Free essays on Language are resources that students can use to learn about different aspects of language, such as grammar, syntax, phonology, and semantics. These essays offer insights into the rules and principles that govern language use and provide practical tips and strategies for improving one's ability to communicate effectively. Some essays may also examine the role of language in society, including its influence on culture, politics, and identity. Whether you are a student studying linguistics, a teacher looking for instructional materials, or simply interested in exploring the complexities of language, free essays on language can be a valuable resource.
The Importance of the English Language
Brazer Bozlak 03113623 2011-07-20 LA 202 – OL8 The importance of the English language The English language is finally accepted as the universal language of the world and stands today as the common means of communication among members of different countries, cultures and communities. Moreover, English is also the international language of diplomacy, business, science, technology, banking, computing, medicines, engineering, tourism etc. It is understood and spoken almost everywhere in the world and it has become the key instrument of…...
CommunicationCultureEnglish LanguageLanguageLinguistics
Malaysia – Copyright Act 1987
Copyright 1 LAWS OF MALAYSIA REPRINT Act 332 COPYRIGHT ACT 1987 Incorporating all amendments up to 1 January 2006 PUBLISHED BY THE COMMISSIONER OF LAW REVISION, MALAYSIA UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE REVISION OF LAWS ACT 1968 IN COLLABORATION WITH PERCETAKAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA BHD 2006 2 COPYRIGHT ACT 1987 Date of Royal Assent ... ... ... … … 30 April 1987 21 May 1987 Date of publication in the Gazette … ... PREVIOUS REPRINT First Reprint ... ... ... ...…...
Common LawCopyrightIntellectual PropertyJusticeLanguageLaw
Explain the sequence and rate of each aspect of development from birth -19 years
Explain the sequence and rate of each aspect of development from birth -19 1. 1 years Children's development for each age can be divided into fiver different aspects: Physical; Communication and Language; Intellectual and Cognitive; Social, Emotional and Behavioural and, from the age of 3 years Moral Development. Birth - 3 weeks Full term babies are born at around 40 weeks; if they are born more than 3 weeks before the due date they are classed as premature and will…...
Child DevelopmentHuman NatureLanguageSound
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Functions of English Adjectives and Their Equivalents in Vietnamese Language
Functions of English Adjectives and Their Equivalents in Vietnamese Language Huynh The Phi Class 3A Department of English Ho Chi Minh City, University of Education Instructor: Bui Nguyen Khanh HO Chi Minh City, 19th June 2013 Abstract Every human knows at least one language, spoken or signed. Because of globalization, people's needs to acquire a new language are increasing year by year. English is now one of the most popular in the world. It was used in business, education, history,…...
Comparison of Indian and Japanese cuisines
Index Page no Content 5-12 Comparison and contrast of characteristics of both the cuisines 13-16 Discussion of influences on both the cuisines 17-18 Discussion the definition of multi-cultural work nature of food and drink 19-20 Food trends 2011 vs 2012 Overview Wasabi is a sushi bar serving only sushi in Phoenix Mall in Vlman Nagar, Pune. It serves authentic, traditional sushi. Wasabi is Just 6 months old. Initially, there was great response for sushi but now sales are dipping down.…...
Attaining Knowledge Despite Bias And Selection
Knowledge refers to the information that a person has, which is acquired through learning, perception or experience. People usually gain knowledge through studying. Some people may argue that this is biased learning, since they do not have a choice concerning what they are learning. They enter into an education system, which has already been designed and selected for them. They therefore, have no choice but to study what they are taught. Knowledge goes through a process of selection, whereby some…...
English as a National Foreign Language
English as a National Foreign Language India has two national languages for central administrative purposes: Hindi and English. Hindi is the national, official, and main link language of India. English is an associate official language. The Indian Constitution also officially approves twenty-two regional languages for official purposes. Dozens of distinctly different regional languages are spoken in India, which share many characteristics such as grammatical structure and vocabulary. Apart from these languages, Hindi is used for communication in India.The homeland of…...
