Essays on Sociology

Free essays on Sociology are academic papers that cover various topics related to human society, behavior, and identity. These essays provide insights and understanding of social issues affecting different groups of people, including race, gender, ethnicity, religion, politics, culture, and more. The essays can be found online and cover a broad range of subjects, from social classes and inequality to global migration and gender roles. They are useful resources for students and researchers who are interested in exploring and analyzing social phenomena and behaviors.
Fashion Trends: Cycles and Patterns
Words • 804
Pages • 4
In his article “I’m Not a Dork; I’m Ahead of Today’s Fashions” Alan Ehrenhalt asserts that trends in fashion come and go in repeated cycles (which he calls Dork Cycles). According to him, past styles in clothes, shoes, hairdos etc are often considered by many people as inappropriate and unacceptable until they suddenly and usually for no apparent reason become popular and attractive again. Based on the author’s experience, these repeating changes in fashion occur every fifteen years or so.…...
Jan Van Eyck Arnolfini Wedding
Words • 613
Pages • 3
In comparing Masacio’s Holy Trinity and Jan Van Eyck’s Arnolfini marriage, we are able to analyze many similarities and differences. We notice the innovative Renaissance techniques as well as these two paintings being pivotal pieces not only in these artists careers but also as pioneering artists in history. If we compare these two painting with Gothic art, we observe that these artists techniques have much evolved. These evolved techniques include a focus on naturalism and individualism. These two elements distinguish…...
Costa Rican Dance
Words • 259
Pages • 2
In Costa Rica, dance is a very popular past time Costa Ricans find themselves doing throughout the year. The dances and type of music performed depends on the many cities you’ll find yourself in. Each region has its own popular dance; from traditional folk dance to current American influenced dances like pop and disco music. In the city of Guanacaste, it is found that traditional folk dancing is more popular. Traditional folk dancing is a type of dance in which…...
CommunicationCosta RicaCultureDanceHobby
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The White Devil Analysis
Words • 584
Pages • 3
In act 2, playwright John Webster uses a framed narrative to portray the deaths of Isabella and Camillo, creating a psychological horror rather than a graphical one. Through the use of a conjuror, Webster manages to show deaths via ‘sophistic tricks’ from the ‘nigromancer’. By using this character as another narrator, a certain distance is created between the audience and the actions on scene, allowing the minds of the audience to wander, questioning the events that led up to the…...
Settle For Half
Words • 729
Pages • 3
In A View From The Bridge, Arthur Miller aimed to write a modern tragedy involving ‘the common man’. He wrote in 1949 for the New York Times that ‘the common man is an apt a subject from tragedy in it’s highest sense as kings were. He thought that tragedy ‘is the consequence of a man’s total compulsion to evaluate himself justly’ and that most of us are willing to remain passive when our dignity and our image of our rightful…...
A View From The BridgeCultureLawTragedy
Johnson V. Misericordia Community Hospital
Words • 886
Pages • 4
In 1980, patient (plaintiff) James Johnson filed suit against Misericordia Community Hospital alleging medical malpractice. The suit specifically alleged corporate negligence in the appointment of Dr. Lester V. Salinksy (independent member) to the medical staff at Misericordia Community Hospital. During the surgery, Dr. Salinsky severed the femoral artery, resulting in partial paralysis for Johnson (casebriefs. com). Ultimately, Johnson suffered a permanent paralytic condition to his right thigh muscles with resultant atrophy and weakness as well as a loss of function…...
Common LawCommunityHealthHealth CareHospitalJustice
Dance Helical Model Of Communication
Words • 1082
Pages • 5
In 1967. Frank Dance proposed the communicating theoretical account called Dance’s Helix Model for a better communicating procedure. The name coiling comes from “Helix” which means an object holding a 3-dimensional form like that of a wire lesion uniformly around a cylinder or cone. He shows communicating as a dynamic and non-linear procedure. Theory Dance’s theoretical account emphasized the troubles of communicating. Frank Dance uses the signifier of a Helix to depict communicating procedure. He developed this theory based on…...
