Respiratory System Of Dolphins And Whale Sharks

This paper will show the differences of the respiratory system between the two animals, of diverse ways of obtaining oxygen. where one is a mammal and the other is a fish. However, they do not belong to the same family, Tursiops belongs to the delphinidae while Rhincodon belong to the Rhicodontidae family the only extant member of that family. On the other hand, both species used to live on land before they become aquatic animals. It is more likely they will be a lot of differences between the genus to be reveal.

Background information of Tursiop Dolphins (Tursiops) are considered aquatic animals. They are mammals. That belong to a group called Odontoceti. Walker mentioned on his article biologist or people who study living organisms, divide that group into multiple groups that they called families. Three of those families belongs to dolphins such as marine dolphins, river dolphins, and porpoises. Marine means “belongs to the sea”. Marine dolphins live on the sea, they make of a family called Delphinidae.

Within that family which even a smaller group name species.

There 32 species of marine dolphins. When it comes to their shapes, they have a very huge body when it comes to length and weight. Some of them might about the of a human and some others might even be five times larger. Gender wise the males are larger than females. Mammals usually have hair however, do not have a hair. Their skin easily injured. Tursiop formed an ancient ancestor cetacean that use to live on land.

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Dolphins are mostly active both day and night, although they are most likely to be active during morning and afternoon. Everything they do during the day depends on how energize they are, it depends on their habitat, the time of the day, including the conditions of their body. Background information of Tursiop Socialization behavior. Dolphins are exceptionally social creatures, regularly living in pods of up to twelve individuals, however unit sizes and structures vary incredibly among species and locations.

In spots with a huge amount of food, the pods can become temporarily, forming a bigger pod such as a group that might be up to 1000 dolphins. As for communication they use different clicks, whistle-like sounds and other vocalizations. Tursiops also have nonverbal communication such as touch and posturing. As for their Sleeping Behavior, Tursiop are not any different from other mammals, they must sleep. Usually they will sleep frequently throughout the day in shorts periods to gather the total of an 8 hours of rest per day. Dolphins have certain manners to sleep, such as near a surface with its blowhole is being exposed. Laying on the bottom of it environments. Background information on Rhincodon typus Whale Sharks also called Rhincodon typus, the “whale” is part of the name describes the length which is comparable to whales. It is an enormous shark, and the largest fish in the world regarding length. They normally grow to about 10-12m (33-40ft). Whale sharks are migratory species, which implies that they regularly change their area, depending upon the availability of food.

Is a species that found in tropical and subtropical regions. They love temperate and warm waters therefore they tend to stay in waters along the equator. Their skin is mainly grayish color with a white under-bod/belly. Furthermore, their skin is covered in pale yellow or whites spots, which are a very special trait among each whale sharks. One thing that is extremely fascinating is that Rhincodon Typus have a skeleton that’s made of cartilage instead of bones. Cartilage is flexible; however, it decays very easily after death. Whale shark lives form the of 60-100 years, however they might live even longer than that, they become sexually mature when they reach to the age of 30. Whale sharks does not use sound for their communication function, however they are able to detect vibrations by sound which help them locate prey or nearby marine. Even though it considers as an enormous fish it does not consider a threat to humans. Many whale sharks have been approached to divers without showing any sign of aggression, they have been close to boats as they swim or near to the surface.

Respiratory system of Tursiops Tursiops Respiratory system is very interesting, since they have a blowhole for their breathing process which is located on top of their heads. A small region of the head is required to break the surface of the water to inhale air by because they have a blowhole. The dolphin begins to breathe out before achieving the surface and this diminishes the measure of time spent breathing at the surface. Dolphins can get a breath around five times in a moment before plunging once more, without ruining the advancement of their swim. For the most part, a dolphin inhales two to four times every moment when it is swimming close to the surface. It can hold its breath for seven minutes or progressively when it is jumping. In addition, they do not remarkably larger or smaller lungs than the land mammals. Clearly the size of the lungs does not tell the amount of oxygen that can be stored and utilized.

