Free essays on ethics are academic papers that discuss ethical theories, principles, and concepts. These essays often explore ethical issues such as morality, justice, and social responsibility from different angles. They may also analyze controversies related to topics such as euthanasia, cloning, and animal testing. Free essays on ethics could be written for various academic disciplines, including philosophy, sociology, and psychology. Most of these essays are aimed at educating the reader about ethical theories and their practical applications in real-life situations. They are a valuable resource for students and researchers looking to delve deeper into the world of ethics.
Organizational Behavior Principles
In 2002, WorldCom collapsed and filed for bankruptcy after it was overwhelmed by frequent decadence of their profits. In addition, the company was facing one of the greatest accounting fraud scandals reporting irregularities of up to $11 billion. According to Calkins and Romar (2006) WorldCom acquired a combined loss of $73.7 billion which hastened its total demise. The organization had been built through acquisitions which also contributed to the loss including other factors like poor leadership and provision of individual…...
BehaviorBusinessEthicsHuman NatureHuman Resource ManagementLeadership
Cultural Universal Examples
I have chosen to write about why cultural universals pose a problem for moral relativism in this paper. I will begin by defining cultural universals (CU). Then, I will cite examples of such theory and continue by applying them to situations In which these slmllarltles can be seen. Next, I will discuss how we can convince ourselves that a given standard of behavior Is In fact a cultural universal. I will then define moral relatlvlsm as well as provide examples…...
Importance Of Classroom Rules
I have always considered classrooms to be the honing factor in the lives of people. For the most part, numerous ideologies are formed while in the company of friends and peers. In this regard, I believe that the numerous rules formed inside the classrooms are important in the growth of any individual.Like any other student my age, I enjoyed the numerous activities done during class. My mere presence in class allowed me to learn the importance of adjusting to my…...
CommunicationEthicsHuman Nature
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Negative decision
The following sample essay on how would you respond when someone makes a decision that adversely affects you while saying “its nothing personal its just business”. Is business impersonal? Ethics are a subjective set of standards used by an individual to guide their actions, and to identify any obligation. They are uninterruptedly evolving code of conduct dependent upon conditions and the life involvements of the individual. With movements that can be measured by “right’ and ‘Wrong”. Ethics are not concerned…...
ContentmentEthicsGeographyHappinessPhilosophical TheoriesScience
Hammurabi Code Was It Just
Hammurabi’s Code: Was It Just? Hammurabi, the king of ancient Babylonia, erected large pillars of stone throughout his kingdom to establish the laws of the land. The large steles reminded the citizens of the civil and criminal laws that were created by Hammurabi to protect the weak, innocent, and poor of Babylonia. However, by the standards of modern society, Hammurabi’s Code is unjust. For the most part in the modern world, all people are thought to be created and therefore…...
Gandhi Satyagraha Summary
Gandhi’s non-violent individual can be described using the two concepts that are most important in his philosophy: ahimsa and satyagraha. Ahimsa, of course is the principle of non-violence. Mahatma Ghandi believes that the love of God or the Supreme Being must necessarily manifest in all of our actions. This means that we should practice non-violence. In Ghandi’s spiritual point of view, we have struggles that we need to fight internally. These are desires, fear, worry, and anxieties. But these fights…...
Civil RightsCultureEthicsGandhiHuman RightsPhilosophical Theories
Mcdonalds Ethical Issues 2019
Ethics could be defined as moral principles that underpin decision-making. Ethics is what is deemed to be morally acceptable. Business ethics: are a set of principles or a code of behaviour that influences business behaviour. Business ethics is therefore the application of ethical values to business behaviour. Ethical activities: refers to a broad agenda and focuses on making a positive contribution to the community. For some businesses ethics become a main priority as profitability and survival. But it depends on how ethical…...
Business EthicsCorporate Social ResponsibilityEthicsMcdonald'S
S. Robson Walton
Do you think that the values and practices that Wall-Mart founder Sam Walton articulated recognized the claims that employees, as stakeholders, have on the firm? 1. Yes, Wall-Mart values and practices with founder Sam Walton recognized the claims that employees, as stakeholder have on the firm. But that was during those years that the so-called values and principles have worked effectively. What might have changed in the ethical climate of Wal-Mart in recent years to contribute to the lawsuits by…...
CommunicationEthicsHuman ResourcesWalmart
Case Study Analysis Paper
Comments on the Case Study Analysis by Two People Case Study Analysis Paper Comments on the Case Study Analysis by Two People Response 1 In the first response to the case analysis, the writer first notes that the actions of the physician are unethical. The response also recognizes that the physician had an obligation to both George and his wife, as well. This is one responsibility of physicians in their practice, which they should never forget. From the two statements,…...
