Essays on Health Care

Free essays on health care refer to academic papers on different aspects of healthcare that are available at no cost. These papers may cover healthcare policies, ethical issues, advances in medical technology, patient outcomes, public health, and other relevant topics. They can be written by students, academics, or healthcare practitioners, and serve as a useful resource for learning, research, and discussion. Free essays on health care can be accessed online and are an excellent way to expand one's knowledge and understanding of the complex issues associated with healthcare systems.
Dental Assistant Essay
Words • 436
Pages • 2
This will inform you of the responsible duties of the Dental Assistant (DA). It is estimated that careers in Dental Assisting are expected to grow by 31% between the years 2010 to 2013. Due to ongoing and current technology, oral and general health will continue to increase the demand for preventative dental services.Essay Example on Why I Want To Be A Dental Assistant A dental assistant is a oral health care professional trained to provide supportive procedures and services to…...
DentistDentistryHealth CareMedicinePatient
History Of Hospitals as an Insitution
Words • 704
Pages • 3
Hospitals originated in the 17th century primarily as an institution to provide housing and basic healthcare for the poor. It provided a haven to quarantine individuals to prevent the spread of highly contagious diseases. The technologies and vaccinations available did not allow for the comprehensive care we rely on today. Those who could afford clinical care would pay doctors and nurses to provide services in their home. In the early 19th century, as industrial cities became more populated, the demand…...
HealthHealth CareHospitalMedicinePatient
Healthcare Industry Structure
Words • 483
Pages • 2
Health care is one of the fastest growing section of the economy, and differs from other services in various ways (Danzon, 1992). The output of a bakery is bread but the output of the health care industry is less detailed or defined.Essay Example on Healthcare Structure The health care industry is changeable and unpredictable, making it less understood by both producers/suppliers and consumers (Danzon, 1992). However, the health care industry still operates within the basic rules of economics, and economical…...
Health Care
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Essay On Public Health
Words • 436
Pages • 2
Public health is the science and art of protecting and improving the health of communities through education, promotion of healthy lifestyles, and research for disease and injury prevention. Public health is concerned with protecting the health of entire populations. These populations can be as small as a local neighborhood, or as big as an entire country. Public health can make a difference in the lives of tens, hundreds, and even thousands or millions.Essay Example on Public Health s Public health…...
DiseaseHealth CareHuman NaturePublic Health
Unit 12 Health And Social Care
Words • 393
Pages • 2
What is Public Health? Key Aspects of Public Health Practice Strategy How is this done? Examples (at least 2) Monitoring the health status of the population Following changes in the health of the population and notifying people to possible problems. The rising levels of obesity within the population. Identifying the health needs of the population Once trends and patterns are recognised, the likelihood of implications for services can be identified. In relation to obesity, this can mean measuring the likelihood…...
DiseaseHealth CareObesity
Nutrition Month Reflection
Words • 641
Pages • 3
Did you know that we celebrate Food Conservation Month in January; Heart Month and National Arts Month in February; Fire Prevention Month, National Women’s Month, and Tax Consciousness Month in March; Buwan ng Wikang Pambansa and National Lung Month in August; National Science Club Month in September; National Children’s Month and Consumer Welfare Month in October; and Filipino Values Month in November? Did I forget a month? Oh, yes! So, what are we celebrating this month? Oh my gulay, it’s…...
MedicineNutritionPublic Health
Environmental Sanitation Essay
Words • 551
Pages • 3
The exterior of the establishment including the building structure, parking space, landscaping, doors and windows. The exterior design is also responsible for attracting customers. The exterior must be clean, safe and pest-free. I. Proper Water Supply Adequate water us apply and proper sewage disposal are vital to the sanitation of the establishment thus drinking water must only be obtained from an approved source.Essay Example on Environmental Protection And Conservation Of The Ecosystem When another non-public water system is used, it…...
Civil EngineeringConstructionPublic HealthWater
Evolution Of Nursing Essay
Words • 307
Pages • 2
The history of nursing research begins with Florence Nightingale. In fact, it is nursing research that governs and determines the elements of the nursing practice in general. Great care, detail, and educational study comprises nursing research. When a nurse makes a medical decision, it is believed that he or she will make judgments that are supported by and characteristic of the current trends in nursing research. If a nurse does not act in harmony with nursing research, he or she…...
