Essays on Sociology

Free essays on Sociology are academic papers that cover various topics related to human society, behavior, and identity. These essays provide insights and understanding of social issues affecting different groups of people, including race, gender, ethnicity, religion, politics, culture, and more. The essays can be found online and cover a broad range of subjects, from social classes and inequality to global migration and gender roles. They are useful resources for students and researchers who are interested in exploring and analyzing social phenomena and behaviors.
Greek Culture and the Doryphoros.
Words • 325
Pages • 2
Greek culture valued the search of harmony and beauty, which they believed could be found in nature and music, which manifested in the Doryphoros. The Doryphoros is a Roman copy of Polykleitos’ bronze statue, which he sculpted in 450BC, High Classical Period. Polykleitos sculpted the Doryphoros to demonstrate that there are proper proportions of the male human form.  This popular statue is now displayed in the Naples National Archaeological Museum in Italy.    According to AAU Online Education Art History…...
CommunicationCultureVisual Arts
In The Park Analysis
Words • 694
Pages • 3
Gwen Harwood’s “In the park” is a poem about a lonely woman sitting in a park with her children, while a man she once loved passes by. The poem is set in Petrarchan sonnet form, with the first eight lines showing us the woman’s trouble and problem. However in the last six lines we see that the woman and this man will never re ignite, the last lines offer the solution to the problem. The title in this poem is…...
The Hajj Pilgrimage: Overview
Words • 905
Pages • 4
Hajj Overview oPilgrimage is the supreme prayer for forgiveness of sins committed and the ultimate preparation for eternity oPilgrimage rituals which must be performed, eg circumambulation of the Ka’ba oThe rites of the Hajj symbolise the essential concepts of Islam and commemorate the trials of the Prophet Ibrahim and his family oHajj: The annual, week-long pilgrimage to Mecca (in modern-day Saudi Arabia), which is the fifth pillar of faith and is therefore an obligation as it is prescribed in the…...
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Frances Cornford
Words • 621
Pages • 3
Grown ups are old on purpose. Grown ups are grand on purpose. This is what the speaker first thinks in Cornford’s “Childhood”. But as the poem goes on he reaches an epiphany; realising that grown ups are no more in control of their destiny as he, a child is. The speaker’s perception is limited by their understanding of the world and growing up. It is only after an encounter with an aunts friend does she come to a realisation. Cornford…...
Silas Marner: A Literary Analysis
Words • 920
Pages • 4
The following example essay on "Silas Marner" is a literary analysis of the work of the English writer George Eliot. The essay focuses on the main theta of the novel and the storyline. George Eliot, which is the pseudonym of Mary Ann Evans, was a prolific writer during the 19th century and could also translate German and was interested in philosophy. The book, Silas Marner, was written at a time of great demographic change and during the industrial revolution in…...
Gertrude Simmons Bonnin
Words • 603
Pages • 3
Gertrude Simmons Bonnin or Zitkala-Sa (known in Dakota’s village as Red Bird) is one of the most talented and highly educated Native American woman. She struggled and fought for the Native American culture during the time of severe oppression prevailed among them by the Euro-American civilians. Her contributions especially in literature, music, and politics changed the insights and beliefs upon their title of sinful savages and to which she strongly challenged this white mans boastful claim of having the best…...
CultureHuman NatureReason
Roman -“Fasting, Feasting”
Words • 348
Pages • 2
The following sample essay on Gender discrimination is the main theme of the novel ‘Fasting, Feasting’ which mostly occurs in Indian society where males are always more superior than females. It is showing that two main characters in the story, Uma and Arun are being treated differently as an old strict tradition that females and males are not equivalent. Desai opens the chapter with the conflict in the family when Papa is holding the most powerful character in the story.…...
CommunicationGenderGender InequalitySexismSocial Issues
GCU’s History & Christian Vision
Words • 383
Pages • 2
GCU: History, Community, and Christian Perspectives • Explain how GCU’s history and its Christian heritage inform its current vision, mission, and pillars. • Identify and explain the various means by which GCU creates a sense of community within its ground and/or online modalities. • Demonstrate how diversity at GCU affects the learning environment, in general, and the individual student, in particular. Module 7: Assignments An Overview of Grand Canyon University This assignment gives you the opportunity to learn about how…...