Case StudyDiseaseEducationEthicsHealth CareLearning
The End of Obedience: Paradoxical Agreement on Intestine Discord
As for the last part of the quote, (“The end of Obedience…by Intestine Discord”), we see that paradoxically, though the people all agree on the fact that they need to follow the judgement of one single authority so as to be protected from the potential threat they represent to each others, this rule can only be enforced upon them by fear. Hobbes’s justification for this is that if they have no other reason to stick to rules but the idea…...
EthicsKarl MarxLibertyPhilosophical TheoriesPolitics
Martha Mccaskey Case
Analysis: Martha McCaskey Harvard Business Review The Issue: This case focuses on Martha McCaskey. McCaskey is a relatively recent Harvard B-School grad on the fast track at Seleris Associates. She is a consultant who specializes in competitive analysis for corporations. McCaskey has been assigned as lead on project Silicon 6. She has a strong track record for delivering quality on her projects, which is why she was chosen as lead for this project. The focus of the project is to…...
BehaviorCommunicationEthicsHuman Nature
The Refutation Of Medical Paternalism
The following sample essay talks about the refutation of medical paternalism. To read the introduction, body, and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. Alan Goldman’s piece. ‘A Refutation of Medical Paternalism’ . contains an statement for why medical paternalism is incorrect. Goldman argues from the thought of ‘The Relativity of Value. ’ Explain this peculiar statement and demo how it is an statement against medical paternalism ( be certainly to first specify what medical paternalism is ) . Do you…...
EthicsLibertyMedical EthicsPhilosophical TheoriesPhysician
Obedience To Authority Essay
“Obedience is a virtue, disobedience is a vice” (Fromm 267). In “Disobedience as a Psychological and Moral Problem”, the author Erich Fromm implies that “to be a human an individual must be free to obey and disobey” (272). Being obedient requires the removal of freedom, which comes from expressing your thoughts, feelings and emotions, without any boundaries or pressures from other individuals. An obedient individual is submissive towards another’s’ will and does not have very much freedom. Obedience occurs and…...
EthicsHuman NatureObediencePersonalitySocial PsychologyStanford Prison Experiment
Choosing a Philosophy Paper Topic
When I began thinking of possible topics for my philosophy paper, I was looking for a topic that was interesting to me, relevant to my field of study, and also pertained to philosophy and worldviews.I am Construction Management major and, through Estimating I last year, I was introduced to a concept called bid shopping.We briefly discussed the practice of bid shopping and why it was wrong.The only reason that I could gather from my professor for bid shopping being considered…...
Ethical Beliefs
What are the central ethical beliefs that sustain you in your life? In my life I hold a high value for my family.I wish to maintain a happy, healthy family life, and therefore try to act so as to best promote a good family life.However, I am human, and therefore I do sometimes fall short.While I try to act in the best interest of my family, sometimes my own selfishness causes me to act in a way that is not…...
BeliefEthicsHappinessHuman NaturePersonality
A Wizard Of Earthsea Essay
Essay on “A Wizard of Earthsea” Interesting trilogy will, perhaps, not so much for children as for adults, which has long been boring to read about the endless wanderings, the philosophy of the search of his “I” of the tensions between the characters. More precisely, the book is not interesting modern children, for the future generation can not claim. For the child is too heavy feeding and little attractive for The orderly plot. More to their liking Harry Potter I…...
Legalzing Drugs
The following example essay on "Legalzing Drugs" looks at the pros and cons of legalizing marijuana, just as any type of discussion about legalizing cannabis is fraught with controversy. Today we live amongst crimes, and people being addicted to drugs, in which it is related to crimes in various ways. People take advantage of their ability of receiving perceptions and in terms selling it to someone else for their personal or recreational use. Legalizing drugs such as, marijuana also known…...
AddictionCrimeDrugsEthicsHuman NatureSubstance Abuse
Knife Crime Is a Big Problem in the UK
The following sample essay focuses on a big problem in the UK - knife crime. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. Knife crime is a big issue in the UK: many people have lost their lives in knife stabbing with some survivor but who has been left disabled or with big scars on their body. Last year 900 serious crimes were recorded in Merseyside. When we look at the statistics of knife crime in the…...
Criminal JusticeEthicsJusticeSocial Issues
Two Sides Of The Same Coin Essay
Two sides of the same coin: Justice and Peace By: Melduard Hernandez One of the latest news today is about the Vizconde Massacre. As what the DOJ Officials said, “It is a long road back to 1991. ” The related rumors were why it is that Hubert Webb and other accused persons acquitted by the Supreme Court of the Philippines? Who are the real suspects of the case? Why is it that eye witness Jessica Alfaro considered now as false…...