CasteCommunicationCultureEnglish LanguageHindiLanguage
Abeka American Literature Units 1-6 (Test 6) and Scarlet Letter
van Dyke wrote America for Me Bennett wrote The Flag goes By Benét wrote A Creed for Americans, American Names, and John Browns Body Coffin wrote America was Schoolmasters A Jingle of Words "In words you have a weapon more weighty than a gun. you can sway the multitude of stir the heart of one" Daniel Webster wrote Liberty and Union assonance repetition of vowel sounds onomatopoeia using words which sound like what they mean rhyme correspondence of sounds rhythm…...
Examples of Literary Devices in “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death” Speech
allusion - reference to a story that is commonly known by both author and reader "We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren, till she transforms us into beasts." analogy - a comparison "I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided; and that is the lamp of experience." ethos - an appeal to one's sense of morality "Sir, we are not weak, if we make a…...
English Language &: Composition Vocab Words
Antithesis: A figure of speech involving a seeming contradiction of ideas, words, clauses, or sentences within a balanced grammatical structure. The resulting parallelism serves to emphasize opposition of ideas. The familiar phrase "Man proposes, God disposes" is an example of antithesis, as is John Dryden's description in The Hand and the Panther: "Too black for heaven, and yet too white for hell." Diction: Related to style, diction refers to the writer's word choices, especially with regard to their correctness, clearness,…...
literary terms – with definitions (metaphor, simile, etc.)
plot What happens in a story. onomatopoeia words that describe what they sound like. conflict (external and internal) An external conflict is against opposing forces or characters, and internal happens in the mind. foreshadowing The use of clues to suggest events that will happen later in the story. simile Comparing one unlike thing to another to describe it. suspense The anxiety that we feel about what will happen next in a story. personification Giving something human-like features. irony Contrast between…...
Contemporary Literary Criticism
What does Joan Elizabeth Easterley's thesis propose about "Young Goodman Brown"? Goodman Brown's wife, Faith, is one symbol in the short story Which of the following is not a biblical symbol? Faith's pink ribbon Which of the following abstract nouns is central to "Young Goodman Brown"? Doubt Which of the following titles from Young Goodman Brown is a compound noun? Goodman Which term correctly identifies the italicized word in the sentence below? In truth, all through the haunted forest there…...
CommunicationCultureFlashcardsLanguageLinguisticsYoung Goodman Brown
5 image grammar brush strokes
absolute brush stroke consists of a noun and an -ing word; usually you can add one or two of these to the beginning or end of a sentence; but if you add three, or if you drop these into the middle of a sentence, they loose some power; absolute brush stroke ENGINE SMOKING, GEARS GRINDING, the car went into the parking lot; The car went into the parking lot, WHEELS SQUEAKING, BUMPER DRAGGING. appositive brush stroke like capturing the same…...
South Korea Cultural Environments
South Korea Cultural Environments Cultural Analysis, South Korea This analysis is based on a two-day visit to Sown, South Korea, a city of about one million inhabitants near Seoul, and a one-day visit to Seoul, the capital city, population over ten million. 1 . Ascription/Achievement There were many indicators that Korea is heavily ascription. One contact there told me that he was unable to get a job he applied for because he would have been older than his boss, which…...
IB English Language and Literature Paper 1 Stylistic Features
Allegory A literary work in which the apparent meaning of the characters and events is used to symbolise a deeper moral and spiritual meaning. Allusion A reference to a well-known person, place, event, literary work, or work of art Ambiguity An event or situation that may be interpreted in more than one way. Analogy Illustrating the subject under discussion by making a parallel comparison Anachronism something or someone out of place in terms of historical or chronological context Anaphora Repetition…...
Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Literature
The earliest written documents were: political and legal records What is the Tetragrammatron? The sacred name of Gods Ancient cultures developed in ares like the Nile valley and the Tigris and Eurphrates Valley for what reason? Ease of Agriculture Which characterizes the Roman political system? It separated political power. What did the term "Spohist" mean? A tutor. The Phoenician writing system relied on... An alphabet for consonant sounds. During the dark ages of Greece, Greeks lost what? Wealth, Writing, and…...
Ancient GreeceCultureFlashcardsGreeceLanguage
American Literature Unit 2
Lesson 1 Questions An emotional appeal uses words and images to stir up an audience's feelings. True. The "Speech to the Virginia Convention" addressed The need to resist the military presence of the British. Emotional appeal is a persuasive technique that provides reasons to support a particular opinion or course of action. False. In the "Speech to the Virginia Convention," Henry discourages the delegates from resorting to argument because more can be achieved through reason than through hotheaded exchanges. True.…...
FlashcardsHenry David ThoreauLanguagePatrick HenryPoetryReason
English 10 Unit 6 Review
Describe the Han dynasty in China -ruled by Han family -strong, centralized government based on Confucian ideas -territory doubled, population increase -arts and scientists increased -Buddhism reached from India -silk road -Rome became leading world power by conquering Greeks. -Christianity spread -rivalries Literary analysis presents a reader's ____________ of a work of literature and supports that __________ with appropriate responses, details, and quotations. interpretation;interpretation goosefoot a type of plant with leaves that look like the feet of geese seditious actions…...
Quiz 3: Punctuation and Essays
formal essay serious nonfiction writing meant to inform or convince linking marks comma, semicolon, colon essai French word for essay informal essay often humorous thesis statement gives ideas or opinions to be proven genre form or type of literature American essayists Thurber and Emerson end marks period, question mark, exclamation point English essayists Addison and Steele interrupters comma, dash fiction made up; not real nonfiction factual true An informal essay attempts to entertain. using a semicolon between the clauses without…...
Literary Theories: A Sampling of Critical Lenses
Archetypal Criticism Narrative design, character type, or image that is common in all types of literature, dreams, and social behavior. Archetypal similarities reflect universal, primitive, and elemental patterns which evokes a profound response from the reader. -Death/rebirth -Journey underground -Heavenly ascent -Search for the father -Paradise-Hades image -Promethean rebel-hero -Scapegoat -Earth goddess -Fatal woman Feminist Criticism Feminist critics see cultural and economic disabilities in a "patriarchal" society that has hindered women from realizing their creative possibility and cultural identity. They…...
Reading Standards for Literature Vocabulary
adaptation This is a version of an original source (such as a diary, an autobiography, or a story) which is modified for presentation in another form, such as a film, a musical, or a play. allusion This is the reference to a person, place, or event from history, literature, or religion with which a reader is likely to be familiar. analyze This is to separate a whole into its parts. archetypal character This is a character in a work that…...
English 10 A Unit 1: The Literature Of the Americans
1. Archetypes frequently appear in literature with ____ (1 point) Universal Themes 2. A ____ contains the main points of a story and is relatively short. ( 1 point ) Summary 3. A____ States the exact same thing as a passage but in your own words. Paraphrase 4. Which of the following sentences best states the main idea of "The Literature of The Americas"? The literature of the Americas reflects the diversity of the people and cultures in each region.…...
Literary Devices: Pathos, Ethos, and Logos
Ethos Ethical appeal that relies on the credibility of the speaker Pathos Speaker tries to provoke an emotional response from the audience Logos An appeal through the use of logic and reasoning Pale feeble and unimpressive Cleave split or sever (something), especially along a natural line or grain Reproach the expression of disapproval or disappointment Unify make or become united, uniform, or whole. Deny state that one refuses to admit the truth or existence of Parallelism the use of successive…...
Reading Literature Vocabulary
adaptation a version of an original source which is modified for presentation in another form, such as a film, musical, or play allusion a reference to a person place or event from history literature or religion with which a reader is likely to be familiar with analyze To separate a whole into its parts archetypal character a character who represents a certain type of person argument a statement that seeks to convince readers of something addresses a problem, and takes…...
