Essays on Hospital

Free essays on Hospital provide readers with a wealth of information about hospitals, their operations, and the various services they offer. These essays may cover topics such as the history of hospitals, the role of healthcare in modern society, healthcare policy and ethics, and the various medical technologies used in hospitals. Additionally, free essays on Hospital may explore the various departments that comprise hospitals, such as emergency rooms, ICUs, radiology departments, and more. Whether you are a student, medical practitioner or simply someone interested in learning more about hospitals and healthcare, free essays on Hospital are a valuable resource.
Potential of Medical Tourism in India
Words • 3770
Pages • 16
Abstract Medical tourism is booming in the market combining the three of the fastest growing industries in the world; healthcare, wellness and tourism. Medical tourism is merely not a new concept as people travel to seek the best healthcare which was present in ancient times. The only difference is that the wealthy patients from less developed countries used to travel to developed countries in order to avail the technologically most advanced medical facilities. Over the time the scenario has changed…...
Health CareHospitalMedical Tourism
Aravind Eye Hospital Founder
Words • 1723
Pages • 7
The sample paper on Aravind Eye Hospital Founder familiarizes the reader with the topic-related facts, theories and approaches. Scroll down to read the entire paper.In the present scenario achieving effective and efficient health care services is an acute issue that needs an immediate attention. In developing countries this problem is mostly common as the government alone is not fully capable in undertaking different challenges to meet the heath needs of fast growing populations. There was a need to develop an…...
Biomedical Waste Management Colour Coding
Words • 1347
Pages • 6
This sample paper on Biomedical Waste Management Colour Coding offers a framework of relevant facts based on the recent research in the field. Read the introductory part, body and conclusion of the paper below.CHAPTER-V Discussion This survey was conducted to measure the cognition and pattern sing biomedical waste direction among staff nurses working in JIPMER infirmary, Puducherry the sum of 300 staff nurses were participated and the cognition and pattern assessed by utilizing structured questionnaire. The survey consequence shows that…...
BaseballBiomedicineBusinessHealth CareHospitalManagement
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Importance Of Communication In Hospitality Industry Essay
Words • 1576
Pages • 7
The following academic paper highlights the up-to-date issues and questions of Importance Of Communication In Hospitality Industry Essay. This sample provides just some ideas on how this topic can be analyzed and discussed. Language acts an indispensable portion of success in cordial reception, and has impacted the cordial reception industry continuously. Not merely has it influenced the method of marketing schemes or the methods of human resource direction, it has besides influenced the educational system every bit good. Many have…...
CommunicationEconomicsHealthHealth CareHospitalHospitality Industry
Bed Number 10 Essay
Words • 1508
Pages • 7
The following academic paper highlights the up-to-date issues and questions of Bed Number 10 Essay. This sample provides just some ideas on how this topic can be analyzed and discussed. “Shouldice hospital, the house that hernias built, is a converted country estate which gives the hospital ‘a country club’ appeal. ” A quote from American Medical News Shouldice Hospital in Canada is widely known for one thing-hernia repair! In fact, that is the only operation it performs, and it performs…...
Free PapersHealthHealth CareHospitalMedicineNursing
Aft Task 2 Evidence Based Missing Child Case
Words • 1979
Pages • 8
The folllowing sample essay on Aft2 discusses it in detail, offering basic facts and pros and cons associated with it. To read the essay's introduction, body and conclusion, scroll down. On Thursday September 14th at around 12:30 pm the hospital had a sentinel event which involved a missing child. The event details are as follows: Tina was scheduled for same day surgery and was brought to the hospital by her Mother. Her Mother was informed that the surgery would take…...
Child CustodyHealth CareHospitalNursingPatientSurgery
Shouldice Hospital
Words • 1583
Pages • 7
The sample essay on Shouldice Hospital deals with a framework of research-based facts, approaches and arguments concerning this theme. To see the essay's introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion, read on.Q. What are the unique features of Shouldice’s services, as compared to that of a typical hospital? A. The hospital focused on this new procedure for treatment of external types of abdominal hernias. Some differentiating features of the Shouldice process were the arranging of abdominal muscles into three distinct layers, reinforcing…...
