Free essays on history are online resources that provide students and researchers with access to written works without any cost. These essays cover various historical events, figures, and ideas that have shaped the world. The topics include ancient civilizations, world wars, social and cultural movements, and politics. They serve as valuable references for students seeking to enhance their knowledge of history or to supplement their research work. The essays are written by professional historians, scholars, and experts who have a vast knowledge of the subject matter. Paperap have made history more accessible and convenient for learners of all levels.
Imperialism in Political Cartoons: A Pictorial Lens into Power Dynamics
Political cartoons serve as a potent medium of social commentary and critique, encapsulating complex socio-political phenomena within succinct, visually engaging narratives. One of the prominent themes tackled in this art form is imperialism. By exploring an array of imperialism-themed political cartoons, we delve into the heart of this contentious historical era, examining how these illustrations reflect, critique, and challenge the dynamics of power.Imperialism, broadly defined, refers to the domination of one country or region by another, typically exercised through political…...
Unearthing the Wonders of River Valley Civilizations: The Cradle of Human Progress
The tapestry of human history is rich with tales of exploration, invention, and transformation. Among these narratives, the story of the ancient river valley civilizations presents a captivating tableau of humanity's early steps toward structured society and culture. The fertile crescents of the Nile, Tigris-Euphrates, Indus, and Yellow River valleys cradled some of the world's first complex societies, providing a blueprint for modern civilization as we know it.These river valley civilizations—Egypt, Mesopotamia (present-day Iraq), the Indus Valley (modern-day Pakistan and…...
A Comparison of Julius Caesar and Fidel Castro, Two Dictators
I am going to compare two great leaders. One from this century, and one from the reign of Caesar. It is interesting to see how throughout history that all the great dictators thought alike. Though they might differ in details all of them basically followed the same pattern. And I think that is the case with Caesar and Fidel. One of the main similarities between Caesar and Fidel is their early life. Both leaders came from middle class families. Each…...
Fidel CastroJulius CaesarPolitics
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The Impact of Fidel Castro on the Society and International Position of Cuba
Fidel Castro took a small satellite nation of the United States of America and turned it into one of the most successful communist states in the world. His policies and charisma have caused him to be one of the most beloved communist leaders in the world. Castro created a Communist nation that, while European communists were failing and falling victim to corruption and Asian communists were starving and oppressed, it was still going strong. His personal strengths turned schemes that…...
Cold WarCommunismFidel Castro
The Fall of the Qing Dynasty of China and the Rise of Great Britain
In China the Qing dynasty banned opium trade with Britain in 1839. In China a war broke out, and China surrendered. Lather the Treaty of Nanking ceded Hong Kong to Britain and opened major cities to trade. Japan isolated itself from Western influence but allowed trade after American Commodore Matthew Perry's threat of war in 1853. Egypt's Turkish general Muhammad Ali took power and modernized Egypt. He brought in things such as government reforms, improved communications, and commercial agriculture. Ismail,…...
ColonialismHistory Of ChinaImperialism
The Rise and Accomplishments of the Song Dynasty in China
During the Song Dynasty (960-1279), China boasted the largest cities in the world; Hangzhou, Nanjing, and Beijing. At least five cities had populations of over a million people, and about 50 other cities contained roughly 100,000 residents each. This was at a time when major cities in Western Europe and Asia had decreased greatly in population: Rome fell to 35,000 and Baghdad to 125,000. China's urban residents largely enjoyed a higher standard of living. Song China represented the peak of…...
EconomicsHistory Of ChinaTrade
Early Chinese Civilizations: From the Xia Dynasty to the Zhou State
Agriculture in early Chinese society began about 7000 B.C.E. in inland river valleys. It would be along the Yellow River in the north that the first settled agriculture would occur. By 5000 B.C.E., agriculture would move to along the Yangtze River towards the south with the primary crop being rice. The Chinese would make efficient use of the land and through the crops maintain a sufficient diet over thousands of years. Neolithic China would adopt many social traditions unique to…...
