Free essays on crime are written to provide insights into various aspects of criminal behavior and the criminal justice system. These essays cover a wide range of topics, including the causes of crime, the impact of crime on society, the role of law enforcement agencies in combating crime, and the effectiveness of different approaches to reducing crime. They are written by experts in the field and are available to all students and researchers for free. These essays are a great resource for anyone interested in studying crime and its impact on society.
The Importance of Gun Control for the Safety of American Communities
Within the past few years, the conversation surrounding gun control has become a widely discussed and controversial concept. The importance surrounding gun control is the continuous violence that plagues our communities because there are barely any restrictions on firearms and assault weapons, allowing almost anyone to obtain lethal weapons. There are multiple different perspectives on the necessity of gun control and its reliability if put in place this paper will present the reasons as to why gun control is necessary…...
CrimeGun ControlSuicideViolence
A View on the Serial Killer Article
Most serial killers tend to have similar traits of being generous, warm hearted, and friendly. Same went for John Wayne Gacy, Jr. a man who was well known in his community, a business man and a hard working one, a clown on the weekend for local hospitals he was also known as "Pogo The Clown". No one would know of his dark side; his other side till a disappearance of a young boy would link Gacy and would be reviled…...
CrimeMurderSerial Killer
Jeffrey Dahmer: Anatomy of a Serial Killer
It is an indisputable fact about modern society that when an individual does gruesome or horrific things, it captures the attention of the populace. While many people blame the media for sensationalizing crimes like rapes and murders to the point that some of the worst criminals become pseudo-celebrities, the fact is that the news media generally shows what reflects the interests of society. Thus, the question must be posed, why are the most violent and disturbed criminal offenders so captivating…...
CrimeMurderSerial Killer
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The Unusual Life of a Serial Killer, Edward Gein
We typically assume serial killers to be menacing and blood hungry creatures of the night, stalking their prey and striking them down for the glory of it. This, peculiarly, is not the case of Eddie Gein. Although Edward Gein inspired popular films such as Psycho, Silence of the Lambs, and Texas Chainsaw Massacre, there seems to be a more psychological reason for his killings, of which only amount to two found victims contrary to popular belief. Gein was born August…...
ChildCultureSerial Killer
An Analysis of the Psychology of Male and Female Serial Killers
What is the psychology behind a serial killer? Are they mentally ill, or do they simply enjoy the act of killing for what it is? Everyone has a different genetic makeup, so maybe that's where the answer lies? We will delve deep into the minds of serial killers to find what exactly it is that makes them kill. We will look into the psychology behind both male and female serial killers, their motives for killing, and what really drove them…...
Mental DisorderMindSerial Killer
The Reasons Behind the Rise of the Scary Phenomenon of Serial Killer Culture
A serial killer is defined as "a person who murders three or more persons in at least three separate events with a "cooling off" period between kills", as stated by "The Incidence of Child Abuse in Serial Killers", an article written by Heather Mitchell and Michael G. Aamodt from Radford University. In another article, "Serial Killers: Nurture vs. Nature", found on The American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress website, examines the two broad categories of reasons behind serial killers'…...
Child AbusePsychologySerial Killer
Sitting in a Case Dealing With a Credit Card Fraud
On March 13th, 2013, I had the opportunity to go to Hennepin County Criminal Court and was able to observe a jury trial. The case that I sat in was about a credit card fraud that occurred at a gas station in New Hope Minnesota. The Defendant Mrs. Yesayan Gohar was charged with 8 counts of identity theft felony and Unlawful possession or use of scanning device or re-encoder. Mrs. Gohar was arrested in New Hope, Minnesota a long with…...
Credit Card Fraud
The Issues of Sexual Exploitation and Prostitution
The sexual exploitation of children in America is a violation of several of the sexual rights listed by the WAS declaration of sexual rights. When a child enters the sex trade in the service of any other person, a pimp, a boyfriend, or any other adult, it is automatically a severe form of trafficking in persons. Unfortunately, these victims of trafficking are rarely treated as victims, Instead, they are treated as criminals many states have safe harbor laws that aim…...
ExploitationHuman TraffickingProstitutionSexuality
The Methods to Protect the Black Rhino Populations from Poaching
Ecosystems can change for a multitude of reasons, and most often the cause of this change is progress for society and humanity. Farmland is upturned. forests are cut down and burned for economic means and for society's convenience Africa has experienced this to a great extent due to their abundance of natural resources. Their natural resources are sold and distributed to help support their communities however the way this is done is quite deteriorating to the ecosystem they are in.…...
