Free essays on Islam refer to a collection of essays that discuss different aspects of Islam, including its beliefs, history, practices, and culture. These essays are written by scholars, experts, and students of the religion and aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of Islam for readers. They cover topics such as the life of the Prophet Muhammad, the Quran, Islamic law, the role of women in Islam, the concept of jihad, and the different sects within the religion. Free essays on Islam serve as valuable resources for those who want to learn more about this religion and its principles.
Sunni And Shiite Split
The sample essay on Sunni And Shiite Split deals with a framework of research-based facts, approaches and arguments concerning this theme. To see the essay's introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion, read on.The difference between Sunni and Shia religious orders of Islam are non to the mammoth proportions as most Western literature assume. It is true that there are minor fluctuations in the manner they take their several spiritual caputs and attribute significance to the history of the household of Muhammad…...
Five Pillars Of IslamIslamMuhammadZakat
Religious Pluralism Essay
This sample of an academic paper on Religious Pluralism Essay reveals arguments and important aspects of this topic. Read this essay's introduction, body paragraphs and the conclusion below.A major feature of religious geography is no single religion dominates the world. Authorities from many faiths have historically said theirs is the best way and only way but in reality new religions and new versions of older religions continue to spring up and then divide, subdivide, and provoke reform movements. Christianity claims…...
Sati Al Husri: An Overview
The following sample essay on Sati Al Husri dwells on its problems, providing a shortened but comprehensive overview of basic facts and arguments related to it. To read the essay, scroll down. The first text in question is Milestones by Sayyid Qutb. One of the pioneers of the idea of Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, his martyrdom for his cause has enhanced his standing in contemporary Islamic revivalist movements. Qutb is a passion advocate of his beliefs about nationality in the…...
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Aligarh Movement
This sample paper on Aligarh Movement offers a framework of relevant facts based on recent research in the field. Read the introductory part, body, and conclusion of the paper below.Describe the significance and contribution of Aligarh Movement for the revival and regeneration of the Muslims of Sub-Continent. A: Syed Ahmad Khan’s Aligarh Movement played a significant role in bringing about an intellectual revolution among the Indian Muslims. Thus it succeeded in achieving its major objectives, i. e. educational progress and…...
Essay On Sufism
The following sample essay on Essay On Sufism deals with a framework of research-based facts, approaches, and arguments concerning this theme. To see the essay's introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion, read on. Before 10th century there had been started a new accent began to develop within the faith of Islam. This accent was a reaction against the prevalent impersonal and formal nature of Islam. For many Muslims the shari’a, while seen as necessary, failed to fulfill their deepest religious…...
Shirk Islam: Types and Implementation
The sample essay on Shirk Islam deals with a framework of research-based facts, approaches, and arguments concerning this theme. To see the essay's introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion, read on. Tawheed in Islam is very important as it means that believing in one lord and no one else. It is attributing oneness to Allah and describing him as being one and unique as he has no partner in his essence and attributes. However if one doesn’t believe in this then…...
Islam Means Submission
This sample of an academic paper on Islam Means Submission reveals arguments and important aspects of this topic. Read this essay's introduction, body paragraphs and the conclusion below.Islam means entry to Allah ( God ) . Islam was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad who lived from 570 CE to 632 CE in Mecca in contemporary Saudi Arabia. Muhammad was called to prophethood when God dictated the Qur’an to him through the archangel Gabriel. Although he gained a little followers in…...
Muslim Birth Rites Ceremony
The following sample essay on Muslim Birth Rites discusses it in detail, offering basic facts and pros and cons associated with it. To read the essay's introduction, body and conclusion, scroll down. Moslems have some really simple rites for welcoming a kid. The babe ‘s first gustatory sensation should be something sweet, so parents may masticate a piece of day of the month and rub the juice along the babe ‘s gums. It was a pattern carried out by the…...
Christianity & Islam Attitudes Toward Merchants & Trade: A DBQ
The following sample essay on Compare And Contrast The Attitudes Of Christianity And Islam Toward Merchants And Trade Dbq discusses it in detail, offering basic facts and pros and cons associated with it. To read the essay's introduction, body and conclusion, scroll down.Using the Documents, compare and contrast the differences of Christian and Islamic attitudes towards merchants until about 1500. From a review of the 7 documents presented, it is clear that Christianity and Islam condemned inequitable trade, which led…...
Compilation Of Quran
The second collection is the standard co ex that is followed today, which comes from the compilation made by Autumn Although there are some variations about the details this account Is not In dispute wealth the Muslim world. Early efforts by Muslim scholars to establish the sequence of the revelation, particularly the verses revealed at Make and those revealed at Indiana, were emulated by Western scholars, who focused on similar problems, though drawing different conclusions from the narratives mentioned above.…...
