Free essays on history are online resources that provide students and researchers with access to written works without any cost. These essays cover various historical events, figures, and ideas that have shaped the world. The topics include ancient civilizations, world wars, social and cultural movements, and politics. They serve as valuable references for students seeking to enhance their knowledge of history or to supplement their research work. The essays are written by professional historians, scholars, and experts who have a vast knowledge of the subject matter. Paperap have made history more accessible and convenient for learners of all levels.
Comparing Poems: Bayonet Charge & The Charge
‘Bayonet Charge' and The Charge of 'The Light Brigade' are both poems that focus of war specifically the soldiers in the war these poems show the soldier’s bravery and patriotism. At the second stanza in 'Bayonet Charge,' the soldier begins to doubt why he's is fighting the war, while in "The Charge of the Light Brigade” the soldiers remain totally focused on war and not the consequences. In both these poems soldiers are show as patriotic and they will die…...
Charge of the Light BrigadeLiteraturePhilosophyPoetry
Corruption of Power in The Fellowship of the Ring
As civilizations of men arose from primitive lifestyles thousands of years ago, so arose the need for structure. a government — a leader. A leader, once he ascends in these civilizations, thus acquired power power is something that all men have craved from the beginning of this advancement into societies of greed and feudalism and has continued to corrupt kings and emperors, and warriors throughout history. History then inspired literature Macbeth, Animal Farm, and The Great Gatsby, all classic literature,…...
CivilizationFictionJ.R.R TolkienLiterature
History of the Battle of Thermopylae
Modern comforts have removed the calluses from strong working hands. The same hands that built empires are occupied by devices designed to do the same process without the work. Humans used to be builders. People love their high-speed internet but forget the struggles which led up to that achievement. Humans used to fight wars face to face, brothers standing together, spines straight like spears. 300 Spartans defended the gates of Thermopylae from hordes of invading Persians. The Persians with an…...
Battle Of ThermopylaeLiteratureMilitaryMotivation
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Greek Victory At The Battle Of Thermopylae
Early life King Xerxes was born in the Achmachid Empire in CA 518 B.C.E. as Khshayarsha, Xerxes, being the more commonly known Greek interpretation. His mother was Attosa, his father was Darius the Great. He had many siblings, mostly half siblings owing to the king’s enormous harem. Today, there are no records of Xerxes going to school. However, a greek philosopher tells of how the Persian royals were normally educated. They were taught by court eunuchs in riding and archery.…...
Battle Of ThermopylaeEuropeMilitary
Lincoln’s Emancipation as Military Strategy
While the other three parties discussed, namely the military, Congress, and African Americans, played roles in emancipating slaves during the Civil War, it was essentially Lincoln who should receive most acknowledgements. Lincoln was a careful president, especially at first, and was at times criticized for not satisfying a citizenry that called for action. However, Lincoln's thought-out calculations produced an indubitable compromise: freedom for slaves as well as unity between the North and the South. Victory for the Union would inevitably…...
Abraham LincolnCivil WarEmancipation Proclamation
Manu Brabo’s “Frozen Tears of Donetsk”
The Frozen Tears of Donetsk, Spanish photographer Manu Brabo documents the human cost of war. His Visit to the war-torn Ukrainian town looks not at the fighting itself but looks to show the lives of the city's residents 4 many of whom still occupy their homes. Brabo’s story is condensed in Frozen Tears to just 16 photos. He does, in my opinion, an excellent job at unflinchingly portraying the reality of war alongside softer images of human emotion. The overarching…...
An Analysis of the Article We Live in Fear of Massacre by Marie Colvin
The investigative article, "We Live in Fear of Massacre" by Marie Colvin of Marie Colvin Center for International Reporting, and the article, "Excitement fades to despair in rebel- held Syria as a war grinds on" by Tom A. Peter of CSMonitor, although published a year apart and examining different cities in Syria, both bring in the issues the citizens have with the Free Syrian Army (FSA), President Assad, and the opposition movements. Each article moves through various points of views…...
WWI Trauma’s Influence on Modernist Literature
The years that inspired and ultimately shaped modernism are ones characterized by brutality, death, and perhaps most hauntingly, silence. From 1914 until 1918, the European continent became a theater for a new type warfare that utilized the recent innovations of mechanics and technology to create massive and unprecedented numbers of casualties (Norris 34). Throughout Europe and even in the United States, where no battles had been fought, societies were confronted and ultimately preoccupied with the physical and psychological horrors of…...
Influential Work In The History of Installation Art
Installation art is defined as a piece of art history where a space that is 3d. thee these pieces are often described as “larger-than-life pieces of artwork.” This art is usually placed strategically and has meaning to the art its self (tate1). This style of art originated in 1957 by one of the first groups of antiwar artists in japan known as the Gutai (taste2). This group was made of post-World War Two Japanese artist by the names of Murakami,…...
