Essays on History

Free essays on history are online resources that provide students and researchers with access to written works without any cost. These essays cover various historical events, figures, and ideas that have shaped the world. The topics include ancient civilizations, world wars, social and cultural movements, and politics. They serve as valuable references for students seeking to enhance their knowledge of history or to supplement their research work. The essays are written by professional historians, scholars, and experts who have a vast knowledge of the subject matter. Paperap have made history more accessible and convenient for learners of all levels.
Remember the Titans: The History of Greece and Rome
Words • 581
Pages • 3
According to John Camp and Elizabeth Fisher, in the book The World of the Ancient Greeks, the Greeks used mythology to make sense of the world around them, explain the origin of humanity as well as where it was leading (in short, the meaning of life), and finally to perpetuate their history so they could keep in touch with their ancestors to never forget the places they explored and the wars they fought. Within this paper, I will talk about…...
Greek MythologyHistoryMyths
Legios of the Adeptus Titanicus
Words • 1657
Pages • 7
Adeptus Titanicus is a proud war game legacy dating back to 1988. It was the very first to introduce the idea of Epic gaming system. With the help of Forge World’s longest serving employee who is currently the head of the studio Tony Cottrell, Adeptus Titanicus was birthed and set during the Horus Heresy. Let’s take a quick glimpse to the onset of the Adeptus Titanicus. Its original came as a boxed war game back in the 1980s probably when…...
HistoryVideo Game
Intermingling of History and Politics in The God of Small Things
Words • 870
Pages • 4
The Naxalites had been revolutionaries who initiated armed civil disobedience within the northwest Bengal village of Naxalbari in March 1967. Often peasants, untouchables, and people of the nearby Santal tribe were angered via years of empty government guarantees, the Naxalites advocating a logo of communism derived from the teachings of the Chinese leader Mao Tse-Tung – attacked Hindu Zeminders and quickly won management of the district. The movement was supported with the aid of China and, even though some of…...
HistoryPoliticsThe God Of Small Things
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Jamestown, Plymouth, and Roanoke Settlements History
Words • 411
Pages • 2
All three settlements had their times of successes and setbacks. None of the settlements had the greatest relationship with the Native Americans which proved to be a struggle in the long run. AS time went on their relations with the Natives Grew. Both Jamestown and Plymouth were involved in a joint stock trading company and they both established a legislative government. Both Roanoke and Plymouth were founded by Quakers and had governors. The Beginning of Jamestown Founded in 1607 by…...
Us History
Art In Renaissance Europe
Words • 1662
Pages • 7
Art is one of the few mediums where mankind can discuss and explain one’s own memories, entire lifetimes, or incredible worlds with the option of not using any words at all. It is the free expression of the human mind and senses. It can take the form of film, music, theatre, pop culture, painting, and many other forms as well. Each of these aims to entertain, make people happy, and/or drive them to contemplate an idea or way of life.…...
ArtEuropeRenaissanceRenaissance Art
On the Genealogy of Morality by Friedrich Nietzsche
Words • 980
Pages • 4
Alexander and some of his troops had just spent a short period of time near Lake Mareotis. The king had plans to build a city next to it, the city of Alexandria. The crew probably stayed for the start of the city’s construction, before leaving to march just over three hundred miles to the oasis called Siwah. Here, he planned to meet with the Priest of Zeus Ammon. Throughout our readings, it’s become more and more clear how uncontent Alexander…...
Alexander The GreatAncient GreeceHistory
Alexander: Strategist, Politician, Administrator
Words • 773
Pages • 4
To commence with, in different era’s what a person does greatly affects what the individuals in t long run will perceive about him/her. Alexander took over as king of Macedon at the age of 20 when his father Philip was assassinated by his own bodyguard. The bodyguard who killed King Philip was then eliminated without proper enquiry of his motives and the last child and wife were roasted alive by orders from his mother Olympias. Alexander pledged to conclude the…...
Alexander The GreatAncient GreeceHistory
Alexander the Great: ambition and leadership
Words • 574
Pages • 3
Alexander the Great was the king of Macedonia, from 336 BCE to 323 BCE. From a very young age, Alexander wanted to fight in battles similar to his father, Philip of Macedonia. During his reign, Alexander gained control of 70 cities. Following his demise, Alexander’s empire would hold together for 10 years. After his death, Alexander would be recognized as “the Great” for his admirable leadership towards his empire and his strong character on and off the battlefield. From my…...