CommunicationCommunityHuman NatureLearning
Gandhi Satyagraha Summary
Words • 969
Pages • 4
Gandhi’s non-violent individual can be described using the two concepts that are most important in his philosophy: ahimsa and satyagraha. Ahimsa, of course is the principle of non-violence. Mahatma Ghandi believes that the love of God or the Supreme Being must necessarily manifest in all of our actions. This means that we should practice non-violence. In Ghandi’s spiritual point of view, we have struggles that we need to fight internally. These are desires, fear, worry, and anxieties. But these fights…...
Civil RightsCultureEthicsGandhiHuman RightsPhilosophical Theories
Jack London Essay
Words • 433
Pages • 2
Genealogic Classification and typology of languages. 2. Language as a Social Phenomenon. Definition of Language. Functions of the Language. 3. Languages as a Systemic System . Language Levels and Components. The History of the English Language 1. Theories of Language Evolution. Periodization of English and Main Events in the History of English 2. Common LinguisticFeatures of Ancient and Modern Germanic Languages 3. Grammatical andLexical Peculiarities of Old English 4. Main Features ofMiddle English: Phonetics, Grammar, Vocabulary 5.The Characteristicsof Early Modern…...
CommunicationCultureEnglish LanguageLanguageLinguistics
Key Themes of the Christmas Carol
Words • 840
Pages • 4
Furthermore, Dickens uses effective language to give us a vivid picture of what the character of Scrooge is like. Firstly, he uses present participles to show the reader how important money is to him. Scrooge is described as a ‘squeezing, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous old sinner. The verbs all emphasise that money means everything to Scrooge by associating with hands and thereby showing his desperation he is a money grabber. The rhythmic use of these verbs which are repeated could…...
A Christmas CarolCharles DickensChristmasHolidays
Many People Prefer To Watch Foreign Films Rather Than Locally Produced Films
Words • 369
Pages • 2
Foreign films such as Hollywood blockbusters have been prevailing globally and enjoy a wide range of fans, which poses a tremendous threat to the local film industry. A comprehensive analysis concerning the reasons of this phenomenon and whether the government should provide financial aid to support the local film industry will be discussed in this essay. Why such a substantial number of people are willing to see foreign films are mainly attributed to three factors, including the fine production, human…...
Formal Analysis of Winged Genius Relief
Words • 643
Pages • 3
The following sample essay on "Winged Genius": formal analysis of “Relief of a Winged Genius” Yahaira Guzman. Relief of a winged genius is a two-dimensional stone relief sculpture currently located on the first floor of the Museum of Fine Arts Boston, in the Ancient Near East Gallery (Accession number: 81. 56). It is an Assyrian artifact excavated from the palace walls of the capital of ancient Nimrud, dating between 883-859 B. C. The unknown artist’s deliberate use of size, material,…...
Poetry Explication
Words • 896
Pages • 4
For such justifications, reader are capable of “walking into” his poem so effortlessly, as its themes and central ideas present invulnerableness issues that torment the soul. Through the eloquent journo eye of words composed by Spenders, it would be most sinful on the readers’ behalf not to ex prurience an astonishing connection between the burdens of the 21 SST century individual an d the 1 6th century literary genius; not even time can segregate man’s state of mind. Precisely, “S…...
CultureLiterary GenreLovePoetrySonnet
My Evolving Speech Syntax
Words • 1026
Pages • 5
For a while, I have been studying my speech syntax. I have noticed that In certain situations, my idiolect adapts and alters slightly. There are many words that I frequently use and others that tend to appear in certain conversations, but disappear in others. I have an accent which is a mix between Kent and Essex, as I moved from Essex to Kent, and – from my collect – have picked up the Kenneth accent in addition to my previous…...
