Essays on Law

Free essays on Law are online resources containing academic papers, research works or case studies that explore various areas of law. These essays provide useful insights into legal issues, court judgments, case precedents, legal debates, and theoretical frameworks related to the study of law. They can be beneficial to law students, legal professionals, researchers, and academicians who seek to broaden their understanding of legal knowledge and its application. These essays can also serve as a source of inspiration and guidance for students who may be required to submit similar papers. These essays are provided free of charge, making them accessible to anyone who is interested in learning about law.
How Has NATO Affected the Relations Between the United States and Europe?
Words • 573
Pages • 3
As the Second World War came to a close, the ruins of Europe coalesced once more into division and opposition. How has NATO affected relations between the United States and Europe? The beginning of the Cold War saw twelve Western democracies bound together in the North Atlantic Treaty Alliance (NATO) out of mutual need, a relationship that deteriorated within a decade, causing strife that would continue after the Cold War and into a new era of US-led global intervention. Under…...
Foreign PolicyNatoPolitics
A Discussion on the A Jury Of Her Peers Sensationalism in the Media Being a Blessing in Disguise
Words • 670
Pages • 3
American news media only focused on broad global issues and important international news, the news would be boring, and ratings would plummet. To the dismay of news purists, TV news media often report on human interest stories or more exciting and shocking news in order to keep ratings up. But critics of news media should not be so upset when ratings are put before pure news because so-called “sensationalism” in media is a blessing in disguise, Stories that boost ratings…...
A Jury Of Her PeersCriminal LawJury
The Theme A Jury Of Her Peers of Law in Triffles, a Play by Susan Glaspell
Words • 845
Pages • 4
Trifles is a play that revolves around the law, Written by Susan Glaspell, a prominent leader of the American feminist movement, it highlights the gender biases within the law and the need for a fair jury in any case. A subsequent short story of Glaspell’s was published in 1917; it was based on Trifles and was appropriately entitled, A Jury of Her Peers. The term, “trifles”, has an important role in law, referenced to in the phrase, de minimis non…...
A Jury Of Her PeersGender EqualityJusticeSocial Issues
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A Report on the Story of A Jury of Her Peers by Susan Glaspell
Words • 897
Pages • 4
As Mr. Peters stated, the murder of Mr. Wright is "queer” in "AJury of Her Peers" by Susan Glaspell. Mr. Wright is found strangled in his own bed by his own rope. Mrs. Wright claimed she is asleep beside him but never woke. "I sleep sound," she says. There were no signs of forced entry into the Wright home. The motive for the murder is uncertain creating a deeper investigation. Afound motive would condemn Mrs. Wright, creating lustice for the…...
A Jury Of Her PeersJuryPsychology
An Opinion That Revenge is Not the Answer in The Things They Carried
Words • 774
Pages • 4
People mistake punishment for revenge. When you think of getting revenge on someone for them doing something bad to you or a loved one, the first thing some people think of is a way to get back at them and hurt them the way they hurt you. When someone you think someone has lied or cheated on you talk to them because getting revenge isn't the first thing you should do. People tend to act on something before thinking about…...
PsychologyRevengeThe Things They Carried
A Comparison of Geoffrey Chaucer’s the Miller’s Tale and the Wife of Bath’s Tale
Words • 1644
Pages • 7
In The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer, Chaucer is both a pilgrim on the journey and the writer of the book. Chaucer’s point of view of society and humans in general is best illustrated through the similarities and differences between “The Wife of Bath’s Tale and The Miller’s Tale" where the treatment of women in the fourteenth century, the justice system in the fourteenth century, and the behavior and justification of that behavior by men emerge at every turn throughout…...
CrimeJusticeRapeWife Of Bath
The Canterbury Tales: The Implied Chaucer’s Approval for the Wife of Bath
Words • 1388
Pages • 6
In The Canterbury Tales, Chaucer creates a very complex character in The Wife of Bath. Equally complex is the implied Chaucer‘s opinion of The Wife Some people, such as Sanjna Amin, argue that Chaucer disapproves of The Wife, her actions, and all that she symbolizes. Contrarily, other people, such as myself, argue quite the opposite: Chaucer supports The Wife and her actions because she challenges social norms he believes to be wholly unjust, The Wife is simultaneously both sympathetic and…...