Alexander The GreatAncient GreeceHistory
History – Alexander the Great
Words • 1356
Pages • 6
Alexander the third of Macedon was born in the small town of Pella, Grease. He was born on July of 356 BC. He was known as Alexander the great. To people, Alexander was one of the biggest well known man in ancient history. He was on a mission to greatness by his father Philp II. He was married multiple times to Roxana was one of his wives that he was married to from 327 BC to 323 BC. The second…...
Alexander The GreatAncient GreeceHistory
Alexander the Great: tyrant or liberator
Words • 1647
Pages • 7
Liberation and tyranny are two seemingly very different topics, however, it is often difficult to distinguish between the two because they are based the viewpoint of an individual. What is considered tyranny to some may be considered liberation to others. The stance that an individual takes on either subject is solely dependent on their position in society. While a member of the upper-class believes that the society they live in is free of oppression, a lower-class member of that same…...
Alexander The GreatAncient GreeceHistory
Manifest Destiny vs Native American Culture
Words • 1843
Pages • 8
Imagine being forced out of a place that you and your ancestors had considered home for thousands of years, having promises broken, being forced to act like the people taking your culture away from you, or being forced on to the smallest fractions of land with little resources to go around. For Native American tribes such as the Cherokee, Dakota, Chickasaw, and many others, this was the reality their culture faced, because of the belief of Manifest Destiny. Manifest Destiny…...
Indian Removal ActManifest Destiny
Depression is characterized by a wide variety of symptoms
Words • 459
Pages • 2
According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, major depressive disorder is characterized by a variety of symptoms. These symptoms include a depressed mood, diminished interest or pleasure, significant weight change, insomnia, agitation, fatigue, difficultly concentrating, and thoughts of dying (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Although Patti has a history of depression, her age and perimenopausal status increase her risk for depression (Santoro, N., Epperson, C., Mathews, S., 2015). The average age that a woman starts menopause is fifty-two.…...
DepressionThe Great Depression
In today’s world, many people suffer from depression
Words • 822
Pages • 4
Depression is a mental disorder that creates feelings of hopelessness and despair, and in severe cases, can even lead to suicide. More recent updated ethics have lead people to be more accepting, however, society has a long way to go to fully understand mental disorders. Many factors are contributed to this mental disorder that is uncontrollable. From a psychological standpoint, depression and other mental disorders do not only stem from psychology, but also biological and social influences. Psychology is defined…...
Apa DepressionDepressionThe Great Depression
This is what depression feels like, at least for me
Words • 1799
Pages • 8
Imagine waking up every day finding yourself in a dark isolated place, you feel as if your existence is meaningless and the only emotion that consumes your mind is sadness. About a year ago I experienced a string of traumatic events occurred that have greatly affected my life for the worst. And at the time I found it hard to cope with. Ever since then some days have been better than others. Depression is a very serious mental disorder in…...
DepressionTeenage DepressionThe Great Depression
Family tragedy in October 1929
Words • 482
Pages • 2
After the stock market crash in October 1929 many Americans lost their jobs and their money. As a result of this family tragedy, many teenagers, moved away in search for jobs to help recover some of the money lost by the layoffs and by the stock market crash. Many Americans were homeless during the Great Depression. President Hoover made the homeless situation worse with his lack of aide from the United States government. “Hoover believed aid programs would make people…...
Apa DepressionTeenage DepressionThe Great Depression
Darkness and depression covering all aspects of life
Words • 983
Pages • 4
Homeless starving families roaming the streets, billions of dollars lost never to be returned, and darkness and depression encompassing all aspects of life. This may sound like an impossible nightmare, but in reality, millions of people suffered through these events thinking only of survival and how to get through the next day. What could cause such horrendous events as these? Well, all of this was a result of what is known as the Stock Market Crash of 1929. In brief,…...