A Golden Age Tahmima Anam
Words • 323
Pages • 2
In “A Golden Age,” by Tahmima Anam, the story is centred around Rehana and her struggle to keep her family and nation united during the Bangladeshi war of independence. The story describes Rehana’s bravery and how she manages to keep her family together despite the tumultuous occurrences of the Bengali people from before partition to the formation of a distinct nation. The trauma as described in the novel are primarily centred around Rehana’s loss of her husband and the separation…...
Heaney’s Follower Poem Analysis
Words • 762
Pages • 4
In ‘Follower’ Heaney presents us with a very vivid picture of his father as he appeared to the poet as a young boy. We learn a lot about both the relationship that existed between them and the way Heaney saw his family. The father is, more than anything else, an energetic and skilled farmer. He is ‘An expert’ with the horse-plough and Heaney as a little boy would simply get in his father’s way. The poem is full of admiration…...
My Biographical Essay About Me
Words • 543
Pages • 3
I’m Dmitry. I’m 22 year’s old. I’m a very popular footballer in Moscow region. I want to read the essay About me essay is an exercise that is given to students so that they can learn writing on different topics. It is the first step of writing, when you will learn to write about yourself, you will also learn about writing other topics. For writing about me essay, all you have to know is your own self. The essay about…...
CommunicationCultureHuman Nature
Bud Holman: A Retrospective at Mulvane
Words • 373
Pages • 2
I went to the Mulvane Art Museum on Tuesday, September 13th. I chose to look and write about the Bud Holman: A Retrospective art exhibit. Bud Holman was born on a farm in Topeka, in 1926 he first worked as a Regionalist, painting and drawing the landscape and neighborhoods where he grew up. His art exhibit tells the story of one man’s life in paint; I thought this was really neat. I chose this exhibit because as I looked around,…...
CommunicationCulturePaintingVisual Arts
Importance Of Organizational Behavior
Words • 463
Pages • 2
I want to define “what is Organizational Behavior? ” and after that we can understand why it’s importance. Organizational behavior studies the influence that individuals, groups and organizational structure have on behavior within organizations. (Robins & Judge, 10th,p. 2). From this definition, we can say if we learn Organizational behavior, it will help us understand and predict human behavior in an organization. There are many reasons make Organizational Behavior become important in an organization. First of all, we have to…...
BehaviorBusinessCommunicationCultureHuman Resource ManagementOrganizational Behavior
Summary of the Christmas Carol
Words • 379
Pages • 2
I think this is very noble of him because Bob Cratchitt would’ve been very grateful to him and this also would have changed the rest of the Cratchitt’s family, especially Mrs Cratchitt (who expressed her great dislike of Scrooge on Christmas day) perception of him. However Scrooge does not want this glory because it defeats the object of sending the turkey – he wishes to remain anonymous. He also learns that Christmas is a time for forgiveness and for being…...
ChristmasCommunicationHolidaysHuman Nature
Cultural Universal Examples
Words • 1009
Pages • 5
I have chosen to write about why cultural universals pose a problem for moral relativism in this paper. I will begin by defining cultural universals (CU). Then, I will cite examples of such theory and continue by applying them to situations In which these slmllarltles can be seen. Next, I will discuss how we can convince ourselves that a given standard of behavior Is In fact a cultural universal. I will then define moral relatlvlsm as well as provide examples…...
The Amusing Nacirema Body Rituals
Words • 306
Pages • 2
I initially found “Body Ritual Among the Nacirema” to be amusing, especially upon realizing (with a little help from Wikipedia) that “Nacirema” is “American” spelled backwards and the hero “Notgnihsaw” is really “Washington. ” However, I couldn’t help but to be a little put off by Miners mocking approach even if it was written as an anthropological satire. Perhaps this was Miners point, but I felt that one could turn any custom or ritual upon its head with the right…...
Daily Mirror Target Audience
Words • 979
Pages • 4
I have decided to compare two newspaper articles, one from the tabloid “The Daily Mirror” and the other from the broadsheet “The Guardian”. Both papers on Friday January the 13th 2006 covered the tragic story of the 345 deaths, caused by stampede at the annual hajj pilgrimage to Mecca. Since the story is relevant to current issues, I believe it will conjure an array of diverse language. The comparison of language usage will be predominantly achieved through my analysis of…...
