Free essays on Language are resources that students can use to learn about different aspects of language, such as grammar, syntax, phonology, and semantics. These essays offer insights into the rules and principles that govern language use and provide practical tips and strategies for improving one's ability to communicate effectively. Some essays may also examine the role of language in society, including its influence on culture, politics, and identity. Whether you are a student studying linguistics, a teacher looking for instructional materials, or simply interested in exploring the complexities of language, free essays on language can be a valuable resource.
Demonstrative Speech Essay
Attention grabber : *Good morning to our beloved English lecturer and my lovely classmates* (do my opening with sign languages without talking to create suspense). Guess by now all of you might already have a clue of what my topic is. That’s right , it’s sign language. Purpose : Today, I will be demonstrating how to do American sign language.Essay Example on Example Of Demonstrative Relation to audience : It is possible to have at least one deaf person In…...
CommunicationCultureLanguageLinguisticsSign Language
5 Subfields Of Anthropology
Archaeologists dig and search for remains of past cultures such as bones, pottery, and tools. The Archaeologists are trying to learn how people lived before us and why they did. An Archaeologist might study “The battle of Clapped” something from right In the Niagara Region. They would excavate find weapons, uniforms, and bones.Essay Example on Five Fields Of Anthropology They would be able to learn a lot from what they dug up to see how they did things during their…...
Magazine Article Conventions
A feature article differs from a straight news story In several ways. A news story provides Information about a (generally current) event or situation. A feature article has more functionality and longevity- It Interprets news, adds depth, opinion or entertainment.Essay Example on Structural Conventions Headline: The headline of a feature article uses bold and descriptive language to draw the attention of the reader. Also works to construct a vivid image In the mind of the reader. Headline is always visually…...
CommunicationCultureHuman NatureLanguageNews
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Compare Grammar Translation Method And Direct Method
Direct Method and Grammar Translation Method These are the two oldest methods for teaching foreign languages. Grammar Translation Method first appeared in the 18th century and was originally used for teaching old languages like Greek, Latin then failed in teaching communication skills. After that, the Direct Method was built with the attempts to overcome the weakness of the Grammar Translation Method. As a result of that, there are many differences between the principles of these two methods which will be…...
Poetry Is the Patterned Arrangement of Language Which Helps
The following sample essay focuses on poetry and its ability to evoke emotions and feelings. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. Poetry is the patterned arrangement of language which helps create rhythm through expressing and invoking certain emotions and feelings in a very strenuous way. Poems come in every size; their length isn`t what matters. What really matters in a poem in the message it`s trying to convey. This message is usually hidden in the…...
CommunicationCultureEducationLanguageLiterary GenreLiterature
Problem of Technology Addiction
The following sample essay on "Problem of Technology Addiction": describing and discussing issue of technology addiction of today youth. Introduction A. Background of the Problem Today, students are very familiar with smartphones, no exception students at the Faculty of Literature, especially 2017 class students, English Literature Department. every student use smartphone. Most of these students use smartphones as their communication tool. In fact, some students use more than one cell phone. Students tend to use smartphones for many reasons, such…...
DataEnglish LanguageFacebookInternetLanguageLanguage Acquisition
Jayanta Mahapatra, Indian English Poet
Jayanta Mahapatra is an acclaimed Indian English writer, profoundly established in Indian ethos. He stands tall among the numerous rootless Indian English language writers. His profound enthusiasm, humanism, and wistfulness for the lost wonders of his race blend Mahapatra's lazy, subjugated comrades. He is a genuine artist of-the dirt. He is a talented artist interested by the Indian legacy, fantasies and legends. The verse of Jayanta Mahapatra against the expansive point of view of Indian verse written in English especially,…...
CultureEnglish LanguageLanguage
Changes over the years of the popular word “nice”
Words have been pivotal in making up phrases which facilitate language. It is worth noting that word is the least unit of meaning; however, it does not necessarily stand on its own. Throughout history, words have been used to have some sense which when constructed together they form language which facilitates communication amongst people in the society. Over the years, some words have changed their meaning, to the extent that their previous implication might shock many people in the community.…...
CommunicationCultureLanguageLinguisticsPopular CultureResearch
Period of Time From the Moment of Birth to the Present
When looking at age it is essential to know that the connection between the maturing procedure and language has customarily been broken down from two points of view: the changing language utilized during the life expectancy of an individual, and the language of various associates of people living inside a speech community. When we address the aspect of speech communities we are addressing people of any social class they may be employees, students or they may even be friends or…...