Health Information Management Essay
Words • 1468
Pages • 6
The following academic paper highlights the up-to-date issues and questions of Health Information Management Essay. This sample provides just some ideas on how this topic can be analyzed and discussed. The following pages will provide a summary of the current compliance status of Nightingale Community Hospital based on the Information Management Priority Focus Area. From the information provided by Nightingale Community Hospital [the hospital] or readily available to the audit team, many Joint Commission standards are not currently being met…...
BusinessHealth CareHospitalManagementMedicinePatient
Future Trends In Hospitality And Tourism
Words • 1495
Pages • 6
This sample essay on Future Trends In Hospitality And Tourism provides important aspects of the issue and arguments for and against as well as the needed facts. Read on this essay's introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. The cordial reception industry is one of the most of import industries globally since it generates one million millions of dollars across the world. This industry is big and it indirectly and straight employs staff in different professions including hotel industry, touristry industry, air…...
FutureHealthHealth CareHobbyHospitalLife
Juno Hospital Scene
Words • 1387
Pages • 6
This sample of an academic paper on Juno Hospital Scene reveals arguments and important aspects of this topic. Read this essay's introduction, body paragraphs and the conclusion below.Topic 1 – Design & Mise-en-scene A movie is not just a motion picture, it is an art form. An art form that is put together by many shots and with that several shots it makes a scene. Editing shots and scenes can setup the mise-en-scene, also known as staging, and the visual…...
Health CareHospital
Select Escorts: An Overview
Words • 1420
Pages • 6
This essay sample on Select Escorts provides all necessary basic information on this matter, including the most common "for and against" arguments. Below are the introduction, body and conclusion parts of this essay.City Hospital is located in the heart of a large midwestern city. It is one of major hospitals in the area and has recenfly built a small addition for treafing well—known patients, such as professional football players, top company execufives, and singing stars. Visiting or local celebrities always…...
EmploymentHospitalHuman ResourcesNursingPatient
Competition Is Healthy Essay
Words • 1168
Pages • 5
The sample essay on Competition Is Healthy Essay deals with a framework of research-based facts, approaches, and arguments concerning this theme. To see the essay's introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion, read on.For this assignment the category was instructed to depict the different signifiers of competition that take topographic point among assorted types of wellness attention organisations. measure the benefits and booby traps of competition in wellness attention and suggest options if competition was non the primary driver of operations in…...
CompetitionHealthHealth CareHospitalInsuranceStrategy
Supervision in Hospitality and Tourism Industry Assignment
Words • 1820
Pages • 8
Case Study Converting HR from Cop to Coach A company’s HR director, Mary, invited me to sit in on a meeting with a senior executive, Morton, who wanted to fire a longtime employee in his department, Jerry, and sought Mary’s backing. For years, Jerry had underperformed, alienating co-workers and disappointing customers. Morton explained that he had given Jerry extra coaching, had tried performance improvement plans and had even switched Jerry to alternate supervisors. However, no sustained positive change had occurred.…...
EconomicsHealthHealth CareHobbyHospitalIndustry
Hospitality Industry In Hong Kong
Words • 999
Pages • 4
Therefore, there are more mainland cuisines traveler came to Hong Kong for business. It benefits to our company as the market are growing to a larger scale. We can gain revenue in accommodating the development of market. However, these issues also attract a lot of foreigner and mainland investors enter to the Hong Kong hospitality market. There are some potential competitors growing up that may be a threat of our company. Consequently, we need to analyze the market more frequently…...
EconomicsHealthHealth CareHospitalHospitality IndustryIndustry
Marion Memorial Hospital
Words • 345
Pages • 2
The Marion Camp Memorial Hospital provides convalescent care for patients with long-term illnesses as well as for patients who require extended periods at physical therapy. The average length of stay at the hospital is for months. The hospital is supported through a combination of state and federal funding, medicare payments, and private donations. Less than 10 percent of the hospital’s revenue is derived from the patients. The hospital director, H. John (Big Jack) Pace, has become increasingly concerned with the number…...
Health CareHospitalMedicineNursing
Century Hospitality
Words • 792
Pages • 4
The following sample essay on "Century Hospitality": the differences between the 18th century and contemporary hospital. According to Ackroyd (Ackroyd, 2005), London hospitality took its origins in “public place of cookery” by the Thames in the 12th century. Then followed cook shops in the 16th century and eating houses, taverns or coffee shops, incredibly famous in the 18th. Without denying, London hospitality has undergone lots of changes to become what it is nowadays. Or … has it? Are there real…...