SAT Literature Subject Test Terms to Know
allegory A story with underlying symbols that really represent something else. A character can be allegorical. alliteration Repetition of a consonant sound for emphasis. allusion A reference to something or someone, usually literary. anachronism Placing a person or object in an inappropriate historical situation. It can be deliberate or unintentional. analogy Comparing something to something else. anecdote A short narrative, story, or tale. antagonist The major character opposing the protagonist. Usually the villain. anthropomorphism Assigning human attributes, such as emotions…...
10th Literature and Notes
The narrator of a poem is known as the __________. speaker How does voice impact tone? It determines the range of attitudes that a text can effectively express. I must depend on hearsay, on old photographs, on stories told, and on memories which are hazy and mixed with fable in trying to tell you about the Hamiltons. . . . Young Samuel Hamilton came from the north of Ireland and so did his wife. He was the son of small…...
Creative Writing Notes
In Theodore Roethke's poem My Papa's Waltz, how might the rhythm be described? "regular" and "like a dance" In exploring uses of sound in poetry, a writer might use the generative writing step to: experiment with different sound techniques In writing poetry, generative writing is a way to: explore different types of poems and techniques within poems In poetry, meter is: the measured arrangement of syllables & words in a line of poetry The poetic line "The whiskey on your…...
reading – poetry of sandra cisneros, nikki giovanni and theodore
In "Abuelito Who", the pronoun "who" refers to Abuelito. Who is Abuelito? the child's grandfather What kind of figurative language is used in the phrase " Whose little eyes are string" metaphor The speaker says that Abuelito "used to laugh like the letter k" ... what does that mean his laugh sounded like the sound of the letter k What type of figurative language is illustrated by this line from "The world is not a Pleasant Place": An ocean would…...
ENTIRE Poetry Unit
"Glory" Use of: Similes/Metaphors. Poem about baseball players and how good baseball games would keep them going! "The Wind—tapped like a tired Man" Use of: personification/Similies/Metaphors. Poem personifying the wind coming into her house and her treating "him" as a guest. "Metaphor" Use of: Similes/Metaphors. Poem about how each day is like a new sheet of paper to write on and throw away at the end of the day. "Conscientious Objector" Use of: Personification. Poem about how death is an…...
POEM 1: L.8-10 quare habe tibi quidquid hoc libelli qualecumque; quod, o patrona virgo, plus uno maneat perenne saeclo. Therefore take for yourself whatever this is of a little book of whatever sort; which, o patron maiden, let it remain enduring more than one generation. POEM 3: 13-14 at vobis male sit, malae tenebrae Orci, quae omnia bella devoratis: But may it go badly for you, evil shades Of Orcus, who devour all beautiful things: POEM 3: 15-16 tam bellum…...
College Literature Poetry mid-term
Verse Any single line of poetry or any composition written in separate lines of more or less regular rhythm, in contrast to prose. Paraphrase The restatement in one's own words of what one understands a poem to say or suggest. Like a summary but more in depth. Summary A brief explanation of text. Subject Main topic of work. Theme A recurring subject or idea that the poem is mainly focused on. Lyric poem A short poem expressing the thoughts and…...
Litterary Terms Crossword Puzzle 1
dialogue a conversation between two or more characters denotation the literal dictionary definition of a word drama a story written to be performed for an audience autobiography the story of a person's life, written by that person conflict a struggle or clash between opposing characters or opposing forces character a person or animal who takes part in the action of a story, play, or other literary work dialect a way of speaking that is characteristic of a particular region or…...
