Essays on Nursing

Paperap is an online platform that provides a plethora of free essays on various topics, including nursing. The website is user-friendly and easy to navigate, making it convenient for students and professionals alike to find the information they need. Whether you're looking for research papers, case studies, or analysis essays, Paperap has a database of nursing-related content that can help you in your studies or career. The site is also regularly updated with new essays, ensuring that users have access to the most recent and relevant information. Overall, Paperap is a valuable resource for anyone interested in the field of nursing.
Burns Degrees and Treatment Essay
Words • 973
Pages • 4
There are many different types of burns. Within those types there are three degrees: first, second, third, and fourth. Fourth degree burns are not recognized by all professionals so only first, second, and third will be covered here. The most common, or basic, types of burns are from overexposure to the sun, exposure to heat such as fire, and chemical burns. For each degree of burn there are different treatments and procedures on how to deal with the burns properly.…...
Widow & Parrot: Virginia Woolf’s Background
Words • 429
Pages • 2
The Widow and the Parrot Virginia Woolf Author’s Background (1882-1941) British writer. Virginia Woolf became one of the most prominent literary figures of the early 20th century, with novels like Mrs. Dalloway (1925), Jacob’s Room (1922), To the Lighthouse (1927), and The Waves (1931). Woolf learned early on that it was her fate to be “the daughter of educated men. ” In a journal entry shortly after her father’s death in 1904, she wrote: “His life would have ended mine……...
HealthNursingVirginia Woolf
Difference Between Adn And Bsn Competencies
Words • 788
Pages • 4
The National Advisory Council on Nurse Education and Practice (NACNEP), policy advisors to Congress and the Secretary for Health and Human Services on nursing issues, has urged that at least two-thirds of the nurse workforce hold baccalaureate or higher degrees in nursing by 2010. Baccalaureate Nursing Program Baccalaureate nursing programs encompass all of the course work taught in associate degree and diploma programs plus a more in-depth treatment of the physical and social sciences, nursing research, public and community health,…...
Bachelor'S DegreeHealthHealth CareNursing
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Marion Memorial Hospital
Words • 345
Pages • 2
The Marion Camp Memorial Hospital provides convalescent care for patients with long-term illnesses as well as for patients who require extended periods at physical therapy. The average length of stay at the hospital is for months. The hospital is supported through a combination of state and federal funding, medicare payments, and private donations. Less than 10 percent of the hospital’s revenue is derived from the patients. The hospital director, H. John (Big Jack) Pace, has become increasingly concerned with the number…...
Health CareHospitalMedicineNursing
Mantegna Parnassus
Words • 667
Pages • 3
Symbolism in art can give viewers an infinite wealth of insight as it indirectly depicts meanings and ideas. Objects, persons, or images can be endowed with metaphorical representations. Symbols embody more than what we see at face value. Symbolism  can be achieved through different ways. In art, it could be achieved through the characterization of people, stories, use of visual techniques or objects with common connotations, etc. Instead of displaying only the aesthetic features, art takes a whole new level,…...
Where Is The Patis
Words • 303
Pages • 2
Seanursing student studying litreature of the philipines tomorrow is my finals i need answers so please help me A Filipino may denationalize himself but not his stomach. He may travel over the seven seas, the five continents and the two hemispheres and lose the savor of home, forget his identity and believe himself a citizen of the world. But he remains- gastronomically, at least- always a Filipino. For, if in no other way, the Filipino loves his country with his…...
Safe Staffing Nursing Essay
Words • 759
Pages • 4
Safe Staffing Staffing Essay Date: Safe Staffing Safe staffing affects all the stakeholders within a healthcare institution. Many hospitals lack the required number of registered nurses to take care of the patients and to monitor the patients’ health. This is mostly because the health care institutions have to work with a limited budget, and this means cutting some essential services. In many cases, this means reducing the required number of nurses in a healthcare setting. Nurses have an important role…...
Health CareHospitalMedicineNursing
Nurse Patient Relationship Essay
Words • 485
Pages • 2
Running head: Nurse-Patient Relationship 1 Nurse-Patient Relationship as a caring relationship Abra Nayo Central Connecticut State University Nursing 110-01: Introduction to Nursing Theories Dr. Linda Wagner November 28, 2011 Nurse-patient relationship as a caring relationship 2 The nurse-patient relationship is central to patient satisfaction and sets a tone of the care experience. Nurses are the health care professionals that spends the most time with the patients. By analyzing and understanding the factors that have the greatest impact on overall patient…...
