Essays on Sociology

Free essays on Sociology are academic papers that cover various topics related to human society, behavior, and identity. These essays provide insights and understanding of social issues affecting different groups of people, including race, gender, ethnicity, religion, politics, culture, and more. The essays can be found online and cover a broad range of subjects, from social classes and inequality to global migration and gender roles. They are useful resources for students and researchers who are interested in exploring and analyzing social phenomena and behaviors.
Borges’s Gospel Allegory.
Words • 764
Pages • 4
Jorge Luis Borges is famous for his short stories. The Gospel According to Mark is an allegorical take on the time-worn story of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. It excels in all the essential features of good short fiction. In particular, as this essay will argue, its theme, symbolisms, tone and style showcase the Borges’ mastery of the form. These elements unite and complement one another to produce a cohesive and powerful piece of fiction. The most powerful element in…...
ChristianityCultureFictionJorge Luis BorgesSacrificeSalvation
Poem Text Slough Poem Analysis
Words • 704
Pages • 3
John Betjeman’s ‘Slough’ is centred around the town of Slough and is a poem used to express strong political opinions and has discreet commentary on modern life, whereas the two poems by R. S. Thomas are concentrated on ideas about religion and technology but are put forward by using agricultural examples. Both poems by Thomas are slightly irregular in structure; ‘Soil’ is written in Blank verse and has no rhyming and ‘Cynddylan on a Tractor’ has no particular structure, but…...
Early Dream of Michael Jackson
Words • 853
Pages • 4
John Moxley Mrs. Minton LNG 332 11 February 2010 Dreaming Before Succeeding At the age of four, Michael Jackson already knew he wanted to become a singer. Although Jackson did not know how he was going to achieve his goal, Jackson had the American dream on his side. In the short story, “His Father’s Earth” by Thomas Clayton Wolfe, Wolfe demonstrates how people have to dream before they can succeed through the main character. The main character is a young…...
American DreamOrganized Crime
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Mesopotamia Leaders
Words • 508
Pages • 3
Jargon being an example of good leadership and Naira-Sin being a good example of poor leadership. Comparison of the two kings will be done with respect to their actions and reasons for their successes or failures, and also with respect to the concept of “Me”. Finally, a conclusion of what constitutes corruption In Ancient Sumerian will be made. Introduction The “Me” were a set of rules designed by the gods to preserve harmony and order of the universe. Examine the…...
Briar Rose Fable
Words • 864
Pages • 4
Paper Type:Personal essays
Jane Yolen topographic points strong accent on the impression of personal find which becomes the cardinal message in the text ‘Briar Rose’ . Yolen sets the supporter. Rebecca Berlin on a pursuit of personal find. a pursuit which is strongly connected to the yesteryear. a past which takes its roots in the holocaust. Yolen captivates the respondent through the use of the sophisticated linguistic communication techniques: fable. narrative construction. and multiple narrative voices to convey the significance of personal find.…...
Long Term Orientation Japan
Words • 858
Pages • 4
Japan geographically is small in area which contained an approximate 125 million people. The country has a literacy rate of almost 100% with 95% of the population studied high school education. The country is under the rule of a constitutional monarch with parliamentarian democracy as form of government. It is the Prime Minister who stands as the Chief Government Officer. The dominant and exclusive religion in Japan is Shinto, which is similar to Buddhism-the basis and roots of their tradition…...
The Color Of Water Discussion Questions
Words • 527
Pages • 3
It was in her sense of education, more than any other, that Mommy convey yet her Swinishness to us. ” Do you agree with this statement? Is it possible that Ruth McBride Jordan’ s unshakable devotion to her faith, even though she converted to Christianity from Judaism, stems from her Orthodox Jewish upbringing? 3. “Mommy’s contradictions crashed and slammed against one another like b umpire cars at Coney Island. White folks, she felt, were implicitly evil toward blacks, yet she…...