Apa DepressionTeenage DepressionThe Great Depression
Treaty of Versailles
Words • 1216
Pages • 5
“Paris 1919, Six months that changed the world” , by Margaret MacMillan was an “Illuminating, engrossing, honest, and thoroughly engaging story. Macmillan provides generous amounts of background material and sometimes wide-ranging 'aftermaths' on given issues. She deals with most of Europe and much of Asia as well as Africa and North America occasionally, and addresses the full swing of events from the 1918 Armistice until the 1923 treaty of Lausanne. Between January and July 1919, after 'The War to End…...
Treaty Of VersaillesWorld War 2
The Senate And The Treaty Of Versailles
Words • 541
Pages • 3
Although Wilson had succeeded in creating the League of Nations and assembly many of the goals outlined in his Fourteen Points speech, his battles were no longer yet over. Indeed, at that factor they had barely begun. According to the Constitution, Wilson nevertheless had to persuade the required two-thirds of the Senate to ratify the Treaty of Versailles. If he failed to gather the quintessential sixty-seven votes, the peace that he had fought so ardently for would most probable die.…...
Treaty Of VersaillesWoodrow Wilson
League Of Nations
Words • 542
Pages • 3
Although Wilson had succeeded in creating the League of Nations and assembly many of the goals outlined in his Fourteen Points speech, his battles were no longer yet over. Indeed, at that factor they had barely begun. According to the Constitution, Wilson nevertheless had to persuade the required two-thirds of the Senate to ratify the Treaty of Versailles. If he failed to gather the quintessential sixty-seven votes, the peace that he had fought so ardently for would most probable die.Wilson's…...
Treaty Of VersaillesWoodrow Wilson
The Story Of Hitler
Words • 603
Pages • 3
The person I have decided to do my research project on is Adolf Hitler. I am doing a research interview on him for my report. Hitler had five siblings, a rough father and a supporting mother. Most of his siblings died after the age of 2. Hitler and his youngest sister were the only ones to endure to adulthood. Hitler was born and raised in Austria-Hungary. He was born on April 20, 1889 and committed suicide on April 30, 1945.…...
Adolf HitlerTreaty Of VersaillesWorld War 2
Basic Theorem Of Arithmetic
Words • 1285
Pages • 6
INTRODUCTION AND UNDERSTANDING The fundamental theorem of arithmetic expresses that each integer can be calculated into primes extraordinarily and this announcement has been known since vestige. The proof for the above proclamation depends on an algorithm named the Euclidean algorithm, which builds the highest common factor of two numbers. “The intense meaning of Euclidean Algorithm is, a technique for finding the greatest common divisor of two numbers by isolating the bigger by the smaller, the smaller by the remainder, remainder…...
The Franklin family as they are
Words • 600
Pages • 3
His parents’ names were Benjamin and Anna B. Kendrick. Both of Pierce's parents wanted to ensure all of their children would have a great education. In fact, Pierce's mother made it her mission that they do so. Until about age 12, Pierce went to various local schools however, after that, he was sent off to various private academies. At age 15, Pierce found himself at Bowdoin (pronounced BOW- dun) College in Maine. It turns out Pierce was a bit of…...
Benjamin FranklinGovernmentPolitics
Art of the Sacred Realm/Religion
Words • 817
Pages • 4
For my small ideal Asian cultural museum I choose Art of the Sacred Realm/Religion for my theme. The reason I chose this theme is because I always been fascinated by how art, architecture, theater, literature, or music was influenced by religion and the people during the time they were built. My first art work that I will be introducing into my museum is the Taj Mahal which was made in India. My second piece of art work that I will be introducing…...
Art HistoryReligionTemple
Story of Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings
Words • 590
Pages • 3
Douglas Wilson’s essay “Thomas Jefferson and the Meanings of Liberty” Douglas Wilson’s essay “Thomas Jefferson and the Meanings of Liberty” examines Jefferson’s life, and explores the way that modern historians view and judge Jefferson. Wilson begins by introducing Jefferson, pointing out that the third president is known best for authoring the Declaration of Independence and for standing up for democracy and personal freedom. However, since the 1960s, admirable views of Jefferson have been replaced with questions regarding his relationship with Sally…...
