Essays on Health Care

Free essays on health care refer to academic papers on different aspects of healthcare that are available at no cost. These papers may cover healthcare policies, ethical issues, advances in medical technology, patient outcomes, public health, and other relevant topics. They can be written by students, academics, or healthcare practitioners, and serve as a useful resource for learning, research, and discussion. Free essays on health care can be accessed online and are an excellent way to expand one's knowledge and understanding of the complex issues associated with healthcare systems.
Food Bourne Illness
Words • 763
Pages • 4
Foodborne illnesses are defined as any illness that you receive from the consumption of food that has been contaminated by a certain bacteria, virus, or parasite. Salmonella is a common foodborne illness found in beef, poultry, milk, and eggs. It has an estimated 1. 2 million cases every year just in the United States. Salmonellosis is also known as Salmonella. According to Salmonella (n. d. , “Salmonella is a genus of rod-shaped, Gram-negative, non-spore-forming, predominately motile enterobacteria with diameters around…...
EpidemiologyInfectious DiseasesMedicineMicrobiologyPublic Health
Hierarchy Of Evidence Pyramid In Nursing
Words • 538
Pages • 3
Evidence Based Practice: Assignment 2 Evidence Based Practice Essay Topics Assignment 2 1. Summary The search was based on the hierarchy of evidence pyramid. It was based on three levels of filtered information and one level of unfiltered information. Each level was achieved different results. At each level, it was important to sift through the data to ensure that only relevant information was used to build a case for the topic (Jacobson 2005). The search procedure used several databases to…...
Health CareNursingResearch
Ethics in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Words • 978
Pages • 4
The following sample essay on "Ethics in the Pharmaceutical Industry":  pharmaceutical industry and how it  benefited many people or helped to improve people’s health. The pharmaceutical industry has benefited many people, and it has helped to improve people’s health. Through continuous research and study, research in medicine has led to the development of safer medicines, with minimal side effects. Continued research has also led to the development of medicines leading to curing diseases, previously incurable. In addition, the pharmaceutical industry…...
Health CareIndustryInnovationMedicinePharmaceutical Industry
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Healthcare Erp Solutions
Words • 646
Pages • 3
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) software applications are designed to facilitate the systemic integration of complex processes and functions across a large enterprise consisting of many internal and external constituents. Although most currently available ERP applications generally are tailored to the needs of the manufacturing industry, many large healthcare systems are investigating these applications. Due to the significant differences between manufacturing and patient care, ERP- based systems do not easily translate to the healthcare setting. In particular, he lack of clinical…...
Health Care
Concept Of Community Health Nursing
Words • 761
Pages • 4
Concepts of Community Health Nursing Introduction Of Community Health Nursing Concepts of Community Health Nursing Therapeutic Communication & Interpersonal Relationship in Nurse-Client Relationship One of the main objectives intrinsic within community health nursing is therapeutic communication and interpersonal relationship between nurses and clients. Such aspects within the nurse-client relationship are in respect to the facers of the relationship, which include respect, expert intimacy, trust, power and empathy (Allender & Warner, 2010). Regardless of the period and time of interaction and…...
CommunicationCommunityHealthHealth CareNursing
Dr Kolcaba’s Comfort Nursing Theory
Words • 1034
Pages • 5
Comfort theory was developed by Dr Kolcaba in 1984. She begins by analyzing the concept, which I think is a very important aspect to understanding the theory. The theory is based on the philosophy of holism. She views the person has a whole, consisting of a mental, emotional and spiritual life. According to Kolcaba comfort is the satisfaction of basic human needs for relief, ease, and transcendence arising from health care situations. After learning this theory I have understood three…...
Health CareHospitalNursing
Case Study Analysis Paper
Words • 788
Pages • 4
Comments on the Case Study Analysis by Two People Case Study Analysis Paper Comments on the Case Study Analysis by Two People Response 1 In the first response to the case analysis, the writer first notes that the actions of the physician are unethical. The response also recognizes that the physician had an obligation to both George and his wife, as well. This is one responsibility of physicians in their practice, which they should never forget. From the two statements,…...
