Essays on Law

Free essays on Law are online resources containing academic papers, research works or case studies that explore various areas of law. These essays provide useful insights into legal issues, court judgments, case precedents, legal debates, and theoretical frameworks related to the study of law. They can be beneficial to law students, legal professionals, researchers, and academicians who seek to broaden their understanding of legal knowledge and its application. These essays can also serve as a source of inspiration and guidance for students who may be required to submit similar papers. These essays are provided free of charge, making them accessible to anyone who is interested in learning about law.
How Does the Judiciary Protect Individuals?
Words • 879
Pages • 4
The underlying principle behind the framing of the Double Jeopardy Clause is the universal maxim of the common-law of England which is still being referred to in the United States. In the U.S, the common law rule was integrated into the Bill of Rights and hence was given constitutional importance. The Clause in question is included in the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution. The Double Jeopardy Clause of the American Constitution that states “Nor shall any person be subject for…...
Common LawCrimeCriminal JusticeJusticeLaw
Advantages and Disadvantages of Article V Amendment Processes
Words • 575
Pages • 3
The United States Constitution is one of the most significant documents in modern world history. Its official date of adoption was on the seventeenth of September in 1897. The Constitution itself represents the advent of democracy, justice and freedom in a once-was colony which thereafter gained its independence. It established three branches of government; the legislative branch, the judicial branch and the executive branch. Additionally, the Constitution outlined the relationship between the country’s citizens and the Federal government. Many section…...
The Idea of Privacy in the Betrayed Covenants
Words • 536
Pages • 3
The following sample essay discusses the idea of privacy in The Betrayed Covenants. To read the introduction, body, and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. The transition from Testaments Betrayed by Czech author Milan Kundera discusses the basic thought of the saving of privateness and the criminalism of the failure to make so. The transition considers the state of affairs that occurred between two of import Russian figures around the early 1970’s. Through complete scrutiny of the circumstance and Kundera’s…...
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Health Policy Analysis Paper Example
Words • 421
Pages • 2
The South Australia Women’s Health Policy undermines the role of women in advancing the health issues that affects them. More predominantly, it tackles the issue concerning gender in terms of South Australia’s Health Policy (Government of South Australia. 2005). The Health Policy is constructed as a societal problem that focus on the role of women as health providers. The policy supports the assumption that improving women’s health will improve the community’s health as well. The health issues addressed in the…...
GenderLawLaw EnforcementPolicyPoliticsSocial Inequality
Example Of Right Against Exploitation
Words • 847
Pages • 4
The right against development allows Indian citizens to stand up against any sort of development that he/ she might be traveling through. This cardinal right is described in the fundamental law as: Article 23. Prohibition of traffic in human existences and forced labor. – ( 1 ) Traffic in human existences and begar and other similar signifiers of forced labor are prohibited and any dispute of this proviso shall be an offense punishable in conformity with jurisprudence. ( 2 )…...
CasteCrimeJusticeLawPoliticsSocial Issues
Socratic Method Essay
Words • 688
Pages • 3
The Republic we come to ponder the question of Justice. Just exactly where In the dialogue does Socrates win over the debate with Trashcans and gain the support of the bystanders? This Is very open-ended and opinionated question, but there are parts of the dialogue In which rises to a climax and then falls. As you read on I express in my best words where I feel Socrates took control of this debate over what Justice is. There is no…...
Good Night And Good Luck Analysis
Words • 962
Pages • 4
The play, “The Crucible”, was set in Salem, Massachusetts, in the 16th century. This is a period made famous for the witch trials that took place in the town. The film “Goodnight and Good-luck”, was set in America during the 1950’s shortly after television had made its debut. The two pieces both explore issues surrounding injustice, an individual’s credibility and people’s reputations and reactions to information put forward. In Arthur Miller’s play, “The Crucible”, there are many ways in which…...
JusticeNatureNightThe CrucibleWitchcraft
No Child Left Behind Research Paper
Words • 898
Pages • 4
The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) is a program enacted by the Bush administration to answer necessities of implementing bipartisan solutions to fortify the foundation of the educational system in the United States. Concepts framing the NCLB involve granting accountability to the federal, state, and local governments as well as educational institutions regarding academic performance of students, implementing programs and utilizing facilities and resources that highly contribute to learning, providing funds to the grassroots level of educational administration, and…...
