Essays on Natural Resources

Free essays on Natural Resources are academic papers that explore the global distribution, production, utilization, and preservation of natural resources. They delve into the ecological, economic, and social implications of resource depletion, environmental pollution, and climate change. These essays examine various strategies for sustainable resource management, including conservation, alternative energy development, and international cooperation. They also discuss the ethical considerations and policy implications of natural resource exploitation and preservation. Free essays on Natural Resources provide valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities facing humanity in the use and conservation of natural resources.
Natural resource in Thailand
Words • 2777
Pages • 12
In Thailand, it is not rare for one to hear the phrase “Same, same, but different.” While seemingly contradictory, and even suggested to have merely originated from broken English rather than a philosophical understanding, the phrase is accepted as a simple truth; that while things might seem similar, there are still certain nuances that distinguish them. This sentiment can often apply to issues of displacement. Refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) might endure similar circumstances, or even flee from the…...
Natural Resources
The Sun is an entity
Words • 1345
Pages • 6
American astronomer and astrophysicist Carl Sagan once said, “Our ancestors worshipped the Sun, and they were not that foolish. It makes sense to revere the Sun and the stars, for we are their children.” The Sun is an entity that was one of the most crucial to be created, but is often pushed into the back our minds as we go about our daily routine. It has become some thing the we just accept is there and is an unchanging…...
Natural Resources
Health science work 
Words • 632
Pages • 3
Health care continues to grow, it is important to keep up with health trends that change often. Reasons for health care expansion include the economy, updated technology, illness trends. Updated technology helps patients acquire the help they need faster and more efficiently while assisting physicians to be able to give patients better treatment. In the assignment given to the class that was on different health trends, we were arranged into groups, and we had to discuss and write about the…...
Natural Resources
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Discovering Thailand’s Wonders
Words • 2558
Pages • 11
Thailand is located in southeast Asia, where they are known for many things. Some of the most known are the smiling land, breathtaking beaches, and historical landmarks to visit. In Thailand people can be some of the friends you’ve met, with presenting you with the wai or a small smile. If any of these dont take place its accepted as being extremely rude and bad for your health. Thailand started has an agricultural country which has now been changed in…...
Natural Resources
Natural resources
Words • 1057
Pages • 5
In recent years, natural resources had been rapidly reduced due to people’s usage. In the resources that people wasted, most of them had harmful chemicals. These harmful substances were also an important factor affecting the environment. Therefore, In 2014-2019, California has proposed some law on plastic bags, plastic straws, and paper receipts. California believed this is more effective in reducing the damaged of harmful substances to nature and could gradually prevent the reduction of environmental resources, and this also helped…...
Natural Resources
Environmental/ natural analysis
Words • 1260
Pages • 6
Rethink is a start-up brand that provides innovative solutions for disposing, collecting, and delivering non-recyclable plastic waste to fuel derived fuel plants. The objective is to reduce the large amount of plastic waste found in the ocean. This study is the basis for a marketing plan. rethink will conduct a situational analysis which will focus on the macro environment and its impact on the waste management sector. Several research tools and instruments will be explored – bearing in mind the…...
Natural Resources
Agriculture Development Strategy
Words • 1233
Pages • 5
As a part of a 20-year agriculture development policy, Agriculture Development Strategy (ADS) 2015 to 2035, the Ministry of Agricultural Development intends to revitalize and modernize agriculture in Nepal. The strategic framework of ADS aims to focus on 5 main areas: Food and Nutrition Security, Poverty Reduction, Agricultural Trade Competitiveness, Higher and more equitable Income and Farmers’ Rights ensured and strengthened. One of the main programs of ADS is the Prime Minister Agriculture Modernization Project (PMAMP) which was started in…...
Natural Resources
Essays on natural resources
Words • 2508
Pages • 11
Climate change first became news and gained media coverage thirty-two years ago when, in 1988, scientific reports with reference to global warming showing evidence of a significant rise in global temperatures as a result of the negative impacts of carbon emissions and the concentration of greenhouse gases, mainly from fossil fuel burning, became front-page news. Since then, further research on climate change has been carried out and executed linking additional human-induced factors that aggravate this phenomenon, such as deforestation, agriculture…...
Natural Resources
Advantages Disadvantages Deforestation Essay Points
Words • 1011
Pages • 5
This topic will help you to understand the advantages and disadvantages of deforestation. Forests are often referred to as the lungs of planet earth. They are the primary source of numerous resources that are important for our survival. They not only provide the major amount of oxygen, they also provide habitat to the majority of the wild life.  Although forests are an important asset for our planet, deforestation is causing a sharp decline in it its quality as well as…...