What Led To The Renaissance
The Renaissance is the coined term for a period of rebirth that spread throughout Europe between the 14th and 16th centuries (Brotton, 28). All forms of knowledge, art, and expression manifested into new directions and aspirations. It was a major building block in the advancement of human thought. The Renaissance focused on learning through natural sciences and newfound knowledge rather than accepting older teachings (Brotton, 39). It fostered curiosity and innovation in many industries and aspects of life. In a…...
CultureEuropeIslamMedieval EuropeRenaissance
The Significance of Hajj
The Hajj is a form of worship, obedience and submission to Allah and possibly the climax of a Muslims religious life. Each stage of hajj has significance for the pilgrim. There is also various ways in which Hajj affects the lives of Hajjis, some more important then others.Firstly, before pilgrims go to Mecca, they must undertake various tasks. The pilgrim must plan and save for the pilgrimage and if the pilgrim cannot perform the hajj because they are sick then…...
Paleo Life in 15th Century?
The culture of past Chinese dynasties 5. What reflected the fragmented and competitive political environment in Europe in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries? The Hundred Years’ War between England and France 6. In which empire was a Shih version of Islam made the official religion in the sixteenth century? Safaris 7. Which empire established unified control over most Of the Indian peninsula? McHugh Empire 8. What feature did the McHugh Empire and Shanghai Empire share? The rulers were Muslim, but…...
Christianity And Islam Compare And Contrast Essay
Name: Compare And Contrast Judaism Christianity And Islam Compare and Contrast Judaism, Christianity and Islam Judaism, Christianity and Islam are the three major religions in the world. Together, the three groups account for almost four billion followers. In the past, countries, and regions within countries have identified themselves with one of the religions. In many cases, this has resulted to tension, conflicts and wars. Some countries have largely identified themselves as followers of one religion. In such cases, people who…...
Sacrifice Essay
MOTHER IS A SYMBOL OF SACRIFICE A mother is a woman who has conceived, given birth to, or raised a child in the role of a parent Amongst the clearest examples of Islam’s honoring women is the great status of the mother in Islam. Islam commands kindness, respect and obedience to parents and specifically emphasizes and gives preference to the mother as shall be shown in this article. Islam raises parents to a status greater than that found in any…...
Informative Speech About Islam
Introduction: Are all Muslims terrorists? The Muslim Religion teaches people to love God and serve him without killing innocent people. I. Defining Islam & Muslims A. What is Islam 1. Islam means submission to Allah (which is Arabic for God) 2. Followers (muslims) live by Qur’an a. believed to be verbatim word of God B. Who is Muslim 1. 1. 57 billion Muslims in world, 23% of world population a. 2nd largest religion & fastest growing 2. Majority of muslims…...
Allah Is The Best Creator
In the name of Allah, The Compassionate The source of All Mercy ONLY ONE WAY TO SALVATION Creatures of Allah! There is only one way to avert an approaching disaster: * Have faith I Allah and His blessed prophet and cleanse your hearts of any allegiances that are false. *Continue doing good to your fellow creatures until the Day you are called home. *Invite others to the Path of righteousness with sincerity. *And endure with perseverance every test and hardship…...
The Hajj Pilgrimage: Overview
Hajj Overview oPilgrimage is the supreme prayer for forgiveness of sins committed and the ultimate preparation for eternity oPilgrimage rituals which must be performed, eg circumambulation of the Ka’ba oThe rites of the Hajj symbolise the essential concepts of Islam and commemorate the trials of the Prophet Ibrahim and his family oHajj: The annual, week-long pilgrimage to Mecca (in modern-day Saudi Arabia), which is the fifth pillar of faith and is therefore an obligation as it is prescribed in the…...
Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin
Dr. Syedna Mohammed Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin born March 6, 1915 is the 52ndDa‘i l-Mu? laq of the Dawoodi Bohras. The Dawoodi Bohras are a sub group within the Isma‘ili-Shi‘ah sect ofIslam Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin was born in Surat, He was appointed to be the future Da‘i at the age of 52 by his father, the previous, Syedna Taher Saifuddin. Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin succeeded his father, upon the latter’s death, when he was 53 years of age. He has seven sons and three daughters. Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin completed recitation of the…...
Cultural Interaction Essay
Cultural interaction is the basis for the world today. Without cultural interaction, the Americas would still be filled with Native Americans. The whole world would be isolated from other cultures. For example, America would not have certain foods and animals, such as bananas and cows; likewise, Europe would not have corn or turkeys. Between the years 600 and 1450 C. E, Cultural interaction was very beneficial due to the expanding of trade, spreading of religion and cultures, and strengthening nations.However,…...