SlaveryThomas JeffersonUs History
Dante’s Views in the Divine Comedy
Words • 1247
Pages • 5
Through his work, Dante wants to reshape the world’s view on some of the most important issues. The Divine Comedy is an example of poetry’s world-creating power. It is an example, how a single poet can engage with the world and reform it, not just represent it, through the power of the poetic imagination that was driven by his spiritual, existential, and political exile. In medieval times, while Dante was writing La Comedia and after his death, the Divine Comedy…...
Gilgamesh vs Daredevil
Words • 788
Pages • 4
Gilgamesh’s intention for acting heroically is to be remembered while Daredevil’s intention is to help the suffering citizens. Gilgamesh, like all mankind, is not immortal and will eventually die. Gilgamesh fears that after his death he will eventually be forgotten about. He believes that if he acts heroically, he “will make a lasting name for myself, [and] will stamp my fame on men’s mind forever” (Mitchell 149). This is how he believes he can be remembered after death. In contrast,…...
Epic Of Gilgamesh
Hurricane Katrina and Police Violence
Words • 867
Pages • 4
New Orleans, also referred to as the ‘Big Easy”, was a city known for their gentle, slow and easy-going way of life. When Hurricane Katrina struck on August 29, 2005, life for its citizens became devastating and fearful. Rumors had circulated that Mayor Ray Nagin had declared martial law. Governor Kathleen Blanco stated “Looting and other lawlessness will not be tolerated.”. City officials helped create a climate in which officers felt justified to take extreme measures to ‘take the city…...
HurricaneHurricane Katrina
President John F. Kennedy’s Inauguration Speech Analysis
Words • 862
Pages • 4
“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” (Barack Obama). On January 20th, 1961 former President John F. Kennedy was sworn in and delivered what we have come to know as the greatest inauguration speech of all time. On the east front of the capital over twenty thousand people gathered in freezing temperatures, to witness this amazing once-in-a-lifetime…...
John F. Kennedy
Cartoonist David Low and Winston Churchill
Words • 1263
Pages • 6
Reputation for Criticizing Politicians During the First World War, David Low primarily worked for Australian journals, where he developed his reputation for criticizing politicians, such as the Prime Minister of Australia, “Billy” Hughes. Though, during the post-World War I period, Low worked for many press companies as a cartoonist for them, such as the Star, Daily Herald, Manchester Guardian, et cetera. While he worked there, he took interest in Winston Churchill, a British politician at the time, and drew him — according to…...
Winston Churchill
Children Are Always the Most Innocent Ones in Wars
Words • 2358
Pages • 10
Children are always the most innocent ones in wars but also are the most susceptible ones. When I was seven, I went on vacation with my family to Lebanon. In 2006, during the summer, a war took place. I didn’t really know what was going on at first, but after I started understanding why houses in the village were being damaged, what those loud noises not letting me sleep during the night were, and what made me not leave my…...
Civil WarMalnutritionPoliticsWar
US Serial Killer John F Hickey’s First Murder
Words • 470
Pages • 2
Five years before Jack the Ripper emerged on the streets of London, in 1883, the first murder was conducted by the United States first profiled serial killer John F. Hickey, dubbed the “Postcard Killer”. (citation needed) Hickey traveled along the East Coast of the United States for 28 years, raping and killing newsboys. Hickey would write and send letters and postcards after the murders to torment the parents of the children and the police. However, these letters and postcard eventually…...
CrimeCriminal JusticeHuman NatureJack The RipperRacial ProfilingRacism
“Night” by Elie Wiesel, Is a Memoir by a Holocaust Survivor Elie Wiesel
Words • 807
Pages • 4
The following sample essay on “Night” by Elie Wiesel, Is a Memoir by a Holocaust Survivor Elie Wiesel it's a family story. “Night” by Elie Wiesel, is a memoir by a Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel. The reader is taken through Elie Wiesel’s journey in Auschwitz. The theme of how a family is a source of hope in a time of need and can help one overcome obstacles is evident in the memoir. At the beginning of the story, German officers…...
Elie WieselHolocaustThe HolocaustWarWorld War 2
Romanticism as Linked to Conservatism
Words • 1125
Pages • 5
The Europe that emerged after the Napoleonic wars was an unsettled one. The French and Industrial revolutions had caused profound changes in men's outlook, and had broadened the political horizon. The ancient regime would never again be seen as the only possible form of government. A new economy and society were in the process of being created. This was a period in which many nascent ideologies jostled for space. Although the orchestrators of the 'Concert of Europe' strove to re-establish…...