ArtArt HistoryCultureReason
Incredible Art History
The artists of ancient period were presenting their artwork to illustrate the historical periods of time from different cultures. Every cultures in the world are valuable with their histories, because every culture holds their own values, which is reflected in their art. Greek and Italy have fabulous histories of artworks, their art had powerful influence of every aspect. Artists throughout history have celebrated the nude male body in their art , were demonstrated their verity artistic skills in their work,…...
Art HistoryCultureHistoryItaly
Art History And The Revolution in Photographic Art
Art can be defined as human creativity, skill, or craft, an assemblage of things having form and beauty within any discipline of creative work. Art is a journey in which artists attempt to articulate or convey anything about the subject, or to impact anything within the audience. This brings us to the question of what makes “good” art. Perhaps good art conveys the feelings of the artist or makes an influence to the person observing it to some degree. The…...
Art HistoryCulturePaintingPhotography
Changes in The History of Art And Changes in The World Itself
In a small room, we see a man sitting on a stool with a pile of bones underneath him, his face covered in honey and gold leaf, cradling a dead hare and whispering to it about his drawings on the walls. This man is Joseph Beuys. He’s covered in honey because he believes it will help him communicate spiritually to the dead hare in his arms. He believes this dead hare will bring healing to himself and the audience. This…...
Art HistoryCultureExperienceThought
The History and Evolution of Art Throughout Time
Although there exists the naive assumption that art is all about beauty, the history and evolution of this human endeavor shows that it persists throughout time with a purpose that goes beyond a mere display of pretty pictures. When an is brought up in discussion, the average person may often refer to the Renaissance, the only art movement that is mentioned in a history class (though it is one of many that have passed) Or, if the person is a…...
ArtArt HistoryCultureEvolutionPainting
Charles Dickens’ A Tale of a Two Cities
Throughout history there have been many cases of the power struggle between the lower class and the upper class. Many of these cases tend to take place in the form of a revolution in which the lower class completely replaces the upper class, usually through force A very famous revolution was the French Revolution that took place during the 18th and 19th century, In the novel ATale of Two Cities, written by Charles Dickens, Dickens details the revolution itself as…...
A Tale Of Two CitiesChildFrench RevolutionViolence
Women’s Struggles in Victorian England in Princess Ida
"Come, mighty Must! Inevitable shall!" Blanche, an ambitious instructor at the illustrious Castle Adamant, exclaims this as she contemplates her future at the school. She is welcoming of change and its possibilities. She understands that change and reform in the way things are done can be beneficial, depending on one's point of view. W.S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan saw these changes happening in the world around them when they debuted Princess Ida. Change was something that all of Victorian London…...
OperaSatireVictorian Era
The Dangers of Serial Killers in the United States
Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, John Wayne Gacy, Charles Manson, and Richard Ramirez (The night stalker), do any of these names spark a chill in your bones? If they don t, they should. The names I ve mentioned above are just a few examples of some of the most notorious serial killers in America. Serial killers are those individuals who kill more than 3 people within a span of 14 or more days. (Serial Killers, Online AOL) Have you ever stopped…...
Charles MansonSerial KillerTed Bundy
A Look Into The Centuries After The Middle Ages
With monumental television and film series like Game of Thrones or The Lord of the Rings at the forefront of popular culture over the past two decades, it is worth questioning precisely what about the medieval world – and particularly medieval music – appeals to such a wide audience today. It may be tempting to assume to that this trend is a new phenomenon, but a look into the centuries following the Middle Ages (which came to a close around…...
CultureMiddle AgesMusicRomanticism
The Middle Ages Were Not Dark Ages
The article “The Politically Incorrect Guide to Western Civilization” conveys several ideas most of which I agree with. Anthony Esolen talks about how Christian monks acted as a symbol of equality, which I agree with. I also agree with Esolen when he conveys the idea that when the world was not so politically correct, curiosity could thrive. Esolen conveys the idea that global warming is not as big of a problem as people are making it out to be, but…...
ChristianityClimate ChangeMiddle AgesScience
Middle Ages How to Take Care of a Woman and Have Character for a Knight
When looking over history and researching love, the first story I remember being told growing up was the one of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. It was based on the story that they were created for each other and from the point meant to be together; under the direction of God. Then the next story that I can recall is the story of Cinderella and Snow White, where Princes came to their rescue to claim them as…...
CultureFeudalismFictionLiteratureMiddle Ages
Space Exploration: A Misuse of the Government’s Funds
Exploration of the unknown has always captured our imagination and curiosity. Explorers of such unknown have been celebrated in our society for their venture into the unknown and their discoveries. While much corners of the earth have been uncovered on the planet Earth, a new frontline still vastly unknown remains as outer space. While there is so much to be explored and discovered through space exploration with very little known about it, it does not mean we need to rush…...