CultureMarriageRapeWife Of Bath
Crime Using the Interactionist Theory in the Movie The Wolf of Wall Street
Words • 357
Pages • 2
According to theorists of the interactions view, they define crime using the opinions of people who hold social power in a specific legal jurisdiction The interactionism View of crime, those people holding social and economic power (moral entrepreneurs) cause criminality. Jordan Belfort in The Wolf of Wall Street (2013 film), is focused on cumulating massive wealth driven by his own greed and he is seen engaging in illegal behavior of defrauding the stock investors. Those in power define Jordan Belfort‘s…...
AbuseCrimePsychologyWall Street
A Summary of The Wolf of Wall Street, a Movie by Martin Scorsese
Words • 560
Pages • 3
The Wolf of Wall Street (2013 film) is a film featuring the career story of Jordan Belfort, who start his career as a stockbroker in New York City in 1987. Jordan Belmont, an adult, the son of the two accountants who reside in Bayside, Queens. At the age of 22 years, he joined Wall Street as a broker and he had a wife Teresa Petrillo, the film show that Jordan Belfort was an employee of L.F Rothschild and work under…...
CrimeJusticeLawWall Street
The New Obstacle of the Occupy Wall Street Protest in Zuccotti Park
Words • 436
Pages • 2
On October 13, 2011, an article by Anemona Hartocollis was published in the New York Times about a new obstacle of the then-month-long Occupy Wall Street protest. Having made arrests throughout the streets of New York on terms of “public safety Violations,” law enforcement officials have yet to intervene in the biggest protest zone of all: Zuccotti Park. Here protesters have set down camp and maintain a constant presence The park is privately owned by Brookfield Properties but open to…...
Human RightsJusticePoliticsWall Street
Religious Leaders and Wrongdoing in The Minister’s Black Veil
Words • 572
Pages • 3
Hawthorne’s "The Minister's Black Veil" story illustrates that, like all human beings, religious leaders engage in various types of wrongdoing. To this end, a clergyman named Mr. Joseph Moody commits the crime of murdering a friend. Similarly, the Reverend Mr. Clark, a Westbury clergyman, engages in wrongdoing by attempting to force the Reverend Parson Hooper to remove a veil from the face. This essay analyses "The Minister‘s Black Veil" to show that religious leaders are not exempt from wrongdoing based…...
CultureLawReligionThe Minister'S Black Veil
Freedom for Hester Prynne
Words • 916
Pages • 4
As a Contemporary Magistrate, I understand the complexity of moral systems developing through time, but I believe that the values outlined in the United States Constitution and assessed by the Supreme Court are of utmost importance in as. ssing a government‘s ability to pass certain laws and determine punishments for the accused. In addition to assessing the constitutionality of law and penalty, the treatment of the accused should also be addressed under current moral standards of punishment and recent viewpoints…...
GovernmentHester PrynneJusticeLaw
Articles on Hate Speech Court Cases
Words • 397
Pages • 2
This first article, about Hate Speech, summarizes a few different court cases in which the defendant was charged for Hate Speech. Because the first amendment protects all speech, most of the defendants got away with their words, but not all. There are cases in which the defendant produced true threats towards another, whether at the president or someone of another race. In these cases the defendant were charged, because the first amendment does not protect acts of violence I was…...
The Creative Writing, Finishing my Academic Goals
Words • 433
Pages • 2
When I think of my Academic Goals I come to the subtle realization that I do not know or understand nearly as much as I would like to or have enVisioned myself knowmg. For some reason or another I have a desire to pursue not only a Bachelors degree with a minor but aAssociate degree to go along with that. I would also like to get a graduate degree sometime during the future. I would also love to become fluent…...
Academic GoalsEducationLanguageLaw
An Argument in Favor of the Verdict in the Case of Brown vs. Board of Education
Words • 490
Pages • 2
A Case of Emotional Impact The Brown vs. Board of Education case was a difficult task for Earl Warren, while he serve as a justice in the Supreme Coun, Earl Warren gives his account of what he went through to get the decision to pass unanimously and the pressure he dealt with. With, especially those who disagree with him, the decision involved segregation of blacks and whites in public schools, and the idea that "separate was not equal," The issue…...