Why Abortion Is Immoral Summary
The ethics of abortion is very complex and controversial as no single opinion whether it is moral to permit abortions exists. Abortion controversy has continued unabated maybe because the Supreme Court imposed the nation with the idea of abortion on demand. Therefore, Don Marquis, in his paper “Why abortion is Immoral?” provides his own arguments why abortion is the same as killing an adult or human being. The author is trying to provide alternative approach to the controversial debate.Essay Example…...
AbortionEthicsPhilosophical TheoriesSocial Issues
Communication Ethics Essay
Subject: Reading Response for Communication ethicsEssay Example on Grabber Introduction Communication is an important element of business. It ensures all activities are running smoothly in an organization. This article discusses several cases of unethical practices of information in the business world. A study has confirmed that most business people always mishandle information. For example, they withhold information from parties like the government, clients or agencies. It also expounds on business people being ethical. This is mainly to the employer and…...
Business EthicsCommunicationCorporate Social ResponsibilityEmploymentEthicsPhilosophy
Natural Law Thesis Statement
Natural Law is becoming more irrelevant due to our secular culture. Natural Law depends on the belief that the world was designed by a creator, and that morality is absolute according to his standards. Aquinas assumes that all men must seek to worship God. What about an atheist? According to Thompson, if someone does not believe in God, then “the natural law theory loses its foundation. ” Furthermore, in today’s society natural law has largely been replaced by utilitarianism, the…...
AtheismEthicsNatural LawThomas Aquinas
Navy Core Values Essay Analysis
Moralityust always abide by an uncompromising code of integrity, taking responsibility for our actions and keeping our word. We shall earn respect up and down the chain of command. Be honest and truthful in our dealings with each other, and with those outside the Navy. Accordingly, we shall conduct ourselves in the highest ethical manner in all relationships with peers, superiors and subordinates. Commitment is the day-to-day duty of every man and woman in the United States Navy to come…...
CommunicationEthicsHuman NatureIntegrityPersonalityValues
Difference Between Relativism And Absolutism
Explain the difference between absolutist and relativist ethics. The Absolutist theory is the theory that certain things are right or wrong from an objective point of view and cannot change according to culture. Certain actions are intrinsically right or wrong, which means they are right or wrong in themselves. This is also known as deontological. The relativist theory is the theory that there are no universally valid moral principles. All principles and values are relative to a particular culture or…...
EpistemologyEthicsPhilosophical TheoriesRelativism
Ethics And Airbus
Case 2 4 final – Presentation Transcript 1. Case 2-4: Ethics and Airbus Team 8 Heather Cutshall Chris Duley Rohan Ratnapal Sue Vang 2. Consisted of French, German, and British Government Signed a Memorandum of Understanding in September 1967 Based in Blagnac, France History 3. An aircraft manufacturing subsidiary of the European aerospace company EADS One of the world’s leading manufacturers of commercial jet airliners Representing more than 80 nationalities, in four European countries: Germany, France, Spain, and the United…...
What Is Ethical Mind in Business
Business leadership has the created the image of unethical behavior. It has become evident that corporate scandals, massive layoffs, and inflated executive bonuses have tarnished the perception of corporate America. In order to change perception businesses need to mend relationships with their customers, employees, and other stakeholders. According to Howard Gardner, a Harvard University psychologist, individuals need to use a combination of their five minds. Those minds include the disciplined mind, the synthesizing mind, the creating mind, the respectful mind,…...
EthicsHuman NatureMind
Research Proposal On Business Ethics
Business ethics is a complicated set of norms which every business should fulfil. Business ethics touches upon all the core aspects of production, advertising and sale of goods and services. There is also a theory that business ethics is the set of the moral values, which are essential for the activity of business which are based on the believe, that the priority of business should not be the profit but the good for the customers.Essay Example on Research Proposal On…...
BusinessBusiness EthicsEthicsManagementPhilosophyScience
Mini Ethnography Examples
Essay Example on Mini-ethnography Also, I came to notice that the majority of the students were sitting right in front of the teachers desk in a ex. cube of students. 0:02 class started and the teacher put notes on the board and began her lecture. Out of 29 kids, only two had laptops. One of them were taking pictures of the notes while the other was typing them. Additionally, two more kids were on their cellophane not paying attention at…...
Biovail Corporation’s Overestimation Issue
Sub issue: Other than having fraud conducting of revenue recognition, Biovail Corporation also has overestimated the amount of Wellbutrin XL on the truck. The company estimated that revenue associated with this shipment was in the range of $10 million and $20 million and confirmed that the manufacturing cost value of this shipment had been fully insured.Essay Example on Biovail Case The trooper estimated that the truck was about one-quarter full. After the investigation done, the analyst stated if there had…...