CoffeeCultureHealth CareHospitalReasonResearch
Elizabeth Blackwell Siblings
Words • 712
Pages • 3
Speech on Elizabeth Blackwell “For what is done or learned by one class of woman becomes, by virtue of their common womanhood, the property of all woman. ” Elizabeth Blackwell once said. Elizabeth Blackwell was the first woman doctor in the USA and was the first woman to get her name added to the Medical Register in the United Kingdom. Without her there wouldn’t be as many woman doctors as there are today. Elizabeth Blackwell was born on February 3,…...
Health CareHospitalMedicinePhysician
Saint Xavier University Cnl Certificate Courses
Words • 249
Pages • 1
Saint Xavier University Online MBA Program No GMAT degree is designed for nurses who want to take their clinical expertise to the next level and take on the challenge of instituting more prominent and effective methods of patient care. These particular skills learned can be applied to most any clinical settings,as well as hospitals and doctors’ offices including rehabilitation centers and hospices along with Veterans Affairs Medical Centers. Our curriculum prepares our students for the Clinical Nurse Leader certification exam with class leading curriculum and faculty. The Saint…...
CurriculumHealth CareHospitalLearningPhysicianUniversity
Safe Staffing Nursing Essay
Words • 759
Pages • 4
Safe Staffing Staffing Essay Date: Safe Staffing Safe staffing affects all the stakeholders within a healthcare institution. Many hospitals lack the required number of registered nurses to take care of the patients and to monitor the patients’ health. This is mostly because the health care institutions have to work with a limited budget, and this means cutting some essential services. In many cases, this means reducing the required number of nurses in a healthcare setting. Nurses have an important role…...
Health CareHospitalMedicineNursing
Essay About Medical Technology
Words • 546
Pages • 3
Medical digitized records, powerful imaging devices, small sophisticated tools – medical technology plays an important role in modern healthcare system and significantly alter the provision of care. The world of medical technology is vast. It includes all the medicines, instruments, procedures, and support systems necessary to provide care. Recognized medical experts indicate that medicine become increasingly dependent on the technology. They already became a part of hospitals and even invade our homes. According to the experts, the technologies are used…...
DiseaseHealth CareHospitalMedicineTechnology
Pate Memorial Hospital Case
Words • 824
Pages • 4
In mid-April 2000, Pate Memorial Hospital (PMH) uncovered a concerning piece of news. This news was discovered by Sherri Worth, assistant administrator at Pate Memorial Hospital in charge of the hospital’s Pate Health Clinic (PHC). Worth discovered that a firm had been conducting a study to determine whether there was sufficient demand to establish a clinic five blocks north of the Pate Health Clinic, the opening date for this potential clinic was May 2001. Worth believed that the firm responsible…...
Health CareHospitalMedicinePatient
Johnson V. Misericordia Community Hospital
Words • 886
Pages • 4
In 1980, patient (plaintiff) James Johnson filed suit against Misericordia Community Hospital alleging medical malpractice. The suit specifically alleged corporate negligence in the appointment of Dr. Lester V. Salinksy (independent member) to the medical staff at Misericordia Community Hospital. During the surgery, Dr. Salinsky severed the femoral artery, resulting in partial paralysis for Johnson (casebriefs. com). Ultimately, Johnson suffered a permanent paralytic condition to his right thigh muscles with resultant atrophy and weakness as well as a loss of function…...
Common LawCommunityHealthHealth CareHospitalJustice
Dr Kolcaba’s Comfort Nursing Theory
Words • 1034
Pages • 5
Comfort theory was developed by Dr Kolcaba in 1984. She begins by analyzing the concept, which I think is a very important aspect to understanding the theory. The theory is based on the philosophy of holism. She views the person has a whole, consisting of a mental, emotional and spiritual life. According to Kolcaba comfort is the satisfaction of basic human needs for relief, ease, and transcendence arising from health care situations. After learning this theory I have understood three…...
Health CareHospitalNursing
The Case Of The Unhealthy Hospital
Words • 597
Pages • 3
Blake Memorial Hospital in Marksville recently hired Bruce Reid as their new CEO. The hospital and its clinics are not generating enough income. The hospital’s costs is rising, the quality of care is declining and is not generating enough revenue to cover the expenses. Bruce Reid was given a $70 million budget to improve the financial health of Blake Memorial and improve the quality of healthcare services. He was allowed only less than a week to finalize the budget and…...