Brown Vs Board Of EducationJusticeLawPolitics
Using Rituals Might Change a Lawyer Luck
Words • 572
Pages • 3
Attempting rituals and superstitions can give lawyers good luck Lawyers need all the luck they can get to win a capital case. “It is not so far»fetched to believe a lucky charm can make you perform better" Mr, Richman believes that if he returns to the same restaurant to order the same dish every day that it will give him good luck. Several weeks later he loses the case and says he is not superstitious Doing rituals and believing in…...
Personal LLC Business Plan
Words • 671
Pages • 3
I aspire to create a business that serves as a wellness vendor for corporations. The structure that fits my business the best is a limited liability corporation (LLC). In the video "How to choose the Right Legal Structure for your Business" the viewer is urged to consider four main criteria when deciding upon a legal structure. The first, and what I personally consider most important, is how much liability you desire to have. For example, if for some reason my…...
BusinessBusiness PlanLawTax
Becoming a Lawyer and Switching to Criminal Justice at Valencia
Words • 330
Pages • 2
Making the decision to become a lawyer wasn’t an easy one to make after months of confusion indecisiveness and even desperation at one point, I was finally able to figure out a field that is very interesting and filled with many opportunities and different kinds ways to help others. The law path is something that will help me achieve my purpose by helping others. As a strong believer in equality and the importance of justice Becoming a lawyer is the…...
Maupassant’s Lawyer Villains
Words • 531
Pages • 3
Within Guy de Maupassant’s La Paix du Menage and Musatte plays, lawyers come out as villains two lawyers cause female two characters to experience suffering. These two lawyers represent the whole community of lawyers. To this end, an unnamed lawyer causes Mme, Madeline de Sallus to marry the abusive Count de Sallus within La Paix du Menage. Similarly, Leon de Petitpre causes Henriette Lévéque to separate from Jean Martinel within Musotte, This essay shows that lawyers are villains by analyzing…...
Pearl’s Lawyer: On the Removal of the Scarlet Letter from Hester Prynne
Words • 854
Pages • 4
As one of Pearl’s lawyers, I represent Pearl in advocating against the removal of the “A,” Since the time she was a small child, Pearl has had a fascination with the scarlet letter. Even when she was a baby, she was simply entranced by the beauty with which the letter presented itself. This natural fascination has carried itself throughout Pearl’s life, most recently manifesting itself when she showed her anger and dissatisfaction at Hester Prynne for taking the letter off…...
Legal Reasoning in Thinking Like a Lawyer, a Book by Frederick Schauer
Words • 1931
Pages • 8
Frederick Schauer goes to great lengths in his book, Thinking Like Lawyer, to cover many themes of what it is like to think like a lawyer. In his book, he starts by addressing that thinking like a lawyer is about neither learning a bunch of legal rules nor about practicing for the courtroom or writing particular documents. Rather, he insists that thinking like a lawyer is about thinking legal decision—making and reasoning. Furthermore, in the first chapter of his book,…...
Journey to Human Rights Lawyer at WUSTL Law
Words • 1179
Pages • 5
I believe that Washington University School of Law is the place for me to begin my career as a human rights lawyer for North Koreans because the core values of WASHU and mine are in accord since I want to be a human rights lawyer, the degree of school‘s devotion to human rights protection is the most important criterion for my school selection. For me, Washington University School of Law‘s Whitney R. l-Iarris Law Institute is convincing proof of this…...
My Personal and Academic Goals: Becoming a Lawyer or a Surgeon
Words • 1493
Pages • 6
Maya Angelo simply states, “My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.” Honestly, I believe this speaks to how everyone has a purpose in life and that purpose may differ bases on the many factors of your strengths, goals, and your passion. My purpose is to make a difference in the lives of others through medicine and or law. I know my…...
Pro Bono vs Commercialization: Defense in China
Words • 884
Pages • 4
Lawyers, as providers of legal aid services and direct participants. play a decisive factor in the quality of legal and it is almost impossible for us to go beyond lawyers to discuss the quality of the cases. We consent most is the effectiveness of the defense. It is only when defendants access effective defense will they be protected. That is the value of legal aid most stand on. Without increasing the national input to legal aid system. improving the average…...