CultureHistory Of ChinaPolitics
The Historical Factors Responsible for the Chinese Empire’s Consolidation
The division in the lands of China came by when the Zhou dynasty lost control of its vassals in the 8th century. The Sui Dynasty in China managed to unite the vast Chinese lands in an empire that had experienced four years of division and internal wars that were bloody. The Sui Empire was successful in restoring stability and prosperity in the country; hence restoring the vast lands from complex classical society. The consolidation in China was as a result…...
ConfucianismCultureHistory Of China
An Overview of Harbin, the Capital of Heilongjiang, China
A city where snowmen are the size of buildings. Harbin is a city located on the north-eastern border of China in the Heilongjiang province. Harbin's freezing temperatures reaches -30 degrees Celsius (-22 Fahrenheit) (Harbin Weather 1) hence the title "The Ice City." Harbin is a different China with different prospects of life than the rest of China. With different cultures infused into Harbin's own special culture, it truly made it stand out from all the other cities in China. Blessed…...
CultureEducationHistory Of China
The Downfall and Collapse of the Quing Dynasty in China
When the last Chinese Dynasty - the Qing, collapsed in 1911-1912 it marked the end of a nation's long imperial history. The Qing Dynasty founded in 1636, simply put is a story of decline. The Qing dynasty isn't entirely responsible for their downfall, but rather, the combination of external forces from European Nations, specifically Britain, prompted many wars and the pressuring demand for free trade caused countless internal issues such as famine, floods as well rebellions. The combination of external…...
History Of ChinaPoliticsTrade
The Relationship Between the US and Its NATO Allies
Throughout the global expansion, the US has remained the center and leader of NATO, American interest, namely the war on terror and the desire to preserve American supremacy, has driven much of NATO’s transformation and global affairs, When the US chose to plunge into the Middle East after the September 11 attacks, NATO was dragged along, and a similar phenomenon occurred more recently with the US’s shift in focus to the Pacific, Global partners, especially Australia and Japan, proved themselves…...
Cold WarNatoPolitics
The Significance of COMECON, Marshall Plan, NATO and Warsaw Pact in the Development of the Cold War
The COMECON, or the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance, was an organization formed by the Soviet Union, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, and Romania, which was officially designed “to exchange economic experiences, extend technical aid to one another, and to render mutual assistance with respect to raw materials, foodstuffs, machines, equipment, etc.” However, in reality the COMECON was a method for the Soviets to dominate eastern bloc countries in response to the Marshall Plan.Z The formation of this organization was significant…...
Cold WarCommunismNato
A Long Way Gone by Ishmael Beah
In A Long Way Gone, Ishmael Beah‘s story of being a boy soldier in Sierra Leone are told, He goes from a scared child, to a feared soldier, wielding weapons made to kill, to a spokesperson to another civilian in just another war. He loses his family and friends, makes more and loses them too. Ishmael paints a gruesome image of a war without a cause, save for revenge. Ishmael’s story begins when be, his brother Junior, and their friends…...
A Long Way GoneMilitaryWar
Annotated Bibliography of Zora Neale Hurston How It Feels To Be Colored Me
For my research paper I plan to focus on Zora Neale Hurston‘s essay How it Feels to be Colored me and Langston Hughes‘ essay Bop to look closer into African American lives during the Harlem Renaissance With using these two authors, I plan to address the issues of cultural identity, and if Hurston or Hughes had any bias in writing the essays that they did. I plan to answer the research question, “What was it like to be black in…...
CultureHarlem RenaissanceHow It Feels To Be Colored Me
Racial Identity in How It Feels To Be Colored Me by Zora Neale Hurston
Zora Neale Hurston’s autobiographical short story, “How It Feels To Be Colored Me" is a piece that uncovers the complexity of racial identity through the eyes of an African American woman in the 1920’s Hurston rejected the perceived idea that blacks were disadvantaged and refused to be part of “the sobbing school of Negrohood”. Instead, Hurston celebrates her cultural identity and uniqueness with an unwavering enthusiasm for life and the understanding that all races are cut from the same cloth…...
