Free essays on biology refer to the academic papers that are available for public access and are not charged or restricted by any institution or platform. These essays generally cover a wide range of topics in the field of biology, including the study of living organisms, their structure, classification, evolution, behavior, and interactions with their environment. These essays can be helpful in providing insight into various biological concepts and theories and can be used as references or study materials for individuals who are interested in pursuing a career in the field of biology. Additionally, free essays on biology can benefit students who require research material for their academic projects or assignments, or those who want to expand their knowledge base in the subject area.
How Are Epithelial Tissues Named
Simple Squamoussingle layer, flattened cells Simple Cuboidalsingle layered, cube-shaped cells Simple Columnar (stomach)single-layered, elongated cells Simple Columnar (duodenum)long columns in “S” shapes Stratified Squamous (keratinized)many layers, top cells flattened Stratified Squamous (non-keratinized)flat long strands with nucleus Pseudostratified Ciliated Columnarcells together in a column structure, single layer, elongated cells Transitionalmany layers of cube-shaped and elongated cells How Are Epithelial Tissues Named Stratified Cuboidal (online)2-3 layers, cube-shaped cells Stratified Columnar (online)top layer of elongated cells, lower layers of cubed shaped cells. Why…...
Evolutionary Relationships Quiz
Credit Quiz 2 1) If two modern organisms are distantly related in an evolutionary sense, then one should expect that A) they live in very different habitats. B) they should share fewer homologous structures than two more closely related organisms. C) their chromosomes should be very similar. D) they shared a common ancestor relatively recently. E) they should be members of the same genus. 2) Within a few weeks of treatment with the drug 3TC, a patient’s HIV population consists…...
BiologyEvolutionGeneGeneticsHivNatural Selection
Neurophysiology Lab Report
The following example essay focuses on the Neurophysiology Lab Report. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. Continue to increase voltage by 0. V and click single stimulus until you find Max voltage. Maximal Voltage = 10. V Record data Activity 2 Mechanical Stimulation 1. Clear the oscilloscope. 2. Drag the glass rod over the nerve, and release it to indicate the rod is touching the nerve. What do you see on the oscilloscope? (An action…...
BrainNervous System
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Intelligence Essay
Cosmides (1989) has shown how human intelligence is specially adapted to deal with social problem solving. Grooming is an effective mechanism, because primates such as chimpanzees spend far more time than is necessary for purely hygienic purposes in picking through each other fur and removing bits of plant material, insects and scabs. It has therefore been suggested that grooming serves social ends such as strengthening alliances between individuals and bringing about reconciliation after a dispute. The hypothesis goes beyond grooming…...
Coca Cola Vision Statement
Cocacola Company Our Mission Our Roadmap starts with our mission, which is enduring. It declares our purpose as a company and serves as the standard against which we weigh our actions and decisions. * To refresh the world… * To inspire moments of optimism and happiness… * To create value and make a difference. Our Vision Our vision serves as the framework for our Roadmap and guides every aspect of our business by describing what we need to accomplish in…...
Histology Lab Report and Exercises
Cells appear to be squarely, nuclei are in the middle of each cell, basement membrane, connective tissues Simple Columnar (stomach) Tall (like a column), elongated nuclei, there are gastric pits visible, basement membrane, microvolt, connective tissue Simple Columnar (duodenum) Columnar in appearance, microvolt are present as well as Burner’s glands Stratified Exogamous (non-scrutinized) Appear to have a mix of cuboids and columnar cells in the basal layers, with exogamous cells at the top. Sequestration’s Ciliated Columnar Appears to have more…...
Appendicular Skeleton Lab
Bone Identification Assignment: Observations: (NO SUBMISSION) Try to label/identify peninsular bones of a human skeleton. Flash cards and self quizzes often help students to quickly identify bones that will likely be seen on lab quizzes. Once major bones are identified, work on identifying major markings on each of these bones (i. E. Spine of the scapula, greater trochee of the femur). Drawings DO NOT have to be submitted. Step 2: Questions Activity 1: Bone Structure/Classification A. Describe two functions of…...
Ap Bio Lab Report
Because segments interact with light, they are very useful to authoress. These pigments help the User gain energy. Because pigments only absorb a narrow range of light, many different color pigments are needed to capture more of the sun’s energy. There are three basic classes of pigments which are chlorophyll, carotenes, and physicians. There are several kinds of chlorophyll and they are greenish pigments. The most important one is chlorophyll A which is very important in making photosynthesis possible. Carotenes…...
Autobiographical Memory Essay
AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL MEMORY Outlines: 1. Definition, characteristics and function of autobiographical memory 2. Methods of studying autobiographical memory 3. Levels of autobiographical memory 4. Conway’s theory 5. Autobiographical memory as life narrative 6. Autobiographical memory over time (infantile amnesia; reminiscence bump) Definition of Autobiographical Memories • Memories of ourselves and our relationships • Episodic and semantic • Unique • One’s life narrative • Interpretive knowledge Characteristics of Autobiographical Memories Constructive & integrative • General and specific information • General before specific…...
