Essays on Disease

Free essays on disease refer to various types of writing that are accessible online without any cost. These essays focus on various topics related to disease, including the causes, symptoms, prevention and treatment of various illnesses. Such essays are written by professionals and experts in the medical field, and they strive to educate and inform readers on different aspects of disease. Additionally, free essays on disease may cover different angles, ranging from the social and cultural impact of disease to the latest scientific research on illnesses. Overall, these essays offer valuable insight into the world of medical science and can help people understand the complexities of various diseases.
Respiratory Infections And Infectious Intestinal Diseases
Words • 554
Pages • 3
Half of all general practitioner consultations and 12% of all hospitalizations among children aged 0 to 14 years are for infections. Respiratory infections and infectious intestinal disease are responsible for 48% and 29% of primary care consultations among this age group, respectively. Handwashing is probably the most basic and most effective way of preventing the spread of infections. It is something that is essential to everyday lives of people belonging to all age groups, especially children. Numerous diseases spread from…...
Hand WashingInfectious Diseases
Prevalence Of Obesity in Children
Words • 931
Pages • 4
My name is Miriah Schneider, and I am a student at Arizona State University majoring in Exercise and Wellness. Our nation is in an obesity crisis. Obesity contributes to an estimated 112,000 preventable deaths each year.  The prevalence of obesity has tripled among children in recent decades. According to the International Obesity Taskforce, 35% of American children are overweight or obese.  Because obese children are likely to become obese adults, we need to make a change to reduce the prevalence…...
ObesityPersonal Responsibility
Words • 1602
Pages • 7
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a main public health concern in the modern age and continuing medical education (CME) on DM and insulin use is often recommended, but infrequent CME activities (such as lectures and discussions) have short-lasting effects and thusly can lead to medication errors (Diehl, Souza, Gordan, Esteves, & Coelho, 2017). In a review of 16,600 patient safety incidents regarding the use of insulin, 24% resulted in the harm of the patient, and 33% of medication error-related deaths, insulin…...
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Life After On Death
Words • 1487
Pages • 6
Death is the greatest mystery known to humans. There are a total of 4,200 religions on this planet. That is 4,200 different beliefs on what happens after death. Thousands of religions and there are still millions of people who have the fear of not knowing. One of the many questions asked is whether or not is religion will influence what happens after death. Many of these people feel pushed into believing in the religion parents and family did. Mediums are…...
DeathLife Changing Experience
An Essay on The Topic Death Will Overtake Everyone
Words • 478
Pages • 2
Nearly all fear death, as if it were the greatest of evils. However, while many patients may find their death to be obvious, some do not recognize their situation. When dying, it is not uncommon for people to re-examine their lives: questioning their decisions and purpose and searching for recognition of their lifetime of efforts. Both Tolstoy’s The Death of Ivan Ilyich and Kalanithi’s When Breath Becomes Air highlights the necessary partnership of humanism and medicine lacking persistence both throughout…...
DeathThe Death Of Ivan Ilyich
Social Problem Solving, Anxiety, Depression
Words • 548
Pages • 3
This article is important because it focuses on psychological changes, social problem solving, and the effects that males experience while in prison. The pains of imprisonment have grown over decades causing prisoners to undergo harsh conditions, along with facing many different problematic situations to survive in prison. The article mentioned how many males who are incarcerated have a hard time adjusting while facing many challenging consequences, that can have an effect on their mental stability and social issues. Also, having…...
Anxiety Disorder
Cruelty Becomes Life or Death 
Words • 523
Pages • 3
In the novel 'Frankenstein,'by Mary Shelley, there are many different characters that go through different acts of cruelty. But one character that sticks out from everyone else is the monster himself. This creature has been through many different forms of cruelty both physical and emotional. The topic of cruelty affects the theme of the novel as a whole because it shows that being mistreated has an effect on you and can lead to becoming something you are not, like a…...
Animal CrueltyAnimalsDeath
Methods For Treating Mental Illness
Words • 1260
Pages • 6
The nature of this assignment is to provide feedback about treatments used to treat the mental illness of self-esteem. In psychology, self-esteem denotes to a person’s overall sense of his/her significance or value. It may also be understood as one’s attitude toward oneself. Self-esteem can influence our lives in numerous ways, from relationships down to mental health. Each individual’s experience with self-esteem is different, they rise and they fall in orderly ways. Key traits of a person with self-esteem are…...