BiologyEvolutionHealthHealth CareMedicineNursing
Paramedic Case Study Essay
Words • 312
Pages • 2
A CT was ordered and revealed lesions on the left brain about 2-3 cam’s long. Patient was scheduled to leave for Texas tomorrow for further evaluation. Patient’s wife describes this recent event as “mild ticks to the left arm with short Intermittent breaks In seizure activity. ” Patient’s vital signs were 136/78 with a pulse of 112. Breath sounds are clear and heart sounds are normal. DNS reveal diminished grip in left arm. Wife state’s this is normal since his…...
Case StudyEducationHealth CareLearningMedicineStudy
Hand Hygiene as Part of Health Care
Words • 324
Pages • 2
Hand Hygiene as Part of Health Care We are surrounded by pathogens. Preventing the spread of disease causing microorganism in health care facilities is crucial. You have to protect yourself, staff and your patients by washing your hands frequently. The article “hand hygiene: It does make a difference,” written by Maryellen Guinan and Maryanne McGuckin, discusses the importance of handwashing and the steps of properly washing your hands. Handwashing is a skill that is especially important in health care facilities.…...
Hand WashingHealth CareHygienePublic Health
health assessment
Words • 928
Pages • 4
The following sample essay on "Health Assessment": In this assessment I was assigned to conduct a health assessment on a student colleague in the clinical labs at QUT while my colleague recorded it as I undertook a simulated health assessment. Throughout the video, the undertaking of vital signs such as the blood pressure, temperature, pulse, respirations and oxygen saturation were being taken on a student patient and recorded on an observation chart. The video was also used to watch back and…...
Health CareMedicine
Hsa Long-Term Care Management
Words • 1332
Pages • 6
The following example essay on "Hsa Long-Term Care Management" looks at meeting needs at BNH. The order in which BNH should fill the main unstaffed position. Blumberg's institution is a 100-bed sanatorium in residential district metropolis, PA. The institution could be a health care and Medicare certified facility additionally. The administration required to giving up three essential positions from the staff; the Director of Nursing (DON), secretary, aboard the dietary aid, for improper conduct. All of them been participating with…...
EmploymentEthicsLeadershipNursingNursing Home
biology research task
Words • 1213
Pages • 5
The following sample essay on biology research task about biology research task on Neurocysticercosis. Aim: To investigate what causes a tapeworm to enter ones bloodstream even getting to the brain, what is neurocysticercosis, is the case increasing or at risk of increasing? Hypothesis: Not deworming, eating unhealthy processed food mostly pork and unhealthy living causes worms in bloodstream , neurocysticercosis is a sickness where there is a worm in someone's the cases are growing and are at risk of increasing.…...
BiologyInfectious DiseasesMedicineMicrobiologyPublic Health
The Research led by Deborah Lupton
Words • 696
Pages • 3
The following sample essay on "The Research led by Deborah Lupton".Is based on food preparation and consumption practices. The data collected for the research was through conducting an exploratory study and also through peer review where childhood memories written by students focused on food, memory and meaning at an Australian university. Luptons main purposes were to reveal importance of the ways in which food contributes to social relationships and practices, to identify the common patterns and themes, to explain further…...
JournalNutritionPublic Health
Community Service
Words • 948
Pages • 4
Background In 2017 the County government of Nairobi in conjunction with EABL who founded Ruaraka Clinic and who provide the land and the building respectively. Which is now one of the hospital at Kasarani Sub County, around Ngumba area. The institution started and it is still a dispensary which provides outpatient services. The service providers is one incharge, a Clinical officer, four nurses, four community health volunteers who work in shifts weekly and two security personnel’s. A year later the…...
CommunityHealth CareMedicinePatient
Life is the most precious and exquisite gift that one could ever
Words • 2401
Pages • 10
Life is the most precious and exquisite gift that one could ever receive. A human’s life can exist within the longest and shortest period of time. Birth would be the beginning of life and death would be the end of it. With that being said, we can realize the absurdity of life for no matter what we do we will stay face death.If there is a place which can witness the beginning and ending of a person’s life it can…...