EpistemologyHuman NatureMemory
Biology Personal Statement
At the time of applying in a college with the intention of seeking an advance degree in the field of Biology, the candidate has to write an appealing personal statement. It is kind of a daunting task for those individuals who don’t have even an ounce of experience of writing any documents similar to it. Generally a personal statement highlights the special qualities and character of the candidate that distinguish him from the rest of the candidates who apply for…...
BiologyCommunicationHuman Nature
Equal Environment Assumption
Are people product of their genes or the choices made in there lives ? 2. Methodology Boucher first went to find sets of minimization twins who were separated early in life, reared apart for all of most of their lives, and reunited as adults. Each twin completed approximately 50 hours of testing on nearly every human dimension you might imagine. They completed four personality trait scales, three aptitude and occupational interest inventories, and two intelligence tests. In addition the participants…...
GeneticsHuman NatureNatural SelectionPersonality
Indefinable Or Undefinable
Art is indefinable because of its constant evolution. This evolution has taken place because art inherently has an aspect of human contribution and, therefore, is subject to progression in ways as numerous as its very creator’s changes. There are two main reasons that illustrate the fact that art is indefinable. These reasons are that art has a changing role in society, and that the various production methods of art endlessly transform. The first of the reasons is crucial because it…...
Determinants Of Personality With Examples
Ans. Personality is the outcome of a continuous personal quality development process. The role of personality becomes clear in a particular situation. Personality is recognised in a situation. It is the result of personal quality interaction in a particular condition. The major determinants of personality of an individual are given below: Biological Factors Heredity: Heredity refers to those factors that were determined at conception. Physical stature, facial attractiveness, sex, temperament, muscle composition and reflexes, energy level, and biological rhythms are…...
BrainChild NeglectCultureHeredityPersonalitySocial Psychology
Yeast Respiration Lab Report
The following sample essay on Yeast Respiration Lab Report. All organisms need to breath. They have pathways that are organic molecules and capture In their TAP. Some of these organisms need oxygen to do this but not all of them require It. Organic carbon molecules are the energy source, and for waste Is carbon doodle (CO) and water (H2O). CO can combine with water to form carbonic acid during cellular respiration. Phenolphthalein can be used to help detect any changes…...
Carbon DioxideCellular RespirationChemistryExperimentWater
Reflective Letter Example
After reading The Assault by Harry Mulishch, about Anton Steenwijk’s experience in 1945 during World War II and coping with the memories of the traedy for the rest of his life, I am left somewhat shocked. Due to the assignation of Fake Ploeg, a Nazi Collaborator, and the body being planted in front of Anton’s house, the Nazis took revenge by killing Anton’s mother, father, and brother and torching their home. The emotional chaos happening at the young age of…...
Action Potential Psychology Example
Action Potentials Name: Cattail Magical Instructor: Date: 03. 192015 Predictions Exceeding threshold deportation at the trigger zone generation Of an action potential. Increases Action potential amplitude decreases with distance Increasing frequency of stimulation to the trigger zone increases number of action potentials Materials and Methods the likelihood of Experiment 1: Effect of Stimulus Strength on Action Potential Generation Dependent Variable membrane potential Independent Variable stimulus strength (voltage) Controlled Variables frequency of stimulation, type of neuron Experiment 2: Effect of Frequency…...
BiologyBrainNervous SystemNeuron
E Coli Starch Hydrolysis
According to Table , Escherichia coli and Proteus vulgaris showed fermentative activity. However Proteus vulgaris only showed it for glucose, while E.coli showed it for all three of the carbohydrates. Pseudomonas aeruginosa showed no fermentation. In table 3, the only bacteria which showed a production of indole was Escherichia coli. This is because E. Coli has the enzyme tryptophanase that can degrade the amino acid tryptophan into indole, pyruvic acid and ammonia. (Madigan and Thomas, 2009)The idole produced by the…...
Analytical Device
The following sample essay on "Analytical Device": describing biosensor as analytical device and It's benefits. A biosensor is an analytical device which uses biologically-sensitive material to detect biological or chemical species directly without the need for complex sample processing. It is usually made by attaching a biologically-sensitive material to a suitable transducing system, which converts the biochemical response into a quantifiable and processable electrical signal (Ngweinbi & Suleiman, 1990). The biologically-sensitive materials can be an enzyme, multienzyme system, organelle, membrane…...