AwarenessDiseaseSelf Awareness
Childhood Obesity in Low Income Communities
Words • 1139
Pages • 5
One of the biggest problems in society today is childhood obesity. Childhood obesity is a serious medical condition in which children are above the normal weight and height for their age. The percentage of overweight children in the United States is growing rapidly every day at an alarming rate. “Since 1980, the childhood obesity rates… have tripled — with the rates of obese 6- to 11-year-olds more than doubling… and rates of obese teens… quadrupling” (Crowley). Over 30 percent of…...
Child Obesity
Who should be blamed for childhood obesity
Words • 1510
Pages • 7
Introduction “We have laws against leaving a loaded weapon with our children, why should food be any different?” Daniel Weintraub says. Childhood obesity is not just about your kid being overweight, it is a serious problem caused by imbalance between calorie intake and calories utilized (Kluwer). Kids who are having excessive body fat are said to be clinically obese and at risk of developing health problems (Thompson). Should kids be punished for this? Should they be blamed? If not, who?…...
Child Obesity
Obesity Harms Human Health
Words • 567
Pages • 3
Obesity is defined as having increased adipose tissue to the point that it is detrimental to one's health (Ogden, 2007). Common comorbidities include cardiovascular disease, stroke, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus(Caballero, 2007). Because of this, obesity poses a significant risk of decreased life expectancy ( Hruby, A., & Hu, F. B. , 2014). Even more concerning, is that in the last thirty years the prevalence of this condition has become so great that its has been categorized as an epidemic. The…...
Child Obesity
Childhood Obesity and My Entrepreneurial Idea
Words • 1871
Pages • 8
Abstract America is one of the countries in the world with the highest rates of childhood obesity. Various databases register over 13.7 million victims struggling with the health challenge. As a public health matter, various attempts have been made to help to stop or reduce the rising number of obese children. Notably, secondary and tertiary levels have commonly been used. Therefore, it is vital to create a health promotion model that relies on primary and secondary levels of obesity prevention.…...
Child Obesity
Excessive Fat Accumulation Disease
Words • 799
Pages • 4
Human obesity is a common human disease which is mainly due to excessive accumulation of fat. In this study, possible causes of human obesity, such as genetic factors, personalities, etc., will be introduced. Based on previous studies, more analysis and evaluations of the experiments will be given. Finally, conclusions and suggestions on how to avoid obesity will be provided in the last paragraph. 2. Introduction Human obesity usually refers to the condition that having too much body fat. What is…...
Child Obesity
Obesity in Adults: Implications for Health, Prevalence and Treatment
Words • 1707
Pages • 7
Introduction More often than not, the topic of ones’ weight or dietary intake is usually a touchy subject. It is a biological fact that humans need to eat to survive but once you add in the social and psychological factors, you’ve got an increased chance of overeating. Although it is common knowledge that food is fuel for our bodies, food is commonly misused. According to WHO (2018): “More than one in eight adults in the world is obese. The problem…...
Child Obesity
Obesity has seemed to grow and become way
Words • 463
Pages • 2
It has become so common it is said that it can be considered a 'Modern day epidemic!' It's both sad and insane! 15.6 percent of twelve to nineteen-year-olds were listed as obese in 2002, which is a considerable incline! It was only 6.1 percent 28 years ago! That's a 9.5 percent incline in such little time! It's even said that those obese kids were more likely inclined to be involved in violent crimes. 44.4 in every thousand people ranging from…...
Child Obesity
Humans are becoming heavily dependent on technology through the years
Words • 1515
Pages • 7
With new inventions coming out what seems like every week things that used to be everyday activities are now taking place behind a screen digitally. For example, big companies like iPhone and android make small activities such as face to face communication seem rare and much harder than they have to be. Instead of going outdoors and playing soccer, one can play it on their I phone or technology device. Texting has also replaced normal every day conversation. Technology has…...
Child Obesity
Obesity in Pets
Words • 409
Pages • 2
Obesity in pets is a nutritional disease that causes an excessive amount of adipose tissue that accumulates in the body. Pets are considered overweight when their weight is at least twenty percent greater than its ideal weight. Pet obesity can cause metabolic and hormonal changes as well. Pet obesity in the United States had increase to sixty percent for cats and fifty four percent for dogs. Obesity can result in several issues with the pet’s health. It can cause the…...