Health CareLoveNursingPatientRelationship
Rn Vs Bsn Difference
Words • 925
Pages • 4
Running head: Associate Degree Nurse versus Baccalaureate Degree Nurse Associate Degree Nurse versus Baccalaureate Degree Nurse Valerie Castillo Grand Canyon University NRS 430-V September 19, 2010 Associate Degree Nurse versus Baccalaureate Degree Nurse A registered nurse (RN) is defined as a highly trained and skilled professional who cares for those that are sick (Quan, 2006). They are educated and trained to care for those that have chronic and acute illness, they are also taught to help those with wellness issues.…...
Health CareMedicineNursing
Role of Explicit and Implicit Group Norms
Words • 550
Pages • 3
Rules used by a group for appropriate or inappropriate behaviors, beliefs, values and attitudes can either be explicit or implicit. Explicit norms outline clearly the rules and purpose of a group and the expected behavior is codified and documented, while implicit norms are the informal expectations which emerge from daily interactions within a group. Although they are not documented, members of a group are expected to abide by them since they are embedded in the fabrics of the society with…...
Human NatureJusticeNursingPunishment
Novice To Expert
Words • 755
Pages • 4
NOVICE TO EXPERT NURSE LEADER By Gwen Travis Gonzaga University NURS 553 The path to nursing leadership most often progresses from novice to expert nurse and then onto a novice nurse manager. The novice nurse manager is asked to lead and rarely given the tools or knowledge to be successful in this new role. The Dreyfus Model of Skill Acquisition discussed by Patricia Benner includes the following five levels of competency in the clinical nurse (Benner, 1982): * Level I…...
CommunicationHuman NatureMentorshipNursing
Community Health Nursing Reflection
Words • 893
Pages • 4
Paper Type:Reflective essays
Maricopa community schools are the localschools for the Gila River Indian Community. Native Americanchildren attending these schools are generally obese and do not participate in extra-curricular activities. The Leading Health Indicator (LHI) that applies is Children and adolescentswho are considered obese. Recognizing this LHI, nursing diagnoses canbe generated followed by nursing interventions and finallya communityhealthpartnership that will positively influence obesity. Also, while exploring these various steps, examples of hownursing can advocate community change will be shown. However, the role of…...
CommunityHealthHealth CareNursingNutritionObesity
Copar Nursing, Herbal and Formulated Remedies Sample
Words • 680
Pages • 3
Issues in relation to how to use herbal plants properly, poor hygienic practices of children, health risks during calamities and malnutrition on children were identified. Formulated remedies were taught in association with the residents. Together with the application of the fundamental concepts, knowledge, and principles of the nursing profession, needs and deficiencies perceived by the residents were addressed. The first priority for COPRA interventions was their lack of knowledge on how o use the herbal plants, and of what were…...
Human NatureHygieneNursingPrivacy
Nightingale’s Environmental Theory Application
Words • 280
Pages • 2
Florence Nightingale Environment Theory of Nursing. Major concepts essential to the Theory. Patient care theory, environmentally oriented, where the patient environment should be altered to allow nature to act on the patient. (Alligator, 2010). Nurses are to use common sense, observation and initiative to allow nature to heal the patient. The use of Nightingales thirteen canons: Ventilation, Warmth Light Cleanliness of rooms Health of houses Noise Bed and bedding Variety. Chattering of hopes and advice Food Personal cleanliness Observation Approaches,…...
CommunicationFlorence NightingaleHuman NatureNatureNightNursing
Hierarchy Of Evidence Pyramid In Nursing
Words • 538
Pages • 3
Evidence Based Practice: Assignment 2 Evidence Based Practice Essay Topics Assignment 2 1. Summary The search was based on the hierarchy of evidence pyramid. It was based on three levels of filtered information and one level of unfiltered information. Each level was achieved different results. At each level, it was important to sift through the data to ensure that only relevant information was used to build a case for the topic (Jacobson 2005). The search procedure used several databases to…...
Health CareNursingResearch
Concept Of Community Health Nursing
Words • 761
Pages • 4
Concepts of Community Health Nursing Introduction Of Community Health Nursing Concepts of Community Health Nursing Therapeutic Communication & Interpersonal Relationship in Nurse-Client Relationship One of the main objectives intrinsic within community health nursing is therapeutic communication and interpersonal relationship between nurses and clients. Such aspects within the nurse-client relationship are in respect to the facers of the relationship, which include respect, expert intimacy, trust, power and empathy (Allender & Warner, 2010). Regardless of the period and time of interaction and…...