Trying To Find Chinatown Essay
Words • 919
Pages • 4
It is Chinese New Year. The hustle and bustle of trade, the haggling of prices fills the air as people jostle through the crowd to buy that kilogram of barbecued pork, or that bunch of golden rat-shaped decorations to welcome the year of the Rat. However, many people simply run through the epicentre of joyful noise and energy that can only be Chinatown without stopping to wonder at the past it possesses and the reason for its existence in a…...
AsiaChinaChinatownChinese New YearCultureSingapore
Something’s Rotten In Denmark Meaning
Words • 699
Pages • 3
It is highly problematic to use the word ‘tragedy’ when referring to Shakespeare’s works. ‘Hamlet’ has long been considered the best example of what one would call a tragedy out of all Shakespeare’s plays, yet this generalisation, as it proves to be, is the most troublesome of all. Perhaps the reason for this lies in the unknown extent of Shakespeare’s familiarity with what one would call traditional tragedy, whose routes lie in the principles set down by the Greeks and…...
CultureHamletTragedyWilliam Shakespeare
Gender roles in American sitcoms of the 50s
Words • 571
Pages • 3
It has been argued that suburban life and creation was patriotic. In the 1950s, the United States had just entered an economic boom after World War II. Anything that would strengthen the United States was considered patriotic. For example, buying US-made goods such as cars, refrigerators, and televisions. Home ownership and creation was the ideal of the day. One of the most important functions of the 1950s sitcom was gender roles. Each family had a mother, a father, and different…...
AmericaCultureGenderHuman Nature
Isabel Archer’s Upbringing
Words • 469
Pages • 2
Isabel Archer is a young American woman who lost her Mom when she was young, and who received a rather varied and eccentric upbringing. At the beginning of the book, her father dies and she is left to figure out what to do with her life. At this crucial time in Isabel’s life her eccentric aunt Mrs. Touchett arrives in America. She decides that Isabel needs more opportunities to fulfill her potential than she will find in America and so…...
Red Guards Revolution Mao
Words • 1008
Pages • 5
It had been argued that one of the many aims of Mao’s Cultural Revolution had been that of the “cleaning up” of the economic, political, ideological, and organisational impurities of the rural peasants and basic-level cadres. 1 The initial intention of the Social Education Movement was to restore collectivisation which was damaged by the disasters after the Great Leap. However, it was soon revealed that corruption among the grass-roots rural cadres was rampant, resulting in the shift of focus from…...
ChinaCommunismCultureMao ZedongPolitics
Informative Speech About Islam
Words • 276
Pages • 2
Paper Type:Informative essays
Introduction: Are all Muslims terrorists? The Muslim Religion teaches people to love God and serve him without killing innocent people. I. Defining Islam & Muslims A. What is Islam 1. Islam means submission to Allah (which is Arabic for God) 2. Followers (muslims) live by Qur’an a. believed to be verbatim word of God B. Who is Muslim 1. 1. 57 billion Muslims in world, 23% of world population a. 2nd largest religion & fastest growing 2. Majority of muslims…...
Bruce Lee Speech
Words • 900
Pages • 4
Introduction Born between 6 and am on November 27 1940, both the hour and year of the dragon, his symbolic birth marks the start of a new age, the age where a new martial art style is created which supersedes any other form of martial arts that has ever existed, the age where the Asians will never be looked down upon again by the Westerns, the age of this powerful man called Bruce Lee. Bruce Lee is a Chinese born…...
ChinaCultureMartial ArtsRacism
Classification Of Phraseological Units
Words • 385
Pages • 2
INTRODUCTION Phraseology is a study of set or fixed expressions, such as idioms, phrasal verbs, and other types of multi-word lexical units, in which the component parts of the expression take on a meaning more specific than or otherwise not predictable from the sum of their meanings when used independently. The classification of phraseological units can be different. According to Vinogradov, there are phraseological combinations, unities and fussions. The Koonin’s classification is the latest outstanding achievement in the Russian theory…...