How Medical Marijuana Is Used In The Patient Treatment?
Words • 492
Pages • 2
The following example essay on "How Medical Marijuana Is Used In The Patient Treatment?" talks about the use of cannabis and cannabinoids in order to treat diseases or stop their symptoms. Nowadays all the medicines are manufactures with many drug products. As those all drug products are used in a limited dosage, it is dangerous to our health. In past days, in most of the countries, the usage of drug medicines was not allowed. But after knowing that the drug…...
DiseaseDrugsHealth CareMedical MarijuanaMedicine
Stress and Anxiety Are Common Diseases in the 21st Century
Words • 486
Pages • 2
Stress and anxiety are common diseases in the 21st century, characterized mainly by insecurity, nervousness and restlessness, and affects not only humans but also our pets. As is well known, dogs cannot speak, so it is impossible for them to let their owners know if they are stressed or anxious, and this is responsible for serious health problems and behavior in our dog. What causes these diseases: Domestic animals depend almost absolutely on us, which is why the most common…...
Anxiety Disorder
How to Relieve Woman Stress in Modern Life
Words • 1417
Pages • 6
The following sample essay on "How to Relieve Woman Stress in Modern Life": describing issue of stress for woman in modern society and way to reduce it. Modern life is unfortunately designed in such a way that the ability to avoid or prevent the effects of stress is almost impossible. The influence of stress factors on individuals does not depend on their upbringing, level of culture or education. Especially the beautiful half of humanity is exposed to stress. That is…...
Anxiety Disorder
Why Is Death in Art Important? Is It Even Relevant?
Words • 1846
Pages • 8
The following sample essay on "Why Is Death in Art Important? Is It Even Relevant?": describes role of death in art and women. Women have always been thought of to be dainty and delicate. That unlike men, they simply could not stomach or entertain the idea of death, it was too much for their delicate sensibilities. In an industry where men have dominated since its inception, women artist were never taken quite seriously. Especially when it came to creating Art…...
DeathDeath Penalty
To Put an End to the Case Without Knowing Something Bigger Has Yet to Come
Words • 662
Pages • 3
A man was killed and the other was accidentally shot making him involve in a crime whether he like it or not. Two cops, first time to work together, have to put an end to the case without knowing something bigger has yet to come the White Night. The plot was usual a drug syndicate, police war against it, a dirty cop covering bad guys, death etc. In stories like this authors have to reinvent, present things in a new…...
Anxiety Disorder
Genetic factor and inherited genes
Words • 1147
Pages • 5
Genetic factor refers to the genes that we inherit. It can be due to the presence, absence, or combination of genes. I chose cystic fibrosis. Cystic fibrosis is an inherited disorder in which sticky mucus builds up in the lungs and digestive system. They cause infection and digestion problems. This is a genetic disease. It affects 75,000 people in the UK. It can affect your liver, lungs, or pancreas. The life expectancy of people living with cystic fibrosis is 31…...
CancerDietingDiseaseMedicineObesityWeight Loss
The Power of Joining the Team
Words • 1600
Pages • 7
The following example essay on "The Power of Joining the Team" talks about the group presentation, answering the question what have you learned from this experience, both in terms of presenting and in terms of working in a group? There are only three people in our group, so it is relatively easier for us to divide our workload. Our tutor, Mr Paul Smith, taught us several presentation skills during our seminar session. From this presentation, I learned that being confident…...
CancerCritical ThinkingDiseaseHealthHuman NatureThought
Words • 563
Pages • 3
Summer season is loved by many people because it’s a time perfect to go on vacation to exotic beaches, swimming and of course, sunbathing. Out with the blankets, sweaters, and knee-high boots and in with the bikinis and flip flops. However, this means spending long hours in the sun. All this exposure in the sun will definitely be a concern and with good reason too. So if you would like to know how to safely get a healthy tan, below…...
DiseaseSkinSkin Cancer
Issues With Fast Foods
Words • 1698
Pages • 7
The following sample essay on issues with fast foods Food that can be prepared and served quickly with intention to be eaten quickly by various consumers is termed as fast food. Fast food can be acquired from various locations such as counter service, drive-through, and take-out. This food is popular since it is cheap to buy, convenient, and has a better taste (Kim, 2016). Nevertheless, fast food is usually made with inexpensive ingredients such as meat with high fat,…...