Zoroastrianism Afterlife
Words • 396
Pages • 2
For believers of Zoroastrianism, where a soul goes in the afterlife is determined by a balance between good and bad deeds.  The good deeds of a person have to outweigh his bad deeds for him/her to be able to enjoy ‘heaven’ in the afterlife.  For those whose deeds weight out equally, there is some kind of purgatory or mid-level where they are sent, considering that in Zoroastrianism, there are various levels in hell.  Bad deeds can be cleansed by way…...
AfterlifeCultureGood And Evil
Reflection Essay On Food Inc Documentary
Words • 344
Pages • 2
Food, Inc. is a 2008 American documentary film directed by Robert Kenner. This film examines corporate farming in the United States, concluding that agribusiness produces food that is unhealthy, in a way that is environmentally harmful and abusive of both animals and employees. There were a couple key topics in this film that moved me and changed my perspective on what I am really ingesting. This first chapter of Food, Inc., “Fast Food to All Food”, opens with a brief…...
CommunicationCultureDocumentaryFoodLiterary Genre
Documentary Analysis
Words • 468
Pages • 2
Food Inc. , a 2008 documentary film directed and produced by Robert Keener, exposes the secrets about how food is processed. Robert Keener is famous for exposing facts and controversies that are rarely discussed. He is also known for his authenticity and his desire to reveal the truth. Keener has received several awards for his films. Food Inc. Even influenced some food policy decisions. His documentary, Food Inc. , talks about the industrialization of the food system in America. The…...
CommunicationCultureDocumentaryHuman NatureLiterary Genre
Ancient Greece Essay
Words • 431
Pages • 2
Fictional characters such as Achilles and Odysseus were the most extremely regarded of heroes. The Greeks admired many features in the characters and heroes of their mythology. but the 1s most admired by them were strength. craft and beauty. The Gods and goddesses of Mt. Olympus embodied all these traits and features most revered by the Greeks. Strength in conflict was greatly admired by the ancient Greeks. The strongest warriors were a favourite subject of myths. The Gods of their…...
Ancient GreeceCountryCultureEuropean UnionGreeceGreek Mythology
Superstition Essay
Words • 896
Pages • 4
Final Writing Assignment: Superstitions in my family Talking about superstitions is a common fact in my family, and in ours modern societies. Even the more reasonable person at least once in his life had been superstitious. Even if we are not extreme in this belief; whom had never crossed their fingers or ran away if we see a black cat. We all even unconsciously believe in fate, good or bad luck. Some people are really extreme in their belief of…...
Romantic Era Essay
Words • 524
Pages • 3
Everyone in this society has his or her own definition of the word “romantic. ” The word gives off the notion of “sentiment and sentimentality, a visionary or idealistic lack of reality. It connotes fantasy and fiction. It has been associated with different times and with distant places: the island of Bali, the world of the Arabian Nights, the age of the troubadours and even Manhattan. ”(Kreis) Romanticism is used all over the world as it relates to many different…...
Sojourner Truth Essay
Words • 623
Pages • 3
Every person has a story to tell, and every story is important in its own right; however, some stories hold more relevance than others based solely on their historical significance.  This is the case with the Narrative of Sojourner Truth.  Dictated in 1850 to Olive Gilbert, “a sympathetic white woman,” Truth’s life story retains its place today as being among the best slave narratives and African American spiritual autobiographies ever written (Gates & McKay, 1997, p. 197). The Narrative of…...
AbolitionismCultureFrederick DouglassPhilosophySlaveryTruth
Fasting Feasting Essay
Words • 314
Pages • 2
Exam Type Essay “Fasting, Feasting” is a novel written by Anita Desai. This book is divided in two parts, one part from an India family point of view, and the other from an American family perspective. The title of this novel is greatly interesting because it is in two parts too. Fasting which means abstaining from all food, and feasting which means to eat rich and abundant meal. After reading the book, we can immediately say that “Fasting” corresponds to…...