Case StudyDiseaseEducationEthicsHealth CareLearning
Operation Smile Facts
Words • 677
Pages • 3
Charity Foundations Depend on You For charity foundations, every charitable donation truly makes an impact. Whether a large corporate charitable donation or a small personal charitable donation, everything counts. With the average cost of a cleft lip operation at only $240, even a charitable donation of $20 per month for one year alleviates the burden of a facial deformity for one well-deserving child. Operation Smile is one of the many charitable foundations where you can really see the impact of…...
Health CareMedicine
Bibliography Of Insurance
Words • 805
Pages • 4
Bragdon, T., & Allumbaugh, J. (2011, July 19). Healthcare reform in maine: reversing “obamacare lite”. Retrieved from This is a research article mentioning the problems with a government run health insurance program, specifically in the state of Maine. Information is provided pertaining to the effects (premiums actually being higher, less people becoming insured, etc.) of a government run program and new ideas implemented by other states that call for less governmental involvement are discussed including: guaranteed access to reinsurance…...
Affordable Care ActBibliographyHealth CareInsurancePrivacyResearch
The Case Of The Unhealthy Hospital
Words • 597
Pages • 3
Blake Memorial Hospital in Marksville recently hired Bruce Reid as their new CEO. The hospital and its clinics are not generating enough income. The hospital’s costs is rising, the quality of care is declining and is not generating enough revenue to cover the expenses. Bruce Reid was given a $70 million budget to improve the financial health of Blake Memorial and improve the quality of healthcare services. He was allowed only less than a week to finalize the budget and…...
Health CareHospitalMedicinePatient
Iom Report 2010
Words • 733
Pages • 3
As time goes on, the nursing profession is becoming more and more popular. The number of new graduates becoming licensed year-to-year evidences this. In addition to becoming more popular, nursing practice has changed enormously over the past 20 years. In order to stay current with the continuously evolving healthcare system, nurses have to evolve as well. The 2010 IOM report offers its recommendations to maximize the quality, availability, and accessibility through improving nursing education, providing opportunities for leadership positions, and…...
Health CareHealth PromotionLeadership
Level II HCPCS Modifier for Portable Home Oxygen Unit.
Words • 249
Pages • 1
Applying Level II HCPCS Modifiers 1)Portable home oxygen unit code = GM – I chose this code because due to the fact the physician prescribed this unit to the patient. 2)Emergency ambulance transport and extended life support code = QN – This code was chosen due to the fact that the ambulance services is one provided directly by the provider of service. 3)Diagnostic mammogram, left, code= GG – This code was chosen because it is used for performance and payment…...
Health CareMedicine
Acute Hospital Care
Words • 915
Pages • 4
Acute care is medical treatment at a hospital which is short-term. Acute care is a level of health care in which a patient is treated for a brief but severe episode of illness, for conditions that are the result of disease or trauma, and during recovery from surgery. Acute care is generally provided in a hospital by a variety of clinical personnel using technical equipment, pharmaceuticals, and medical supplies. According to Connecticut public health code that regulates hospitals, an acute…...
Health CareHospitalMedicineSurgery
Outsourcing Hospital Services
Words • 422
Pages • 2
1. In some instances the outsourced service occurs in a different location, while in others it takes place inside the organization doing the outsourcing, ad the food service did in this case. What advantages were there in having the outsourced work performed within the hospital? Suppose a different hospital outsourced its food service but decided not to have the work performed in- house. What might its rationale be? The advantages in having the outsourced work performed within the hospital were…...
BusinessHealthHealth CareHospitalLifeOutsourcing
Pharmacology Research Paper Topics
Words • 531
Pages • 3
Paper Type:Proposal essays
Pharmacology is a medical and biological science about the influence of drugs on the human organism and in the broader meaning it is the discipline about the physically active substances in general and their influence on the biological systems. If substances are used in pharmacotherapy, they are called pharmaceutical drugs. Pharmacology is informally divided into the general and direct branches and each branch has its own field of research and methodology. The purpose of the general pharmacology is to observe…...