AstronomyExplorationSpace Exploration
Control in Orwell’s Farm, Huxley’s World, & Netflix’s Merits
Examining dystopias does reveal potential dangers for our own society. A dystopia is an imagined place in which everything is wrong and intolerable. The methods of governmental control in the dystopias of Animal Farm, by George Orwell, Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley, and Fifteen Million Merits from the Black Mirror series by Netflix are very different from what we live by. Witnessing the different methods may impact people’s minds making them think it may work in our world. However…...
Animal FarmCultureDystopiaTotalitarianism
The Purpose of the Parade Scene in Act I of William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar
Novels and plays often include scenes of weddings, funerals, parties, and other social occasions. Such scenes may reveal the values of the characters and the society in which they live, The parade scene in Act I of William Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar serves this purpose and also contributes to the overall meaning of the work as a whole, The parade scene in Act] provides a clear insight into how the Roman plebeians felt about Julius Caesar, Caesar timed his return…...
FictionJulius CaesarRomeWilliam Shakespeare
The Significant Impact of Julius Caesar’s Rule in Rome
In Caesar, Politician and Statesman, Matthias Gelzer outlines the pivotal role Julius Caesar played in Rome during his reign, ranging from a prosecuting advocate to a dictator. This book has undergone exhaustive revisions in order to maintain historical accuracy, In the introduction, Gelzer explains that his purpose for writing this book stemmed from a desire to gain a deeper understanding of Caesar’s part in Roman society, as well as those of his opponents such as Cicero, Pompey, Cato, and Brutus.…...
EuropeGovernmentJulius CaesarPolitics
The Hunger and Motives for Power of Brutus in the Assassination of Julius Caesar
Through Caesar’s death, Brutus‘s hunger for power is shown His lust for Rome is prominent, and can not be looked over. While Brutus claims to have killed Caesar for the common good for the people, I believe it was simply for want of the throne Everything that Brutus does backs up is power-hungry nature. Initially, we see the appeal of power to Brutus when he is speaking to Cassius in act one; scene two, With Cassius’s flamboyant flattery, Brutus builds…...
Julius CaesarPhilosophyPsychologyReason
The Corruption Caused by Power in Julius Caesar a Play by William Shakespeare
The Theme that i chosen forjulius caesar's play is "Power Corrupts People". All throughout the play this theme really plays a big role and you can tell by the actions these characters are performing, The conflict of the play really relates to the theme, Basically in this play the conspirators want power so their plan was to kill julius caesar to “free rome" but once they are considered “rulers" brutus and cassius have to find a way to divide the…...
FictionJulius CaesarReason
The Role of Brutus in Julius Caesar, a Play by William Shakespeare
The conspirators are morally right in wanting to assassinate Caesar. They saw him as a threat to the well-being of democratic Rome, as he was a dictator. One may ask why they couldn’t have done something other than kill him. Any legal actions, such as arrest or a court case, would fail, as Caesar ruled over all functions of the government. Death is a powerful statement in making change. Were the colonists morally wrong in “biting the hand that fed…...
EthicsGovernmentJulius CaesarPolitics
Calpurnia vs Decius in Julius Caesar
In the play Tragedy ofJuIius Caesar by William Shakespeare, both of these characters Calpurnia and Decius try to persuade Caesar either into continued life, or into betrayal and death, Calpurnia had a vision that Caesar would die if he went to Senate. Opposing to Calpurnia’s dream, Decius promised Caesar the crown if he went to Senate. Calpurnia had to support her argument with her appeal to ethos and her fear for Caesar’s life. She spoke from her heart, but lacked…...
DreamJulius CaesarLiteratureWilliam Shakespeare
Power Hunger in Roman Politics: Julius Caesar by Shakespeare
Caesar of Julius Caesar by Shakespeare uses a third person style of voice, which leads to conspirators stabbing him due to his arrogant tone. His focus on himself also demonstrates the emphasis on climbing for power in Rome‘s politics As Caesar addresses the Senate, his reference to himself in third person gives the conspirators reason to murder him due to his pride. Caesar opens his speech by asking “what is now amiss, that Caesar and his Senate must redress?” He…...
EthicsJulius CaesarPhilosophyPsychology
Julius Caesar as Ruler of Ancient Rome
Throughout history, many people have been removed from power. There is a fuzzy line between when it is and when it is not acceptable to remove a ruler. Some people say that small instances are mandatory, and others require it to be catastrophically large. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, but when is it ever justified to remove a ruler? A ruler can be removed but only under specific circumstances. Julius Caesar was a ruler of Ancient Rome who…...