HuntingNatural EnvironmentPoachingRhino
Fairness in Criminal Procedure
The suspected and charged individual is often disadvantaged as compared to the state in terms of available resources. Therefore the criminal procedure ought to ensure fairness and equality in its dealings. First the criminal procedures can be divided into stages and assigned to various bodies the investigating trying persecuting. deciding guilt. sentencing and execution of the sentences can be assigned to different independent bodies. This step is known as the separation of powers so as to avoid biases if only…...
CrimeCriminal LawFairnessLaw
Frank Lucas in American Gangster by Ridley Scott
Andre Williamson At first when I chose my major in Criminal Justice I was really sure that I wanted to do it. This semester has really driven me closer to it the probation officer that I met has a lot to do with it and the movies that I have recently watched are getting me interested also. I just recently saw American gangster a documentary film about the notorious Frank Lucas. Throughout the entire movie, I was putting the evidence…...
American GangsterCrimeCriminal LawJustice
The Revenge of Dantes in The Count of Monte Cristo, a Novel by Alexandre Dumas
During the course of the novel, The Count of Monte Cristo, the main protagonist, Edmond Dantes also known as. The Count of Monte Cristo, gains many new friends and new enemies which will go hand in hand with each other, Gradually as Dantes receives knowledge and education from Abbe Faria his plans for revenge on the men who put him in prison for life for their own selfish reasons becomes more evolved. For example, in such a way that with…...
Alexandre DumasFictionMoneyPrison
Prostitution Legalization in New Zealand: Language Diversity?
In her argumentative essay, "Enough Already, It's Time to Decriminalize Prostitution," Patty Kelly debates that prostitution should be legalized. She begins her essay by addressing the arrest of State Senator, Elliot Spitzer, who had been caught paying women for sex. Furthermore, she uses this as an example that prostitution is "a part of our culture, and is not going away" (Kelly, 2012, p. 436). Kelly spent a year at a legal brothel in Mexico and uses her first hand experience…...
CultureNew ZealandProstitution
Book The Bite of the Mango by Mariatu Kamara and Susan McClelland
During the Civil War between 1991 and 2004, Sierra Leone, located in the western horn of Africa had their own little war going on. Rebels were attacking local villages and injuring/killing residents in the villages. The rebels wanted a new government, one that didn’t give money to the refugees, and they were determined to get it at whatever cost. The rebels also wanted to gain control of all the diamond mines located in Sierra Leone. The men in this ‘tribe’…...
An Experience of Being Out of My Comfort Zone During Our Vacation in Thailand
I am a city girl. I love skyscrapers and the way they light up a dark sky. I call delivery service at 3 in the morning if hunger strikes me. I choose form over function when it comes to buying shoes. I love big cities—the lights, the convenience, the diverse people, the sounds, and the non-stop activities. I have always been a city girl. Last winter, I decided that it was about time to push myself out of my comfort…...
Comfort ZoneCultureProstitution
Shawshank vs Glory
Two of the well known movies that were the abolishinst movement in Amerrica were Glory and The Shawshank Redemption. On the surface, the movies the shawshank redemption and glory seem to be completely different. But, as the movies upfold, it is evident that both the prisoners of Shawshank and the soldiers of the 54th Massachusetts are in search of the same thing. For the prisoners of Shashank, normalcy is freedom. For the soldiers of the 54th, normalcy is equality. In…...
FictionPrisonShawshank Redemption
Shawshank Redemption Film Review
Shawshank Redemption takes place in Shawshank State Penitentiary in Maine. The main characters are: Andy, a banker that gets a life sentence for murdering his wife and her lover; Red, a contraband smuggler serving a life sentence; Norton, the warden of Shawshank State Penitentiary. The movie begins as Andy goes to court after getting accused of murdering his wife. His verdict is a life sentence at Shawshank Penitentiary. Andy meets and befriends a man named Red at the prison. Red…...
CrimePrisonShawshank Redemption
Increased Risk Of Identity Theft
Online social media has gained tremendous growth and popularity around the world and has attracted a lot of researchers around the world. Teenagers are the most enthusiastic users of this site, althotlgh every generation could accept the changes brought about by social networks. A variety of research in the field of online social networks has revealed that this site has a significant impact on the lives of young people, Teenagers affects positively or negatively when using sites like Twitter, Facebook,…...
AdolescenceCommunicationIdentity TheftSocial Media
The Various Types and Implications of Identity Theft
Identity theft involves the use of another person's identification, such as a credit card number. driver‘s license number, social security number, or any other personal information to commit a crime or theft without permission to do so from the owner. Identity theft is a crime that causes a lot of damage to the victims by ruining their finances and even their reputation, It also consumes money. time, and patience to resolve. According to the Federal Trade Commission (2013). identity theft…...
