Essays on Learning

Free essays on learning are written to help students understand the different theories, methods, and practices related to the acquisition and development of knowledge and skills. These essays cover a wide range of topics, including the psychology of learning, principles of effective teaching, instructional design, e-learning, and more. They contain useful insights, research findings, and real-life examples that help readers gain a deeper understanding of how learning works and how it can be optimized. These free essays on learning are typically written by experts in the field or talented students who have a passion for the subject matter, and serve as valuable resources for anyone interested in improving their learning experience.
Application Of Triaxial Test
Words • 367
Pages • 2
The information such as the shear strength parameters and the cohesion that obtained from triaxial test can be used to check the safety and predict the behaviors of long-term stability of slopes, earth fills and earth retaining structures. The analysis carried out in terms of total stress obtained from undrained test can be used to investigate the initial stability of the foundation of a structure or embankment on saturated clay. Alternatively, the analysis can also be used to determine the…...
Civil EngineeringConstruction
Speech On Personality
Words • 646
Pages • 3
The following sample essay on "Speech On Personality": the reference to speech personality. In Russian linguistics the term was introduced in the early 30’s by V.V.Vinogradov. In the same period such question was discussed by Humboldtians (L. Weisgerber). Later the notion of “speech personality” was investigated by a range of prominent scholars, such as Yu.N. Karaulov, V.I. Karasik, O.B. Sirotinina and others. Besides, this problem is interdisciplinary, since it covers the areas traditionally studied not only by linguists, but also…...
Theoretical Analysis Example
Words • 978
Pages • 4
The dependency between government and media is a contentious issue in contemporary times. The media, once termed the Fourth Estate due to the unique role it plays in society, is supposed to be the conscience of the First Estate, namely the government. Yet, a simple analysis of the functioning of media organizations makes obvious that its role had deviated from the purported ideal. Rather than serving the interests of the general public, the media is shown to serve vested interests…...
Noam ChomskyPolitical SciencePoliticsSociology
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Related Literature And Studies About Alternative Learning System
Words • 686
Pages • 3
THE EFFECT OF ALTERNATIVE LEARNING SYSTEM IN DISTRICT 1 NAVOTAS CITY: BASIS FOR AN ACTION PLAN A Thesis Presented to The Faculty of Graduate Studies and Applied Research City of Malabon University City of Malabon In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Arts in Education By CINDY J. FREJOLES 2011 THE EFFECT OF ALTERNATIVE LEARNING SYSTEM IN DISTRICT 1 NAVOTAS CITY: BASIS FOR AN ACTION PLAN A Thesis Presented to The Faculty of Graduate Studies and…...
Common Grammatical Errors
Words • 812
Pages • 4
Paper Type:Common App essays
The conclusions and recommendations part of the dissertation were divided into the demographic details, a summary of the common grammatical errors and the recommendations of the research. Majority of the participants on the study, i. e. 50% are 18 years old. This is followed by a 40% rate of 19 year-old students and 10% rate of 20-year-old students. In relation with this, majority of the participants are female and they comprised 60% of the participant- population. This is followed by…...
CommunicationCultureEnglish LanguageLanguageLinguistics
Knowledge Gained From Experience
Words • 534
Pages • 3
The comparison between learned in books and knowledge gained from experience The education is the most important thing in our life, without it we can’t solve our problem and the logic thinking. By the way any education in my opinion will be benefit whatever it is depend on the book or our skill, the doctor have to study in the book and be good doctor by the way the barber is not depend in the book he has to looking…...
The Butterfly Circus Short Movie Analysis
Words • 861
Pages • 4
The Butterfly Circus, a short film featuring Nick Vujicic in the lead role, is one of the best short films of the last few years. The direction is skillfully and effectively handled by Joshua Weigel. The screenplay is crisp and compact as demanded by the short-film genre. The script written by the duo Joshua and Rebekah Weigel excels in terms of metaphors infused in the story. The story also serves as an inspiration for differently-abled people to achieve and succeed…...
What I Learned From The Broken Spears
Words • 754
Pages • 4
The book The Broken Spears is a very interesting and illuminating scholarly work about the important historical event of the Spanish Conquest of the Aztecs. Author Miguel Leon-Portilla had undertaken the arduous task of translating key passages from the native-American Nahuati language accounts of the Spanish invasion and conquest. In the latest edition of the book the author has fleshed out more details and facts, making it a definitive work of this event. I learn a great deal by reading…...
Classroom Management Essay
Words • 716
Pages • 3
The books and other reading supplies will be placed in a well lit quiet area so that the children will have peace and quiet when they are doing these activities and also be able to see what they are reading. The children’s personal belongings such as jackets and back packs will be placed in a closet for them when they enter into the classroom. So they will not be in the way when the children are walking around to avoid…...
Se Habla Espanol Essay
Words • 364
Pages • 2
The author Tanya Maria Baritones decided to give her article a Spanish title prepared me for the subject by showing me that it will be about Spanish in some way or form. It led me to also believe that in the use of “Se Habit Espanola” Baritones was trying to hence that it is used in a variety of places with the same three words. Connecting it to the stereotypical Latino that they are all the same did support my…...