BiologyFast FoodFoodNutritionObesity
Being obease is one the worst things in the world it not
Words • 509
Pages • 3
Being obease is one the worst things in the world it not only puts a bad figure in the society but also is the root of all diseases including major one like heart attack diabetes and many more the only question one have in mind is that how can one decrease his weight and make oneself healthy without workout? Well here is good news for people worried about that their health that vegetables can also decrease ones weight in addition…...
Apa DiabetesBiologyDiabetesDiseaseNutritionVitamin C
Everyone even the youngest of children has said at least 3 lies
Words • 716
Pages • 3
Everyone, even the youngest of children has said at least 3 lies in their whole life. Sad to say, some people lie almost all the time, sometimes even when they don't have to. When people learn how lying works, they lack moral of understanding of when to refrain from doing it. People lie dozens of times every day. They range from little white lies, to serious lies that have the potential to change their life. In order to establish a…...
Anxiety Disorder
Mano River Union
Words • 1996
Pages • 8
The following sample essay on Mano River Union tells about association in the sub-west African district. As West Africa is confronting dangers, for example, expansion of little Arms and light weapons, theft, hijacking, revolt and psychological oppression from fear based oppressor gatherings, for example, Boko Haram, Alqaeeda in Islamic Magreeb. The propensities to spread wild like flame during the Harmattan season and to different nations in the sub-locale is an unquestionable requirement. Thus, the Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces…...
Aeromonas Hydrophila In Fish
Words • 1219
Pages • 5
Cyprinus carpio belongs to the family of Cyprinidae and order Cypriniformes. Although C. carpio belongs to the family of freshwater fish, they also inhabit in brackish-water environment. C. carpio are commonly found in lakes, rivers and ponds. They are widely distributed in the world, mainly in the region of Europe and Asia. Rivers that are flowing into Black, Caspian and Aral Sea are natural habitat of the wild stocks. C. carpio is one of the oldest domesticated aquatic species for…...
BiologyFamilyImmune SystemInfectious DiseasesMedicineMicrobiology
Artificial intelligence for long-term respiratory disease management
Words • 1945
Pages • 8
The following sample essay on "Artificial intelligence for long-term respiratory disease management": presents the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for Artificial Intelligence (AI) as applied to long-term respiratory disease management. This analysis will help to identify, understand, and evaluate key aspects of the technology as well as the various internal external forces which influence its success in this application space. Such understanding is instrumental to ensure judicial planning and implementation with suitable safeguards being considered. AI has the potential to…...
My OSCRI Clinical Experience
Words • 990
Pages • 4
Esther OkoroProfessor Lanette JulianNURS 2242 (OSCRI Paper)8 March 2019My clinical experience at the Oklahoma Specialist and Research InstituteI had the opportunity to meet and observe patients who were all presently trying to fight a different type of cancer. During the period I was there, I got to follow a nurse who truly cared about her patient even though it was a busy day. I had the pleasure to meet a patient who has been battling Acute Myelogenous Leukemia. The type…...
CancerEpidemiologyHealth CareMedicineNursing
Junk food is healthy for you
Words • 597
Pages • 3
Eating junk food makes you healthy ”When people think about junk food they automatically think about obese people and excessive weight gain. This my friend is very far from true . What if I told you that junk food can make you skinny , Would you take time out to hear me out ? Well my friend, you're in for a lucky treat . Junk food is beneficial in EVERYBODY’s life , without junk food what is life really ?…...
Intersectionality Paper
Words • 2349
Pages • 10
Intersectionality PaperLyndsey LeComteMonmouth UniversityIntersectionalityCoining the term, Intersectionality, Kimberle Crenshaw aimed to encourage people to consider the ways in which social determinants such as racism, classism, ageism, sexism, etc. form interlocking systems of oppression that shape the experiences and life chances of individuals as a consequence of multi-dimensional social identities (Green, Evans, Subramanian 2017). Although coining the term to describe biases and violence against African American women, it has become more widely used for other issues as it is used as…...
Schizophrenia, Anorexia, Mental Retardation
Words • 1226
Pages • 5
The following sample essay on "Schizophrenia, anorexia, mental retardation" looks into the different disorders, their causes, and the different methods that are applied in studying them. This topic is extremely important for many people. Psychology deals with the study of the mind, with the aim of explaining human behaviors. It studies the mental aspect behind how we reason and explains the causes of our actions. Various methods of research are applied in psychological studies, such as correlation and experiments. Through…...