Supreet Kaur RandhawaStudent Id: T00631077English 1011-OLAssignment #122, Feb 2019Answer 1The meter of Provide, Provide is spondaic in nature as it includes the repetition of two similar words. The use of / provide, provide/ (Frost) is crucial as it is the basis in which the words provided can be intonated. There are two reasons why Frost might have chosen such a jingly rhyme. First, the repetition of /provide-provide/ brings about the stressing effect in the poem. When any word is emphasised…...
Language can define a community in a negative way by making those
Language can define a community in a negative way by making those who do not speak the language well or overall can not understand it, feel left out and alienated from the members of the community. However, language can define a community in a positive way by empowering cultural values and embracing ones ethnicity and origins. This can also create a stronger and closer community.What Rodriguez means in the statement is that when using a family's language in school is…...
CommunityCultureEducationEnglish LanguageLanguagePrivacy
Novel “Game Time” by Ulla Hahn
As a continuous event and narrative stream without chapter divisions we exquisitely Hilla Palms Cologne Study 1967 and 1968. According to them, a generation is named, which stands for renewal, riots, revolution and liberation. She freed institutions of encrusted structures, the recent history of repression, thinking of taboos and many people from constricting conventions. Hilla himself freed at last from their capsule and flourishes. Hilla, which is Hildegard (as "the uncorrupted Daktylus my name") or Heldejaad (within the family) and…...
“Wound Edges” By Sepp Mall
The back cover of Sepp malls "wound edges" gives the reader a brief insight into the historical background of his novel: the South Tyrolean "freedom struggle". But who of us readers already know that South Tyrol was awarded after the first world war against the will of its German inhabitants Italy? After that, the mass-immigration of Italians was subsidized by the state, to reduce the South Tyrolean gradually becoming a minority in this region. Italian was the official language, and…...
“A Touch of Italy” by Valeria Vairo
"Il re del caffè", "il Frate di Pietrelcina," "Nico lo Zombie," "nonno, nipote, cane e polpo", "Terroni" and "poland toni" malicious "munacielli" and many others are the touch heroes great and small, tells about the Valeria Vairo stories directly the heart of every Italy fans. The fifteen stories illustrate a very personal way, like 'the Italians' to family, religion, superstition , the sea and the caffè are. The author is a native Italian, knows that is the good and less…...
CommunicationCultureEuropean UnionItalyLanguageLinguistics
The fabulous sisters of the Cooke family of Karen Joy Fowler Review
The Cooke family from Bloomington, Indiana, which is truly an unusual community. It is presented to us by Rosemary, who was born in 1970 daughter from the first-person perspective. Her brother Lowell is a bit older. Vince Cooke, both father was a professor of comparative behavioral psychology in humans and animals, a pedantic, ambitious scientists, absent father , workaholic , a heavy smoker and drinker, until 1998 at a heart attack died. His wife (the nameless remains) was their children…...
ConsciousnessFamilyHuman NatureLanguageResearch
“The Japanese lover” by Isabel Allende
Lark House is not a dreary nursing home. The plant earned the term "residence" for seniors in full. All work and tailored services - cleaning, catering, transport services, etc - take the helping hands of the domestic staff. Library, games room, beauty salon, a workshop invite courses offer entertaining training. For those who are capable - physically, mentally, financially - which can here still enjoy his life and on the outskirts of Berkeley in the San Francisco Bay also advanced…...
The Shepherd Boy By Andrea Camilleri Review
This is the final part of a The individual titles of the trilogy can be found listed at the end of the page." The emergency drives the impoverished rural residents to sell their own children as cheap labor; working conditions cry out to heaven, especially in the sulfur mines. This capitalist nightmare continues Camilleri a "pastoral" Alternative contrary, one might misinterpret as a backward-looking, perhaps, but idyllisiert certainly not flat. The fourteen Giurlà escapes thanks to the valor of his…...
Ntercultural Backgrounds And Diversity
The following sample essay on "Ntercultural Backgrounds And Diversity ": ntercultural backgrounds and diversity are constantly a growing focus in todays society. There's a vast difference how people from distinct backgrounds perceive, decode, and understand the collision of cultures. When settling in a new place, one has exposure to distinct customs and cultures and possible language barriers.. Since there's a strong correlation between culture and communication, in circumstances where the speakers do not share the same language, overcoming certain misunderstandings…...
Daily Maverick Article on Alleged Harassment of a Young Reporter
In this essay I am going to be analysing the Daily Maverick article which is about the alleged harassment of the paper`s young reporter by South African icon, Mbongeni Ngema, which was published on the 4th of March 2019. I am going to look at the way the article is written and demonstrate how the structure and the author`s language choices add meaning to the article. The structure of the article is divided into three, the introduction which begins from…...