CommunicationCommunityHealthHealth CareNursing
Dr Kolcaba’s Comfort Nursing Theory
Words • 1034
Pages • 5
Comfort theory was developed by Dr Kolcaba in 1984. She begins by analyzing the concept, which I think is a very important aspect to understanding the theory. The theory is based on the philosophy of holism. She views the person has a whole, consisting of a mental, emotional and spiritual life. According to Kolcaba comfort is the satisfaction of basic human needs for relief, ease, and transcendence arising from health care situations. After learning this theory I have understood three…...
Health CareHospitalNursing
Critical Thinking Competency
Words • 248
Pages • 1
Paper Type:Critical essays
 The professional advancement for nurses is a lifelong process that can be achieved through continuous education and efficient clinical development. The primary objective of nurses’ professional development is to sustain clinical competency to enhance patients’ care outcomes. The nurses’ responsibility is to maintain professional standards and knowledge to be able to implement highest levels of medical services to patients and members of the community. To provide an efficient and safe patient care nurses must implement in daily practice respectively developed…...
CommunicationCritical ThinkingHealth CareNursingThought
Family Centered Care Theory
Words • 828
Pages • 4
 Orem’s Contribution to Nursing Theory: Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory description of category of theory is a set of broad concepts, definitions, relationships developed and assumptions or propositions created from nursing models or from other disciplines and projects of purposes that are required for care of by individual patient, family and community (Current Nursing,2013). Orem’s approach to the nursing process provides a method to determine the self-care deficits and then to define the roles of patient or nurse to meet the…...
FamilyHealth CareHuman NatureNursingTheory
Clinical Case Studies For Nursing Students
Words • 895
Pages • 4
Imagine you are following the doctor as part of your nursing training. Before you enter the examining room the physician pulls the chart off the door and hands it to you. You enter the room and greet the patient.  What is your tentative diagnosis? Each question is worth 3pts. Clinical Case 1 The throat is red, raw, and has a “beefy” look; lymph nodes are swollen, patient is feverish and fever is high: blood samples reveal bacteria in a chain.…...
EducationEpidemiologyHealthInfectious DiseasesLearningMedicine
Many Things Arouse My Interest
Words • 764
Pages • 4
I can remember vividly from childhood, it is that I always wondered how a tablet or any other medication managed to for instance relieve headache. I was not too satisfied with just knowing that a particular formulation was capable of treating a specific condition. I also wanted to know the how and why of the whole process that took place in the human body. But that wasnt all, knowing myself to be a people person, the possibility of sharing this…...
Human NatureNursingPharmacy
Title: International Nursing Student in Australia
Words • 614
Pages • 3
The Title Page:ID number:Student Name:Unit Code and Title:Name of Unit Coordinator:Due Date:Word count:As an international nursing student in Australia we need to be familiarize with the health care system, this week topic help us future nurses to expand our knowledge and skills to practice safety and competently in different health care settings.  As I observed my personal encounter with cultural diversity in the Aged care, I have discovered that difficulty in understanding each other’s languages is a challenge in the delivery of…...
Critical Awareness of Evidence Based Practice
Words • 1589
Pages • 7
The following sample essay on: "Critical Awareness of Evidence Based Practice". Critiquing must be an impersonal evaluation and to avoid having confirmation bias, which is the tendancy to process information by looking for, or interpretating information that is consistent with ones existing beliefs. The CASP framework I have worked on a ward for nearly 29 years prior to my latest role. Evidence based practice has been the driving force for improved patient care with Health care organisations all across the…...
Critical ThinkingLearningNursingResearchWork
Nursing Care Plan For Self Care Deficit Related To Stroke
Words • 638
Pages • 3
Applying Dorothea Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Theory To Practice Dorothea Orem developed her self-care deficit theory of nursing under three interrelated theories known as the theory of self-care, theory of self-care deficit, and theory of nursing systems. Each of these theories explains concepts of basic conditioning factors to support her general theory. Orem’s theory suggests that all individuals have a need for self-care action on a continuous basis. When self-care can no longer be performed due to injury or illness the…...