Biodiversity Research Paper Topics
Biodiversity is the variety of life in all its manifestations. In addition, biodiversity is usually used to refer to the diversity at three levels of organization: genetic diversity (diversity of genes and their), species diversity (diversity of species in the ecosystem) and, finally, ecosystem diversity, i.e., the diversity of the ecosystems themselves. Basic scientific concepts of biodiversity were formulated only in the mid-twentieth century, which is directly linked to the development of quantitative methods in biology. Origin of the term…...
BiodiversityBiologyEcologyEcosystemNatural EnvironmentResearch
Aspergers Syndrome Thesis Statement
Asperger syndrome (pronounced / asp?g? / ) is an autism spectrum disorder that is characterized by inability of the patients to normally interact with other people, coupled with restricted interests and repeated behaviors. The cognitive development and linguistic capability, however, are relatively preserved compared to other autism spectrum disorders. Although not considered for diagnosis, atypical use of language and physical clumsiness are frequently reported. The term “Asperger syndrome” was proposed by British psychiatrist Lorna Wing in her publication in 1981.…...
Abnormal PsychologyMental HealthNervous System
Autism Informative Speech
“Work to view my autism as a different ability rather than a disability. Look past what you may see as limitations and see the gifts autism has given me…Be my advocate, be my friend, and we’ll see just how far we can go” –Ellen Botbohm, author of Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew. Autism, also known as Autism Spectrum Disorder, or ASD, is a complex developmental disability. I happen to have two nephews with autism, one who…...
AutismDiseaseMedicineNervous System
The Body Snatcher Summary
“Robert Louis Stevenson ‘the Body Snatcher is as scary as it was when it was first published. ” Robert Louis Stevenson the writer of The Body Snatcher was mostly if not through out his whole life he was ill. The medication he took seemed to help his imagination greatly this is why he was able to write such fantastic stories. He was and still is famous because of his horror and fantasy writing such as The Body Snatcher, Treasure Island…...
Once More To The Lake Essay
“Once More to the Lake” written by E. B. White is a narrative essay in which White analyzes his conflict with time. The main subjects in this piece are time, childhood memories, and the lake. White conveys these subjects with a reminisent tone that denotes his great longing for these childhood memories to recur. White’s essay “Once More to the Lake” shows an internal conflict with time and childhood memories through the use of diction, repetition of imagery, words, and…...
The Organ Of Sight
The following sample essay on The Organ Of Sight. “Knowledge is a true organ of sight, not the eyes” is a quite interesting quote by Panchatantra. To answer this question it would be easiest that one would first translate it into an easy understandable sentence with a clear message, since this quote can have multiple meanings. The way I found this quote to make the most sense is when I translated it into the following sentence; Knowledge is a real…...
CommunicationEpistemologyEyeScientific Method
Lines Written A Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey
Is a coming-full-circle of kinds for the poet William Wordsworth. By composing the verse form. he had taken stock of all the experiences he experienced over the old ages. every bit good as all the alterations he had gone through. In this twenty-four hours and age. it would be called a re-assessment of one’s life—in this instance. through remembrances of events past. The verse form is written by the persona—Wordsworth himself—five old ages after he had been at that place…...
MemoryPoetryWilliam Wordsworth
Ecological Imperialism Definition
The world as we know it would not be what it is had it not been for the evolution of trade and globalization in years gone by. Alfred Crosby's informative novel Ecological Imperialism: The Biological Expansion of Europe, 900-1900 focuses on the ecological side of European expansion. Through his work, the author attempts to demonstrate how the European people were successful in gaining possession of the temperate lands mainly due to expansion of plants, animals and even pathogens which they…...
BiologyEcologyImperialismMedieval Europe
Clinical Case Studies For Nursing Students
Imagine you are following the doctor as part of your nursing training. Before you enter the examining room the physician pulls the chart off the door and hands it to you. You enter the room and greet the patient. What is your tentative diagnosis? Each question is worth 3pts. Clinical Case 1 The throat is red, raw, and has a “beefy” look; lymph nodes are swollen, patient is feverish and fever is high: blood samples reveal bacteria in a chain.…...
EducationEpidemiologyHealthInfectious DiseasesLearningMedicine
The Sleeper Curve
“Sleeper Curve” until reading this excerpt, hadn’t ever really considered the idea that modern media was more than just idle entertainment. I too unintentionally looked down on video ‘gamers’ and those that watch reality TV, only seeing laziness in interests of that nature. However now I would say I agree with what Johnson was trying to promote with the “sleeper curve” idea. While baseball statistics and video games aren’t my cup of tea, there are plenty of there things in…...
Types Of Hypersensitivity
The following sample essay "Types of Hypersensitivity" provides inside information on three pathologies characterized by type IV immune responses. Among them will be considered: APC antigens, macrophages, activated macrophages and granuloma formation. Hypersensitivity is the organic structure ‘s overdone response to an allergen. The type IV hypersensitivity besides called delayed type hypersensitivity ( DTH ) as it takes 2-3 yearss for reaction to develop after exposure is a cell mediated immune response. The reaction does non affect antibodies but is…...