Incivility in Filipino Catholic Religious Discussions on Facebook
The following example essay on "Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder" is being studied by Incivility in online religious discourse and in SNS. Introduction The language of the media is one of the most prominent areas of linguistic studies. The media are seen as important institutions, not because it is easier to access and collect data, but also, they contain the language of everyday. Hence, the media mirror and shape the language use and behaviour of people. Bell (2008) affirms that the ways…...
The 3 basic ideas in computer science are the mathematical
The following sample essay on "The 3 basic ideas in сomputer іcience" are the mathematical narrative of computational networks, the constraints of mechanical computation, and the formal description of languages. The aim of Theory of Computation is to develop formal mathematical models of computation that mirror real-world computers. Formal Languages and Automata (FLA) is one among the core parts of the undergraduate сomputer іcience program however is commonly viewed as a tough subject because it demands a robust mathematical foundation.…...
Computer ScienceLanguage
Inclusive learning
Learning is an activity that demands a lot of dedication and passion. Some factors can hinder the process from running smoothly and so an adjustment may be due. There are many factors which can be responsible for this, but they come down to two categories: extrinsic and intrinsic barriers. Extrinsic and extrinsic barriers and their examples will be discussed including how they may hinder learning. Implications of these factors in the South African context will also be discussed.Extrinsic barriersExtrinsic barriers…...
Cultural Encounters
The following sample essay on "Cultural Encounters". One of the methods in which nations and individuals associate together is through Cultural Encounters. In order to know what Cultural Encounters is, we must distinguish what is the meaning of Culture in the first place. Culture is the features of a particular group of people within societies which they shared the beliefs, religious practices, behaviour, rituals, objects, language, and other features. It touches our self-satisfaction, our value and the welfare of our…...
Essay Examples on Humanism in the renaissance
The following sample essay on Essay Examples on Humanism in the renaissance deals with powerful, creative individuals. The renaissance started in the 14th century in cities of Northern Italy. During this time the social elite became more interested in the literature and ideas of ancient Greece and Rome. People started to reject some of the ideas and practices of medieval civilization and turned to the idea of humanism.Humanism was a new concern with people as powerful, creative individuals in a…...
CultureMedieval EuropeRenaissanceTranslation
Writing class motivation
The reason why I attended the writing class was that I had interest in writing and I wanted to improve this craft. I could inference all the crux of information that I was gaining but was a little poor as far as following the rules of writing is concerned. Since I am a good reader and a dedicated learner, I felt that I will be able to grasp all the techniques quite fast and become a better writer. I gained…...
CommunicationHuman NatureLanguageLearning
Articulation and Pronunciation
Articulation, which refers to “the action of producing a sound or word clearly, in speech or music” (Collins Conbuild Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary) is usually considered as synonym of pronunciation, which means “the way in which a language or a particular word or sound is pronounced” (Collins Conbuild Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary). In general, there is no obvious differences between “articulation” and “pronunciation” since both of them possess the sense of “voicing” in terms of definition. However, “articulation” tends to…...
CommunicationCultureEnglish LanguageLanguageLinguistics
“Quay incurable / Watermark”
The following sample essay on "Quay incurable / Watermark" analyzes the two books "Quay incurable" and "Watermark". The illustrations made by Brodsky are especially delightful when viewed. Once again reviewing "Walking with Brodsky," I was eager to read the "Watermark" is in Russian, but not in the original. This, you know, there was a fad. The most common edition of the translation of this essay on the Russian language is definitely "Quay incurable" released "ABC». Actually, it's what I got.…...
The Use of Music in Learning Foreign Languages
Does music really helps Bilingual children learn language? "Is It true? Can we learn the language through muscle. These were the first things I heard from my friends when I told them that I am doing some research for my journal on the topic relating to how bilingual children can learn their second language through the music. The reason why I chose this as my topic is because I remembered that some time ago when I was surfing the internet,…...
Secret Life of Walter Mitty
Through out the course of the story it is evident that Amity is not a hero nor does he have control of his life. His wife is yelling at him and telling him what and how to do things, so he uses the dreams characters to escape reality. In "The Secret Life of Walter Amity," James Thurber uses characterization, language, and irony to help readers identify with Mitt's mundane life. Thurber never tells the reader what Amity looks like.Instead he…...
Spanish Orthography
The Spanish language is written using the Spanish alphabet, which is the Latin alphabet with one additional letter, ene ? n? , for a total of 27 letters. [1]Although the letters ? k? and ? w? re part of the alphabet, they appear only in loanwords such as karate, kilo, waterpolo and wolframio 'tungsten'. Each letter has a single official name according to the Real Academia Espanola's new 2010 Common Orthography,[1] but in some regions alternative traditional names coexist as explained below. Spanish Alphabet| Letter| A| B| C1| D| E| F| G| H| I| Name|…...