Health CareMedicinePharmacologyResearch
Critical Thinking Competency
Words • 248
Pages • 1
Paper Type:Critical essays
 The professional advancement for nurses is a lifelong process that can be achieved through continuous education and efficient clinical development. The primary objective of nurses’ professional development is to sustain clinical competency to enhance patients’ care outcomes. The nurses’ responsibility is to maintain professional standards and knowledge to be able to implement highest levels of medical services to patients and members of the community. To provide an efficient and safe patient care nurses must implement in daily practice respectively developed…...
CommunicationCritical ThinkingHealth CareNursingThought
Family Centered Care Theory
Words • 828
Pages • 4
 Orem’s Contribution to Nursing Theory: Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory description of category of theory is a set of broad concepts, definitions, relationships developed and assumptions or propositions created from nursing models or from other disciplines and projects of purposes that are required for care of by individual patient, family and community (Current Nursing,2013). Orem’s approach to the nursing process provides a method to determine the self-care deficits and then to define the roles of patient or nurse to meet the…...
FamilyHealth CareHuman NatureNursingTheory
The Medicated Child
Words • 581
Pages • 3
“The Medicated Child” The documentary “Medicated Child” shows how there is a lack of knowledge on how to diagnose and treat children with Bi Polar Disorder. Early on before proper research was done, children were often diagnosed with ADHD instead of the proper BI Polar diagnosis. This can be attributed to the fact that the symptoms are so similar. Doctors often feel treatment of such disorders can only be treated by medications, however, some psychologists believe that there are other…...
Health CareMedicineMental Disorder
Sop Oral Hygiene
Words • 926
Pages • 4
An attempt to decrypt the inner workings of dentistry, the development of oral health – every research project I’ve worked on in my undergraduate years has got me excited about the vast potential opportunity trapped in Dental Sciences. But every one of these times, I’ve faced a formidable challenge: the intricacy and complexity of dentistry itself. The chaos of molecular motion forms the basis for a remarkably well-organized biological system, whose actual mechanisms are only now being highlighted through better…...
DentistryHealth CareMedicine
Hospital Sketches Alcott
Words • 329
Pages • 2
The chapter ‘A Night’, in Louisa May Alcott’s Hospital Sketches, is the most inspired chapter in the book. It tells the story of a fatally wounded Virginia blacksmith John, and it fell to Alcott to tell the dying man of his imminent fate and to pen John’s final letter home to his family as he dictated it. The man died while squeezing Alcott’s hand. She described that none of the deaths that she summoned in her life would make her…...
Health CareHospitalPainWar
Essay on Holistic Health and Holistic Medicine
Words • 887
Pages • 4
What is Holistic Health and Holistic Medicine The notion of Holistic Medicine has been around for many years. But why now, has interest in this area skyrocketed? People are starting to prefer a more natural approach when it comes to healthcare. Holistic Health is actually an approach to life. Rather than focusing on illness or specific parts of the body, this ancient approach to health considers the whole person and how he or she interacts with his or her environment.…...
Alternative MedicineCultureHealthHealth CareHoliHolidays
Public Health Statement
Words • 624
Pages • 3
1. What is Public Health? Public health is the science of avoiding disease, extending life, and promoting physical health and efficiency through organized community efforts for the sanitation of the environment, the control of community infections, the education of the individuals in principles of personal hygiene, the organization of medical and nursing services for the elderly diagnosis and preventive treatment of disease and the development of social machinery which will ensure to every individual in the community a standard of…...
DiseaseHealth CareMedicinePublic Health
Ulcerative Colitis
Words • 635
Pages • 3
The following example essay on "Ulcerative Colitis" is about a chronic disease of the colonic mucosa that most often presents with excruciating bloody diarrhea. An Ulcer is an open sore on an external or internal surface of the body, caused by a break in the skin or mucous membrane that fails to heal. (The American Heritage Idioms Dictionary (n.d.)) The prefix Col- pertains to the colon and the suffix -it is pertains to inflammation of. In the case of ulcerative…...
EpidemiologyHealth CareMedicinePublic Health
Overweight and Obesity in Australia
Words • 2012
Pages • 9
The following example essay on "Overweight and Obesity in Australia" takes a comprehensive look at the problem of abnormal or excessive body fat that can be detrimental to health. Introduction There are several health issues keep thriving even after being addressed and demand a consistent and long term approach towards them. They can range from mental health, obesity, drug use, or sexual and reproductive health issues. A pattern can be observe of a consistent existence of determinants which continue effecting…...