CommunicationCurriculumLearningNo Child Left Behind ActTeaching
Good Will Hunting Summary
Words • 953
Pages • 4
The movie Good Will Hunting exploits many points of psychology in the character Will Hunting, a janitor at MIT who has a knack for math. Some of the points of psychology include how a character develops after a lot of child abuse during his childhood. It exploits the idea that a child who becomes secluded may never allow an attachment, or when an attachment finally starts to occur, pushes them away. It also exploits the idea that Will Hunting has…...
AbuseChild AbuseFoster CareHobbyHuman NatureHunting
Serpico: True Story of Police Corruption
Words • 786
Pages • 4
The movie, “Serpico”, (Maas, 1973) was based on a true story about Frank Serpico, a New York police officer who wanted to expose the corruption in law enforcement and went undercover in order to reveal their criminal activity. He is offered a share of the money in which the corrupt officers share and when he refuses to take part in their activity, he is shunned by his fellow officers and they don’t want to work with him and he remains in…...
CrimeJusticeLaw EnforcementPolice
Maltese Brothers And The Krays
Words • 1018
Pages • 5
The Kray twins were born in 1933. They lived in the east end of London and soon took up the traditional way of life that their family had led for generations. They got involved with two local gangsters Billy Hill and Jack Comer. This is what eventually led to their rise to gangland supremos. A popular view, is that the media orchestrated the Krays transition from villains to heroes, antidisestablishmentarianists to conquering idols. There are various sources to back up…...
Geneva Convention Categories Military Id Cards
Words • 562
Pages • 3
The importance of keeping positive control of my military i. d and how it Hinders the army’s OPSEC I won’t sit here and say losing my i. d card was completely out of my reach but things happen I’m only human. But I can assure you that it won’t happen again. But Losing a Military Identification Card has a lot of downsides. There is no good in losing a Military Identification Card regardless of the situations. Accountability in the military…...
CatCommunicationFamilyGovernmentIdentity TheftLife
The Problem Of Time Lags In Enacting And Applying Fiscal Policy Is That
Words • 446
Pages • 2
Paper Type:Exploratory essays
The latter rate would rise more slowly than the rate of increase in GAP with the least effect of the three types. Conversely, in an economic slowdown, a progressive tax falls faster because not only does it decline with income, it becomes proportionately less as incomes fall. Does this act as a cushion on declining incomes-?the tax bite is less, which leaves more of the lower-income for spending. The reverse would be true of a regressive tax that falls, but…...
LawLaw EnforcementPhilosophyPolicyScienceTime
Crime Prevention Essay
Words • 671
Pages • 3
The government are using situational crime prevention as a means of reducing the impact of crime on society. I am going to examine the effectiveness of SCP. Situational Crime Prevention departs from mainstream criminology in that it focuses on the importance of the opportunity for crime to occur, the settings for crime, rather than upon those committing the crimes, preventing the occurrence of crime, rather than on detecting and punishing offenders. According to Item A, situational crime prevention involves in…...
Common LawJusticeLaw
Promissory Estoppel Contract Law
Words • 625
Pages • 3
The doctrine derived from the case of Huges v Metropolitan Railway Co (1877), involving a landlord and his tenants. Under the lease the tenants were obliged to keep the premises in good repair, and in October 1874, they landlord gave them 6 months’ notice to do some repairs, stating that if they were not done in that time, the lease would be forfeited. In November, the two parties began to negotiate the possibility of the tenants buying the lease, the…...
Business LawCommon LawJusticeProperty
Chieftaincy Disputes
Words • 863
Pages • 4
The constitution of Ghana defines a chief in article 277 as. In the Chapter unless the context otherwise requires, chief means a person, who, hailing from the appropriate family and lineage has been validly nominated ,elected or selected and enstooled, enskinned or installed as a chief or queen mother in accordance with the relevant customary law and usage. Chieftaincy as an important social institution which binds the people together is fraught with numerous disputes. Chieftaincy disputes are the misunderstanding, that…...