Assisted SuicideBioethicsEthicsGiftHolidaysIdealism
Words • 2582
Pages • 11
PART A West Virginia is an eastern United States of America in the tree covered Appalachian Mountains, there used to be a town with beautiful nature, bustling coalmines, and developing cities. Its now infested with drug-addicted zombies. What I called home, other people know as the drug capital of America (Hendershot, 2018). In 2013, a song known as Boone Country Mating Call by Mini Thin, a rapper from West Virginia, was released. The song describes how to attract a Boone…...
AddictionAffordable Care ActDonald TrumpHealth Care
Personal Statement For Hospitality Industry
Words • 584
Pages • 3
Paper Type:Personal essays
My name is Donna Shafira Khakim, I am 20 years old but almost 21 years old. I am Indonesian, and now I am about to finish my study in State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya and my major is English for Hospitality Industry, hotelier and tourism practitioner. I am active in the student association since I am a freshman until I am in my last year of study. By joining this association, I gained many experiences, sharpening my soft skill such as…...
EconomicsHealthHealth CareHospitalHospitality IndustryIndustry
What is Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome? Fifty years ago it was
Words • 2252
Pages • 10
What is Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome? Fifty years ago it was something that was almost unheard, but today it is a reality for nearly six infants out of one thousand births in Canada, that may not initially sound like very much, but that is triple what it was in 2003. NAS refers to a group of symptoms of substance withdrawal shown by an infant following separation from the mother's placenta after birth. What is displayed by the NAS neonate is unpredictable,…...
ChildbirthHealth CareInfantMedicine
“Spiders, blood Champagne” by Moritz E. Wigand
Words • 524
Pages • 3
The following sample essay on "Spiders, blood Champagne by Moritz E. Wigand" is a review of a literary work. Too bad - after 84 pages is entertaining, varied, some very amusing entertainment to the end, and the author says goodbye to flee to a psychiatric hospital in southern Germany. While living in the vernacular still. the stereotype, many psychiatrists themselves were not very clear in your mind, but do not worry - the doctor Dr. Moritz E. Wigand makes a…...
Health CareMedicinePsychiatry
“Quick and the Dead” by Josh Bazell
Words • 477
Pages • 2
The following example essay on "Quick and the Dead by Josh Bazell" is an analysis of a literary work. The author tells us two parallel storylines: a single working day of Dr. Peter Brown at Manhattan Catholic Hospital - and this man's past, which actually Pietro Brnwa is. He was born in 1977 from a drugged mother in Indian ashram. His grandparents - Jews who survived Auschwitz had - got him out of there so that he could grow up…...
Health Care
The stunning of Anna Enquist Review
Words • 975
Pages • 4
After the death of his cancer-stricken wife Hanna psychotherapist Drik de Jong is back (50) is difficult to normal in his everyday life. In the consulting room in his house, he is surrounded by memories and can not escape from them. His younger sister Suzan (46) seems to mind very experienced and received no psychological wounds her work as anesthetist again. When her sister fell ill, she had a leave of absence to take over the care and stun Annas…...
Health CareMedicinePsychotherapy
Having over 19 specialties Burjeel Day Surgery Centre caters
Words • 1199
Pages • 5
Having over 19 specialties, Burjeel Day Surgery Centre caters their services to all age groups from newborns to seniors. They have Pediatrics department which is solely dedicated to infants and adolescents.While they provide their services to both men and women, they also have gender specific services. They have Obstetrics and Gynecology department for women, along with services such as breast surgery and mammography. For men, they offer various diagnostic and therapeutic services for the male reproductive organs in the Urology…...
CatFamilyHealth CareHospitalMedicineSurgery
Reflection on Mental Health
Words • 1259
Pages • 6
Paper Type:Reflective essays
Introduction Reflection is an essential tool in the field of medicine that every practitioner ought to embrace. In this paper I will categorically discuss how my reflection of an encounter with a lady aged twenty five years experiencing depression as a consequent of a series of relationship break ups during my clinical practicum has helped me hone further my experience in the field of medicine. In this particular situation, I will use Gibbs Reflective Cycle to help me deduce the…...
Health CareMental DisorderMental HealthNursingPhysician
Postpartum Depression
Words • 2474
Pages • 10
The following sample essay on "Postpartum Depression": describing issue of postpartum depression, it's cause and way to solve. Postpartum depression is a moderately common experience among mothers either during pregnancy or following delivery. Signs and symptoms are often present, but few women actually accept referrals to mental health care providers. Many women feel uncomfortable, feel they can find ways to manages, fear implementation of medication, or simply feel resources were not presented efficiently. In addition to women being affected, male…...