Tursiops contain way more alveoli than human lungs do. Dolphins lungs contains two layers of capillaries, which increases the efficiency of gas exchange because most mammals have only one layer of capillary. the oxygen that the dolphin takes in is lacking for it to support long dives. Along these lines, there must be different components that empower the dolphin to utilize oxygen effectively. To make full utilization of the limited oxygen, one of the routes is to give oxygen just to those organs that require it urgently. during dives, appropriation of blood stream is balanced to such an extent that more blood is provided to the imperative organs, for example, the mind and the heart. Inessential circulation is decreased or might be closed completely. Organs such that the stomach, digestion tracts, kidneys and muscles get almost no blood, or sometimes, no blood flow at all. That the surface area of the lungs has increased and caused gas exchange to occur with faster pace.

Usually in human only 10 to 20 percent of the air from the lungs are gas exchanged, however unlike dolphins it’s about 80 to 90 is renewed, which allowed their body gets as much as oxygen they possibly can get. Respiratory system of Rhincodon typus Rhincodon typus uses gills as for their breathing process, which consist of five gills. Which allows it to extract oxygen from the water. They feed by filtering tiny plants and animals in the water call plankton. Which is the contrary of other sharks that have large teeth and hunt large fish or marine mammals. They are extremely large gills. As water passes through the gill’s membranes tiny blood vessels separate oxygen from the water. In addition, carbon dioxide wastes go as well from the shark’s blood and out of its body through the gills tissue. In a normal of respiration, the Rhincodon typus rhythmically opens their mouth about 20mm. It can open it 2-3 times wider when feeding it.

Although they have nearly 3000 tiny teeth, they are less than 6 millimeters in length, however they do not used for feeding. Differences of whale shark and dolphin respiratory system Rhincodon typus and tursiop, have different type of function for breathing. whale shark use gills to obtain oxygen and contrary Dolphins use Blowhole to obtain oxygen. Which is located on top on its head, the blowhole provides the breathing process at the surface of water since located at the top. The whale shark has five gills slits, which allows it to extract oxygen from the water. Dolphins consist lungs as part of their respiratory system, while whale shark do not have lungs, trachea for gas exchange unlike dolphins that contains alveoli. Whale shark absorbed oxygen by gills instead of alveoli.

Rhincodon typus also absorb oxygen from water rather than the air unlike dolphins. Although dolphin’s lungs are totally filled with air it will not enable to sustain dives for fifteen minutes. The adaptations that was made in the circulatory system allows the dolphins to hold their breath for so long. Furthermore, form whale shark’s mouth, water goes in to the gill chambers and then leaves trough the gills slits. Rhincodon typus, must constantly swim because muscular contractions are needed to circulate the blood. Conclusion In conclusion, it’s so amazing how research and evidences shows how Tursiop and Rhincodon typus respiratory system can be different. The differences between these two animals is fascinating how one is mammals and the other is a fish. Dolphins respiratory system is like human respiratory however it uses a blowhole instead of their mouths and nostrils for breathing.

For the whale shark is totally different form dolphins which use their gills for breathing. Another main different of how Tursiop has lungs with alveoli for gas exchange, while Rhincodon typus uses their gills instead, since they do not obtain any lungs, or trachea. In addition, they do not remarkably larger or smaller lungs than the land mammals. Clearly the size of the lungs does not tell the amount of oxygen that can be stored and utilized. One of them absorb oxygen from the water as the other one absorbs it form the air. Dolphin’s lungs are totally filled with air it will not enable to sustain dives for fifteen minutes. In a normal of respiration, the Rhincodon typus rhythmically opens their mouth about 20mm. As water passes through the gill’s membranes tiny blood vessels separate oxygen from the water. Just see how fascinating both species are on their own way.

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Respiratory System Of Dolphins And Whale Sharks. (2022, Feb 27). Retrieved from

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