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Anna Karenina Essay
This novel is driven by the dominant themes of love, passion, loyalty, happiness, and marriage, and is considered by some to be the greatest love story ever written. First published in serial form from 1873 to 1877, Anna Karenina created quite a stir in Russian society. The overall reaction was positive and passionate, and with the novel being published right after Tolstoy’s magnus opus, War and Peace, it officially confirmed his reputation as one of Russia’s most important writers. Two…...
Anna KareninaLeo Tolstoy
Outline of the Story Who Is Lady Capulet
This adaptation of Romeo and Juliet is based on a football theme. There are two rival chairmen and their families of two football clubs Manchester United and Manchester City. Both of these football clubs are in Manchester. On the east of Manchester we have Manchester United, on the west of Manchester we have Manchester City. The chairman of Manchester City is Capulet and the chairman of Manchester United is Montague. These two rival football teams have battled through thick and…...
PlaysRomeo And JulietWilliam Shakespeare
First Ice by Andrei Voznesenky Poem Analysis
These two English Translations of the Russian poem by Andrei Voznesenky are about a girl being rejected for the first time. The young girl’s feelings of hurt and rejection are described in terms of coldness throughout the poem. “The first ice of human hurt”. The theme that is put across from the poem is of growing up, and the experience of loosing someone for the first time. Both of these poems are very similar, but they have both been translated…...
CommunicationMetaphorPoetryRobert Frost
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Types Of Imagery
There are three different types of imagery each different type is used to make a part of text seem particularly realistic as if the person can actually see what is happening. The three types of imagery are: Similes are when the text says something is like another as a comparison e. g. cold as ice. Metaphors are when the text says something is something else e. g. the wind was a slap in the face. The third type if imagery…...
MetaphorWilliam Shakespeare
Paul Of Tarsus Contribution To Christianity Essay
There are many Apostles and Saints who propagated the message of Christianity across the world. Among these St. Paul is one of the more prominent. Also referred to as Apostle Paul or Paul of Tarsus, this early missionary carried the message of Jesus Christ to unchartered geographies and its people. His contribution to the writing of New Testament is widely recognized. Though he started his life as a devout Jew, his acceptance of Jesus Christ as a messenger of God…...
ChristianityCultureIsaac NewtonTheology
The Voice Thomas Hardy
The writers of both poems use different techniques and tones to convey the idea of marriage in ‘The Voice’ and ‘Marrysong’. The main theme of ‘Marrysong’ is the idea of Scott trying to make sense of his wife and her sudden changes of mood, and he uses metaphorical references to nature and landscape to indicate how trying to understand his wife is a rough, meandering journey – ‘the map was never true’ shows the unpredictability of his wife. The structure…...
MindPoetryTelevisionThomas HardyVoice
The Wound Dresser
The Wound Dresser is an intimate, graphic and deeply moving expression of the act of nursing the sick and dying. The poem is remarkable for its lack of exaggerated portrayals of pain and suffering. Yet, the attention to detail, the depiction of images, etc. are very sophisticated for a poem written in the nineteenth century. In other words, The Wound Dresser is a description of what Walt Whitman deemed significant to the nursing profession at the time of the poem’s…...
A Scandal In Bohemia
The way Arthur Conan Doyle sets up the plot helps to create and sustain suspense. In the story, ‘A Scandal in Bohemia’, Conan Doyle has used Holmes’ skills to create a plot in which the readers don’t know exactly how the plot is going to unravel. ‘You must not interfere, come what may. You understand? ‘ ‘I am to be neutral? ‘ ‘To do nothing whatever. There will probably be some unpleasantness. Do not join in’. (Quote taken from ‘A…...
Arthur Conan DoyleCommunicationSherlock HolmesThe Adventure Of The Speckled Band
Widow & Parrot: Virginia Woolf’s Background
The Widow and the Parrot Virginia Woolf Author’s Background (1882-1941) British writer. Virginia Woolf became one of the most prominent literary figures of the early 20th century, with novels like Mrs. Dalloway (1925), Jacob’s Room (1922), To the Lighthouse (1927), and The Waves (1931). Woolf learned early on that it was her fate to be “the daughter of educated men. ” In a journal entry shortly after her father’s death in 1904, she wrote: “His life would have ended mine……...
HealthNursingVirginia Woolf
The Veldt Ray Bradbury
The Veldt is a story written by Ray Bradbury. It’s a story about a family in their Happy-Life Home in the future. More importantly, it reveals the impact of future technology on the children of that time. To examine this we analyze the children’s attitude toward their parents, their emotions to the nursery, and the impact it has on the children’s daily lives. First, to examine this impact we analyze the children’s attitude toward their parents. I don’t think you’d…...