DataDepressionEthicsHealth CareMental HealthResearch
Milestone ProjectMelroseWakefield Hospital Kimberly A McCullough
Words • 713
Pages • 3
Milestone ProjectMelrose/Wakefield HospitalKimberly A. McCulloughBUS-530 Human Resource ManagementDr Catherine Sees.Colorado Christian UniversityHuman Resource PlanMelrose/Wakefield HospitalMelrose, MassachusettsIntroductionEvery institution, organization, sect, household and business need proper management to ensure a smooth running of such organizational set up. An institution such as an educational institution, if not properly managed, planned and controlled cannot achieve success. In order for an organization to function and perform successfully, there is a need to communicate freely among employees, employees and employers. In this plan it will mention…...
EducationHealthHealth CareHospitalLearningProject
Counterfeit Medicines – Imitating Medicines
Words • 1039
Pages • 5
Everyone has taken medicine but does the thought ever occur that it may be fake. Counterfeit drugs have been on a rise all over the country (Counterfeit Drugs). The most common places are Canada, the United States, and parts of Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Statistics from the FDA in 2013 state that, eighty percent of counterfeit drugs come from overseas and most are manufactured in China and India. They could be sold for good and bad causes. Since technology…...
Health CareMedicinePharmacologyPharmacy
Words • 1073
Pages • 5
Paper Type:Personal essays
PERSONAL LEADERSHIP PHILOSOPHYCOURSE NLM 100 KFFSUBMITTED TO: NESHMA DHANANISUBMITTED BY: BHUPINDER DHALIWALSTUDENT ID: 132078197Attitude being held by leader are delightful action, achieving goals, as well beating the competition, other than it relates representative of the company management. Sympathetic of evert customs and belief to build an save working environment for workers (Twin, 2019). Synopsis, Leader could be having broad spectrum toward each aspect rather it may concern with company or non profit organization. Always make his mind clear about employees…...
Health CareLeadershipMedicinePhilosophyScienceSurgery
Assignment CoversheetWR800 Wellness and Rehabilitation
Words • 2092
Pages • 9
Assignment CoversheetWR800 Wellness and Rehabilitation PrinciplesAssignment 1: Essay – Contemporary Approaches to Wellness and RehabilitationAssessment Number: OneDate Due: 6 September 2019Student ID Number: 2019009523Declaration• The work presented in this assignment is my own work.• I did the reading and planning.• I wrote the whole assignment• I have acknowledged the use of other people’s work.• I am unaware of any factors or circumstances that would impair my performance in this examination or assessment.Signed:Date Submitted:Date Received:?Summative Assignment OneWR 800“Al Hijamah in Saudi…...
Health CareHospitalMedicineSaudi Arabia
Effects of Sugar on Oral Health
Words • 1469
Pages • 6
Nowadays, sugars addiction had become more and more common and serious in the whole wide world not only among children but also adults. Undeniable, high sugars content food or drinks is much tastier than those healthy and plain foods. However, in fact sugars not only causing unhealthy weight gain but also many bad effects on oral health. According to World Health Organisation (WHO), oral health is defined as a state of being free from chronic mouth and facial pain, oral…...
DentistryHealth Care
The influence of life experience on the choice of profession
Words • 722
Pages • 3
The following sample essay on "The influence of life experience on the choice of profession":  in my school, was a young woman who used to work in cafeteria and was popular among students for her kind behavior and delicious sandwiches. Naz and I became acquainted over the years and used to discuss her struggles in life from being a caring mother to her concerns for her sons education. Everybody used to miss her when she would take the days off…...
DiseaseHealth CareLifeMedicineSchoolWork
Social Classes Essay Example
Words • 1813
Pages • 8
Social Classes Essay IntroductionSocial classes stratify society into levels. This stratification, in varying degrees, is present in almost every country regardless of their economic and political sophistication. These social classes have been in existence since man’s earliest civilizations, and have endured the years and the upheavals thereafter. In America, social classes are not absolute. This means that while all Americans are born into a particular social class, they are not necessarily bound to it for the rest of their lives.…...