This essay will argue that neither the governess nor her narrative is reliable
Words • 813
Pages • 4
Inform your response with reference to the novel’s narrative structure, James’ use of language to characterise the governess and your knowledge of the text’s historical, cultural and critical context. This essay will argue its case by looking at the narrative structure, Henry James’s use of language to characterise the governess and will also refer to other historical, cultural and critical opinions of the novel. Through all this, the essay will show how the story we are reading is not an…...
ChineseCommunicationRace And EthnicityThe Turn Of The Screw
California Light And Space Movement
Words • 319
Pages • 2
In world of visual arts, we often think of artworks in the form of paintings and sculptures. But in the 1960s, a group of southern Californian artists moved away from the familiar traditions of art-making. Moving away from the traditional frame work, artist like Robert Irwin, Doug Wheeler and James Turrell focused their art work on the experience of light and space. This new movement in contemporary art did not require a frame, or wall to hang on. The experience…...
Abstract ArtAestheticsArt MovementsCultureJackson PollockVisual Arts
Formal Analysis Art
Words • 337
Pages • 2
Paper Type:Synthesis essays
In today’s society, luxury and necessity are in a constant battle with one another. We live in a time where luxury items are being valued higher than what is actually essential to human survival. Artists are able to convey these type of political and societal messages in their art, whether it be a painting, sculpture, music, theatre, and many more. The work of art that I analyzed was a sculpture from the spring of 2014. Its artist is my sister…...
Worldview Paper Outline
Words • 523
Pages • 3
In this outline you will learn about who God is, and the nature of our universe. Does us living in this world have a purpose, or is it Just wasting our time? Growing up we are set around a worldview of beliefs, and stories, and are set to believe that those are true. This world allows for a diversity of worldviews, but which one is correct or incorrect? 1 . Who is God and what are His characteristics? God is…...
Silent Night Mary Higgins Clark
Words • 998
Pages • 4
The following sample essay on in this report I’m going to analyze Silent Night by Mary Higgins Clark in terms of plot, theme, style and message. The book is considered to be the classics of suspense. The plot of the book is complicated but clear and comprehensible. It is very tense and absorbing, menace and thrilling, exciting and vivid. On the Christmas Eve the main character of the story, Brian, is standing with his mother Catherine and his elder brother…...
Arts And Crafts Movement Essay
Words • 774
Pages • 4
In this essay I will describe the Arts and Crafts movement and how it evolved. It began during a period of unrest within Britain in the post-industrial revolution times. The movement served to bring basic crafts, which we take to be artist skills today, to a level of the fine arts of painting. We accept that crafts such as textiles, ceramics, metalwork, jewellery making and woodwork are large areas of art on the same level as painting and sculpture. This…...
AestheticsCultureVisual ArtsWilliam Morris
Language Limits Thought
Words • 802
Pages • 4
The following sample essay on "Language Limits Thought": in this essay author  attempts to answer the question, “Does language determine or limit thought?” I intend to explore the ways in which language limits (or determines) thought and the ways in which language empowers thought. To begin with, I will try to give a brief explanation the nature of language. Language doesn’t only include spoken words but can also be body language, signals such as semaphore, or codes even animals -although…...
An Advantage for Artists and an Obstacle for Scientists
Words • 614
Pages • 3
In this essay I shall attempt to answer the question, “To what extent is the subjective nature of perception regarded as an advantage to artists but an obstacle for scientists? ” The first issue of knowledge exists in defining the “extent” to which the subjective nature of perception is regarded as an advantage for artists but an obstacle to overcome for scientists. This is quite difficult, instead I intend to explore (/see) to what extent may the subjective nature of…...
Social Darwinism Essay
Words • 688
Pages • 3
In the wild, animals compete against one another for survival, fighting to keep their spot in the world. America, along with every other country goes through tough economic struggle, where the population has to fight in order to survive. Social Darwinism is a term used to describe the idea that humans, like animals and plants, compete in a struggle for existence in which natural selection results in “survival of the fittest. ” People living in the United States indeed, have…...