AllergyBiologyImmune SystemMedicineTuberculosis
The Importance of Sleep
The following example essay on "The Importance of Sleep" answers questions about what happens in a person's brain when they sleep and why good sleep is so important to your health? Does anybody ever come home from a long day of work or a hard day at school and only one thing is on your mind. It is probably the greatest feeling on earth, well at least one of the greatest feelings on earth. What am I talking about? I…...
What Did The Human Genome Project Accomplish
MOLECULAR BIOLOGY BBT 3206 HUMAN GENOME PROJECT NAME:PRABAKARAN SIVANANTHAN NRIC:881009-07-5703 880831-08-7097 What is a genome? A genome is an organism’s complete set of DNA, including all of its genes. Each Genome contains all of the information needed to build and maintain that organism. In humans, a copy of the entire genome more than 3 billion DNA base pairs is contained in all cells that have a nucleus. What was the Human Genome Project and why has it been important? The…...
EducationGeneticsHuman Genome ProjectLearningProjectScience
Unknown Project Microbiology
Microbiology Project The purpose to this lab was to isolate and identify two unknown bacteria from a mixed culture provided to us. This study was done by applying all of the methods that have been instructed on thus far in microbiology laboratory class. Each test performed, provided us with some key information about the unknown microbes in question . The identification of unknown bacteria is a time honored part of microbiology courses. It will challenge knowledge and skill in performing…...
Sleep Deprivation Essay
Formal Informative Outline Sleeping Deprivation General Purpose: To inform. Specific purpose: Sleep is a precious gift that allows people to rest. Not getting enough rest on a constant basis can lead to greater problems, even death Organizational Pattern: Introduction I. Blame It On the Light Bulb. College students and individuals around the world are suffering from a health problem that can be more detrimental to their health than some forms of cancer. What is it? Sleep Deprivation II. People are…...
Life Review Paper Example
Essay on “Life – boot unpaired” Yes, it is an impressionable, because people with closed tightly soul does not hook or proymet no very vivid description of human suffering. Not to say that the memories presented here are written easy language that some readers are so fond positively characterize in his reviews favorite books . And it is not in the complexity of verbal constructions – they are again, just how simple the language of any of the common man.…...
Summary Of Body Ritual Among The Nacirema
What is the purpose of ‘Body Ritual Among the Nacirema’? The author’s purpose in writing this article was not to show the “Nacirema” as an example of how extreme human behavior can become, but how an outside perspective can affect your perception of an alien culture. If one were to look at the “Nacirema’s” cultural behaviors regarding physical appearance and health without any insight or knowledge of the specific beliefs or values of that culture, they might seem bizarre and…...
Sleep Deprivation In College Students Essay
Attention Material: Blame it on the light bulb. College students and individuals across the country are suffering from a health problem that can be more detrimental to their health than some forms of cancer. What is it? Sleep Deprivation. Motivation Material: People are losing sleep daily, in such a fashion that most have trouble staying awake during work, driving, or even in class. Thesis & Overview: Sleep deprivation is a serious medical situation that can harm your everyday life. Today…...
The Strong Will Survive The Weak Shall Perish
The phrase “the strong shall live and the weak shall die” Evolution cannot be stated as just being a theory since with numerous evidences in the fossil records as well as comparisons within the animal kingdom evolution is widely accepted as a credible explanation for how the different animal species came to be. All scientific fact including evolution is based of a theory which is an inference, an intelligent guess of sorts, which bases itself on data collected through scientific…...
EvolutionNatural Selection
Synergistic Antibacterial Action of Honey and Oregano
In the following example, an essay on the synergistic antibacterial action of honey and oregano. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. Impacts of E. Coli Escherichia coli, also known as E. coli, is a common bacterium found in our environment, our food sources, and our water source as well. The commonness of an issue may often be attributed to triviality; however, E. coli is not to be taken lightly. The bacteria can cause a variety…...
BacteriaBiologyHoney BeeMicrobiology
Living With a Disability Disfigurement or Impairment
Living with a disability, disfigurement or impairment can cause a person to experience an incredibly trying life. This is not only about the physical issues the person has endured but also the psychological harm the trauma has caused the person. In Flannery OConnors short story Good Country People the main character Joy, also known as Hulga, suffered a traumatic loss of limb during her childhood. The traumatic event would continue to effect Joy-Hulga throughout her life leading to mental and…...
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
The following sample essay on "Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)": еhe first time I was introduced to this topic I was 14 years old going to a yearly physical at the Children's Hospital in Aurora. A doctor pointed out that I had an abnormal amount of hair on my body and mentioned that I may have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). There was no further explanation of the disorder and also never received follow up to schedule for testing and examination. This…...
MedicinePhilosophyPubertyPublic HealthTimeWomen'S Health
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