Hindi Vocabulary: Urdu Poetry Words
māf forgiveness (māf-karna = to forgive, and māf kījīe(ga) can be used to say sorry) aisā like this jaisā like that rang color zabardast awesome/terrific bhūk appetite āvāz sound/voice parīśān anxious/worried ūmer age zindā(ī) alive zindagī life dobārā again ke bād after manzūr-karnā to accept taklīf pain/misery muāhīdā agreement nafrat-karnā to ahate pasand-karnā to like samajh understanding mushkil difficult pīyās thirst phirnā to wander mashkuk doubtful farq difference nazar vision ẖubsūrat beautiful/handsome guftagū conversation justajū desire muskūra smile muskūrānā to…...
Introduction to Anglo-Saxon Literature: Beowulf
Features of Anglo-Saxon culture: - Warrior tribes - Lords and thanes - Gift-giving - Hospitality and feasts - Pagan and Christian traditions Which are features of Anglo-Saxon culture? Check all that apply. A society organized into warrior tribes An emphasis on gift-giving and hospitality A mixture of pagan and Christian traditions Beowulf is an Anglo-Saxon poem that was written down in about 1000 CE True The story is: - Set in sixth-century Scandinavia - Describes the heroic deeds of a…...
BeowulfCultureEnglish LanguageFlashcardsGrendelPoetry
Filipino Poetry
Gemino Abad Poetry: The root and crown of languages Sublime experience Poetry causes as a Intense emotion Poetry is the outpour of Oral Tradition Story telling/ song and chant Pre-colonial Written Tradition Baybayin is an example of Awit bugtong salawikain epiko Filipino Poetic Forms Awit Many forms of multiple purposes Bugtong Filipino riddle Salawikain Filipino proverbs/beliefs Epiko Long episodic chanted poem Spanish Period of altered traditions American Period where educational system was established American Free verse and new criticism/ freedom…...
Poetry ("Maestro", "Bailando", and "The Desert is My Mother")
alliteration repetition of consonant sounds in the beginning of words (ex: Slippery slope) repitition the use of any element of language - a sounds, word, or phrase - more than once onomatopoeia the use of words that imitate sounds. (Ex: splat, hiss) poetry type of literature that uses sounds, rhythms, and meanings of words to describe the world in striking and imaginative ways lines poetry is divided into groups of words stanza lines are organized into one key idea stanza…...
Examples of Literary (Poetic) Devices from "My Wonder Horse"
Simile (example) 1 Line 16-17, "He spent the summer like an Oriental potentate in his woodland gardens." Simile (example) 2 Line 97-98, "As still as a sculpted marble he allowed himself to be admired." Symbol (example) 1 This is what the Wonder Horse stands for. Line 54-55, "Pride, prestige, and art incarnate in animal flesh." Symbol (example) 2 This is the effect that dreaming has on the narrator. Line 207, "I forgot myself, the world, and time." Personification (example) 1…...
LUOA English III Unit 5 Test Review
alliteration a repetition of the same first sound or letter in a group of words or a line of poetry anapest a metrical foot of three syllables, two unaccented followed by one accented, or two short followed by one long assonance the repetition of identical or similar vowel sounds; a substitute for rhyme in which vowels are alike, but consonants are different connotation what is suggested in a word in addition to the literal meaning dactyl a metrical foot having…...
STAAR -ingo Vocabulary
Symbolism The use of one thing to represent another. Counterpoint The response to the other side's position or points. Allusion The reference to a famous event, person, or work of literature. Epigraph A quote set apart from a body of text at the beginning of a chapter or speech. Parallelism The repetition of phrases that contain the same words or grammatical structure. Literary Devices Effective narrative techniques used to cause a certain effect in literary texts. Aphorism A statement of…...
Communicative Competence
One connotation of "theoretical" is "programatic"; a related connotation is that one knows too little about the subject to say something practical. Both connotations apply to this attempt to contribute to the study of the "language problems of disadvantaged children". Practical work, however, must have an eye on the current state of theory, for it can be guided or misguided, encouraged or discouraged, by what it takes that state to be. Moreover, the language development of children has particular pertinence…...
CommunicationCultureDialectLanguageLanguage AcquisitionLinguistics
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