AfricaAstronomyBubonic PlagueCultureEuropeIslam
Five Pillars Of Islam Essay
Checkpoint: The Five Pillars of Islam •What are the central beliefs of Islam, and how are they reflected in the “Five Pillars” (McInerney, 2003)? Which of the Five Pillars do you feel would be easiest to fulfill, and which would be the most challenging (McInerney, 2003)? A central belief of Islam is monotheism. This is a belief of only one God, Allah. The believer’s purpose is to serve Allah and live a moral life by following the Five Pillars. Muslims…...
CultureFive Pillars Of IslamIslamRamadan
“Mushaf” is an excellent and marvelous piece of work by “Nimra Ahmad”
The novel is beautifully woven itself. The opening of this novel is full of suspense which draws the reader towards giving full attention and consideration till the end of the novel. The strings of the novel are not intermingled even at a single point and all the things are clear and well-defined throughout. As far as public inspiration is concerned, one can get a lot from it. The beauty of relationship, strength of love, character, and love for Allah Almighty…...
Orientalism Thesis Essay
‘Orientalism’ is a field of study which is “at style of thought based upon an ontological and epistemological distinction made between ‘the Orient’ and … ‘the Occident. ‘” It invokes a flexible positioning superiority in which Europe is put into a number of positions of superiority. It is “part of an overall campaign of self-affirmation, belligerency, and outright war,” (Said xix) however, and in this we see the religious implications. “For much of its history… Orientalism carries within it the…...
Battle Of Khaybar Essay
The Battle of Khandaq, which took place two years after the Battle of Uhud, is one of the important battles that had an important role in eliminating the barriers blocking the development of Islam. This occured in the year 629 between Muhammad and his followers against the Jews living in the oasis of Khaybar, located 150 kilometers (95 miles) from Medina in the north-western part of the Arabian peninsula, in modern-day Saudi Arabia. Ahzab is another name for the Battle…...
IslamMiddle EastMuhammad
Spread Of Religion
Short Writing Assignment # 2 Topic: The Spread of Religions 11/20/2011 Question 1: How did Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam spread across the world, and why are they practiced so far from their origins? Answer 1: Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam spread across the world by use of four common practices. Missionaries spread the faith to new areas. These missionaries adapted their message to the existing culture of the area and adopted elements of existing religious traditions.Essay Example on Spread Of Religion…...
Egyptian Novelist and Screenwriter Naguib Mahfouz
The following sample essay talks about Egyptian Novelist and Screenwriter Naguib Mahfouz. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. Naguib Mahfouz was born in 1911, to a family that lived in the Gamaliya section of Cairo which is where his novel Midaq Alley takes place. Religion was a very important part of his life and consequently many of Mahfouz's writings enfolds and explores many dilemmas that Muslims confront daily. Although religion is always present in the…...
Itqan and Ihsan have a close meaning It share the same basic
Itqan and Ihsan have a close meaning. It share the same basic meaning of perfection and excellence or to do beautiful things. Usually Itqan refers to a work done based on acquired skills, while Ihsan represents the inner strength of Muslim and his intention, reflected on his deeds through his skills as well. The Prophet SAW said, Allah loves when you perform deed to execute it with excellence. Everything that we do must come with sincerity to make sure that…...
CommunicationHuman NatureIslam
“The Golden Legend” by Nadeem Aslam
These days is "Sharia police" reopened the trial of the so-called. A couple of young Muslims were drawn with a sort of uniform by North Rhine-Westphalian cities to keep their peers to a lifestyle in accordance with Islamic law. That they described themselves as "police", reveals their way of thinking: They will create order . Those who do not can admonish the will force them to his salvation. The writer Nadeem Aslam was born in 1966 in Pakistan and fled…...
For Muslims fasting has both advantages and disadvantages
Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic year (the Islamic calendar is lunar so therefore the ninth month always changes) observed as sacred with fasting practiced daily from dawn to sunset. The Month of Ramadan is when it is believed Muhammad received the words of Allah (the Islamic word for God) through the angel Jibril, which was later transcribed as the Islamic holy book the Qur’an. Therefore this month is extremely special for Muslims. Fasting during Ramadan constitutes one…...
CultureFive Pillars Of IslamIslamRamadan
Essay Examples on Ghandi
The following sample essay on Essay Examples on Ghandi about great man with a mission. Gandhi could probably be considered one of, if not, the most confusing man to ever walk the earth. His ideas were ingenious, but terribly improbable. He was a leader among leaders. It takes a man with great strength to lead a successful nation, but it takes a man with great heart, mind, and spirit to bring about nationalism. Gandhi was fortunate enough to have the…...