DeforestationNatural EnvironmentNatural ResourcesPollutionWater
Compare the Effectiveness of Wetlands vs Reservoirs in Flood Mitigation
Words • 2566
Pages • 11
ABSTRACT: The following sample essay on Compare the Effectiveness of Wetlands vs Reservoirs in Flood Mitigation Nowadays in Sri Lanka, small size wetlands located in urban environment are developed as the useful and profitable area for the community. For the example, wetlands are developed as urban parks, jogging tracks with small reservoir, relaxing area, grounds, commercial developments…etc. With this kind of develop-ment flood retention function of the wetland is completely changed or lost. So, small size reservoir is added to…...
FloodNatural EnvironmentNatural ResourcesWater
Essay On Petroleum And Oil Conservation
Words • 2015
Pages • 9
This sample essay on Essay On Petroleum And Oil Conservation reveals arguments and important aspects of this topic. Read this essay's introduction, body paragraphs and the conclusion below.After fossil fuels are created and depleted, they cannot be replaced in our civilization. This extremely long process takes thousands of years and if we were to replenish the depleted fossil fuels it would take millions of years. 2) How are fossil fuels formed? How do environmental conditions determine what type Of fossil…...
ChemistryCommunicationConservationEnergyEnergy SourcesNatural Environment
Consumption Of Natural Resources
Words • 1097
Pages • 5
The following sample essay on Consumption Of Natural Resources offers a framework of relevant facts based on recent research in the field. Read the introductory part, body, and conclusion of the paper below. A natural resource can be defined as an item that after necessary processing or manufacture is useful and hence meets the needs of the society. Natural resources can be divided into two categories. Renewable and non-renewable. Renewable resources are those which after use will be replenished, if…...
DeforestationNatural EnvironmentNatural ResourcesNatureWater
Overpopulation Of Deer
Words • 774
Pages • 4
Without a plan, the effects to Marshland’s natural ecosystem and the farming and agricultural communities could be devastating and costly, not to mention lead to an increase in deer related vehicle collisions. The over population Of the white tailed deer has had a significant impact on the ecology of the forest and the Chesapeake Bay. Studies done by the Department of Natural Resources show that the over grazing of ground level vegetation by deer, has led to a decrease in…...
AgricultureEcologyEcosystemHuntingNatural EnvironmentNatural Resources
Natural Gas Advantages And Disadvantages
Words • 814
Pages • 4
Where are the nonrenewable sources of energy located? • How easy is it to gain access to these sources? • What are the consequences of using these sources (fuels)? • What are the costs (direct and indirect) of using these sources? Are there viable alternative sources of fuel? • What is the current cost of crude oil and other forms of energy? • What else have you learned about these resources? • What is the political environment for these energy…...
EnergyEnergy SourcesNatural EnvironmentNatural GasNatural ResourcesTransport
Farming In The Bahamas
Words • 294
Pages • 2
There are two (2) main types of farming they are: Subsistence Farming – the practice of self-sufficiency, In the way of the farmer, farming on a small scale, so that It Is enough for their own personal usage. The process of subsistence farming takes place when a piece of land Is cleared using the slash and burn method which Is to cut all greenery on the land down, dry It for a few days or so ,then burn it to…...
AgricultureFarmFarmerFood IndustryNatural Resources
Open Field System
Words • 899
Pages • 4
The open field system is an ancient method of farming, which has been succeeded by newer, more advanced techniques. This system covered half the arable land in Britain at one time, mainly in the Midlands, East Anglia, Central and Southern England. Some areas had either never used this method or had been converted to the enclosure method previously. These areas included North Wales, Cornwall and the Lake District.The open field system consists usually of three large fields. The fields are…...
AgricultureCultureFood IndustryNatural Resources
Natural Resources Essay
Words • 962
Pages • 4
Natural resources are materials and components (something that can be used) that can be found within the environment. Every man-made product is composed of natural resources (at its fundamental level). A natural resource may exist as a separate entity such as fresh water, and air, as well as a living organism such as a fish, or it may exist in an alternate form which must be processed to obtain the resource such as metal ores, oil, and most forms of…...
Environmental ScienceNatural EnvironmentNatural ResourcesNatureResources
Natural and Forest Environment in India
Words • 280
Pages • 2
Nature is the greatest boon to human society. It beautifies the land, stimulates the winds, and preserves the ecological balance. The role of forests in Indian society is a more important one. There are many kinds of forests. These are hill forest, evergreen forest, coniferous forest, deciduous forest and desert forest. The forest is based on natural landscape, climatic condition and ratio of the rainfall. Uses of the forest: Forest is the wealth of nation. Trees purify the air by…...