Characteristics Of A Detective
Words • 754
Pages • 4
The Characteristics of a Armature Detective Why are we so fascinated with detective fiction? Is it because we are simply interested in the crimes themselves? Or is it because we are drawn to the characters within the stories that have characteristics that we desperately wish we could portray ourselves. The armature detective is one that we follow more often and have characteristics that pull us in more. As said in The Longing Anthology of Detective Fiction “they may be armatures,…...
Kelvin Malone Attorney Dallas
Words • 705
Pages • 3
Terry Fedrick v. Cliff Nichols d/b/a C&N Truck and Trailer Repair The term Bailment is derived from the French Bailor, “to deliver”. A bailment is a temporary transfer of property to another for a limited time and for a specific purpose. The transfer of property in a bailment is only in regards to possession, not ownership. The bailor is the owner of the transferred property. The bailee holds the transferred property. The property is held in trust for the benefit…...
Common LawContractGovernmentJusticeLaw
Underage Driving
Words • 572
Pages • 3
TEEN TRAFFIC Attention! Attention! Attention! If you are a teenager or a parent of one then – it is a MUST for you to read on. It is very important for you to know that driving and especially underage driving is a potentially “risky activity”. Nowadays, in the times of modernization and the exposure, the teenagers are getting, they find it difficult to resist the temptation of driving before the right age. Due to peer pressure and to look cool,…...
AdolescenceHuman NatureLawPoliceTraffic
Thelma And Louise Essay
Words • 925
Pages • 4
t is widely debated as to whether Thelma and Louise is a feminist film or not. Either way the film is unconventional, a road movie that’s main characters are female. But as the narrative is not closed to interpretation, the ideological tensions are not worked out conclusively so there is room for argument. I will refer to two articles which hold opposing viewpoints. 1 Dargis claims that Thelma and Louise challenges the ideology of a genre by ‘rewrit[ing] the road…...
Teenage Curfew Statistics
Words • 934
Pages • 4
Summary:   The enacting of teenage curfew laws in American cities such as Dallas, Texas is a good idea. Such laws can decrease the juvenile crime rate and provide an opportunity for teens who are at risk to become delinquents to receive needed help. Over the past several years, One reason I believe that teenager curfew laws should be effective in many communities is because of the high rate of juvenile crime. If there are fewer teens in the street…...
CrimeJusticeLawMathematicsPoliticsSocial Issues
N E NY Basketball Inc v Barnett: Case Facts
Words • 460
Pages • 2
Sports and the Law: Case Presentation N. E. central NY Basketball, Inc. v. Barnett (181 N. E. 2d 506, ct. C. P. Cuyahoga cty. OH 1961 1. Facts of the Case The plaintiff in this case is Central NY Basketball, Inc. , who owns the Syracuse Nationals of the National Basketball league (NBA). There are two defendants: Richard Barnett, a #1 draft choice of the plaintiff in 1959, and Cleveland Basketball Club, Inc. , who owns the Cleveland Pipers of…...
BasketballCommon LawContractCourtGovernmentJustice
Smuggling Essay
Words • 507
Pages • 3
Smuggling seems to be rampant nowadays, as you listen the news today have you heard about the raid conducted In Appearance City? Where lots of fake products were confiscated Inside the warehouse owned by Mayor Olivarez of Appearance. Have you seen those branded shoes shown over the television those are fake products’, We can compare this situation to our current Rice smuggling here in the Philippines. According to FINN Filipinos waste POP. Million Worth of rice Alone a day, this…...
CrimeFree PapersJusticeLawPhilippinesPolitics
The Man Of Property Analysis
Words • 309
Pages • 2
Soames is anything but a simple character. He is, for one thing, a symbol of the possessive principle motivating the upper-middle-class of England. He is the most Forsyteian of the Forsytes, an honour he shares, perhaps, with his father, James; he is the embodiment of the need to possess which regards all things–land, bouses, paintings, even women–in terms of ownership QUESTIONS AND TASKS 1. What is John Galsworthy’s manner of writing? What distinguishes him from other writers of his generation?…...
CommunicationHuman NatureProperty
Robert Peel Paper Sir Robert Peel
Words • 422
Pages • 2
Sir Robert Peel Paper Sir Robert Peel, Britain’s home secretary felt that preventing crimes and reforming criminals would have a more positive effect on society rather than punishing them (Williams) 2003. This research paper will describe how policing was handled in the early centuries as opposed to policing in America today. This research paper will explain the impact that Sir Robert Peel had on American policing. In the early centuries criminals were punished quite differently. Up until the last two…...
