BBC Design Group's Herobuilders Case Analysis

Which of the four types of studies are presented In this case?

Answer 1: According to the passage of the case the research done by the Emil Vale- President of BBC Design Group has performed a descriptive study. He has performed a research for potential action-figure doll business. Descriptive study attempts to answer to questions like who, what, when, where and how. It is clear that while doing research for the potential action-figures business Vehicle had to search for the answers Who are the potential clients which would be interested to buy these dolls?

Essay Example on Herobuilders

Which action-figures are the most popular among different ages? Where do the action-figure dolls mostly sell.

In toy stores, or as souvenirs In specialized shops? In what quantities possibly the production should be in order to cover demand and not to overproduce? And other questions. Vehicle also has done explanatory research to find the answer why there was sudden interest in action-figure dolls spread.

The answer for the question was that it was connected to the 9/1 1 event which led to the launch of business to sell action-figure dolls based on modern day heroes of the event.

Question 2: Evaluate the research conducted. Answer 2: a) Is the purpose clearly defined? Vale’s research involved defining the potential for the production and sale of action- figure modern day hero dolls and profitability of the sales, sales volume through retail stores as well as if the production of prototype real-life people’s dolls would have any legal consequences.

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B) Research process detailed? The research process In the passage Is not detailed and covers short answers to only several questions. Vehicle did only internet search, and some retail market research. High ethical standards applied? The passage does not offer any information about the existence of ethical safeguards to protect the involved persons and/or organizations, however Vehicle did contact lawyer for the legal and possible ethical safeguards consultation. D) Limitations frankly revealed? The passage does not detail any information about the limitations that have occurred during the research, which could impact on findings. E) Adequate analysis for decision maker’s needs? Goal of the research was not set by a decision-maker.

Since this business idea came only after the increasing interest by people for the dolls that were made for Vesicle’s own personal needs/interest. F) Findings presented unambiguously? The passage does not contain detailed research. G) Conclusions Justified? The research is poorly tied to the decision-based conclusions, nor does the detailed findings are matched with conclusions. H) Researcher’s experience reflected? Vehicle provided his own experience by stating that he has been making dolls on his personal time and he decided to do a research for potential of business when individual requests increased.

Question 3: What issues other than those Vehicle chose to evaluate would you have included in your research plan for Herbicides. Com? I would conduct some customer survey to see the magnitude of the interest in action- dolls, which would include the price range (how much people are ready to pay for custom-made doll), age range (who is mostly interested), purpose of the purchase of the dolls (for which occasions do people buy these dolls, as personal souvenirs, for present for birthdays, etc ), etc.

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BBC Design Group's Herobuilders Case Analysis. (2019, Nov 27). Retrieved from

BBC Design Group's Herobuilders Case Analysis
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