Anorexia NervosaDiseaseEating DisorderMental DisorderPsychology
The Era of Rampant Drug Resistance
Words • 1326
Pages • 6
The following sample essay on "The Era of Rampant Drug Resistance" talks about the declining effectiveness of antibiotics. As a result, harmful microorganisms remain alive, including reproduction, despite contact with chemotherapy drugs. For organization like high end tertiary care that are performing high end surgeries, transplants and oncology related work where there is immunosuppressive therapies, probably the challenges are multiplying with times. On the other end, there are chronic diseases and morbidities due to diseases like diabetes are increasing due…...
BiologyFood MicrobiologyHealthHealth CareInfectious DiseasesMedicine
The Difference Between Accidental Wrongs And Structural Wrongs
Words • 649
Pages • 3
The Cambridge online dictionary describes wrong as not correct. A rather simplistic explanation when viewed in terms of law enforcement and the potential for devastation including loss of life of officers and civilians when law enforcement goes wrong. In this essay, the author will discuss case studies as identified by Patrick O'Hara the author of Why Law Enforcement Organizations Fail and use them to illustrate how we can identify the difference between accidental wrongs and structural wrongs in so far…...
CommunicationHealthHuman NatureLawLaw EnforcementMental Health
Deforestation in the Philippines
Words • 2762
Pages • 12
The following sample essay on Deforestation in the Philippines In this chapter, the researchers gather several studies and literature connected with the study listed as follows; (1) Basic Definition (2) History and Causes. (3) Biodiversity (4) Deforestation in the Philippines (5) and lastly, the effects of deforestation. Continuing devastation of backwoods or deforestation is to make the land accessible for different activities. An expected 18 million sections of land (7.3 million hectares) of forest, which is the size of the…...
ClimateDeforestationForestMalariaNatural EnvironmentPollution
Awojobi clinic Eruwa: running a successful rural hospital in Nigeria.
Words • 2992
Pages • 12
INTRODUCTION As a student who wants to see medical practice to advance in Nigeria, visiting Awojobi Clinic Eruwa (ACE) was one of the best things the Ibarapa offered me. The zeal to stay back home and practice a kind of medicine that is driven by indigenous technology and available manpower was born through that visit. This is particularly important in an era like ours when there is a mass exodus of doctors to greener pastures across the globe, especially to…...
Health CareHepatitisMedicineOrgan DonationResearchSurgery
Why I Don’t Like Food Allergies, Asthma, And Skin Problems
Words • 1278
Pages • 6
I cannot stand the summer because I always get sick and start to break out in bumps EVERYWHERE! Like one time when I was 8 years old I went to A Easter egg party at my aunt house, and all my little cousins went outside searching for all the eggs with candy and money in them, so I came outside and started looking for eggs, too. Next thing you know, everybody started chasing and playing around with each other. We…...
We've found 675 essay examples on Disease
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FAQ about Disease

Who should be blamed for childhood obesity
...Through this research, we can say that the children is most likely to be obese when their parents didn’t became a good example to them. It is extremely important for the child to have a parent with a healthy nutrition and physical activity. Not jus...
How Medical Marijuana Is Used In The Patient Treatment?
...This medicine cannot be consumed like other medicines directly. This has to be mixed with some food and can be consumed indirectly by taking that food. Some of the ways to consume it are determined below: It can be baked into any food items or any ot...
How to Relieve Woman Stress in Modern Life
...The last way, which most men will certainly love, will help relieve stress in 15 minutes, it consists of moderate use of dark beer. Many scientists believe that moderate intake of dark beer helps to overcome stress and improve metabolism in the male ...
Why Is Death in Art Important? Is It Even Relevant?
...In Conclusion, these female artists did not let their femininity or stereotypes that women cannot comprehend death stop them from creating darkly beautiful and often times gruesome works of art. Not a lot of female artists had it in them to depict an...
...Cover your eyes and count to 3 (pun intended): I hope this made you laugh. No, we are not playing hide and seek here but it is important to protect the delicate skin around the eyes and the eyes itself by wearing sunglasses. If not protected properly...
Why I Don’t Like Food Allergies, Asthma, And Skin Problems
...I hope people with allergies be more careful on what they eat and what activities they do because it’s very dangerous for us to play with allergies. I learned that I have to be careful with everything I do in life because its easily for something ba...
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