Community PolicingCrimeCriminal JusticeJusticeLaw EnforcementPolitics
Irving ISD v Tatro and Special Needs Education
Words • 747
Pages • 3
Running Head: Irving Independent School District v. Amber Tatro Irving Independent School District v. Amber Tatro Warner University A child with disabilities is a major focus in today’s education. Achieving my Bachelors in Special Education, I need to be aware of the need to ensure appropriate education for all children with disabilities. “The education of children with disabilities is a top national priority. Our nation’s special education law, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), sets high standards for their…...
DisabilityJusticeLawSpecial Education
Role of Explicit and Implicit Group Norms
Words • 550
Pages • 3
Rules used by a group for appropriate or inappropriate behaviors, beliefs, values and attitudes can either be explicit or implicit. Explicit norms outline clearly the rules and purpose of a group and the expected behavior is codified and documented, while implicit norms are the informal expectations which emerge from daily interactions within a group. Although they are not documented, members of a group are expected to abide by them since they are embedded in the fabrics of the society with…...
Human NatureJusticeNursingPunishment
Who Said No Man Has Any Natural Authority Over His Fellow Man
Words • 897
Pages • 4
Rousseau endeavours to ‘find a form of association which will defend the person and goods of each member with the collective force of all, and under which each individual, while uniting himself with others, obeys no-one but himself, and remains as free as before’ (p. 60). The solution to this conundrum is Rousseau’s social contract where ‘each one of us puts into the community his person and all his powers under the supreme direction of the general will; and as…...
EthicsJusticeLibertyPolitical SciencePoliticsSocial Contract
12 Angry Men Reflection
Words • 916
Pages • 4
Reflection on 12 Angry Men When the scene is introduced, the twelve men are discussing how to sentence someone who may have committed murder in the first degree. However, we quickly realize that all of the men have different things going through their mind and even more complicated ways of expressing them. Jack Warden is a baseball enthusiast who has no regard for other people’s opinions or Henry Fonda asking the jurors to discuss what occurred. He lacks emotional self-perception…...
EmpathyHuman NatureJury
Spare The Rod And Spoil The Child Essay
Words • 944
Pages • 4
Paper Type:Rhetorical essays
Raising an Obedient Child “Don’t Spare the rod and spoil the child. ” We have all heard that before, as a child I heard it a lot. I was not the most well behaved child, so I got into plenty of trouble. My mom hated my temper tantrums. When I was little, she disciplined me, and now I am a well behaved young adult who knows right from wrong. Discipline is a way of teaching a child how to do…...
ChildHuman NaturePunishmentSpanking
Can Punishment Stop The Crime Essay
Words • 803
Pages • 4
Punishment has been set in place by society as a safety net. This is does not mean it prevents crime, in fact in some instances it may lead to the fabricating of more crime. By trying to punish iniquities done by others, one commits other severities. Punishment does not deter crime and can even turn others to breaking the law. One of the reasons society relies so heavily on punishments is because there is a common fallacy in place involving…...
Criminal JusticeCriminal LawJusticeLaw
Madbury Vs Madison
Words • 394
Pages • 2
President Adams appointed William Marbury to the position of justice of the peace in 1801. However, Marbury failed to receive his commission before the end of the Adams Administration. The new Jefferson administration had ordered the secretary of state (James Madison) not to deliver Marbury’s commission. By the Judiciary Act of 1789, Marbury sued Madison in the Supreme Court seeking a writ of mandamus forcing Madison to deliver Marbury’s commission.Issues: 1) Whether Marbury has a right to his commission. 2)…...
Common LawJusticeLawPolicySeparation Of Powers
Face-to-Face Compare to Online Relationship
Words • 878
Pages • 4
Perhaps, to think that online relationships are in some points more superficial, deceitful or perilous than face-to-face relationship is such a dangerously-shallow deception. In fact, online relationships aren’t much different from real life relationships. Despite the fact that people have grown panic towards online relationships lately, face-to-face relationships themselves don’t serve any fewer disadvantages. Somehow it has been believe to be true that online relationships and face-to-face relationships are totally unalike, nonetheless the two elationships share three similarities covering intimacy,…...