CultureHarlem RenaissanceHow It Feels To Be Colored MeMusic
Thanatopsis and other Literary Works of William Cullen Bryant
William Cullen Bryant was an exceptional writer that helped make New York a center for the rising tide of American literature. As a poet, editor, journalist, and critic, Bryant became a leading citizen of New York City and had a great influence in the literary world. His involvement with the Knickerbocker group, as well as the New York Evening Post, greatly contributed to his rise as a literary influence. His recognition enabled him to use his writings to address issues…...
Battle Of Midway: The Changes Brought by World War II
The United States of America has had to fight through and endure long and hard wars in its past. Wars such as the Vietnam War, the Civil War, and the Gulf War have had a tremendous impact on our nation. Our military has worked long and hard to preserve our rights and our country. There is, however, one war that took it's toile on our country and our military, and that war is World War II. The event that got…...
Battle Of Midway
Battle Of Midway: An Evaluation of Whether the United States Involvement in World War II Was Necessary for the Allied Victory in Both the Europe and Pacific Theaters
Prompt: Evaluate whether the United States involvement in the practices of World War I was necessary for the Allied victory in both the Europe and Pacific theaters. After the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, Winston Churchill proclaimed, "We're saved!" He knew that this bombing would cause the United States to join the Allies in World War II and that this would ultimately "save" them. Churchill believed that the U.S. involvement would allow the Allies to come out…...
Battle Of Midway
Battle Of Midway: A History of the Attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese Navy
A day that will live in infamy, was what President Franklin Delano Roosevelt called December 7, 1941. Although World War II had been going on for quite some time, the U.S. had never wanted to become involved. They signed various peace treaties, such as the Neutrality Acts which stated that the U.S. would not help either side in the war. Although the U.S. was staying neutral, they had done many things to help the allied powers and diminish the possible…...
Battle Of Midway
An Overview of American 5 Star Generals
In the United States, there has only been nine 5 star generals in all of U.S. History. To say that it would be difficult to become one would be an understatement. All of the men who became 5 star generals have all be involved in World War 2 in some way or another. However, the 5 star rank in the U.S. was actually created during World War 2 because of the awkward situation created when some American senior commanders were…...
Battle Of Midway
Battle Of Midway and The Different Battles Fought over the Pacific Ocean
The Japanese and Americans came into conflict over control of the Pacific Ocean. There were many devastating attacks and battles because of it. The battles caused many tragic events that followed the battles. The conflict with Japan caused the deadly attack on Pearl Harbor, the horrid battle at Midway, and the devastating Atomic Bomb dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki; all which ended with many deaths. Indeed, the attack on Pearl Harbor a very deadly attack. The attack was planned because…...
Battle Of Midway
The History of Nazi Concentration Camps
What is the most well-known fact about the Holocaust? Many would answer this with. "The Nazis killed six million Jews." People might be amazed with this tragic fact, but its hard to comprehend each individual death. In order to better understand this atrocity we must put ourselves on a more persona level with the victims. We can do this by reading personal accounts or by talking with survivors of the Holocaust. Hitlers many victims died horribly for their religion, nationality,…...
Nazi Concentration CampsNazi Germany
Nazi Camp Experience in Night
The Nazis caused more destruction than just killing innocent Jews, they destroyed their peace, God, and humanity. Elie Wiesel's Night, illustrates that by telling his experience in the concentration camps. Elie begins to question his strong feelings for God. He is left only with is memory of having privacy and peace as he did in Sight. Elie loses his respect of being treated as a human rather than an animal. The experience of Night is fatal to Elie as it…...
Nazi Concentration CampsNazi Germany
Prisoner Dehumanization: Nazi & Panopticon Camps
In this essay, I will compare the authoritarian rule of concentration camps and the Panopticon, analyze the commonalities of rulers, and finally conclude how extreme rule destroys personality. During his year in Auschwitz, Primo Levi saw the threat of loss, disease, hunger, cold, and death in this concentration camp, a tiny society separated from the rest of the world. Even on the last day of liberation, the greed, the weakness of the species, and the remaining humanity constituted an apocalyptic…...