Health CareHospitalMedicinePatient
Acute Hospital Care
Words • 915
Pages • 4
Acute care is medical treatment at a hospital which is short-term. Acute care is a level of health care in which a patient is treated for a brief but severe episode of illness, for conditions that are the result of disease or trauma, and during recovery from surgery. Acute care is generally provided in a hospital by a variety of clinical personnel using technical equipment, pharmaceuticals, and medical supplies. According to Connecticut public health code that regulates hospitals, an acute…...
Health CareHospitalMedicineSurgery
Outsourcing Hospital Services
Words • 422
Pages • 2
1. In some instances the outsourced service occurs in a different location, while in others it takes place inside the organization doing the outsourcing, ad the food service did in this case. What advantages were there in having the outsourced work performed within the hospital? Suppose a different hospital outsourced its food service but decided not to have the work performed in- house. What might its rationale be? The advantages in having the outsourced work performed within the hospital were…...
BusinessHealthHealth CareHospitalLifeOutsourcing
Hospital Sketches Alcott
Words • 329
Pages • 2
The chapter ‘A Night’, in Louisa May Alcott’s Hospital Sketches, is the most inspired chapter in the book. It tells the story of a fatally wounded Virginia blacksmith John, and it fell to Alcott to tell the dying man of his imminent fate and to pen John’s final letter home to his family as he dictated it. The man died while squeezing Alcott’s hand. She described that none of the deaths that she summoned in her life would make her…...
Health CareHospitalPainWar
Globalizing Health Care: The Key Facilitating Developments
Words • 506
Pages • 3
What are the facilitating developments that have allowed health care to start globalizing?Essay Example on What Are The Facilitating Developments That Have Allowed Health Care To Start Globalizing? There are many factors that have allowed health care to start globalizing such as the high cost of medical care and health insurance in the United State,: advances in the communication technologies permit the information to be shared almost immediately from place to place: hospitals whit a very high quality are emerging…...
GlobalizationHealth CareHospitalMedical TourismMedicineRadiology
Narrative Report For Research Paper
Words • 494
Pages • 2
Paper Type:Narrative essays
Southern Luzon State University College of Allied Medicine Lucban, Quezon NARRATIVE REPORT “Gumaca District Hospital and Magsaysay Memorial District Hospital” There are many truths of which the full meaning cannot be realized until personal experience has brought it home. True, isn’t it? I really believe that in life, its essence will never be determined until you never experienced the happiness of it. Same with our profession, the nursing profession, its core will never be felt until you put it into…...
CommunicationExperienceHospitalHuman NatureResearch
History Of Hospitals as an Insitution
Words • 704
Pages • 3
Hospitals originated in the 17th century primarily as an institution to provide housing and basic healthcare for the poor. It provided a haven to quarantine individuals to prevent the spread of highly contagious diseases. The technologies and vaccinations available did not allow for the comprehensive care we rely on today. Those who could afford clinical care would pay doctors and nurses to provide services in their home. In the early 19th century, as industrial cities became more populated, the demand…...
HealthHealth CareHospitalMedicinePatient
Personal Statement For Hospitality Industry
Words • 584
Pages • 3
Paper Type:Personal essays
My name is Donna Shafira Khakim, I am 20 years old but almost 21 years old. I am Indonesian, and now I am about to finish my study in State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya and my major is English for Hospitality Industry, hotelier and tourism practitioner. I am active in the student association since I am a freshman until I am in my last year of study. By joining this association, I gained many experiences, sharpening my soft skill such as…...
EconomicsHealthHealth CareHospitalHospitality IndustryIndustry
Having over 19 specialties Burjeel Day Surgery Centre caters
Words • 1199
Pages • 5
Having over 19 specialties, Burjeel Day Surgery Centre caters their services to all age groups from newborns to seniors. They have Pediatrics department which is solely dedicated to infants and adolescents.While they provide their services to both men and women, they also have gender specific services. They have Obstetrics and Gynecology department for women, along with services such as breast surgery and mammography. For men, they offer various diagnostic and therapeutic services for the male reproductive organs in the Urology…...