CrimeIdentity TheftLawPrivacy
How the Increase of Technology Influences Identity Theft
According to spendonlifecom in 2010 there were ten million people who fell victim to identity theft. Many experts believe this number will increase as time goes on. Why do they think that identity theft will continue to grow in numbers? They believe this to be so because of the increase of technology, The technology of today is so readily available to those who know where to look. Even if you can't get the brand name product most people can make…...
CommunicationIdentity TheftInformation AgeTechnology
The Serious Issue of Identity Theft in America
In 2013, American found themselves a victim of identity theft every two seconds. The number of identity theft victims climbed to approximately 13,1 million throughout 2013. Generally speaking, identity theft is the wrongful use of another individual’s identity to commit financial or other crimes. This identity theft may include, but is not limited to: credit cards, social security information, or driver’s license numbers Typically, identity thieves use this stolen information for committing other offenses, such as fraudulently obtaining financial loans,…...
CrimeIdentity TheftLawPolice
Drug Addiction and Alcohol Addiction
Criminal psychology, also referred to as criminology, is the study of wills, thoughts, intentions and reactions of criminals and all the part takers in the criminal behavior. The study has concentrated a focus on what makes someone commit the crime, but also how they react after they commit the crime, on the run and in the courtroom. The medical side of why people commit crimes is sometimes overlooked and has factors like, if people are born to be criminals and…...
Alcohol AddictionCrimeMental DisorderViolence
An Opinion on Which is Scarier Between Jane Eyre and Never Let Me Go
Both the movie Jane Eyre and the book Never Let Me G0 are scary in their own ways. But when deciding which I believe is scarier, I think that Jane Eyre takes it When I think about Jane Eyre I almost automatically think of it as a gothic movie. It has many ominous elements to it that make it scary ranging from dark colors to actual crazy people being locked up When I think about Never Let Me Go, I…...
ChildChild AbuseFictionNever Let Me Go
The Dangers of Serial Killers in the United States
Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, John Wayne Gacy, Charles Manson, and Richard Ramirez (The night stalker), do any of these names spark a chill in your bones? If they don t, they should. The names I ve mentioned above are just a few examples of some of the most notorious serial killers in America. Serial killers are those individuals who kill more than 3 people within a span of 14 or more days. (Serial Killers, Online AOL) Have you ever stopped…...
Charles MansonSerial KillerTed Bundy
An Argument Against the Media’s Fascination with Serial Killers
While the nineteen-seventies was an incredible decade, formative decade for music, culture, and society it was also a decade full of shock, fear and serial killers. John Wayne Gacy, an amateur clown, was a pedophiliac homosexual. He tortured and killed thirty-three little boys and stored their remains under his house. David Berkowitz, a.k.a. the Son of Sam, stalked New York City from nineteen-sixty-seven to nineteen-seventy-seven. He claimed to have been following a voice from his dog that told him when…...
CrimeMurderSerial Killer
Hannibal’s Popularity
In the novel, The Silence of the Lambs by Thomas Harris, Harris develops the role of serial killer Hannibal Lecter into an unforgettable, forever popular character through Lecter's attention grabbing, repulsive acts. The popularity began when the genre of horror fiction was created, and a cult-like following developed. As the attraction and popularity grew, the following grew, and the violent serial killers turned into celebrities. The serial killers began to take over American entertainment in movies, books, and TV; American's…...
FictionLiteratureSerial Killer
Study of Serial Killer Childhood Abuses
The first documented serial killer had the name of Herman Webster Mudgett or the more common name of H. H. Holmes. Holmes killed an estimated 200 people in his "murder castle" over the span of 1878-1894. But the question at hand is why was Holmes compelled to kill so many people? Was he simply born with this urge to hurt others and was predetermined to violence? Or was circumstance to blame for the deaths? The answer to why serial killers…...
AbusePsychologySerial Killer
Vandalism, Assault and Domestic Violence
The problem with illegal drugs is that addicts normally cannot buy them, and they are so difficult to get that addicts often resort to theft or robbery in order to pay for their addiction. If people could go to Sonic and buy a cocaine slushie, or drive up to Burger King and order a crack burger and a weedshake. People would not need to commit theft, robbery, or endanger the public in order to pay for their habits. Around seven…...
AddictionCrimeCriminologyDomestic Violence
Animal Abuse: An Indicator of the Future
Animal abuse is commonly agreed upon to be a cruel and unreasonable act by many. There are many links showing that animal abusers are more likely to commit crimes down the road. Animal abusers have a significantly higher rate of committing drastic crimes such as homicide and more minor crimes such as vandalism, drug abuse, and more. Through analyzing numerous studies by numerous people, this paper will take a look into the brain of an animal abuser and their likelihood…...