DiseaseHealthHealth CareHuman NatureMedicineNursing
Personal Philosophy Of Advanced Practice Nursing In Primary Care
Words • 404
Pages • 2
Essay Example on Nurse Practitioner Philosophy Statement Examples My doctrine for advanced pattern nursing ( APN ) is an extension of the doctrine of my nursing pattern. I plan to organize a partnership with my patients in which compassionate. holistic. grounds based attention will take to the patient keeping optimum wellness and health. Advance Practice Nurses focus wholly on the patient by pityingly turn toing every facet of the patient’s needs. My end is to educate and promote the patient…...
HealthLifeNursingPersonal PhilosophyPersonalityPhilosophy
Critical Inquiry Nursing
Words • 373
Pages • 2
Essay Example on Critical Inquiry Nursing Question 1- Harmonizing to Kerr et Al ( 2012 ) . the intent of the survey is to analyze the nurses’ sentiments on the debut of a medical administrative to the enrolled nurses and its impact in the mistake rate of medicine.Essay Example on Critical Inquiry Nursing Question 2- The author’s principle was to: -To examine nurses’ sentiments on enrolled medical disposal -To analyze whether the enrolled nurses debut effects of the medicine mistake…...
Evolution Of Nursing Essay
Words • 307
Pages • 2
The history of nursing research begins with Florence Nightingale. In fact, it is nursing research that governs and determines the elements of the nursing practice in general. Great care, detail, and educational study comprises nursing research. When a nurse makes a medical decision, it is believed that he or she will make judgments that are supported by and characteristic of the current trends in nursing research. If a nurse does not act in harmony with nursing research, he or she…...
BiologyEvolutionHealthHealth CareMedicineNursing
What Is Scientific Management Theory In Nursing
Words • 234
Pages • 1
Scientific Management Theory by Frederick Winslow Taylor Based on the scientific management theory, what are some of the routines in health care that seem to be inefficient? What examples of participative decision making exist in your workplace? Provide your rationale. The Scientific Management approach was initially described and theorized by Frederick Winslow Taylor in the in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. In his book “Principles of Scientific Management”, first published in 1911, Frederick Taylor formulated a view on…...
HealthHuman NatureManagementNursingScientific Management
Hsa Long-Term Care Management
Words • 1332
Pages • 6
The following example essay on "Hsa Long-Term Care Management" looks at meeting needs at BNH. The order in which BNH should fill the main unstaffed position. Blumberg's institution is a 100-bed sanatorium in residential district metropolis, PA. The institution could be a health care and Medicare certified facility additionally. The administration required to giving up three essential positions from the staff; the Director of Nursing (DON), secretary, aboard the dietary aid, for improper conduct. All of them been participating with…...
EmploymentEthicsLeadershipNursingNursing Home
nursing is caring
Words • 1272
Pages • 6
The following sample essay on "Nursing is Caring": describing import aspects of nursing and role of caring in work as nurse. Introduction Leo Buscaglia wrote “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” (4) Caring is defined differently and interpreted differently by nurses and patients. By answering the following questions, I…...
Human NatureNursingPatient
Reflection on Mental Health
Words • 1259
Pages • 6
Paper Type:Reflective essays
Introduction Reflection is an essential tool in the field of medicine that every practitioner ought to embrace. In this paper I will categorically discuss how my reflection of an encounter with a lady aged twenty five years experiencing depression as a consequent of a series of relationship break ups during my clinical practicum has helped me hone further my experience in the field of medicine. In this particular situation, I will use Gibbs Reflective Cycle to help me deduce the…...
Health CareMental DisorderMental HealthNursingPhysician
Professional Development of Nursing Professionals
Words • 1025
Pages • 5
“The IOM is an independent, nongovernment organization that gives advice to people in decision-making positions… The opinions of the IOM are highly regarded and carry weight in legislative decision” (Grand Canyon University[GCU], n. d. , para. 6). This paper will explore the impact on nursing of the IOM report, focusing on the topics of education, nursing practice, and the role of the nurse as a leader. In the chapter Transforming Education, the IOM committee identified “major changes in the U.…...
Solutions to Nursing Shortage
Words • 326
Pages • 2
Nevidjon, B. & Erickson, J. (2001, January 31). The Nursing Shortage: Solutions for the Short and Long Term. Available at The article provides overview of possible solutions to nursing shortage. The authors suggest that nursing shortage will become serious problem in near future and traditional strategies will have less success. Therefore, solutions should be developed in education, healthcare deliver systems, policy and regulations, and image. Management Solutions For Combating Workforce Shortages. (2005, January). Available at It is mentioned…...