Themes Relating to Love, Death and Sex.
The three poems I have been studing are Holy Sonnet written by John Donre, Sonnet 71, which is written by William Shakespeare, and To His Coy Mistress, which is written by Andrew Marvel. These poems contain major themes dealing with love, death, and sex. These poems are very different from one another. John Donre who is the author of Holy Sonnet talks about a young priest who is challenging death and has no worry’s because he doesn’t fear anything not…...
PoetryTo His Coy MistressWilliam Shakespeare
Describe The Character Of Alyohin
The themes of love, marriage and women are pervasive in Anton Chekhov’s stories. This focus is symptomatic of the author’s awareness, on the one hand, of the intersections between society and literature and, on the other hand, of the prevalence of these motifs throughout the history of literature. Chekhov’s particular treatment of these themes is of interest because of the ways in which he reshapes the archetypal romance patterns (in this case, Tristan and Isolde or Lancelot and Guinevere) in…...
Anton ChekhovCharacterCultureLoveMarriage
Strengths Of The Teleological Argument
The following sample essay on Strengths Of The Teleological Argument deals with Aquinas and Paley. The Teleological Argument is an a posterior inductive argument which was put forward in many forms by ancient philosophers such as Plato and Cicero to the more modern philosophers and theologians such as Aquinas and Paley. It is an argument to prove the existence of God. The name of the argument comes from Greek “telos” which means purpose or aim. Aquinas’s argument which was in…...
ArgumentsCultureEpistemologyLogicSkepticismThomas Aquinas
Sherman Alexie What You Pawn I Will Redeem
The story of What You Pawn I Will Redeem, starts off with the self-analysis of our protagonist Jackson, Jackson. He’s a man of gritty self-awareness, he tells the readers a short tale of his nature. He reveals the polar opposite end from which he hails from. Although, the tale of how he became a homeless man remains a mystery. As the quest initiates we see consistent representations of aboriginal companionship through mutual ethnicity and social conditions. At the first sight…...
Short Story Research Paper Example
The story Eve read is called ‘A very short story. It Is written by Ernest Hemingway. He was an American writer and Journalist. Hemingway style was significant as he was brief and straight-forward. His subject matter Is love, war, wildness and loss. Most of his works are biographical, and this story Is not an exception. Let me pass on to the analysis Itself. As for the title, In direct meaning It refers to the small size of the story, but…...
CultureErnest HemingwayLiterary GenreLoveShort Story
Desiree’s Baby: A Gothic Tale of Love and Prejudice
The southern gothic story, Desiree’s Baby, by Kate Chopin was wrote brilliantly to explore love, race and prejudice. The story starts with Madame Valmonde talking about her daughter, Desiree’s past. How Desiree was abandoned by her real parents, and Monsieur Valmonde had found her and brought her home. When Desiree was eighteen, Armand saw her and immediately fell in love. Madame Valmonde told Armand about her background, but Armand did not care. After getting married they had a boy and at…...
Kate Chopin
Anne Frank and Sofia Survived the Holocaust
The session that I attended at The Anne Frank Project on September 11, 2009 was Beyond the Diary: Behind the scenes of a Jewish Family in Hiding with Sophia Veffer. Even though I learned some things about the Holocaust during middle school, there still were things that I did not know. The reason why I attended this session is because I wanted to know how some of the Jews were able to survive the Holocaust and I also wanted to…...
Anne FrankHomelessnessPovertyReasonThe Holocaust
One Friday Morning Summary
The short narrative “One Friday Morning” by Langston Hughes is about a immature African American miss. Nancy Lee. who late moved to the North with her parents so they may supply her with a better life and schooling. Highly talented in water-color picture. she aspired to do that her major in college. Because of racial favoritism. she was denied the scholarship that would hold been her ticket to a brighter hereafter. Sadly. there are some people in the universe that…...
Romantic period in the18th-19th century
The Romanesque period, which took root in the 18th century and advanced into the 19th century, inspired trends in art, philosophy, music and literature. The movement's innovators focused on the personality and power of a unique thought that closely linked romanticism with the European Enlightenment. It was not enough to give preference to the scientific method and taxonomy as the focus of intellectual power: poets and philosophers extolled personal imagination, spontaneity, and contemplative mysticism as a means of exploring higher…...
CultureRomanticismWilliam Wordsworth
What Is Victorian Poetry
The following sample essay explains what Victorian poetry is. To read the introduction, body, and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. The Prelude is a long autobiographical poem, and it describes the poet’s love of nature and the world around him. It is an excellent example of the poet’s style, and makes it possible to distinguish Wordsworth’s stylistic approaches from the style which Browning used in his poetry: “Dust as we are, the immortal spirit grows Like harmony in music;…...