China: Legal Aid vs Social Lawyers
Words • 504
Pages • 3
Promulgation of the Legal Aid Law of the People's Republic of China in August 2021 indicates that the state attaches great importance to legal aid, which has a positive effect on the further development and standardization of the legal aid system in China. The change from regulations to laws also symbolizes that the liability transfers from the government to the state. However, stalling of the legal aid authority is still chaotic, And the quality of legal aid varies greatly. For…...
Ethical Hacking and the Case of Jeremy Hammond
Words • 587
Pages • 3
An ethical hacker is also regarded as a “white hat". is an individual or groups of individuals who has great knowledge of computer and general internet security. This person is usually employed by a company or organization to test security destruction internally. They find ways to break into the company ’s own system so that they can develop ways to stop anyone else from breaking into the organization's private information. In a sense the person is hacking their own company…...
CrimeEthical HackingJusticeTechnology
What Is Intention, Negligence and Strict Liability in the Context of Tort Law
Words • 922
Pages • 4
Tort law deals with minor ofences that are experiernces n the society on day to day basis. These are offences that occur without wrong intensions. A boy who kicks a ball in a neighborhood may not have intended to break a glass panel. Such a case falls under the civil dimension. The offender may not have intended to do a wrong. He is actually innocent by all means. such a person could equally brand himself the tag victim' when subjected…...
Tort Law
Tort Laws and the Different Business Laws for Running an Organization
Words • 1857
Pages • 8
Organization Type At the startup of House and Holmes, it was decided that a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) was the best organization type for Chuck and Ben to start their House and Holmes Company. However, now that they have taken on business loans, have hired a crew, and increased their assets, it is now in their best interest that they convert their LLP business to a Limited Liability company (LLC). The primary reason for this change is liability. With a…...
Tort Law
An Analysis of the Tort Laws and Two Case Examples
Words • 961
Pages • 4
The term tort law refers to common law jurisdiction. It is intended at bringing justice to victims of common wrong committed With no specific intentions or will. This manage situations where one sufers loses or harm due to behavior or conduct of another individual. The action or behavior may not be necessarily illegal or criminal. The victims are allowed to recover their loss. The victims have to proof before a court of law that the presence or absence of an…...
Tort Law
An Analysis of the Tort Law in the United States of America
Words • 989
Pages • 4
Tort is a branch of private law that deals with unfair and tortious behaviors that cause harm to Someone. In this case, the law acts to solve differences between parties in collision and not judge criminal acts. In torts law, the person who commits tortious acts is tortfeasor, while the victim is the plaintu. This paper seeks to analyze the application of torts law to the issue highlighting the cause and the judgment passed to the person found guity. Asking…...
Tort Law
A Case Study on the Issues of the Contact and Tort Laws in Georgia
Words • 1564
Pages • 7
Summary of the Case The case primarily deals with the issues of the contract law and may partially cover several aspects of the tort law. If it is proven that the malpractice perpetrated by Georgia was intentional n its nature and if statutory provisions of the state where the transaction took place define intentional malpractice as a tort. Considering the fact that the issue of the tort law will not be raised by the judge, the paper is entirely focused…...
Tort Law
National States and International Law
Words • 635
Pages • 3
From the point of view of international law, we live in the Westphalian world. The Westphalian world is based on the recognition of the sovereignty of national states, regardless of their religious, ideological or ethnic specifics. So decided the European powers of modern times, when the war between Catholics and Protestants ended, lasting 30 years and had cost millions of lives. To prevent this in the future and that only states solve their problems and conflicts, and the westphalian system…...
CultureEuropeInternational LawPolitics
International Law’s Components & Their Impact on Relations
Words • 879
Pages • 4
In the world today, there has been a new phenomenon of countries interdependence of one another due to globalization Nations rely on each other economically and politically, which creates a great need for International Law. International Law is a body of rules that binds states and other agents in world politics and is considered to have the status of law. International Law is essential to the peaceful interactions between nations due to the body of rules that binds states and…...
