Quiz 3: Punctuation and Essays

formal essay
serious nonfiction writing meant to inform or convince

linking marks
comma, semicolon, colon

French word for essay

informal essay
often humorous

thesis statement
gives ideas or opinions to be proven

form or type of literature

American essayists
Thurber and Emerson

end marks
period, question mark, exclamation point

English essayists
Addison and Steele

comma, dash

made up; not real


An informal essay attempts to entertain.

using a semicolon between the clauses without a conjunction, using a semicolon before a conjunctive adverb, using a comma before the conjunctionsand, but, or, for, nor, so,and yet
Two independent clauses may be joined by _____.

parenthetical expressions, two or more adjectives preceding a noun, appositive, direct address
The four types of comma interrupters are _____.

The ______ is used to interrupt and summarize.

parenthetical expression
How is the comma or dash used as an interrupter in this sentence?
Who, in your opinion, will win the class election?

How is the comma or dash used as an interrupter in this sentence?
If Janice, my neighbor’s sister, arrives, we will take her to the museum.

two adjectives before a noun
How is the comma or dash used as an interrupter in this sentence?
John wept for joy when he heard that his lovable, cuddly sheep dog was safe.

How is the dash used as an interrupter in this sentence?
Fame, fortune, possessions–none of these things will replace inner peace.

An introductory comma is used after an interjection and a participial phrase.

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Select the correct use of the introductory comma.
Well, we never thought that downpour would end.

adverb clause
Select the correct use of the introductory comma.
Because the snow was so heavy, Kevin wasn’t allowed to use the car.

participle phrase
Select the correct use of the introductory comma.
Completely exhausted from their climb, Bill and Rob rested on the ridge.

Expository writing explains something about a limited topic. It is _____.

Romans and Greeks
Essay-like forms of literature date back to the times of the early _____.

examples, incidents, reasons
Methods of logical organization used in a formal essay include _____.

Pain was God’s mistake, God should have invented a better way of alerting us to danger
In the essay on pain, what did the author feel that most Christians would say about pain if you were to “pin them down?”

It expresses the nature of our fallen world, It makes us consider other values
In the essay on pain, what is the author’s view of pain?

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