CommunicationCultureLanguageSpanish Language
Ecudorian Roses Industry Case Study
Words • 877
Pages • 4
The advantages that allow Ecuador to produce great and abundant roses are mainly made up of the agricultural/climate condition, along with location and workforce. Since the town of Cayambe is located 10,000 feet up near the mountain the high-altitude makes for ideal growing conditions. along with the combination of sun-light, fertile volcanic soil, equatorial location allows for the roses to be grown all year round. This allows for a great advantage over a lot of competition, because production can say…...
Case StudyEconomicsEducationIndustryLearningStudy
What Is The Second Step In The Addie Training Process
Words • 409
Pages • 2
The ADDIE model of instructional design is one of the oldest models used by instructors. Classical in nature, the model is widely considered as systematic and rigid, following a step by step process in designing an instructional strategy. A-D-D-I-E stands for the five stage process in instructional design, each of which builds up on the step prior to it. The steps are interrelated, making it necessary to strictly follow the order in developing an instructional design. The first stage in…...
Teaching Problem-Solving with Literature Examples
Words • 692
Pages • 3
Teachers should distinguish between these classes of problems. Also, they should be able to give examples using themes and children’s literature. Research shows that students who are exposed to problem solving on a daily (or almost daily) basis score better on measures of both problem solving and computation (Carpenter, Fennema, Peterson, Chiang, & Loef, 1989). Today, elementary math textbooks are gradually incorporating more classes of problems into their series (Smith, 2006). However, the teacher must still be resourceful in writing…...
Surrogacy Essay
Words • 638
Pages • 3
Surrogate motherhood is a practice that has been used for a long time but has been evolving in lieu of the technological advancement that has recently been witnessed. Definition of a surrogate mother is one who carries a child through gestation on behalf of another woman. The reasons why this happens are varied and hence elicit different responses. Traditionally, surrogacy involved a man donating his sperm to a woman other than his wife in order for her to give birth…...
Human DevelopmentHuman NatureMotherSexualitySurrogacy
Systemic Functional Grammar
Words • 837
Pages • 4
Systemic functional grammar ( SFG ) is a signifier of grammatical description originated by Michael Halliday. Michael Halliday ( born 13 April 1925 ) is a British linguist who developed the internationally influential systemic functional lingual theoretical account of linguistic communication. His grammatical descriptions go by the name of systemic functional grammar ( SFG ) . Halliday describes linguistic communication as a semiotic system. “not in the sense of a system of marks. but a systemic resource for meaning” .…...
Media Critique from a Parent’s Perspective
Words • 916
Pages • 4
The following sample essay on Douglas Media as a history of classic media. Susan Douglas offers a parent’s point of view on the media in general and children’s television in particular in her article, “Remote Control: How to Raise a Medic Skeptic”. She comments on two important aspects of children’s programming – perpetually clueless parents and the lies broadcast in commercials. This article is an amusing take on a classic media debate, that of whether or not children should be…...
In Praise Of The F Word Summary
Words • 293
Pages • 2
Summary: “In Praise of the ‘F’ Word” In this article, “In praise of the ‘F’ word”, Marry Sherry makes the point that in order to help kids do their school work and get their education; they must be threatened with failing. Before she started teaching her class, she would blame the poor academic skills our kids have today on drugs, divorce and other impediments to concentration necessary for doing well in school. She had an experience with her sons grade…...
Beautification Of School Essay
Words • 686
Pages • 3
Student attitudes are shaped to some extent by the structures (facilities) through which they are mediated (Ferreira, 1995). In fact, building conditions can directly affect the attitudes of students or the attitudes of teachers and parents which in turn affect student attitudes. Pronghorns (1970) referred to physical settings and attitudes as follows: Physical settings-simple or complex-evoke complex human responses in the form of feelings, attitudes, values, expectancies, and desires, and it is in this sense as well as their known…...
State University Personal Safety Bulletin
Words • 648
Pages • 3
STATE UNIVERSITY 2011 Bulletin for Students and Parents Personal Safety on Campus July 14, 2011 Overview State University prides itself as having one of the safest campuses in the entire northeast. Still, it cannot be stressed enough that personal safety, either on campus or off, is a shared responsibility. Students must understand that our campus security measures are only as effective as the precautions students take to ensure their own safety. In response to concerns over a 2010 incident in…...
Favorite Academic Subject
Words • 704
Pages • 3
Speaking section Many iBT speaking questions ask you to talk about things that you enjoy, things that you value, or things that you are good at. Practice with the following topics. Be sure to support your response with specific reasons and details. You have 15 seconds to prepare and 45 seconds to speak. 1. What is your favorite hobby? 2. Describe a talent you have 3. What is a good book that you would recommend? 4. What is your favorite…...
George Washington University Social Intelligence Test
Words • 522
Pages • 3
Social intelligence is the term used in parallel with the study of general intelligence. Among other things, intelligence research developed social situations evaluation through the set of tests. Bureau of Public Personnel Administration introduced own preliminary version of it in the late 1930’s. In those days, the most popular social intelligence test was the George Washington University’s Test of Social Intelligence, among which were: Social anxiety assessment; The speaker’s mental status evaluation; Human behavioral observation; Name and face memory; Sense…...