Health CareIdentityPoliticsPovertySocial ClassSocial Stratification
Music Therapy Essay Example
Words • 1534
Pages • 7
Music Therapy Essay Introduction Professor Yankee 11/19/12 Music Therapy Why do people use this type of therapy exactly? Well music has been used as medicine for thousands of years and there’s a growing field of health care known as music therapy, which uses music to heal. Those who practice music therapy find benefits in using it to help cancer patients, children with ADD, and others, and even hospitals are beginning to use music therapy to help with pain management, to…...
Health CareMedicineMental HealthMusic TherapyPsychotherapy
Community mental health act 1963 Essay Example
Words • 1313
Pages • 6
Community mental health act 1963 Essay IntroductionCommunity mental health center act of 1963 was a significant milestone in America’s record of mental health rights. On 31st October 1963, the act was signed into a regulation by President John F. Kennedy. The law was the pioneer among other many federal policy alterations that helped ignite a significant transformation of the communal mental health arrangement by shifting resources outside huge organization toward community-based mental health action line up. The act lead to…...
CommunityHealthHealth CareMedicineMental DisorderMental Health
Morton Foods Marketing Strategy
Words • 4692
Pages • 19
Cultural Dynamics in Assessing Global Markets True / False Questions 1. (p. 93) There is a moderate level American-style risk-taking among Japanese investors. FALSE Difficulty: Easy Type: Knowledge 2. (p. 93) The liberalization of Japan's capital markets in recent years now gives Japanese more freedom of choice in their investments. However, only twelve percent of household financial assets are directly invested in stocks and a mere two percent in mutual funds. TRUE Difficulty: Moderate Type: Knowledge 3. (p. 93) The…...
Health Care
Smoking is no Longer Seen as Cool
Words • 2540
Pages • 11
Smoking is no longer seen as cool and sophisticated. It has taken fifty years since the Surgeon General first came out and said that smoking may cause cancer. Since that initial study, although debated at times, the general consensus is that smoking does cause cancer as well as a plethora of other long term and very serious diseases in which many will lead to death. Yet, Millions of Americans still smoke. Those that are driven to smoke and therefore, have…...
AddictionHabitsPublic HealthSmokingSmoking BanTobacco
Having these voices in my head
Words • 655
Pages • 3
(A) If I were a patient with schizophrenia, the hardest symptom to deal with, I guess is having these voices in my head. Imagine hearing all these that as if I’m everybody’s topic. Its cascade reactions leading from one thing to another makes it even harder to deal. Having these negative thoughts makes me hate other people including myself. It will make me eventually develop inferiority complex and will tend to be rather alone. I would be isolating myself from…...
DiseaseHealth CareMedicineSchizophreniaTelevisionVoice
Access to Health Care
Words • 2230
Pages • 9
Access to health care refers to the individual’s ability to obtain and use needed services (Ellis & Hartley, 2008). Access to health care affects a multitude of people. Uninsured, underinsured, elderly, lower socioeconomic class, minorities, and people that live in remote areas are at the highest risk for lack of access to health care. There are also economical and political roles that complicate access to health care. Access to health care is a multi-faceted concept involving geographic, economics, or sociocultural…...
Health CareHospitalMedicineNursing
Nursing Process
Words • 1505
Pages • 7
The nursing process is described as being an individualised problem solving approach in which patients receive nursing care. The nursing process consists of four distinct phases, each having a discreet role in the process, theses phases of the process are: assessment, planning, intervention and evaluation. (Oxford Dictionary of Nursing 2003) It is important that the four stages of the process from assessment to evaluation are carried out sequentially because each phase follows logically from one to the other. As a…...
Health CareMedicineNursingPatient
Access to Health Care Services in Cross River State Nigeria
Words • 3625
Pages • 15
Health services include all services dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of disease, or the promotion, maintenance and restoration of health. They include personal and non-personal health services (WHO, 2010; Health Care Services) Health services are the most visible functions of any health system, both to users and the general public. Service provision refers to the way inputs such as money, staff, equipment and drugs are combined to allow the delivery of health interventions. Improving access, coverage and quality of…...
AfricaCountryHealthHealth CareLifeNigeria
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FAQ about Health Care

What is Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome? Fifty years ago it was
...Holistic care delivery using a maternal-infant care dyad designed to specifically to NAS can help reduce the impact the opiate and addiction epidemic is having on the most vulnerable in our society, helping ensure a better future for the infant, the ...
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