Standing Nude: Three Poems Analysis
Words • 1005
Pages • 5
Essay comparing a similar theme in three different poems from the section ‘Standing Female Nude’ The theme I’ve chosen to consider is how Carol Ann Duffy adopts different personas and displays the character effectively through the use of language, style and content. The three poems I’ve chosen are ‘Standing Female Nude’ Comprehensive’ and ‘The Dolphins’. I’ve chosen these poems because they all have entirely different characters which are all shown effectively by Carol Ann Duffy. To begin with the poem…...
Carol Ann DuffyCultureEnglish LanguageLanguagePoemsPoetry
Figueroa’s Framework
Words • 1155
Pages • 5
Equity affects nearly all aspects of our lives none less than sports such as beach volleyball. Sport is an integral part of today’s society and as such, sport should be organised, participated in and distributed in an equitable manner. The aim of equity in sports is to encourage all people, regardless of age, gender, disability or ethnic origin to participate in and develop their potential within sport. Disputes over equity have been apparent in our society for hundreds of years,…...
CommunicationGenderHuman NatureSocial PsychologySociology
The Glass Roses Alden Nowlan
Words • 605
Pages • 3
English 30-1 Short Story Unit Exam (Part 2 – Written) Read each question carefully before answering. You may NOT write about the short story you presented on in class. Please indicate which short story you presented on: The Destructors by Graham Green Laura De Jaegher Please indicate which short story you presented on: The Destructors by Graham Green Laura De Jaegher Answer each of the following questions in one complete and articulate paragraph using relevant evidence from the short stories…...
CommunicationCultureLiterary GenreShort Story
Aspects Of Belonging
Words • 781
Pages • 4
English questions: -Explain how some of the specific events that are presented in your texts provide insight into belonging/ not belonging? -Relationships are integral to human beings feeling like they belong. Assess the truth of this statement in regard to your prescribed text and one other text. TODAYS LESSON: -Thesis statements for each aspect of belonging: -Acceptance -Understanding -Relationships -Notions of Identity -Experience -Landscape Write an introduction and conclusion for each of the questions at the top of the page.…...
CommunityExperienceSocial Psychology
Elizabeth Barrett Browning Essay
Words • 272
Pages • 2
The following sample essay on Elizabeth Barrett Browning and the role of the women In the Victorian age Introduction: Thesis: Women during the Victorian Age were restricted and limited to gender roles and expectations. Elizabeth Barrett Browning was the exception through her writings of poetry. Body Paragraphs: The history of the Victorian Age. Named after Queen Victoria 1. Considered one of the most glorious periods In British history. 2. The British Empire grew In sixes and Importance while being ruled…...
CommunicationGenderHistoryPoetryVictorian Era
Feminist Perspective Essay
Words • 808
Pages • 4
Elliot saying of her ‘although highly strung in temperament, [Isabella] was a woman of great character and determination, she knew her own mind’. I would therefore hypothesis that the feminist perspective of Isabella would be favorable and as a great woman of history. Lies portrays Isabella as a woman who knows exactly what she is doing and all her actions are purposeful and done to benefit her Interests. She saw Isabella as very aware of her Limitations as a female…...
Anne Bradstreet Essay
Words • 702
Pages • 3
Emotional Conflict of Puritan Belief Anne Bradstreet was a puritan wife and mother. However, her passion for literary creation was forced, moreover, to operate within the restraints and inhibitions of Puritanism. There is a conflict between Puritan theology and her own personal feelings on life reflected in many of her poems in which reveal her eternal conflict regarding her emotions and the beliefs of her religion. Puritan marriage normally was repressed so as not to distract their life from their…...
Anne BradstreetCulturePuritans
Elizabethan Weddings
Words • 312
Pages • 2
Elizabethan weddings were a business arrangement, based mainly on strengthening social position. Many of the wedding customs used now originated during the Elizabethan period. In Elizabethan times a woman, if at all, had very little say in whom she was married to. Often the bride and groom would not meet until their wedding day. Elizabethan weddings were almost opposite compared to now. Elizabethan weddings were mainly used to strengthen social position. They were generally a business and brides did not…...