CultureLiterary GenrePoetryRobert BrowningWilliam Wordsworth
Poe Word Of Reflection
The poem The Raven is one of the classics of the American literary canon. Its author Edgar Allan Poe, the quintessential American poet and short story writer, brings rhythm, style and high metaphor to bear on this work. Published in the era preceding the American Civil War, the poem captures sentiments common during the time. But in terms of its central theme – one of longing and loss – is universal in its appeal and relevance. The rest of this…...
Come Up From The Fields Father
The poem ‘Come Up From the Fields, Father’ was written by Walt Whitman. He was born in New York on May 31, 1819 and died aged 72 in New Jersey on March 26,1892. He was a American poet, essayist and journalist. He was one of the most influential poets in the American canon. He was a volunteer nurse during the American Civil War. Walt Whitman’s sexuality is often discussed. He is usually described as a homosexual or a bisexual. Some…...
“Dead Poet Society” Summary
The movie Dead Poet’s Society has a transcendentalism theme which compares to many literature pieces we have read so far. Many ideas and thoughts from Dead Poet’s Society were expressed in literature from poets like Thoreau, Emerson, and Whitman. The movie Dead Poet’s Society starts at a conformists school where kids are taught and learn conformist ways of learning. The school says that 75% went to Ivy League schools and headmaster says “You have to conform to become successful. The…...
CommunicationConformityCultureHenry David ThoreauRalph Waldo EmersonSociety
The Hound Of The Baskervilles Essay
The following sample essay on The Hound Of The Baskervilles Essay. The first description of Baskerville Hall is “fury of years of storm”; this sets a dark and dismal atmosphere. Storms seem to make everything dark and gloomy and sunlight seems to bring positive emotions. When it states “years” this shows that Baskerville Hall has not seen sunlight for a while, this suggests that the curse is still alive as Baskerville Hall is a dark, evil place. “Long, dark drive”,…...
Arthur Conan DoyleSherlock Holmes
Elizabethan Theatre Essay
The Elizabethan Theater opened up the world of writing with great writers like William Shakespeare and gave them a better chance in the world by giving them high class jobs, while still letting everyone, upper or lower class, come and enjoy the play. During this time period, there were two types of theatrical performances that were available for the people’s viewing, comedies or tragedies. These two genres w ere never really intertwined until the time of William Shakespeare. They were…...
ActorDramaTheatreTragedyWilliam Shakespeare
William Shakespeare Dream Summer Night
The exact same thing is happening to Hermia as she is being told to marry under the Athenian law that she must do as her father wishes. We also notice that the workmen’s play gives an almost perfect outline to what “Romeo and Juliet” is about, which maybe trying to boost the popularity of “Romeo and Juliet” (one of Shakespeare’s earlier plays’). Although Lysander makes the boldest comments about love in the play, other people in the play make different…...
Zorba The Greek Themes
The characters in Zorba the Greek by Nikos Kazantzakis and In Our Time by Ernest Hemingway are presented in very different settings, plots and genres, but studying them together demonstrates the two works address similar themes. By comparing and contrasting Zorba, the narrator, Nick Adams and other minor characters in both books, readers can gain a deeper understanding of the characters and the books’ themes. Nick Adams and the narrator in Zorba the Greek are the two characters that are…...
Ernest Hemingway
Emily Dickinson Fame
The article Why Adopters Need To Find Their Biological Parents by Stephen Fetched is about finding closure between an adopted and their biological parents. At the age of forty Botcher’s adopted parents had already passed away and after waiting so long, he wanted to find his biological parents. Because he did not receive any medical records, he has a fear of dropping dead at any moment, which Is why he wanted to see his biological parents to get them. Fetched…...
Analytical Paper On Sonnet 146
Sonnet 146 is well known for its deeply intriguing religious aspect, as it is one of Shakespeare’s religious sonnets and almost the only religious one. It is religious as its tone mentions its concern with heaven, asceticism and also the progress of the soul all through out the sonnet. The idea that the poet was trying to convey to his audience is that the body exists at the expense of the soul, so that adorning or worrying about its beauty…...
PoetrySonnetSoulWilliam Shakespeare
Social and Economic Issues in Source C
The following sample essay on "Source C": tells about the social and economic problems of the early nineteenth century. Source C was written by Charles Dickens who became a famous author and was acutely aware of the social and economic problems of the early nineteenth century so his facts are likely to be reliable. He was alive at the time of the Andover Workhouse scandal so he would have bee aware of the terrible conditions some workhouses were in and…...