John Keating Dead Poets Society
Words • 615
Pages • 3
I deeply remember the English teacher He is really a great teacher. His new teaching method brought vitality Mr.. Keating. To the old school. I still remember that he said,” Even though it may seem sill or wrong, you may try. ” I won’t forget he made the students tear some pages of their books on which he thought what the author said was wrong. He told the students that, “Now when you read, don’t Just consider what the author…...
Dead Poets SocietyEntertainmentFilm AnalysisSocietySociology
Sport Unites: True or False?
Words • 762
Pages • 4
I believe this is both a true comment and a false comment. The fact that people are brought together through sport especially like the Olympics is true. The event does bring a mass of viewers around the world through TV and other commercial use and every 4 years there always seems to be a new face in the form of a country competing with the top countries in the so called “biggest sporting event in the world”. With this Baron…...
CommunicationCultureJesse OwensNazi GermanyOlympic Games
Environmentalism As Religion
Words • 823
Pages • 4
I agree Robin’s opinion. Like religion, environmentalism has difference tribe, environmentalist like a missionary, environmentalism and religion both have food taboos and they also both no logical bases. In today’s world have many kinds of religions, and environmentalism also has difference tribe, we may hear some difference sound form environmentalist. Rubin says, “Original religions were tribal rather than universal. Each tribe had its own god or gods, and the success of the tribe was evidence that their god was stronger…...
BeliefCultureNatural EnvironmentReligion
HW: Road to Hell Analysis
Words • 397
Pages • 2
HW: Road to Hell Read the case study and answer 3 questions below. Submit a hardcopy (2 pages maximum) of your answers at class time. 1 . Identify at least 2 major mistakes Baker made in the final interview with Rennalls. Explain why they were mistakes and what he might have done instead. A: ?2 major mistakes, 1) Baker knew a lot about Rennalls’s political views and racial issues sensitivity, but Baker made a mistake building his interview from his…...
CommunicationCultureHuman NatureLeadership
HR Management Scores & Gender Comparison
Words • 765
Pages • 4
Human Resources Management Slp Sample Institution: Human Resources Management What are your scores, and how do they relate to the average scores of men and women overall, in your country, and in the other countries? My scores are ranked in the following manner; the hostile sexism score is 3.45 and the benevolent sexism score is 3.36. They are somehow related to the average scores of men and women who have taken the record of scores from a cross-cultural perception. For…...
GenderHuman NatureSexismSocial Issues
Yahwist Creation Story
Words • 360
Pages • 2
How many people have ever noticed that there are two stories of creation in the Bible? The sources of the Genesis story, which I will analyze below, is that of the Priestly (P) source and of the Yahwist (J) source. Upon hearing there are multiple accounts, various sources, etc. it is tempting to automatically assume there are contradictions and discrepancies. This does not have to be the case. As such, I will describe differences between the two sources below and…...
How Is The Word Myth Used Popularly
Words • 659
Pages • 3
For example, what does the statement, “It’s a myth” mean? In contrast, how is the word myth used in the academic context? After considering the definition in your textbooks and course materials, write a definition in your own words. The academic definition of a myth” is discovering a way of making meaning that has been part of every human society. ” I believe myths are stories that are told from generation to generation. Depending on our culture, religion, beliefs and…...
BeliefCultureHuman Nature
Miller’s Masculinity in A View from the Bridge
Words • 716
Pages • 3
How Does Miller present masculinity in a view from the bridge? Masculinity is an evident theme that runs through the play and is made very obvious through the speech and actions of the characters. The main leading males are Eddy, Marco and Rudolph, [Alfieri could also be considered as a main male role] each playing different roles and different types of men. Arthur Miller does subvert from the theme of masculinity and highlights the ever important theme of femininity throughout,…...