Hell In Your Eyes
Words • 641
Pages • 3
Edwards Is “a great furnace of wrath, a wide and bottomless pit, full of the fire of wrath. ” For this average teenager in America, my definition of hell is much different than the hell of sass’s Jonathan Edwards. For me hell is a term used to describe the unknown. What I am trying to say is that there is no hell, it is Just a floating concept created and used by some people. I believe that we, as humans…...
Mel Gibson Aztec Movie
Words • 631
Pages • 3
During the period of Spanish conquest in the1500s, Meso-American civilizations were ignorant to the Europeans existing on the other side of the world. Due to their ignorance, the Meso-American civilizations created In regards to the tale of Quetzalcoatl and Mel Gibson’s Film “Apocalypto, the two stories taken place during the 1500s are bounded together through various mythic elements such as a clash of cultures and a connection to the sea.In the tale of Quetzalcoatl, Quetzalcoatl’s is greeted unpleasantly by the…...
Contrast In Visual Arts
Words • 360
Pages • 2
  The following sample essay on Contrast In Visual Arts deals with forms of art. Drawing and photography are two similar yet different forms of art. Both compelling in their own respects, both unique in intricate ways. Yet sometimes controversial, even in everyday life. Two simple forms of art that are easily accessible. For example, every time a kid goes to a restaurant they give him or her a pack of crayons with a piece of paper to “draw”. I…...
This Present Darkness Summary
Words • 875
Pages • 4
Do you wonder what the end times might be like? Well look out our window. You are a part of them. Our everyday events such as the election coming up and all the fighting we seeing on our little tv screens are all building up to create the last days. This Present Darkness is a book which uses themes to tell of the social and intellectual milieu of the time and its relationship with biblical prophecy. This book’s author, Frank…...
Introduction to Indo-Aryan Dogri Language
Words • 459
Pages • 2
Dogri is an Indo-Aryan language. Though it is chiefly spoken in the scenic region of Jammu, the presence of Dogri language can also be felt in northern Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and other places. The people speaking Dogri are called Dogras, whereas the belt where it’s spoken is called Duggar. It was only recently that the Dogri language received official recognition in the country. It was recognized as an “independent modern literary language” of India, based on the unanimous recommendation of…...
Women In The Enlightenment
Words • 820
Pages • 4
The following sample essay is about women in the Age of Enlightenment. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. Documents of the Enlightenment century indicate, and subsequent studies confirm, that – with the possible exception of the present century – women have never been so influential and prolific as they were in the Age of Enlightenment. Recently, a new generation of historians and literary scholars – women in particular – has greatly enhanced our understanding and…...
Age Of EnlightenmentBeliefCultureEnlightenmentGenerationPhilosophy
Essay Spider Diagram
Words • 385
Pages • 2
Difference between children and adults| Children| Adults| Not slang – would be inappropriate| Can use slang| Adapted to their level- might not understand| Can use irony and jokes| Informal – as its easier to understand| Formal or informal depending on the person| Down to their physical level| Can use more complicated vocabulary| Specific Tone of voice | More serious| Writing – letters, emails, boards, notes etc. Writing – letters, emails, boards, notes etc. Tone of voice – can show you…...
CommunicationCultureHuman NatureLanguage
Disappearing Number
Words • 513
Pages • 3
The following sample essay on disappearing number is based on maths, culture and the life and death in the world, the play was thought up and directed by Simon McBurney.The play is amazingly abstract in the ways it puts across meaningful concepts that take place around the world.The play was very visually in tune with the audience, adding things to break up large parts of script.For example when al the main character was playing with the over head projector and…...
Ibo Marriage & Family System in Things Fall Apart
Words • 358
Pages • 2
The following sample essay on "Ibo Community": describing the marriage and family system of the Ibo, analysis of falling apart and Mr. Brown. In the Ibo community, polygamy is an accepted practice. Okonkwo is a prime example of the typical male in the tribe. He has three wives total and many children. In the Ibo community, the more wives a man has the more masculine he is considered. The people of the community worship their ancestors very often. Why did…...
ChristianityCommunityCultureGodThings Fall Apart
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