HinduismIslamMahatma GandhiNonviolence
L’Oreal Products Usage in Islamic Countries
Nowadays, there are many men and women are young-looking even thought they had reach certain ages. People are more to concern about their healthy and as well as their out looking. Beauty is kind a “must” for every single person, there is a way for people to express themselves through their outward appearance which are clean and clear. In the traditional era, women are the only people who use skin care products, and beauty is only suitable for woman in…...
Islam History and Branches
The Islam is the religion preached by Muhammad (probably c.570–632), the adherent of which is called a Muslim. The central dogmas of Islam are the absolute unity of God (Allah) and the prophethood of Muhammad. There are two main branches of Islam: Sunnis Muslims and Shii Muslims.The Sunnis Muslims (sunna from Arabic is “tradition”) are the largest branch of the Muslim community, at least 85 percent of the world’s 1.2 billion Muslims. Shii Muslims (Shiites from Arabic is ‘sectarians’) are…...
Goal of Religious Tolerance in the Middle East
America is currently engaged in the military occupation of Iraq after overturning an oppressive regime led by notorious dictator Saddam Hussein, a devout Sunni Muslim. However, the political void once filled by a murderous tyrant has been replaced by the eruption of civil war in the historical epicenter of Islamic culture. Two groups have been involved in a near constant struggle for control over the area, as well as significant influence over the 1.3 billion Muslims worldwide (, 2000). The…...
The Differences and Similarities Between Christianity and Islam
Have you ever wondered about the differences and similarities between Christianity and Islam? Both Christianity and Islam are monotheistic, meaning they both believe in one God. In both religions God is the creator of everything and is loving and forgiving. He also has a special relationship with humans, and has made covenants with them. However, there is one major difference between the beliefs of Christians and Muslims regarding God. While Christians believe in the Holy Trinity, or three persons in…...
Islam: Qur’an and Hadith
The following sample essay focuses on what the Basic Ethical Teachings in Islam are based on both the Qur'an and Hadith. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. The principal ethical teachings within Islam are derived from both the Qur’an and Hadith. These teachings include the belief that there is no God but Allah, that God is the origin of all creation (The first revelation 96:1-5), that man can be forgiven of their sins through prayer…...
Muslims’ Quranic Priorities
Why do many Muslims attach as much importance to memorizing the Quran as to studying its meaning? According to the teachings of Islam the Quran is Allah’s eternal speech, in terms of its meaning as well as its letter and sound and is the last of the heavenly books revealed by God to the last of His messengers, Muhammad (pbuh). The Holy Quran occupies a pivotal position in Islam since it is also the book that forms basis of the…...
Place of Islamic Architecture in Islamic Culture
Islam was practiced throughout Arabia and was soon adapted into the cultures of the Middle East and beyond. Islamic architecture was comprised of mausoleums and mosques. At first, Islam had no architectural tradition of their own, so they borrowed extensively from the styles, forms, and methods that already existed in order to create their own architectural traditions that followed strict beliefs and values of Islam. The assimilation of Islam gave way to a beautiful mixture of beliefs and cultures that…...
ArchitectureCultureFive Pillars Of IslamIslamReligionTaj Mahal
Theology Research Paper
Theology is a science about God. The literal meaning of the term is theoretical thoughts and perceptions of surrounding us world’s nature and our relationship with the (possible) over mundane reality. To write a good research paper on the topic, you have to understand that Biblical Theology is a scientific work summarizing the Bible’s theology. The subject is located on the boundary between the exegetical study and systematic theology. Biblical Theology petitions are structured often chronologically unlike the systematic theology…...
Sabina Sumac’s Film Shampoo Pain
The following sample essay on Sabina Sumac's film Shampoo Pain. Speaking to the Constituent Assembly in 1947, MA Zinnia presented his vision for the country: "If you change your past and work in the spirit that every one of you, no matter to what community he belongs, no matter what relations he had with you in the past, no matter what his color, caste, or creed is first, second, and last a citizen of his State with equal rights, privileges,…...
Religious Studies Questions & Answers Chapter 8-10
Why is Venice home to a vast amount of Byzantine art? Venetian mercenaries looted Constantinople's art during the Fourth Crusade. According to Augustine, the singing of hymns and psalms in church was established to prevent people from becoming bored or sad. The word evangelist comes from a Greek word meaning "bearer of good." The Byzantine emperor Justinian began construction of Hagia Sophia in 532 CE to divert attention from domestic turmoil stirred up by warring gangs. Why did the Byzantine…...
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on Islam