DiseaseNutritionObesityPhysical ActivityPublic Health
Evaluating a Psychiatric Patient
Words • 2569
Pages • 11
The following example essay on "Evaluating a Psychiatric Patient" discuss the case of Ji-woo, a 19-year-old female who presents with what appears to be an opioid addiction. Her current state was prompted by a traumatic accident in which she sustained massive injuries and suffered the loss of one of her friends. She was prescribed opiate medications for pain management but after weeks of treatment her doctor refused to continue prescribing the medication. Since then, Ji-woo has found illegal means to…...
Health CareMedicineMental DisorderMultimedia In Education
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
Words • 470
Pages • 2
The following sample essay on "Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)": еhe first time I was introduced to this topic I was 14 years old going to a yearly physical at the Children's Hospital in Aurora. A doctor pointed out that I had an abnormal amount of hair on my body and mentioned that I may have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). There was no further explanation of the disorder and also never received follow up to schedule for testing and examination. This…...
MedicinePhilosophyPubertyPublic HealthTimeWomen'S Health
The Importance of Reducing Loneliness in Older Adults
Words • 501
Pages • 3
Family members and partners in care of the older persons improves quality of life through quality care and relationships which both gets mutual enjoyment  important to reduce loneliness in elderly and maintain quality of life. The family member and parners in care for the elder perosn the first is we think about how we  can managea and  Support, in many country different culture and religion  and practising in their own cultue, responsibitly aboth help with everyday tasks . Using  Theory…...
FamilyHealth CareHuman NatureHygiene
Identifying Needs research in health and social care uses
Words • 1256
Pages • 6
Identifying Needs research in health and social care uses care planning principles to identify the needs of individuals. Doctors take a medical history of a patient's to get background information from the patient so they know what health problems or check ups they had and how they can help them such as what blood type they are , pulse rate to gather information enables the professionals to make decisions about what treatment or care the individual needs. It’s necessary to…...
DataHealth CareMedicineResearch
Globalizing Health Care: The Key Facilitating Developments
Words • 506
Pages • 3
What are the facilitating developments that have allowed health care to start globalizing?Essay Example on What Are The Facilitating Developments That Have Allowed Health Care To Start Globalizing? There are many factors that have allowed health care to start globalizing such as the high cost of medical care and health insurance in the United State,: advances in the communication technologies permit the information to be shared almost immediately from place to place: hospitals whit a very high quality are emerging…...
GlobalizationHealth CareHospitalMedical TourismMedicineRadiology
Atypical Behaviour
Words • 400
Pages • 2
There is no single widely accepted definition of atypical behaviour. This is due to the fact that typical or ‘normal’ behaviour varies within cultures. However, there are guidelines for diagnosing atypical behaviour, the most popular of which is DSMIV (Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders), which is published by the American Psychiatric Association. It focuses on the individual’s personal distress and suffering.Essay Example on About Human Behavior Another classification method is the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) published by…...
Health CareMedicineNervous SystemPsychosis
Addressing Ethical Issues in Medication Use
Words • 527
Pages • 3
The Medicines Act 1968, the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (and later amendments), the Misuse of Drugs (Safe Custody) Regulations 1973 (and later amendments), the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974), COSHH, the Mental Capacity Act (2005) the Access to health records Act (1990), the Data Protection Act (1998) plus equality legislation. . 2. Outline the legal classification system for medication. The classification of medicines are all related to the medicines act 1968, while working with medication it is…...
Health CareMedicineSafetySubstance Abuse
Narrative Report For Research Paper
Words • 494
Pages • 2
Paper Type:Narrative essays
Southern Luzon State University College of Allied Medicine Lucban, Quezon NARRATIVE REPORT “Gumaca District Hospital and Magsaysay Memorial District Hospital” There are many truths of which the full meaning cannot be realized until personal experience has brought it home. True, isn’t it? I really believe that in life, its essence will never be determined until you never experienced the happiness of it. Same with our profession, the nursing profession, its core will never be felt until you put it into…...