EthicsJulius CaesarPhilosophyPolitics
Conquests by Pompey and Julius Caesar
The Roman Empire first started off as monarchy led by the senate which consisted of well-known successful men who served as the king’s personal advisers. Throughout the years, the roman empire went back and forth from a monarchy to a republic but eventually remained republic due to the strong hatred that Rome’s highest social class had for the Etruscan king. In Medieval England, a monarchy was in place which meant that the representative assembly obtained genuine power by having control…...
FranceJulius CaesarPoliticsRoman Republic
Commentaries on the Gallic War written by Julius Caesar
Throughout European pasts, the Ancient Mediterranean World has dealt with many interactions with foreign people that resulted in these foreign people being labeled as “others.” For different, distinct purposes, these “others” have been stereotyped into their own group. Was this beneficial to these different countries/regions that forced these people into this group? Or did it cause problems that resulted in countless conflicts? Mediterranean groups identified foreign people as “others” in their own way, but they all tie in together to…...
CultureGenderJulius CaesarStereotypes
Martin Luther King Jr and Malcolm X
Throughout the nation’s history there has always been a rift between races. White males have always felt superior to African Americans, and therefore have been enslaving them. This was one of the lowest points in history, but the country and its leaders have done a good job to diminish the inequality and build upon the nations civil rights issues. As of today, there are no outstanding civil rights leaders, but in the height of the civil rights era the world…...
Civil Rights MovementCultureMalcolm XPolitics
Crevecoeur’s Story of a Perfect Utopia
Crevecoeur 5 story” speaks of a perfect utopia with no flaws. He leaves out countless realities of life at the time, particularly concerning Native Americans and slaves. I do seem to find major weaknesses in his writing, and am slightly disappointed that he did not touch on some topics that I believe are of huge significance. His piece is, however, noteworthy because it conveys the feelings and spirit of the decedents of European immigrants, According to Crevecoeur, the characteristics of…...
Helping The Civil Rights Movement
During the civil rights era there were hundreds of activists and marchers that fought for their rights. Imagine being a young African American and not being able to eat at the same restaurants, or even use the same water fountain that a white person uses. Then when a march is organized to oppose this discrimination, marchers are arrested for fighting for their rights. Bernice Johnson Reagon was a civil rights activist who suffered through this discrimination like so many other…...
Civil Rights MovementCultureHuman RightsPolitics
Equality and the Civil Rights Movement
What does it mean to have equal rights? Does it mean we are all alike or does it mean we all should be entitled to whatever life has to offer? The Civil Rights Movement was further clarification of what It means to be free. There were earlier times in history when freedom and equality were addressed, but somehow never fully understood or realized. In the selection the MerryrGorRound. by Langston Hughes, we discussed in class how powerful of a piece…...
Civil Rights MovementCulturePhilosophyPolitics
The Importance and Effects of Language to Humanity
From a very early age we are taught that language is precious and important. Many philosophers, anthropologists, archeologists, and historians, will insist t hat the human ability for language is what truly sets us apart from the rest of the animal kingdom We see every day how language is used to create; it is used to create the fantastical worlds of fiction we give to our children, to share our innermost feelings, and to explain how to build a house…...
The Real Spark of the Second Great War
The starting roots of World War II began initially in the aftermath of World War I. After WWI was declared done and over with, the League of Nations went into peace talks and determined the terms of said peace and what would have to happen in order to achieve this by singing the Treaty of Versailles, which put Germany as the responsible party for everything that went on throughout the war. The reparations put into place over Germany started out…...
Adolf HitlerPoliticsWar
Remarque’s Definition of War
War is a lie told by the government. During war, many young men all across the world are persuaded to join the military as a proud citizen and defend their home. The government portrays war as a place of glory where if you join you will be a hero in the eyes of your country. The ugly truth about war is that it permanently damages the men and they are either killed in battle or left abandoned by their country…...
The Perpetual War of Capitalist Development
In the New Spirit of Capitalism, Luc Boltanski and Eve Chiapello depart from the traditional Marxist conception of ideology as a superstructure that stems from the economic base so as to mystify the exploitative material relations that underpin the workings of the capitalist economy. In doing so they reinject into critiques of capitalism a newly elaborated notion of the moral economy as articulated by E.P Thompson. Critique for them does not solely fall within the privileged domain of the academic,…...
MarxismSocial ClassWar
A Brief History of the Beginning and End of World War I
World War One began on 28 July 1914 and ended 11 November 1918. Also known as the First World War, the war was fought by two opposing sides called the Allies and Triple Alliance. To name a few, on the Allies side were the Russian Empire, France, United Kingdom, and Italy while Germany and Austria-Hungary were on the Triple Alliance. The war began on the 28th of July in 1914 when the heir to the Austria-Hungary throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand,…...
World War 1
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