Charles DickensCommunicationOliver TwistResearchWork
Soldiers Home Short Story
Soldier’s Home By Ernest Hemingway In the battlefield soldiers are experiencing war, death, loss – they kill and watch fellow soldiers getting killed. Being a soldier is in no way an easy life, and it is hard for people, who have not experienced war to understand. When these soldiers returns from war they need to adjust themselves to their old lives – adjust themselves to live in a place that has not change a tiny bit, even though they are…...
CultureErnest HemingwayHomeHuman NatureLifeLiterary Genre
Helen Keller Research Paper
She was an ordinary and healthy baby, but in February of 1882, nineteen month old Helen was robbed of her sight and hearing by a severe fever, according to “Contemporary Heroes and Heroines”. Helen had once said she was frustrated “at times that [she] kicked and screamed until [she] was exhausted” (Contemporary Heroes and Heroines). When Helen was about six years old, Anne Mansfield Sullivan arrived at the Keller family house to undertake Hellene education. With the help of Anne…...
A Christmas Carol Conclusion
Scrooge makes a ‘moral journey’ in Dickens ‘A Christmas Carol’. Examine the development of scrooge’s character in light of this statement, focusing on staves 2 and 4. ‘A Christmas Carol’ was written by the famous writer Charles Dickens it was written in the 18th century. Dickens is famous for writing other books such as ‘Oliver Twist’, ‘Great Expectations’ and ‘Hard Times’. Each one of these novels has a journey. They all involve the class system and how poor people were…...
A Christmas CarolCharles DickensChristmasHolidays
A Clean Well Lighted Place Theme
Sadness, frustration, or discontent, however it’s put, there is an obvious difference with the characters in, “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place” by Ernest Hemingway, and their ideas of mortality and old age. The short story shows the concept of “nothingness,” displayed through a very depressing view on life. This suggesting that all people, even those who are happy and content, will eventually end up lonely, drunk, or unhappy. By allowing a reader to view this from three diverse perspectives, Hemingway is…...
Ernest Hemingway
Famous Chicano Writers
Sandra Cisneros is an American writer and poet, was born on December 20, 1954, in Chicago. She is primarily known for her first novel The House on Mango Street (1984) about a young Latino woman. More importantly, Sandra Cisneros is acclaimed to be a central figure in Chicana literature. Given the fact Sandra was forced to migrate constantly between Mexico and the United States since she was a child, she became deeply interested in the challenges and relationships between Mexican…...
Good Vs Evil Jekyll And Hyde
Robert Louis Stevenson was born in 1850. The Scottish novelist wrote things that reflect on his feelings. Although he was very ill due to respiratory problems, he spent most of his life travel due to the fact the climate didn’t suit him. Robert was very worried about his health which kept him thinking and writings novels about his likes and dislikes. He moved out of his house and wanted to live alone. This is because Robert’s family was religious and…...
Robert Louis Stevenson
Acquainted With The Night Essay
Robert Frost’s verse form “Acquainted with the Night” is told from the point of position of an unknown individual. This individual tells a narrative about how he/she has taken legion late dark walks. specifically in the rain. Using tone. enunciation. the rubric. construction imagination. and linguistic communication. Frost writes a verse form about a person’s late dark experiences to associate to similar experiences that a reader may hold encountered. With Frost’s word pick and the rubric he chooses to state…...
Roald Dahl Villains
Roald Dahl is one of the most widely read children’s book authors of the twentieth century. Although he wrote several forms of literature, including adult novels and essays, he is most renowned for his children’s books, including popular books like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and The BFG. Beyond proving to be accessible and engaging to children, his works reinvigorated this genre by making it more accessible and realistic for children to identify with. His penchant for understanding child psychology…...
FictionHeroRoald DahlVillain
Tree At My Window Analysis
Robert Frost’s “Tree at my Window” and “The Sound of the Trees” both share common grounds with regard to their structure, sound devices, tone, and imagery-not to mention the central leitmotif which is the tree. Frost’s “Tree at my Window” begins as follows: “Tree at my window, window tree” (line 1). What immediately catches our attention is the mirror-structure in which the first line is presented. This deliberate syntactical symmetry carries the implicit notion that the tree may be more…...
Human NaturePoetryRobert FrostSound
Essay On Rk Narayan In 200 Words
R. K. Narayan ( born 1906 ) is one of the best-known of the Indo-English authors. He created the fanciful town of Malgudi. where realistic characters in a typically Indian puting lived amid unpredictable events. Rasipuram Krishnaswami Narayanswami. who preferred the shortened name R. K. Narayan. was born in Madras. India. on Oct. 10. 1906. His male parent. an pedagogue. travelled often. and his female parent was frail. so Narayan was raised in Madras by his grandma and an uncle.…...
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