DeforestationForestNatural EnvironmentNatural ResourcesNature
Paraguay Currency Name
Words • 286
Pages • 2
Mushfika Chowdhury Ms. Vives Spanish Paraguay Paraguay is a country in South America. It is surrounded by Brazil, Argentina, and Bolivia. Most people know Paraguay as Paraguay, but the country s official name is Republic of Paraguay. In 2011 it has said that Paraguay has approximately a population of 6,568,290. Most people are living in the oriental region. The country’s official language is Spanish as well as Guarani. The oriental eastern region has hills, waterfalls, exotic plants and the forest.…...
AgricultureFood IndustryNatural Resources
Role of Human Activities in Maintaining the Biodiversity
Words • 764
Pages • 4
Humans play an important role in maintaining the biodiversity of semi-natural habitats. Such areas are managed to prevent succession, conserve rare species and try to improve species richness. This conservation is putting to good use the country resources for amenity and recreation. Semi-natural ecosystems have many important values, including economic, environmental, wildlife, archival and heritage. Without human activities the biodiversity of semi-natural ecosystems would more than likely decrease in response to succession, agricultural processes, including nutrient enrichment, and to atmospheric…...
AgricultureEcosystemEnvironmental ScienceNatural EnvironmentNatural Resources
Alternative Sources Of Energy Essay
Words • 368
Pages • 2
How can alternative sources of energy be harnessed effectively? Written by Jill (Huimei ZHOU) Nowadays, there are more and more alternative sources of energy for people to use. But in order to harness these alternative sources of energy effectively, different countries take different actions based on their own natural resources. This essay will show that how to make full use of energy from different countries’ viewpoints. Undenied, many years ago, a lot of countries just use the fossil fuels to…...
EnergyEnergy SourcesNatural EnvironmentNatural ResourcesRenewable EnergyRenewable Resources
The On Groundwater Lab
Words • 511
Pages • 3
The following sample essay on The On Groundwater Lab. The answer is the fourth, fifth and sixth well-portions where there is a lower ground elevation. 12. 9 In Figures 12. AAA and B, two depressions are occupied by water, whereas others are dry. Explain the presence and absence of ponds in these two figures. In figure A, the pond was prevented into diminishing due to the saturated area brought about by the resistant clay in the first pond in figure…...
LakeNatural EnvironmentNatural ResourcesWater
Flood control methods Structural measuresMohammad Reza
Words • 1186
Pages • 5
The following sample essay on flood control methods; Structural measures Mohammad Reza Ghaemdoust Abstract Regarding that flood risks threaten the lives of many humans, today's understanding with such dangers and damages caused by it, as well as evaluation and coping with strategies, are those of great importance in urban management systems. Basically complete control and containment of flood is practically impossible due to physical and economic inability, except for some cases. Therefore, the concept of flood control in practice is…...
FloodNatural EnvironmentNatural ResourcesRiverWater
Chipko Movement in India Case Study
Words • 596
Pages • 3
Case Study on Chipko Movement The Chipko movement of the Uttarakhand region in the northwest part of India began as a communal reaction of local villagers to protect their forests from commercial deforestation practices. The term “Chipko” which literally means “to embrace”, was designated to these villagers who reacted by actually hugging the trees. It became so popular that the movement spread throughout all of India and different parts of Asia. Local women of the region are central to the…...
AgricultureNatural EnvironmentNatural Resources
well point system of dewatering
Words • 1174
Pages • 5
WELL POINT SYSTEM OF DEWATERINGManasa S1, Dr.P.Shivananda21student of first year MTech (T.E & M), Reva University, Bangalore, India2 professor, Department of Civil Engineering Reva University, Bangalore-560064, India [email protected] [email protected]: Dewatering techniques mainly control the common and complicated problems like groundwater or water logging. Construction dewatering can become a costly issue if overlooked during project planning. The aim of dewatering techniques is to permit the structure to be constructed “in the dry”. This leads to concepts like pre-drainage of soil, control…...
Civil EngineeringConstructionNatural ResourcesWater
Words • 885
Pages • 4
SHIP AGENCY AND OPERATIONS(SH5008FP)WRITTEN REPORTINDIVIDUAL PROJECT8 JULY 2019Name: Md Fadhli Bin RahmanClass: BH1804UTable of ContentsTOC o "1-7" h z u | Introduction PAGEREF _Toc13409378 h 3| Background PAGEREF _Toc13409379 h 3| Objectives PAGEREF _Toc13409380 h 4| Identification and Analyse of Issues or Problems PAGEREF _Toc13409381 h 4| Recommendations PAGEREF _Toc13409382 h 5| Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc13409383 h 6| References PAGEREF _Toc13409384 h 7| IntroductionSingapore shipping industry continues to boost efforts to meet emission goals in today’s world. They are stepping up…...