CommunicationHuman NatureNatural SelectionSocial Darwinism
The Poem “Blessing” by Imtiaz Dharker
Words • 890
Pages • 4
In the poem "Blessing", Imtiaz Ali bases the poem on a situation in which water is a very rare commodity and describes the scene that is created on the special occasion when water is available in plenty.The title of the poem is short, but not straightforward. When a reader initially reads the title ‘blessing’, the reader has no clue as to what the poem will be about. The first thing that came to my mind when I read the title…...
“The Secret Sharer” by Joseph Conrad
Words • 579
Pages • 3
The following sample essay on "The Secret Sharer by Joseph Conrad" is about a piece by a Polish-British author. The story was adapted for a segment of the 1952 film Face to Face. In The Secret Sharer, a captain escapes his ship where he was held captive after murdering a member of the crew. He swims to another ship and admits the whole truth to the captain. Both captains have bad relationships with their crew and they empathise with each…...
Hitlers First Photograph
Words • 703
Pages • 3
In the second poem “Hitler’s first photograph”, Szymborska is mulling over the infinite opportunities with which a child is presented. She, and we, know the outcome for this particular child, but the persona in the poem is unaware; this is why we call this type of poem a dramatic irony: “Will he grow up to be an L.L.D.?”, “Where will those tootsy-wootsies finally wander?”. She uses this to make us think that had he developed differently, the world might have…...
Adolf HitlerCultureLanguagePoetryPrivacyWar
John Agard Half Caste Poem Analysis
Words • 889
Pages • 4
In the poem “half-caste” John Agard uses a variety of metaphors. He refers to things that are multicoloured to get his point across “yu mean when Picasso mix red an green is a half-caste canvas” John Agard is trying to tell his audience that Picasso doesn’t just use one colour in his paintings, he uses a variety of colours, which makes the painting more interesting. This relates to John Agard because he is a mixture of two colours, which makes…...
CommunicationCultureEnglish LanguageLanguagePoetry
How To Eat A Poem By Eve Merriam
Words • 799
Pages • 4
In the poems ‘How to Eat a Poem’ by Eve Merriam and ‘Introduction to Poetry’ by Billy Collins, important ideas are presented about how poetry should be experienced and enjoyed. The poets used the techniques extended metaphor, repetition, metaphors and personification to show me how these ideas is important. In ‘How to Eat a Poem’ by Eve Merriam, the author describes how poetry is to be experienced. Poetry doesn’t need any manners and has no rules. “Don’t be polite /…...
Motorcycles And Sweetgrass
Words • 318
Pages • 2
In the novel “Motorcycles and Sweetgrass,” author Drew Hayden Taylor is concerned with aboriginal community politics, identity, mythology, and intergenerational legacies. It is written in an adventurous perspective on aboriginal life and traditions. The characters respond to change and they embrace it. this is shown by examining the actions/ roles of the characters in the novel such as Maggie, Wayne and Sammy considering the purpose of this book is to connect the experience of aboriginal life through the characters from…...
The Wassily Kandinsky Trees
Words • 898
Pages • 4
The following sample essay on The Wassily Kandinsky Trees. In the 19th Century, paintings were very structured. Artists painted what they saw. Knowing this is what the public expected, Wassily Kandinsky began his abstract painting in a way in which others could still distinguish features such as his most recurrent subjects such as mountains, villages, trees and churches. I feel Kandinsky was trying to fulfil what the public wanted rather than fulfil his own needs as an artist in the…...
Abstract ArtCulturePaintingVisual Arts
Sympathy By Paul Laurence Dunbar
Words • 525
Pages • 3
In the 1890s Paul Laurence Dunbar composed a literary work named “Sympathy” where the speaker’s attention is on a cage bird. This poem perhaps was the result of Dunbar’s after high school experience operating an elevator cage. That was the only job he could find because he was denied positions in business and journalism because of his race (African-American). And by this literary work it can be inferred that he felt trapped at this job, because of his race and…...