CommunicationExperienceHospitalHuman NatureResearch
Technology In Healthcare Essay
Words • 310
Pages • 2
Paper Type:Informative essays
Information Technology is becoming more prominent and useful in health care settings throughout the United States. It is commonly referred to as Health Information Technology, or HIT for short. This specific technology includes both Electronic Health Records (EHR) and/or Electronics Medical Records (EMR), and there is only a slight variation between the two terms. The main difference is that EMR are designed to communicate within one specific practice. The implementation of Health Information Technology has had a great influence on…...
Health Care
The Largest Expense Category For Most Healthcare Organizations Is
Words • 501
Pages • 3
In opinion, one of the biggest expenses for medical facilities is unpaid services. Costs occurred from patients that are unpaid privately or not fully reimbursed from insurance companies would be one of the biggest expenses incurred in health care services. Another expense that is high on the list of expenses for health care services would be equipment and personnel. Health care personal have high salaries as well as costs for additional training and tuition reimbursement if the health care facility…...
Health Care
Essay About Drug Education
Words • 445
Pages • 2
Drug abuse, also called substance abuse or chemical abuse, is a disorder that is characterized by a destructive pattern of using a substance that leads to significant problems or distress. It affects more than 7% of people at some point in their lives. Teens are increasingly engaging in prescription drug abuse, particularly narcotics (which are prescribed to relieve severe pain), and stimulant medications, which treat conditions like attention deficit disorder.Essay Example on Reflection About Drug Awareness What is drug addiction?…...
AbuseHealth CareMedicineMental Disorder
Nursing Care Plan For Self Care Deficit Related To Stroke
Words • 638
Pages • 3
Applying Dorothea Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Theory To Practice Dorothea Orem developed her self-care deficit theory of nursing under three interrelated theories known as the theory of self-care, theory of self-care deficit, and theory of nursing systems. Each of these theories explains concepts of basic conditioning factors to support her general theory. Orem’s theory suggests that all individuals have a need for self-care action on a continuous basis. When self-care can no longer be performed due to injury or illness the…...
DiseaseHealthHealth CareHuman NatureMedicineNursing
Haiti Overpopulation
Words • 306
Pages • 2
A massive proportion of children don’t even reach their twelfth birthday with almost 12% dying before this date. This is a result of poor living conditions caused by cramped conditions and overcrowding. As a result there is a lack of food and many children suffer with malnutrition and starvation in many cases. This has resulted in communities making mud cookies and selling them as a last resort. There isn’t even a particularly large food shortage it is because people are…...
Health CareMalnutritionOverpopulationPoverty
Research Proposal On Health Issues
Words • 583
Pages • 3
Paper Type:Proposal essays
Health services is the branch of the activity of the country, which is aimed at the organization and provision of the affordable medical care to its people and maintenance of their appropriate condition of health. The branch of health services is closely connected with other branches and depends on the means of the political, economical, social, juridical, scientific, medical, hygienic and cultural character, which are aimed at the maintenance of the physical and psychological health of every person, his long-term…...
CommunicationHealth CareHuman NatureResearch
Modern Medicine Essay
Words • 404
Pages • 2
Essay Example on 5 Themes Of Geography Greece Modern medical specialty helps to populate a longer life. Make you hold?Essay Example on 5 Themes Of Geography Greece The modern medical specialty is really of import for populating a long life. It is depend on new engineering. Peoples take really easy and rapidly. Besides modern medical specialty is really speedy absorbing to human organic structure. It is helps to endorse to normal for people wellness status. Therefore I agree that the…...
Health CareMedicinePhysician
Racism and indifference in the healthcare system
Words • 297
Pages • 2
It is formed as a result of human interaction with his environment. Values ​​are traits that define human actions and behavior. A person's social flow depends on these five factors, namely, attitudes, behavior, values ​​and beliefs (Turnock, J., 2004). Certain problems, mistaken attitudes, fears, negative experiences, wrong beliefs, etc., can negatively affect the access of these communities to health services (Mallett, Rosemary, 2000). Research has shown that minority communities face socioeconomic and health problems. They had very high medical needs.…...
BehaviorExperienceHealth CareHuman NatureLifeProblems
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