A View From The BridgeCultureMasculinity
The Lovely Bones Summary Example
Words • 818
Pages • 4
How does Sebold use representations of speech and other literary techniques to portray the character of Grandma Lynn in the following extract and in one other extract in the novel? In The Lovely Bones, Grandma Lynn plays a key role in reconnecting the Salmon family following Susie’s death. Throughout the novel, Sebold and uses a variety of different literary techniques to portray her character to the reader. The extract is the scene where Lynn is first introduced, which Sebold uses…...
Study of the Concept of Change in the Dougy Text by James Moloney
Words • 854
Pages • 4
The following sample essay describes how the concept of change is explored in DOUGY by James Moloney. To read the introduction, body, and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. How is the concept of change explored in your prescribed text DOUGY by James Moloney? Change is a process and refers to the act or instance of becoming different. Dougy, the protagonist in James Moloney’s novel Dougy, undergoes a personal transformation of character resulting in growth, maturity and resolution. Moloney employs…...
CultureHuman Nature
Setting Of A Christmas Carol
Words • 747
Pages • 3
How does Dickens set the scene for the appearance in Jacob Maryles Ghost in stave 1 of a Christmas carol? Dickens immediately sets the scene by writing a forceful, yet mysterious beginning to the first scene. “Marley was dead to begin with” The effect of this opening is startling and also shocking. This is a very unusual way to open a story. Also this is a question to his death, so he is dead but could come into the story…...
A Christmas CarolCharles DickensChristmasHolidays
The Horses Edwin Muir
Words • 749
Pages • 3
How Does Edwin Mir Portray Childhood In Horses? At face value, Horses is a poem about Edwin Mir and it’s a nostalgic view on the distant memory of how he felt about the horses as a child compared to now. The way Mir describes the horses is in awe-struck tone, but this varies as at times he seems to be quite fearful of the horses as he looks back in a child-like state of mind. One of the major themes…...
Head Of English Poem Analysis
Words • 705
Pages • 3
How do poets create the illusion of the speaking voice? Write about Carol Ann Duffy’s ‘Head of English’ and one other poem from section one. In your answer show how language is used in both poems to convey attitudes and values. ‘Head of English’ by Carol Ann Duffy explores the idea of stereotypical teachers and how G.B. Shaw’s dictum, “He who can, does. He who cannot, teaches” may apply. Carol Ann Duffy is almost scornful towards her main character as…...
Carol Ann DuffyCultureEnglish LanguagePoetry
What Is the Hmong Religion
Words • 927
Pages • 4
The following sample essay is dedicated to the topic - what is the Hmong religion and shamanism. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. Hmongs began to settle in the United States from Southeast Asia in 1975 but still practice many traditions from their homeland today. In many cultures that migrate to new areas, practices are discontinued over time due to Americanization. Although with many younger generations these traditions may be forgotten about, for many elders…...
CultureDiseaseHealth CareSoul
Why Is It Important To Study Intercultural Communication
Words • 631
Pages • 3
History Impacts Intercultural Communication •Why would it be important to examine the role of history in Intercultural Communication? When we examine the role of history in Intercultural Communication, we gain an understanding of how our past influences our communication skills with people from other cultures. We need to learn and understand why we communicate the way we do. It can be very helpful in improving our relations with other cultures. Studying the histories of cultures that are different from ours…...
CommunicationEducationIntercultural CommunicationLearningSociologyStudy
Age-old Hinduism and its Rich Literature
Words • 757
Pages • 4
Hinduism is one of the oldest religions of the world. It evolved in the Indian subcontinent over 5000 years ago and has a rich body of literature. Unlike monotheistic religions such as Christianity or Islam, Hinduism is polytheistic, with thousands of deities and gods being worshipped. Even in terms of ethnography and culture there is a rich diversity of Hindu expression. The sacred rituals and beliefs related to Hinduism vary across ethnic communities in India. The Hindu scriptures explain morality…...
Virtue By George Herbert
Words • 1019
Pages • 5
Herbert’s is visibly devout and requires very little in-depth reading to realise this. He’s so focused on the deliverance of a religious message that he even structures the poem’s shape according to the context to the poem, which is obviously indicative of his piousness, but what appears in his poetry is also that despite this devotion, it’s never quite enough. The most obvious example of a poem wherein the context is delivered not only through language but very powerfully through…...