Age Of EnlightenmentCultureFrancePhilosophical TheoriesPolitics
The Murder of Martin Luther King and the murder of Malcom X
Words • 769
Pages • 4
Im writing this paper to illustrate and show the four defining moments of the 1960's That had a big impact on the world.And how each moment led to the next.The four that I chose were Thurgood Marshall the activist thatwas appointed to the U.S supreme court.The Murder of Martin Luther King Jr. and the murder of Malcom X and the Murder of Medgar Evans the Civil rights activist.Standing up for African americans and And African americans rights is what put…...
African American CultureCivil Rights MovementJusticeLawMalcolm XPolitics
Britain’s Withdrawal From the European Union
Words • 497
Pages • 2
Brexit is the term now widely used to describe, Britain’s withdrawal from the Union of European States. Brexit is a combination of the words Britain and exit. The word Brexit was coined by The Economist magazine in 2012 and caught on as shorthand for the proposal that Britain split from the European Union and no longer have a less say on it’s own policies. The important policies of contention are trade, immigration, expenditure in the union, fishing and security. According…...
BrexitEuropeInternational RelationsPoliticsUkraine
President Rodrigo Duterte Speech
Words • 604
Pages • 3
On the 26th day of February last 2018, President Rodrigo Duterte delivered a speech about the inauguration of the Armscor Shooting Range Davao Branch in Davao City. The president's speech drawn laughter to the audience, brought violence to women and stated to be vulgar, sexist and misogynist according to the Women's Group of Gabriela in which acted and raise their flags to speak up with regards the said speech or remarks of the president. We are insensible of the things…...
LaughterMisogynySexismWarWorld War 2
Johan Huizinga Essay
Words • 1071
Pages • 5
Johan Huizinga, (1872-1945) a historian and anthropologist specialising in cultural history published his seminal work, ‘Homo Ludens’ in 1938. This work investigates the role of play within culture–and has gained a reputation as the definitive work discussing the role of games and play within culture. Huizenga defined play as "a free activity standing quite consciously outside 'ordinary' life as being 'not serious' but at the same time absorbing the player intensely and utterly. It is an activity connected with no…...
CivilizationCultureFranceHuman NatureMilitaryOlympic Games
Countries of the “Inner, Outer and Expanding circles”
Words • 2002
Pages • 9
Brad Kachru identified countries making up what are now known as ‘the Inner, Outer and Expanding circles’ (U214, 2012a, p.29), demonstrating how English is used globally. Kachru also categorised five main countries that show where English is primarily the means of communication. Inner circle English is characterised by the various functions and use when spoken or as a written format. English would be normally used within social and formal practices and across media platforms, but most importantly within education. It is…...
ColonialismCultureEnglish LanguageLanguage
Myron’s Discobolus Sculpture Analysis
Words • 481
Pages • 2
Throughout Western arch history, Greek plays a very important in the development of art, much of what Western civilization holds as valuable an arm such as the sole facial expressions and rigorous spirit of realism actually all came from Greek sculpture. The 5th through the 4th centuries BCE it was a heyday of the Greek sculpture known as the Classical period a large number of sculptures were finished during this period of time. Discus thrower was one of the most…...
CultureRoman EmpireSculpture
1 The word refugee means a person who flees to a
Words • 988
Pages • 4
1. The word refugee, means a person who flees to a foreign country or power to escape danger or persecution. In the article refugee is defined as a fear of being persecuted for whatever reason, is outside the country of their nationality, and is unwilling to help oneself of the protection of that country. The statement saying that the word refugee carries a heavy semantic load means it holds a lot of weight and history behind it. Refugee can either…...
Human NatureHurricane KatrinaPoliticsPovertyRacismSocial Issues
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This is what depression feels like, at least for me
...Many people have experienced the feeling of being sad or depressed, but if someone has felt these type of symptoms for more than two weeks it is important for them to seek help immediately. After researching this topic I have learned so much about de...
1 The word refugee means a person who flees to a
...7. One of the examples of structural violence in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina would be low-income Americans living in the most vulnerable housing. Since the majority of the New Orleans residents live closer to the Gulf Coast than other cities i...
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