Nazi Concentration CampsNazi Germany
Jewish Starvation in Nazi Camps During WWII
"Men threw themselves on top of each other, stamping on each other, tearing at each other, biting each other. Wild beasts of prey, with animal hatred in their eyes; an extraordinary vitality had seized them, sharpening their teeth and nails." (Weisel, 95). To many this sounds as if it were a scene being depicted from a great battle of war. But to those who have read, Night, by Elie Weisel, they would know that it is a scene from the…...
Nazi Concentration CampsNazi Germany
Nazi Dehumanization in Night Memoir
Analytical Essay: Night "Never shall I forget that nocturnal silence which deprived me for all eternity, of the desire to live." (Wiesel 32) During the Holocaust, concentration camps not only worked prisoners to the bone, it deprived people of their humanity. The Nazis did this by destroying people emotionally, and physically and taking them away from their beliefs, religious or otherwise. In the novella Night by Elie Wiesel the Nazis dehumanized many prisoners in concentration camps, weather they were jews…...
Nazi Concentration Camps
An Overview of the Trade in the Muslim and Byzantine Empires
Trade in the Muslim and Byzantine Empires Trade, by definition, is the exchange of a good for another product. This plays a critical role in the economy, and the success of any civilization. Trade between civilizations is the primary factor for the development of empires and economic profitability, and has a direct correlation with how successful the country is. Due to the fact that it is not possible for a civilization to produce enough of everything that they need, trade…...
Muslim Empires
Byzantine vs Muslim Military Tech
Comparing Military Technology in the Byzantine and Muslim Empire The Byzantine Empire and the Muslim Empire were some of the biggest empires atter the fall of Rome. The Byzantine Empire was known for having one of the strongest militaries in the region. Their empire declined as the Muslim Empire invaded Byzantium, taking a lot of land and power in the process. One key part that allowed both empires to become so strong was their technological advancements in war. The Muslim…...
Muslim Empires
A Summary and Interpretation of Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut
World War II was a horrific war that cost several hundred, if not thousands, of people their lives. Through a multitude of bombings and attacks, many people were forever scared for the rest of their days. There are many books and novels that talk about World War II, and one of those fictional accounts based on the truth and facts of the war is SlaughterhouseFive by Kurt Vonnegut. Billy Pilgrim is a character who, among time traveling and being on…...
MilitaryPoliticsSlaughterhouse FiveWar
The Horrors of War in Slaughterhouse-Five, a Novel by Kurt Vonnegut
War not only destroys buildings and kills many people, but also gives a tremendous impact on the rest of the world and the people who had to endure the journey. In Slaughterhouse- Five Vonnegut best demonstrates this by the bombing of Dresden, Billy’s interactions with the Tralfamadorians, and his repetition of “So it goes," According to Spiegel Online International, the bombing of Dresden was said to have taken the lives of so many people, up to half a million in…...
MindSlaughterhouse FiveThoughtWar
De-Glorification of War in Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse-Five
War is defined as a conflict carried on by Mof arms, as between nations or between parties within a nation. In the novel Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut, the entire book is focused on a sole concept that war is wrong and how this book is, at its core, an anti-war books Using imagery and explicit detail, Vonnegut gives many reasons why people should be disgusted and appalled by wart Two of the most influential anti-war pieces that he talks about…...
MilitarySlaughterhouse FiveThoughtWar
My Report on Queen Hatshepsut
My report is on Queen Hatshepsut. she was the first great woman in recorded history. Daughter of Thutmose and Queen Ahmose Nefertari,who was married to her half» brother Thutmose the Second, the son of a secondary wife, perhaps in order to strengthen his claim to the throne. She had a daughter, Neferura. by Thutmose the Second, the but the heir to the throne, the future Thutmose the third was the son of one of Thutmose the seconds concubincs. Since Thutmose…...
