on empirical evaluation of all interactive impacts of environmental change and the invasive species found in fresh water ecosystems. The review gives the expected impacts of global warming which include alteration of stream-flows, higher salinization,…...
Invasive Species
A Proposed Solution to Eliminate Invasive Species in Florida
Research Essay Worldwide, there are invasive species that are non-native to their environment, which can eventually ruin a whole ecosystem. To begin, Florida is known for having exotic plants and animals in their invasive species kingdom. If you are unaware, Florida has had an invasive species problem since the late 1800's (“Brazilian Peppertree"). Although this problem has been around for hundreds of years, people still struggle to find a safe solution. A couple of invasive species in Florida are the…...
Invasive Species
How Humans Responded to the Original Theory of Natural Selection
On February 12, 1809, Charles Robert Darwin was born, but his theory of evolution by natural selection wasn’t born until 1859 when he published The Origin of Species (Desmond). Darwin built and refined his theory throughout 1837-39 while exploring the world on the HMS Beagle. The HMS Beagle was the ship that Darwin voyaged the globe in order to complete his research which led to his publication of The Origin of Species. Not long after publication, there was some debate…...
Natural SelectionScienceSocial Darwinism
Respiratory System Of Dolphins And Whale Sharks
This paper will show the differences of the respiratory system between the two animals, of diverse ways of obtaining oxygen. where one is a mammal and the other is a fish. However, they do not belong to the same family, Tursiops belongs to the delphinidae while Rhincodon belong to the Rhicodontidae family the only extant member of that family. On the other hand, both species used to live on land before they become aquatic animals. It is more likely they…...
DolphinRespiratory SystemWhale
The Effect of Aging on Human Body Composition
Firstly, the differences in ambulation may be present due to the effects of aging on the composition of the human body has been researched. There is not enough substantial evidence to corroborate, whether these changes in gait are responsible for causing individuals to exert additional energy during walking. Henceforth there have been previous investigations conducted which demonstrated that seniors who had a reduced walking pace regularly utilized additional amounts of oxygen to traverse a similar area in comparison to individuals…...
Block Of Our Nervous System
The neuron is the basic building block of our nervous system. The neuron is made up of several parts, the cell body, the dendrites, the axon, and the terminal branches of the axon. The dendrites receive the message from other cells and passes it through the cell body. The message is passed through the axon and to the terminal branches. (Myers 2016). The message passing through the axon is an electrical signal. Some of our axons are covered with a…...
Classical ConditioningNervous System
Nostalgia for the Light Documentary Film
Which revolves around the everlasting effects of Augusto Pinochet’s regime. The movie takes place in the Atacama Desert in Chile where there is no record of rainfall in years and which therefore has very low humidity. This quality of the Atacama Desert has made it the perfect place for archeological exploration because thanks to the low humidity, there is very little moisture and thus carved stones, pottery and ruins don’t easily fade away into dust. The desert also is known…...
Related Terms Life Review, Nostalgia and Autobiographical Memory
There are some concepts with elements similar to reminiscence but which do not share the same set of defining attributes (Burnside & Haight, 1992; Haber, 2006; Haight & Burnside, 1993). For example, life review, nostalgia, and autobiographical memory are related terms that are commonly used when discussing reminiscence, thus making them prone to misinterpretation. However, investigators stress the importance of being clear in the type and goals of the uses of reminiscence at hand, because this can help in determining…...
African Swine Fever and Classical Swine Fever: Differences and Similarities
Since 2014, an outbreak of the viral disease African Swine Fever (ASF, not to be confused with Classical Swine Fever, or CSF) — which is not transferable to humans but has almost a 100% mortality rate (for the most virulent forms) in swine — has been occurring throughout Europe and Asia, affecting and killing hundreds of thousands of bush pigs, warthogs, wild boars, and domestic pigs. ASF is a highly virulent disease from the Asfarviridae family (its only genus is…...
Typhoid Fever Infectious Bacterial Fever
Typhoid fever is a disease that was originally found in hogs, which now many humans can get in countries that are non-industrialized. Typhoid fever is an infectious bacterial fever with a breakout of red spots on the chest and abdomen and intestinal irritation. Many believe that typhoid fever has been around since 430 BC, some even believe that this fever was responsible for widespread plague in Athens. Theobald Smith discovered this disease in hogs. Typhoid Fever can be an interesting…...
FeverMicrobiologyPublic Health
Publication Forensic Skeleton Resurrection
In the case study, “Dem Bones: Forensic Resurrection of a Skeleton”, a forensic anthropologist is called out to a crime scene. The forensic anthropologist is “Professor Thomas McCune who specialized in human remains and at the crime scene, he has presented a human femur, which was dug up by a dog” (Bruce 1). He was later shown that the rest of the body had been buried in a shallow grave that had been there for some time. They together tried…...
Forensic AnthropologySkeleton
The Freud vs. Neo-Freudians
What do you think the world’s most complex creature is? Let us think for a moment. Have an idea? Human beings! Yes, human beings are one of the most complex creatures in the world. Why is that? We are complex creatures because for centuries scientist have worked rigorously on understanding the body and mind. As we see from today’s medicine and technology the blood, sweat, and tears of the scientist and doctors from back in the day were not in…...
Experiment by University of California Mozart Sonata
Tempo refers to the speed in beats per minute (bpm) at which a song progresses. There are many types of tempo, which range from Larghissimo, at 20 beats per minute or less, to Prestissimo, which is extremely fast at a rate of over 200 beats per minute (“Basic Tempo Markings”). It may be a common assumption that a slower-paced song may dampen a person’s disposition, but research has shown that, not only does temp affect temper, it affects his mood…...
The Blood-Brain Barrier and Central Nervous System Disorders
Many neurodegenerative disorders exist today, and several of these diseases are fatal and untreatable. The pathological mechanism for many neurodegenerative diseases has not been discovered yet, however most of these diseases systematically infect certain cranial tissues. One such tissue is a semi-permeable membrane that surrounds the brain and spinal cord. This membrane is known as the blood brain barrier (BBB), and understanding the structure of this barrier is vital to treating diseases that involve it. Keywords: Blood-Brain barrier, lymphatic system,…...
Nervous SystemNeurodegenerative Disorder
Stages of Development of the Monarch Butterfly
At the beginning of the semester we started learning about Monarchs and there were a lot of interesting things that did not know about monarchs before this unit. For instance, I learned a lot about the stages of growth and metamorphosis that occur with caterpillars. These stages include; Egg, Larva, Pupa, and Adult. When the egg is laid on a leaf, assuming that the egg survives, that leaf will become the food for the caterpillar as it is growing. Female…...
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