CommunicationHuman NatureManagementNursing
Access to Health Care
Words • 2230
Pages • 9
Access to health care refers to the individual’s ability to obtain and use needed services (Ellis & Hartley, 2008). Access to health care affects a multitude of people. Uninsured, underinsured, elderly, lower socioeconomic class, minorities, and people that live in remote areas are at the highest risk for lack of access to health care. There are also economical and political roles that complicate access to health care. Access to health care is a multi-faceted concept involving geographic, economics, or sociocultural…...
Health CareHospitalMedicineNursing
Nursing Process
Words • 1505
Pages • 7
The nursing process is described as being an individualised problem solving approach in which patients receive nursing care. The nursing process consists of four distinct phases, each having a discreet role in the process, theses phases of the process are: assessment, planning, intervention and evaluation. (Oxford Dictionary of Nursing 2003) It is important that the four stages of the process from assessment to evaluation are carried out sequentially because each phase follows logically from one to the other. As a…...
Health CareMedicineNursingPatient
An Ethical Dilemma in the Health Care
Words • 1059
Pages • 5
An Ethical Dilemma in the Health Care Setting Bobbi K. Handy HCS/478 November 29, 2010 Barbara Scheibe, RNC, MSN An Ethical Dilemma in the Health Care Setting Ethical dilemmas in the health care setting present themselves almost daily. It is imperative that the health care worker be able to understand when an ethical dilemma presents itself and know how to deal with the dilemma in the best interest of all involved. Many ethical dilemmas that health care workers face are…...
AbuseAutonomyChild AbuseEthical DilemmaEthicsHealth
Developmental Autobiography
Words • 1015
Pages • 5
Human Growth and Development DEP 2000 Jochy Martinez Activity 3: Chapter 18 Essay Questions Explain Erik Erickson’s views on older adulthood Erikson felt that much of life is preparing for the middle adulthood stage and the last stage is recovering from it. Perhaps that is because as older adults we can often look back on our lives with happiness and are content, feeling fulfilled with a deep sense that life has meaning and we've made a contribution to life, a…...
Health CareNursingNursing HomeRetirement
Lateral Violence
Words • 2252
Pages • 10
The Negative Effects of “Nurses Eating their Young” and how to stop them Kenton David Peacock, RN Chipola College BSN Program Jonna Bradley, ARNP, Instructor The Nursing profession is not one that one would expect to be riddled with acts of violence among colleagues. A common saying among new nurses relating to more seasoned nurses is that “Nurses eat their young”. Two of the reasons that were cited as factors in lateral violence, according to a journal article in Virginia…...
Health CareNursingViolence
Nursing Jurisprudence
Words • 3543
Pages • 15
LEGAL & ETHICAL issues in Nursing Nursing Etiquette concerned with moral principle governing the conduct of nurses towards patients, physicians, colleagues, the nursing profession and public Ethics part of philosophy that deals with systematic approaches to questions of morality a term for the study of how we make judgments regarding right and wrong a system of MORAL PRINCIPLES or moral standards governing conduct Moral human conduct in the application of ethics Concerned with JUDGMENT PRINCIPLES of right and wrong in…...
Common LawCrimeEthicsJusticeLawNursing
Skills Required to Provide Clinical Leadership in Mental Health Nursing
Words • 1169
Pages • 5
The role of nurses within the healthcare industry has always been a pivotal one. Increasingly, nurses have started assuming greater significance in providing necessary technical assistance as well as adding a humane touch to the patients and their families. An area of particular interest is leadership in nursing mental health, as greater number of people is seeking assistance for psychiatric and psychological problems such as anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, senility, etc. In this context, an analysis of the wide array of…...
BusinessHealthLeadershipLifeMental HealthNursing
We've found 178 essay examples on Nursing

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Where Is The Patis
...Seanursing student studying litreature of the philipines tomorrow is my finals i need answers so please help me A Filipino may denationalize himself but not his stomach. He may travel over the seven seas, the five continents and the two hemispheres a...
What Is Scientific Management Theory In Nursing
...Enhanced productivity would not only lead to greater profits for the employers, but also for the workers, who would be given the tools and training to perform at optimum performance. The development of best practices should be based on detailed obser...
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