CultureLiterary CriticismPoetry
Leavism Culture and Civilization Explained
Words • 978
Pages • 4
He also sees society as a whole possessing ‘ a common basis of human nature’ (11) however he seams to think that the Barbarians and Philistines have a better developed basis of human nature than the Populace. As john Storey says, ‘Arnold seems to be suggesting that the aristocracy and middle classes are further along the evolutionary continuum than the working class’ (12) This follows through that everyone has a place in society and that all should look to their…...
CivilizationCultureHuman NatureMatthew ArnoldMesopotamiaPopular Culture
The Day I Will Never Forget Essay
Words • 353
Pages • 2
Have you ever been to wedding that Just makes you want to cry and say I am so happy for you? I did and that was when my sister got married a year ago. This was like a fairytale but even better. As my sister was getting ready for her wedding. My mother was going around taking pictures of everybody that was going to be In her wedding. It was Like everyone was running around like a chicken with their…...
The Aristotle Four Causes
Words • 789
Pages • 4
The following sample essay on The Aristotle Four Causes. Greek philosopher who was fascinated by the physical world around him which he wanted to understand and explain. Aristotle highly admired his tutor Plato; however he dismissed his theories about the alternative world of forms and the true form of objects. Instead he tried to explain why things exist as they do In the real world. Aristotle believed we can only know a thing fully when all its causes of existence…...
History of Hagia Sophia Building
Words • 495
Pages • 2
Hagia Sophia one of the most admirable buildings ever created, designed by Anthemios of Tralles and Isidore of Miletus, and built under the Emperor Justinian I from 532–537. The building has an Unbelievable way of allowing light into the building, instead of a few large arched windows Hagia Sophia distributes the weight and allows for numerous windows allowing sunlight to pour into the building. Just in the great hallway alone about ten large arched windows allow the beautifully painted mosaics…...
ArchitectureConstructionCultureHagia Sophia
Father And Child Gwen Harwood Analysis
Words • 843
Pages • 4
Gwen Harwood- Father and Child The ability of a text to be universally accepted in a range of contexts ultimately determines its textual integrity and appreciation. Gwen Harwood’s work draws from the inspiration of her context, her lifelong influences, primarily music, her childhood and religious beliefs. This can be identified through study of Gwen Harwood’s poem, “Father and Child” that is able to be appreciated in a multitude of different contexts due to its universality and textual integrity. Gwen Harwood’s…...
CultureKing LearMusicPoetry
Greetings in United States of America
Words • 938
Pages • 4
Both men and women usually smile and shake hands when greeting. The American handshake is usually firm. Good friends and relatives may embrace when they meet, especially after a long absence. In casual situations, people may wave rather than shake hands. Friends also wave to each other at a distance. Americans may greet strangers on the street by saying ‘Hello’ or ‘Good morning (in Spanish, Hola or Buenos dias), although they may pass without any greeting. Among young people, casual…...
CommunicationCultureHuman Nature
Greek Culture and the Doryphoros.
Words • 325
Pages • 2
Greek culture valued the search of harmony and beauty, which they believed could be found in nature and music, which manifested in the Doryphoros. The Doryphoros is a Roman copy of Polykleitos’ bronze statue, which he sculpted in 450BC, High Classical Period. Polykleitos sculpted the Doryphoros to demonstrate that there are proper proportions of the male human form.  This popular statue is now displayed in the Naples National Archaeological Museum in Italy.    According to AAU Online Education Art History…...
CommunicationCultureVisual Arts
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How Is The Word Myth Used Popularly
...Long before the continuance of being the printing press, personal computers the internet and other modes of modern communication. People have written their world through telling a story to their love ones and through the oral customs. An important pa...
What Is the Hmong Religion
...A majority of Hmong people do not feel comfortable seeking health care at hospitals and clinics in the U. S. because the practices vastly differ from the practices in their home land. So as a healthcare professional do your research and have an under...
Why Is It Important To Study Intercultural Communication
...Many cultures within our country, as well as throughout the world, have such different belief systems from ours that if we don’t make a point of learning about the history behind other belief systems then there could be a breakdown in communication...
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