Hatshepsut: A Great Egyptian Ruler and Role Model for Women
Hatshepsut was one of the best female rulers in the ancient Egypt times. Some of her best moments were, she conquered other countries, made Egypt rich with goods, in other words, more prosperous, and she gained the respect of her people. First of all, Hatshepsut led her soldiers into battle and war. She protected them through everything she did, she did everything for her people. She was very brave and courageous. She also made her soldiers more powerful. Hatshepsut made…...
The Deep Seeded Roots of Hate and Slavery in America
Slavery has been outlawed in the United States starting from 1787 in the Northwestern territories and the rest of the country by 1864, a direct consequence of the Civil Wan. The thirteenth Amendment outlawed slavery and involuntary servitude except for punishment, and in essence, gave rights to the former slaves which were reserved for only the white folk at the time. Almost a century has passed since slavery was abolished in the United States, yet African Americans were still treated…...
Civil Rights MovementHateMalcolm XRacism
A Critique of Total Domination Written by Hannah Arendt
Totalitarianism from Total Dominationln the essay "Total Domination," written by Hannah Arendt: she discusses Nazism in the form totalitarianism as "True Terror". If not for the survivors of the cruel brutality of totalitarian states, it would almost be impossible to believe it ever happened. What is Totalitarianism? Totalitarianism is a form of government in our political system. which gives absolute power to one ruler (dictator) who cannot be restricted by any type of constitution or law. The rise of totalitarianism…...
CommunismHannah ArendtTotalitarianism
Total Domination by Hannah Arendt
“The concentration and extermination camps of totalitarian regimes serve as the laboratories in which the fundamental belief of totalitarianism that everything is possible is being verified". The author defines total domination as the homogenization of humanity into a set of immutable and consistent reactions that ultimately result in the elimination of the people and their histories. Through the annihilation of their victims’ spontaneity and humanity, she contends that the Nazis were able to achieve total domination in their concentration and…...
Hannah ArendtPhilosophyPoliticsTotalitarianism
Powder River Invasion in Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee
Chapter Five is mainly about the Powder River Invasion. The Powder River Invasion took place on July 1 to October 4, 1865. It stretched across the Powder River Country, Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota, and Nebraska. The Cheyenne‘s found out about the United States soldiers building a fort in the Powder River Country, They try to warn some Arapaho‘s of the soldiers coming, but they did not believe them leaving their village destroyed. The Sioux chased these hungry and cold soldiers…...
Bury My Heart At Wounded KneeImperialism
Movie “Braveheart” Which Started Off in Scotland
The movie "Braveheart" starts off In Scotland, in 1280 AD. We see a little William Wallace following his father. Malcolm Wallace to a meeting between noblemen. When they arrive at the place of the meeting, they find everyone had been hung by King Edward “The Longshanks". Days later Malcom his eldest son John and other Scottish farmers set off to fight. The next day William‘s father and brother are brought home dead. They are laid to rest and soon after…...
The Issue of Racism in the Books Black Like Me and The New Jim Crow
Black Like Me and The Newjim Crow are two incredible but deeply disturbing books about the culture that I am from. America’s history in dealing with race is very poor, filled with slavery and discrimination of many forms. These books explore that history and the present state of the country without holding back. Black Like Me is the story of a reporter in late 1959 who decides to change the color of his skin to see if people treat him…...
Black Like MeCivil Rights MovementRacismSocial Inequality
Griffin’s Personality Traits in Black Like Me
Certain experiences can bring about a significant impact to an individual's life this was especially true for John Howard Griffin. As 1 reflects on Griffin's earlier life before Black Like Me was published, there had definitely been some painful and learning experiences. When he was called to war against Japan, he spent time and lived with African Americans. There, he got to understand the difficulties they had endured within racism, and he came to feel guilty about his own racist…...
Black Like MeCivil Rights MovementPoliticsRacism
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