Gilgamesh vs Daredevil

Gilgamesh’s intention for acting heroically is to be remembered while Daredevil’s intention is to help the suffering citizens. Gilgamesh, like all mankind, is not immortal and will eventually die. Gilgamesh fears that after his death he will eventually be forgotten about. He believes that if he acts heroically, he “will make a lasting name for myself, [and] will stamp my fame on men’s mind forever” (Mitchell 149). This is how he believes he can be remembered after death. In contrast, Daredevil’s motivation is less self-centered.

In an article discussing the validity of Daredevil’s vigilantism, Xuan claims that “Matt hopes that his actions will ultimately better the common good of the people… This is what justice means to him” (Xuan). The actions Xuan is referring to is Daredevil fighting as a vigilante. Daredevil is a lawyer by day and realizes this is illegal, but he believes that his actions will help people when the law cannot.

Gilgamesh and Daredevil

It is quite apparent that Gilgamesh and Daredevil have a divergent background, but what is revealed by this? To begin, this establishes the way each hero views the world.

Gilgamesh appears to feel entitled to whatever he wants. He is quite spoiled in this sense but funnily enough, it really makes sense why Gilgamesh has this view of the world.

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He has never had to face adversity or consequences as a result of his actions simply because no man is capable of challenging these actions. This has led Gilgamesh to ultimately develop a selfish view of the world. On the other hand, Daredevil has the view that it is his responsibility to protect citizens. He feels this way because he knows that sometimes, the justice system is not enough. In fact, Daredevil experienced this thought firsthand when his father was murdered without any kind of compensation. Comparatively, Gilgamesh and Daredevil have wildly different views of the world due to their backgrounds. Despite these differing views, both heroes will be forced to face a similar tragedy.

Supporting Characters

So far, both Gilgamesh and Daredevil have been referred to as heroes, but nothing has been mentioned to why they are seen this way. A defining trait of a hero is their ability to recover after a catastrophic event such as injuries or the death of a loved one. In the case of Gilgamesh and Daredevil, they will encounter the loss of a loved one. From the way this event is set up, encountered, and reflected, these two characters will go through a similar plot that will establish themselves as heroes.

Since the event involves the loss of a loved one, it’s important to institute why these partners are crucial to Gilgamesh and Daredevil. These supporting characters foil Gilgamesh and Daredevil. For Gilgamesh, his supporting character is Enkidu. Enkidu was created to serve as “a double for Gilgamesh… [to] let them balance each other perfectly” (Mitchell 69). This was because the gods noticed how oppressive Gilgamesh’s ruling was, and they needed someone to balance this out. Eventually, “They held hands like brother… They became true friends” after a small fight that Gilgamesh wins (Mitchell 146). Before meeting Enkidu, Gilgamesh did not have anyone close, so Enkidu becomes intimate with Gilgamesh. For Daredevil, his supporting character is Elektra. An important trait for Daredevil is that he will try to avoid any form of killing. In contrast, Elektra is bloodthirsty and has no remorse for killing. This is revealed in the show when they begin dating each other. Elektra manages to find the person that ordered the murder of Matt’s father and encourages Matt to kill him. Of course, Matt is unable to and instead calls the police only to find that Elektra left him, disappointed that he would not kill (Daredevil, Kinbaku). They eventually move past this event and become lovers again. Unfortunately, these supporting characters are killed to advance the plot.

A Cold Day in Hell’s Kitchen

Gilgamesh and Daredevil encounter the tragedy of losing their loved one. These deaths take a huge toll on the morale of these heroes. Gilgamesh loses Enkidu after they kill a forest guardian named Humbaba. This leads to Humbaba cursing Enkidu to die. Enkidu’s death was so taxing that Gilgamesh believes, “I will mourn as long as I breathe” (Mitchell 198). This devastation was also felt by Daredevil. In a battle versus ninjas known as The Hand, Elektra jumps in front of a sword to save Daredevil from being stabbed. This leaves Matt speechless until her burial where he says his love for her was worth it (Daredevil, A Cold Day in Hell’s Kitchen). Sadly enough, these deaths actually could have been avoided if the main protagonists made better choices.

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