ChemistryEnergyEnergy SourcesNatural EnvironmentNatural Resources
National Afforestation and Eco Development Board
Words • 364
Pages • 2
Benefits of Afforestation : It restores ecological balance of all eco systems. It maintains biological diversity It act as catchments for the soil and water conservation Plating tress can stabilize soils by increasing interception Prevent floods and safeguard future of the tribal people. Bring soil together and prevent soil erosion. Afforestation act as windbreaks Stabilized the climate and the forest products. There is the constant need to develop massive afforestation programmes for the protection nad preservation of the forestry on…...
EcologyForestNatural EnvironmentNatural Resources
Rainforest: A Tropical Biome
Words • 757
Pages • 4
With an average of 50 to 260 inches (125 to 660 cm.) of rain falls yearly, the tropical rain forest is a forest of lofty trees in a district of year-round humidity. Rain forests fit in to the tropical wet climate group. The warmth in a rain forest hardly ever gets higher than 93 °F (34 °C) or drops below 68 °F (20 °C); regular moisture is between 77 and 88%; precipitation is often more than 100 inches a year.…...
AgricultureNatural EnvironmentNatural ResourcesNatureRain
Types of Rocks.
Words • 599
Pages • 3
Types of Rocks Geologists classify rocks in three groups, according to the major Earth processes that formed them. The three rock groups are igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks. Anyone who wishes to collect rocks should become familiar with the characteristics of these three rock groups. Knowing how a geologist classifies rocks is important if you want to transform a random group of rock specimens into a true collection. Igneous rocks are formed from melted rock that has cooled and solidified.…...
GeologyMaterialsNatural Resources
Mechanical Weathering Explanation
Words • 555
Pages • 3
What is mechanical weathering ? when physical forces break rock into smaller and smaller pieces without changing the rocks mineral composition What is frost wedging ? when water freezes and expands it enlarges the cracks after many freeze thaw cycles the rocks break into pieces when water freezes its volume __ increases Which of the following is NOT associated with mechanical weathering ? reactions with oxygen What is chemical weathering ? Is the transformation of rock into one or more…...
ChemistryFlashcardsGeologyMaterialsNatural EnvironmentNatural Resources
Wetland Research Paper
Words • 4695
Pages • 19
The following is an example of an essay about a Wetland Research Paper. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. Construction is another threat because as the population grows the demand for affordable housing goes up. Also with a rise in population comes a demand for food, which leads the to last and most destructive threat to wetlands, farming. Farming is all the threats to wetlands rolled into one; it builds over hundreds of acres of…...
AgricultureNatural EnvironmentNatural ResourcesRiverWater
Diagnostic Subsurface Horizons
Words • 469
Pages • 2
Agric -illuvial horizon formed under cultivation-significant amounts of illuvial silt, clay and humus-directly below Ap horizon-thickness of 10cm or greater Albic -eluvial horizon that is lightly colored and low in clay and oxides (leaching)-1cm or greater-separate horizons that, if they were together, would meet requirements for a mollie epipedon or separate lamellae that together would be an argillic horizon Anhydritic -anhydrite accumulation through neoformation and transformation-hue of 5Y, chroma (moist and dry) of 1 or 2, and value of 7…...
ChemistryMaterialsNatural ResourcesResources
Understanding Evapotranspiration: Hydrologists’ Research on Earth’s Waters
Words • 561
Pages • 3
Hydrologists the scientists who study Earth’s waters, evapotranspiration A little less than two-thirds of the rain that falls on land evaporates back to the atmosphere from land surfaces and plant leaves The water balance coefficient is a general index of the availability of water in a particular region. It is calculated by subtracting potential evaporation from rainfall. In arid regions, water balance coefficientsare negative. In the world’s deserts, for example, they vary between –200 and –300 cm (–79 and –118…...
Natural EnvironmentNatural ResourcesRiverWater
Water in Nature Questions and Answers
Words • 733
Pages • 3
Describe the water cycle ? Water constantly moves among the oceans the atmosphere the solid Earth and the biosphere Plants release water into the atmosphere through a process called ? Transpiration Balance in the water cycle means that ? average annual precipitation over Earth equals the amount of water that evaporates The ability of a stream to erode and transport material depends largely on its ? Velocity The single most important erosion agent on Earth is ? WATER Along straight…...
GeologyNatural EnvironmentNatural ResourcesRiverWater
Description of the English Valley Carding Mill
Words • 2896
Pages • 12
The following sample essay is a description of the English Carding Valley. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. How and why does the human land use of the valley change as the river moves downstream and does this Impact on the river? Carding mill valley is in Shorebird, England. It is 22. Km northwest of Trochaic; it is part of long mind. The valley in total stretches 2 miles and spans 5 sq miles in…...
FloodGeologyNatural EnvironmentNatural ResourcesRiverWater
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