AbuseCrimeDomestic ViolenceViolence
Excuse For Domestic Violence
My research topic is about intimate partner homicide. I hope to answer, or at least gather more information, about why women are more likely to be killed in intimate partner homicides than their male counterpart. My hypothesis that women are killed disproportionally to men in these types of homicides because in our society some males (or for some women, the dormant partner in the relationship) see themselves as dominant over females (or submissive partner) and that is their excuse for…...
Domestic ViolencePrisonPsychologyViolence
A Discussion on Whether Racial Profiling Is Right or Wrong?
Some say raCIal profiling is iust an excuse for minorities. Others say that those with power often abuse minorities, and that it is proven that they are hassled more than those that arent a minority are. This is espeCially apparent right now with people of Arab decent. I believe that racial profiling does exist in society today. It happens in the work place, in the malls, and on the streets. This article deals with a group in Seattle that was…...
CrimeJusticePoliticsRacial Profiling
Gun Violence a Huge Part of American Society
The topic I am writing about today is gun control. The reason I am writing about this topic because gun violence has taken a huge part of American society today. In the United States, there are many cases are firearm related, from robbery to murder and the biggest concern to the society is now, school shooting. School shooting has made today’s society emotionally sad and disappointed. The most recent school shooting happened tragically left 17 students killed, and it took…...
CrimeGun ControlJusticeLaw
The Right of Americans to Bear Arms
The Second Amendment is Americans given right to bear arms, and over the past few years it has been an extremely controversial topic because there have been many tragedies that have taken place due to gun violence. The Right to own a gun has been our given right since 1791 when the Bill of Rights was written. Americans were given the right to own a gun as a way of feeling secure and to protect themselves. Society especially felt the…...
CrimeGun ControlLawPolitics
Costly Death Penalty
The death penalty is considered the top punishment of all and usually depends on how grave your crime was. In the United States, the practice of this punishment is different depending on the state you live/reside in, Some abolish it, others decide to keep on practicing it and there’s always been arguments all around on whether it is humane enough or if it’s a violation of the 8th amendment, etc. in my opinion the death penalty shouldn't be used; however,…...
CrimeCriminal LawMoneyPrison
Crime Theories and the American Justice System in the United States
Crime Theories, an excerpt from Kimmel and Arson defines crime as “any act that violates a formative code that has been enacted by a legally constituted body," or the violation of a deviant act that is regulated by a government. The text continues on to explain a few key theories in relation to crime. Robert K. Merton's 1957 Strain Theory argues that deviance is a by product of inequality, where society puts value on goals, but doesn't provide equal ways…...
The Fight for Justice in Twelve Angry Men by Reginald Rose
According to Haile Selassie, "Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted, the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph.” Justice can be sustained by the effort of citizens who are willing to sacrifice their time in order to rightfully secure the convicted's place. Reginald Rose's play, Twelve Angry Men, demonstrates the perfect example…...
The Driven to Kill by Geoffrey Sant on China and Taiwan’s Broken Justice System
Driven To Kill Hit-to-kill murders are unfortunately common in China and Taiwan. In “Driven To Kill” by Geoffrey Sant, he describes why citizens would rather kill a pedestrian than leave the victim alive. The broken justice system in China can lead to citizens taking justice into their own hands, whether they are a witness or the driver. In China and Taiwan, the way the law works causes hit to-kill murders to be common. One of the main reasons this is…...
The Five Primary Goals in Criminal Justice
There are five primary goals in criminal justice. These five things are preventing crime, protecting the public, supporting victims, families, and witnesses, holding people accountable for their crimes, and helping offenders become law abiding citizens. Prevention crime is basically trying to stop it before it happens. Protecting the public means keeping them safe and out of harm's way. Supporting of these persons is making sure they receive justice and are safe. Some situations can be dangerous for these people after…...
Effects of White Color Crime in Community Organization
Social Disorganization is directly caused by white color crime within the community. Sociologist claim that two components; culture and institutional structures are comprised in both social organization and disorganization alike. Culture tends to be the cause of this, and institutional structures tend to be the effect. White color crime leads to a lot of mistrust as explained in chapter five. Social disorganization theory posits that location matters a lot. A majority of one culture can help predict what sort of…...
Bullying Should Be Considered a Criminal Act
Would you be able to lead a normal life, if someone kills every ounce of self-confidence which you have? How much time would it take for you to recover from such a situation? These might seem like hypothetical questions for you, but they are real life scenarios, for victims of bullying. In most of the cases, bullying just attracts a normal verbal warning in our colleges and schools and the bully is let off. However, the mental trauma through which…...
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