CatFamilyHealth CareHospitalMedicineSurgery
Milestone ProjectMelroseWakefield Hospital Kimberly A McCullough
Words • 713
Pages • 3
Milestone ProjectMelrose/Wakefield HospitalKimberly A. McCulloughBUS-530 Human Resource ManagementDr Catherine Sees.Colorado Christian UniversityHuman Resource PlanMelrose/Wakefield HospitalMelrose, MassachusettsIntroductionEvery institution, organization, sect, household and business need proper management to ensure a smooth running of such organizational set up. An institution such as an educational institution, if not properly managed, planned and controlled cannot achieve success. In order for an organization to function and perform successfully, there is a need to communicate freely among employees, employees and employers. In this plan it will mention…...
EducationHealthHealth CareHospitalLearningProject
Assignment CoversheetWR800 Wellness and Rehabilitation
Words • 2092
Pages • 9
Assignment CoversheetWR800 Wellness and Rehabilitation PrinciplesAssignment 1: Essay – Contemporary Approaches to Wellness and RehabilitationAssessment Number: OneDate Due: 6 September 2019Student ID Number: 2019009523Declaration• The work presented in this assignment is my own work.• I did the reading and planning.• I wrote the whole assignment• I have acknowledged the use of other people’s work.• I am unaware of any factors or circumstances that would impair my performance in this examination or assessment.Signed:Date Submitted:Date Received:?Summative Assignment OneWR 800“Al Hijamah in Saudi…...
Health CareHospitalMedicineSaudi Arabia
Access to Health Care
Words • 2230
Pages • 9
Access to health care refers to the individual’s ability to obtain and use needed services (Ellis & Hartley, 2008). Access to health care affects a multitude of people. Uninsured, underinsured, elderly, lower socioeconomic class, minorities, and people that live in remote areas are at the highest risk for lack of access to health care. There are also economical and political roles that complicate access to health care. Access to health care is a multi-faceted concept involving geographic, economics, or sociocultural…...
Health CareHospitalMedicineNursing
Hindustan Shipyard Apprenticeship
Words • 4979
Pages • 20
Board of Directors Chairman's Address Notice Directors’ Report Comment of the Controller and Auditor General of India Auditors' Report Balance Sheet Profit & Loss Account Schedules to the Accounts Notes Forming Part of Accounts Balance Sheet Abstact & Company's General Business Profile Cash Flow Statement Social Overheads Last ten years at a Glance Ships Built 1 3 6 10 21 28 33 34 35 45 59 60 61 63 65 Front Page Back Page : "M. V. Good Pride" 53,000…...
AuditCorporate Social ResponsibilityEmploymentHospitalNavy
Time Line of Jose Rizal's Travels
Words • 2498
Pages • 10
Jose Rizal: Timeline of his Travels and Adventures Rizal’s First Trip Abroad 3 May 1882 Rizal left Philippines for the first time Spain. He boarded the Salvadora using a passport of Jose Mercado, which was procured for him by his uncle Antonio Rivera, father of Leonor Rivera. He was accompanied to the quay where the Salvadora was moored by his uncle Antonio, Vicente Gella, and Mateo Evangelista. 9 May 1882 Rizal arrived at Singapore. 11 May 1882 In Singapore, at…...
Rituals of the Nacirema
Words • 1100
Pages • 5
To most of us, hospitals are a place to help you when you’re in need or want to get healthy. But for the Nacirema, it’s quite the opposite. According to the Nacirema ritual article, they call hospitals a latipso, which is hospital spelt backwards without the ‘H’. They discuss and caricature the repulsive viewings on what they think goes on in hospitals (latipso’s), or what they think they do. I will now tell you how in Miner’s perspective, the body…...
Shouldice Hospital Case
Words • 845
Pages • 4
1. ) How well is the hospital currently utilizing its bed? 90 beds x 7 days/ week = 630 beds available in a week 30 patients x 3 days x 5 days per week = 450 beds utilized 450 beds utilized / 630 availble beds = 71. 43% The hospital is currently utilizing 71. 43% of their beds, this is actually an ideal operating point. To increase its rate of utilization might decrease the service quality. 2. ) Develop a…...
Health CareHospitalPatientSurgery
Healing Hospital: A Daring Paradigm
Words • 1171
Pages • 5
The spirituality in a healing hospital starts with the Chief Executive Officer and spirals downward toward management, and then the frontline employees. Healing hospitals must have a form of culture that serves the community. This includes the building, its contents, the CEO, the managers, and caregivers. This is what leads to the care that entails the spiritual mixture that takes into account a person’s whole body, which includes the mind and spirit. Healing and spirituality should be at the forefront…...
Health CareHospitalNursingPatient
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