CultureI Know Why The Caged Bird SingsPoetry
Perspective Basketball
Words • 614
Pages • 3
In sociology, there are 3 paradigms. There is the conflict theory perspective, the symbolic-interaction perspective and the structural-functionalist perspective. From a conflict paradigm point of view, the essay would focus on gender and how the assumption that girls lack the same level of strength and stamina as men. The WNBA (Women National Basketball League) doesn’t get the same amount of respect as the males do in the NBA (National Basketball League). Another issue could be that the NBA players have…...
BasketballCommunicationHuman NatureLifePerspectiveSociology
Say Hey Kid Lyrics
Words • 336
Pages • 2
In our technologically advanced and ever-changing world, we get more ways to personalize our outfits, devices and even ourselves, yet all of this customization is banal and has become the norm. Children are taught from a very young age what society’s expectations of them are and what they must do in order to fulfill them and become another sheep in a heard of six million. It has become part of our culture to obsess about a brand of clothing or…...
CommunicationConformityCultureHuman Nature
This Be The Verse Analysis
Words • 823
Pages • 4
In Philip Larkin’s poem, “This Be the Verse,” he uses strong language to get across his message of that no one should have children. The title already gives hints to the attitude of this poem. The title “This Be the Verse” sounds like the Larkin is stating that this is the guide that we should all live by. Specifically, “verse” gives off a very biblical feeling making it sound official and used by people centuries ago. Also the defined article…...
The Grammatical Function Hierarchy
Words • 876
Pages • 4
The following sample essay on The grammatical function hierarchy. In linguistics, a great deal of work revolves around phrase structure and comprehension of that phrase structure: ‘decoding’ it, if you will. This is something that concerns many different linguistic specialists, from syntacticians to translators, and in order to examine the phrase structure (noun phrase {NP}, verb phrase {VP} etc.) it is vital to understand the elements that make up such a phrase structure and how they interact with one another.…...
Phrase Structure and Its Understanding in Linguistics
Words • 517
Pages • 3
The following sample essay is about the structure of a phrase and its understanding in linguistics. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. In linguistics, a great deal of work revolves around phrase structure and comprehension of that phrase structure: ‘decoding’ it, if you will. This is something that concerns many different linguistic specialists, from syntacticians to translators, and in order to examine the phrase structure (noun phrase {NP}, verb phrase {VP} etc.) it is vital…...
No Telephone To Heaven
Words • 330
Pages • 2
In Michelle Cliff’s novels, Abeng and No Telephone to Heaven, she writes about a society where your place is defined by your skin color. Race and identity are questions raised in her novels. Clare, the main protagonist, comes from a family being fairly white, in particular, herself and her father, that enjoys a quite favorable status in Jamaica. Elaine K. Ginsberg’s text, “Passing and the Fictions of Identity” widens the definition and representation of “passing” to one that describes different…...
CommunicationCultureHuman Nature
Confucian Dynamism
Words • 826
Pages • 4
In my essay I will hope to discover the true essence of Guanxi. What it means. Where it came from and how crucial it really is when conducting business in China. My aim is to bring together the views and opinions of a cross section of people and interpret them into my own understanding. After analysing the topic in question I will go on to conclude, ‘The significance of Guanxi’. With foreign trade in China totalling US$509. 77 billion in…...
ChinaCultureHuman NaturePolitics
Kana Preface of Kokinshu
Words • 925
Pages • 4
In his famous Kana Preface to the Kokinshu, Ki no Tsurayuki, one of the editors of the anthology, introduces the aesthetic value and core functions of Japanese poetry. As the seed that grows into a flower, Japanese songs, or waka, take human heart and flourish as myriad leaves of words. (Shirane 148) As the master poet, Tsurayuki advises his successors to appreciate the beauty of life, rather than understanding it. One of the functions of waka, Tsurayuki asserts, lies in…...
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How To Eat A Poem By Eve Merriam
...That poetry doesn’t need to be “ tied to a chair and tortured”, so it gives a confession that it doesn’t have to be an expert that needs to analyze it, anyone can do it. Poetry is intended to be enjoyed, anyone can do it, it doesn’t need to...
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