CommunicationCrimeDeceptionHuman NatureLoveOnline Dating
Ecological Validity
Words • 1008
Pages • 5
Pennington and Hastie believed that jurors’ will construct a story to make sense of evidence and then return the verdict that has the ‘best fit’ with their story. P and H investigated whether the order of testimony had an effect on the jurors’ decisions. The sample used in this study consisted of 130 students from the University of Chicago. The two story-telling strategies investigated in this study are; story order and witness order. Story order is when the Lawyers present…...
Common LawCriminal LawJuryJusticeLaw
Essay About Bullying Solution
Words • 788
Pages • 4
Of all the trials and tribulations of parenthood, possibly one of the hardest things to deal with is knowing that your child has become the victim of a bully and deciding how to deal with this. Bullying in schools can be very hard to spot and put an end to it. Recent evidence suggests that bullying is very common in British schools. A survey by the children’s charity Kidscape found 69 percent of children aged 5 to 16 had been…...
AbuseAggressionBullyingHuman NatureInjustice
Intermediate Term Contract Law
Words • 832
Pages • 4
Name: Difference Between Conditions And Warranty The Differences between Conditions, Warranties and Intermediate Terms in Contract Law Introduction The law of contract can be described as a legally binding agreement between two or more parties (Stone 5). In the contract, there are usually promises made by the parties in which every party is expected to complete there end of the deal. These promises can be divided into three terms namely conditions, warranties and intermediate. A condition can be described as…...
Business LawCommon LawContract LawJustice
Plagiarism Examples and Music Plagiarism Laws
Words • 357
Pages • 2
Music plagiarism is when copyrighted music, beats, chorus or lyrics without the consent of the legal copyright holder are used without permission. Plagiarism is the legal term for copying another person’s or an entity’s creative work and passing it off as original material. The central topic in the music industry is copyright law. I agree that copyright law is valuable because it sheds light on the difficult problem that artists are having when a copyright is infringed by plagiarism. There…...
CommunicationCopyrightCopyright LawEntertainmentMusicPlagiarism
What Is Motherly Love
Words • 739
Pages • 3
In the following sample essay on what is motherly love. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. “The heart of a mother is a deep ocean at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness. ” A great saying A mother is a unique relation in humanity which has no replacement at all. No one can return for mother’s sacrifices. Nothing can come close to the love that a mother feels for her children. Mothers…...
Security Clearance
Words • 483
Pages • 2
Most individuals who have worked or intend to work with organizations dealing with restricted information do require security clearance. Security clearance is done by employers who are dealing in information which is deemed by government to be of utmost importance to the nation. This is because most of these persons will have access to information in classified documents. BSS will thus conduct security clearance tests from all its current or potential employees as they will hold sensitive positions. The security…...
GovernmentJusticeLawMedicinePolicySocial Issues
Jeffrey Dahmer American Serial Killer
Words • 1119
Pages • 5
The following sample essay is about Jeffrey Dahmer, an American serial killer who killed 17 young men and women. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. Most crimes that are committed during the normal daily activities of people’s lives is indicative of the Routine Activities Theory that gives Insight onto how Jeffrey Dammed was so successful In luring, raping, and murdering unsuspecting men from the local gay nightclubs in Milwaukee. Jeffrey Dammed had willingness and the…...
CrimeCriminologySerial KillerViolence
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FAQ about Law

How Does the Judiciary Protect Individuals?
...To this was added the ‘same transaction, same conduct and ‘same element tests in subsequent years to provide for various circumstances of application of the clause (Elizabeth Wiet, 1996). All these modifications have ensured that under unique cir...
Who Said No Man Has Any Natural Authority Over His Fellow Man
...BIBLIOGRAPHY Penguin Classics, Jean Jacques Rousseau, The Social Contract Ronald Grimsley, The Philosophy of Rousseau, Oxford University Press, 1973 Anthony Harrison-Barbet, Mastering Philosophy, Macmillan Press, 1990 Asher Horowitz, Rousseau, Nature...
What Is Motherly Love
...All moms have one thing in common:   they make sacrifices to do what is best for their families. My mother is great, I love you mom very much. I pray from Almighty Allah, to give you great health so that we can enjoy your shadow, guidance, and love ...
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