CultureLanguageLinguisticsSpanish Language
The Importance of Early Identification
The Importance of Early Identification of Speech, Language and Communication Delays and Disorders. What does it mean? Children and young people may have difficulties across one or many of the different elements of speech, language and communication resulting in a communication breakdown. This may be minor and temporary or it may be complex and long term. Early identification is critical to the child and their families as this should lead to further development and medical evaluation, diagnosis and treatment.Who is…...
CommunicationHuman NatureLanguage
Penn Foster Journal Enteries
I am excited to complete this course. Anything that will aid in my personal and professional development is extremely important. I see the advantages of taking a composition course however I feel that some of the material is somewhat redundant. However, I understand that this course is meant for demographic with a wide range of linguistic competencies. I don’t feel that any personal feelings I have will have any negative effects to the quality of work I submit for this…...
FacebookGlobalizationJournalLearningPerceptionSecond Language
Japanese Katakana
The katakana syllabary was derived from abbreviated Chinese characters used by Buddhist monks to indicate the correct pronunciations of Chinese texts in the 9th century. At first there were many different symbols to represent one syllable of spoken Japanese, but over the years the system was streamlined. By the 14th century, there was a more or less one-to-one correspondence between spoken and written syllables.The word katakana "part (of kanji) syllabic script". The "part" refers to the fact that katakana characters…...
We Are Seven by William Wordsworth
We Are Seven, written in 1798 by William Wordsworth, is a poem of sixty-nine lines divided into seventeen stanzas written in common meter, the same as a traditional hymn. It relates the story of the narrator meeting an eight-year-old girl who tells him about her family. (According to William Wordsworth, the poem was suggested by a real child he had met near Goodrich Castle in Wales five years earlier.) The poem holds lexis of rationalism vs. innocence and used direct…...
Child And Young Person Development
Child and young person development (4. 0) Analyse the importance of early identification of speech, language and communication delays and disorders and the potential risks of late recognition (4. 1) There are many different reasons that a child can develop a speech, language or communication problem. Having hearing problems can prevent them from hearing sounds or language properly and using a dummy past the age of 12 months can both cause speech problems, not being exposed to enough language or…...
Child DevelopmentCommunicationHuman NatureLanguage
Dialogue in Poetry.
Dialogue in text, adds to our understanding about people, social issues and life. Poems that use dialogue include ‘Weapons Training’, ‘Pleasant Sunday Afternoon’ and ‘Enter without so much of knocking’, written by Bruce Dawe. The themes these poems express include strive for happiness and fulfilment and make the most of life. Another text that also displays these themes is ‘Friday’ directed by F. Gary Grey. This essay will explore the study of dialogue and how it gives a better understanding…...
What are stylistic devices?
In literature and writing, a figure of speech (also called stylistic device or rhetorical device) is the use of any of a variety of techniques to give an auxiliary meaning, idea, or feeling. Sometimes a word diverges from its normal meaning, or a phrase has a specialized meaning not based on the literal meaning of the words in it. Examples are metaphor, simile, or personification. Stylistic devices often provide emphasis, freshness of expression, or clarity. Alliteration What is an alliteration? Alliteration is the…...
Data Collection Methods
The following sample essay will talk about data collection methods and the correct filling of questionnaires. To read the introduction, body, and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. A questionnaire is a preformatted written set of questions to which respondents record their answers usually within rather closely defined alternatives. Questionnaires are an efficient data collection mechanism when the researcher knows exactly what is required and how to measure the variables of interest. Questionnaires can be administered personally, mailed to the…...
Human NatureLanguageResearch
Angliscisms – the Use of Foreign Word Elements in German
English seems to be everywhere and it accompanies us through our lives. Waking up in the morning, I listen to the radio. But I dislike the songs on the 'Hitparade'. So, I turn on the 'CD-Player' with my favourite 'CD'. It is time to get dressed. Today is a sunny day and thus a great opportunity to wear a 'T-Shirt'. Before leaving the house I put on my 'Make up', and use 'Haarspray' to fix my new 'Trendfrisur'. Since I…...
CommunicationCultureEnglish LanguageGermanLanguageLinguistics
Language and Culture Are Factors Without Which a Country and People Cannot Exist
Many animal and even plant species communicate with each other. Humans are not unique in this capability. However, human language is unique in being a symbolic communication system that is learned instead of biologically inherited. Culture is the set of shared patterns of behaviors and interactions, cognitive constructs, and affective understanding that are learned through a process of socialization. These shared patterns identify the members of a culture group while also distinguishing those of another group. Therefore, the binding tie…...
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