International LawJusticeLawPolitics
Intergovernmental Organizations and International Law
Words • 760
Pages • 4
An intergovernmental organization is an organization that is composed primarily of sovereign states, otherwise known as a member state. In an essence, it is an organization that is composed of multiple organizations working together with a unified purpose. Oftentimes, intergovernmental organizations are used as a broad term to include other nongovernmental organizations such as nonprofit organizations and multinational organizations. These organizations are established by a treaty that acts as a common goal, thus creating a group. Treaties are created when…...
ClimateClimate ChangeInternational LawPolitics
Multinational Corporations and International Law in Vietnam
Words • 561
Pages • 3
The economy in developing countries is growing quickly in today‘s world, partly because of multinational corporations (MNCs), these corporations usually have headquarters in a developed country i.e. the Netherlands, U.S., United Kingdom, etc. As their power grows, they reach out and invest in countries that have the potential to thrive quickly like Vietnam, therefore boosting the economy by creating plenty of wealth and jobs and utilizing resources efficiently, However, human rights violations have definitely become a concern, with news of…...
BusinessInternational LawPoliticsVietnam
The Reasons Why States Follow International Law and Why Others Do Not
Words • 567
Pages • 3
International law is a world system of rules and principles, involving similarity between sovereignty states and their subjects. However, international law differs from differ from state based legal Systems the writer of this essay believes that some states comply with international law because they want to whilst others do not to. The first following going to briefly describe international law and two offers the reasons why some states obey international law while others do not. International law consists of the…...
International LawJusticeLaw
An Analysis of Gender in the Juvenile Justice System
Words • 944
Pages • 4
Juvenile delinquency is a legal term that describes the behavior of children and adolescents that would be considered criminal of adults. What people consider to be juveniles varies throughout the United States. In some places the maximum age for a juvenile is 14 while in others places it is 21. Juveniles between the ages of 16 and 20 have the highest rate of the most serious crimes. A high number of adult criminals have a juvenile delinquency record. The most…...
Juvenile Justice
Americals Juvenile Justice Dilemma by Brandon Lance
Words • 892
Pages • 4
Juvenile Crime has been on the rise for some time now, and the legislature has yet to find an effective way to deal with the issue. This has been a problematiC ISSue for decades. somebody must step forward to defend our society against the violence of uncivilized juveniles. I am not suggesting that the offenders be put to death, but an effective plan must be put into action to stop the growing number of violent acts committed by minors. The…...
Juvenile Justice
A Critique of the Juvenile Justice Policy Reform
Words • 970
Pages • 4
Juvenile Justice Policy Reform It is a disturbing fact that the number of delinquency cases handled by juvenile courts increased 43% between 1985 and 2000 (Office of Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention, 2000). According to Snyder (2000), "Delinquency offences are acts committed by juveniles that would be crimes if committed by adults." (OJJDP, 2000). Here is the question to discuss. VWhat causes these youth to behave the way to get involved in the illegal acts, and who and how to deal…...
Juvenile Justice
A Discussion on the Role of Multiculturalism in Shaping the Canadian Identity
Words • 287
Pages • 2
Multiculturalism had played an important role in defining Canadian identity. Canada's diverse population makeup displays how multiculturalism differentiates from the rest. Canadians are recognized worldwide for their diversity, and are perceived to be highly tolerant when it comes to multiculturalism and immigration. Most fail to recognize that Canada was fostered by immigrants from across the globe. Canada is not composed of any single nation but rather compiled of people from different nations and cultures. The purpose of multiculturalism is to…...
CultureHuman RightsJusticeMulticulturalism
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How Has NATO Affected the Relations Between the United States and Europe?
...This was to stop the advancement of the Soviets into Eastern Europe and contain the advancement of Communism. Overall, NATO has had a significant impact on the relationship between the United States and Europe, facilitating greater cooperation on sec...
What Is Intention, Negligence and Strict Liability in the Context of Tort Law
...Other countries also allow friends of the deceased to claim compensation. This is very risky Since some friends can take advantage of the proVIsion to further their personal interest. However, protecting emoional security IS very hard since the exten...
The Reasons Why States Follow International Law and Why Others Do Not
...Correspondingly, government support international law in part because their concerning is given more weight than that of citizens. In addition, sometimes international law contains provision that are in intension with each other. Weak justice system ...
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