BBC Design Group’s Herobuilders Case Analysis
Which of the four types of studies are presented In this case? Answer 1: According to the passage of the case the research done by the Emil Vale- President of BBC Design Group has performed a descriptive study. He has performed a research for potential action-figure doll business. Descriptive study attempts to answer to questions like who, what, when, where and how. It is clear that while doing research for the potential action-figures business Vehicle had to search for the…...
Personal Perspective on Ethics
Ethics Is a very complex web of what is right and wrong as a route to living life In our own Justifiable terms. When I think about what ethics means to me, I do not really consider government regulations, religious beliefs, or social norms. I don’t consider government regulations in the sense that I have grown up to be shaped by them but now as a cognizant being I can realize that I do not agree with a significant proportion…...
Prostitution Solutions
Almost always, trying to get someone to become a prostitute when they don’t want to is still illegal. Abolition – This is not a type of law itself, but it might be a reason behind the laws in some places, usually similar to decentralization. The long-term goal of “abolition” is to “abolish” prostitution, meaning to try to get it to stop completely. In this approach, the prostitutes themselves are seen as victims, and are not usually punished. Acts connected with…...
Deviant Workplace Behavior
Is workplace deviance a fact of life for companies, or can it be mitigated?Essay Example on Workplace Deviance Examples Explain. A: Workplace deviance is unethical behavior that violates organizational norms about right and wrong. It can be categorized by how deviant the behavior is, from minor to serious and by the target of the deviant behavior, either the organization or particular people in the workplace. Workplace deviance does happen in companies but it can all be reduced, making new rules…...
BehaviorCommunicationEthicsHuman NatureLifeSocial Psychology
“Good People” By David Foster Wallace Analysis
Good People is a short story by By David Foster Wallace about a difficult decision that a young christan couple is trying to make. This short story focuses on religion, culture and the challenges that come along with making decisions while being someone who practices a certain religion. The story's omniscient narrator focuses on the thoughts of Lane Dean and his perception of his relationship with his girlfriend. The story is shown through the perspective of a young man who…...
CultureEthicsHuman Nature
Robots and Robotics
The following example essay on "Robots and Robotics" describes the positive effects of interaction with robots for the more vulnerable in the community, assesses the ethical issues of using robots in the health sector for the elderly. Robots are machines resembling human beings and are able to perform human tasks and movements. There is a great amount of new research coming up for the use of robots in the health sector for the community. Robots are becoming very common in…...
EthicsHuman NatureResearchRobot
Hsa Long-Term Care Management
The following example essay on "Hsa Long-Term Care Management" looks at meeting needs at BNH. The order in which BNH should fill the main unstaffed position. Blumberg's institution is a 100-bed sanatorium in residential district metropolis, PA. The institution could be a health care and Medicare certified facility additionally. The administration required to giving up three essential positions from the staff; the Director of Nursing (DON), secretary, aboard the dietary aid, for improper conduct. All of them been participating with…...
EmploymentEthicsLeadershipNursingNursing Home
Life is the most precious and exquisite gift that one could ever
Life is the most precious and exquisite gift that one could ever receive. A humans life can exist within the longest and shortest period of time. Birth would be the beginning of life and death would be the end of it. With that being said, we can realize the absurdity of life for no matter what we do we will stay face death.If there is a place which can witness the beginning and ending of a persons life it can…...
Assisted SuicideBioethicsEthicsGiftHolidaysIdealism
What is prime reality?Prime reality is where it all starts It is
What is prime reality?Prime reality is where it all starts. It is the foundation to the existence of everything else. Unless you have a concept or understanding of the beginning, how can you explain what comes next? The explanation becomes the basis of everything else you believe.What is the nature of external reality, that is, the world around us?Understanding external reality helps one know where they fit into the world. Or do they just see themselves apart from it? It…...
EthicsMetaphysicsPhilosophical TheoriesPhilosophyRealityUnderstanding
Respect for people and assistance to those in need
I joined the US Navy and became a rescue swimmer over 5 years ago. I wanted to become better and to help people who could not help themselves. This all stems from the fact that I was 17 years old and worked on a golf course in my hometown. One day I was driving home, and a car that pulled up to me flew off the road and flew into a stream. Without hesitation, I rushed down the hill into…...
CCMH515CA Ethical Scenarios Worksheet
University of Phoenix MaterialEthical Scenarios WorksheetJessica DoxfordOctober 21, 2019Choose three of the seven ethical case scenarios.Answer the following questions for each scenario in 75 to 100 words each.What is the ethical issue described in the scenario? Why is this an ethical issue?Scenario 20: The counselor has a client who is currently going through a divorce. The client provides the counselor his journal to hold on to, as it is helping him through his treatment. Upon further discussion, a referral is…...
EthicsHuman NatureJusticeTherapyWork
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