EducationGeorge WashingtonGovernmentIntelligenceLearningPresident
Social Mobility Measured Along With Education
Words • 830
Pages • 4
The following sample essay on social mobility measured along with education. Social Mobility with reference to my own area of teaching. The term “Social Mobility” refers to the social standing, social position in conjunction with classes and social hierarchy. Within this reflective report I will concern the focus on Social Mobility measured alongside education. The main hub for this report refers to “vertical mobility” – movement of individuals upwards from one level to another by joining the Armed Forces: Showing…...
Human NatureLearningMilitarySocial Mobility
Do You Agree Or Disagree With The Issue
Words • 837
Pages • 4
So, it is not necessary to try and prevent this from happening. DO you agree or disagree? , More and more young people hold important positions in government. Some people think it is not suitable but others think otherwise. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 5. Police in some countries like England don’t carry guns. Some people don’t approve of this because they think that police with guns gives them security. Others think that police carrying guns decreases…...
Personal Response Essay
Words • 774
Pages • 4
Paper Type:Personal essays
She was rejected because she represented an ethnic group, which society then classified as a half-breed, neither Cree nor French. ” Though I cannot say that have personally experienced, to the same extent as Pique, the same type of alienation, I would have to say that I can relate to her with regards to being a “half-breed. ” Coming from a family of multicultural backgrounds I’ve never really noticed, that unlike most full blooded Filipinos, I actually stood out because…...
CultureEnglish Language
Essay On Stress And Strain
Words • 370
Pages • 2
Several mechanical properties of materials that are important in design are ascertained by applying tension, compression or shear load on the material.   Of the three, the most common mechanical stress-strain tests are performed in tension (Callister, 1997).  When performing tensile tests, the load and elongation are measured in relation to the cross-sectional area or original length of the material (before the elongation).  These geometric factors are normalized to the respective parameters of engineering stress and engineering strain. When a specimen…...
ChemistryCivil EngineeringMaterialsMechanical EngineeringMental HealthPhysics
Saint Xavier University Cnl Certificate Courses
Words • 249
Pages • 1
Saint Xavier University Online MBA Program No GMAT degree is designed for nurses who want to take their clinical expertise to the next level and take on the challenge of instituting more prominent and effective methods of patient care. These particular skills learned can be applied to most any clinical settings,as well as hospitals and doctors’ offices including rehabilitation centers and hospices along with Veterans Affairs Medical Centers. Our curriculum prepares our students for the Clinical Nurse Leader certification exam with class leading curriculum and faculty. The Saint…...
CurriculumHealth CareHospitalLearningPhysicianUniversity
Are Teachers Public Servants
Words • 506
Pages • 3
Ruben A. Rodriguez Paul Hansen English 1301-2005 06 April 2011 Should Public Servants have the right to strike? There has been much debate lately about public servant union group’s right to negotiate or collective bargain for pay and benefits for the employee’s. Some state that all workers have the right to negotiate their pay and benefits by what ever means. While other state that some employees’ positions, like teachers, police and fireman, are much too important to allow them to…...
Acquainted With The Night Essay
Words • 671
Pages • 3
Robert Frost’s verse form “Acquainted with the Night” is told from the point of position of an unknown individual. This individual tells a narrative about how he/she has taken legion late dark walks. specifically in the rain. Using tone. enunciation. the rubric. construction imagination. and linguistic communication. Frost writes a verse form about a person’s late dark experiences to associate to similar experiences that a reader may hold encountered. With Frost’s word pick and the rubric he chooses to state…...
Japanese Animation Culture
Words • 265
Pages • 2
RESEARCH PROPOSAL: REPRESENTATIONS OF CULTURE IN JAPANESE ANIMATION BY: ASHA JHINA ROLL NO. : 0914152 SUMITTED TO: DR. SAGARIKA GOLDER CHRIST UNIVERSITY BANGALORE Animation, more commonly known as cartoons is a very integral part of a child’s growing years. A medium which started out with a sole purpose of providing entertainment has progressed into a kind of a new-age education method. Cartoons/animations are not merely a tool to keep viewers occupied, it aims to familiarise people with their culture and…...
Rabindranath Tagore Essay
Words • 364
Pages • 2
Rabindranath Tagore ] ( 7 May 1861 – 7 August 1941 ) . sobriquet Gurudev. was a Bengali polymath who reshaped his region’s literature and music. Writer of Gitanjali and its “profoundly sensitive. fresh and beautiful verse” . he became the first non-European to win the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1913. In interlingual rendition his poesy was viewed as religious and erratic ; his apparently hypnotic personality. fluxing hair. and other-worldly frock earned him a prophet-like repute in the…...
CultureLanguageRabindranath Tagore
Purdue Gpa Calculator
Words • 558
Pages • 3
Purdue GPA calculator helps the potential students evaluate the proximity of getting the chance to study at the University. It is a handy instrument for all students being in the pursuit of the place of studying. The Purdue University is one of the most popular and well-developed research universities of the USA. This institution leads the field of the aviation industry and space technology, and students are engaged in flight training. The studying programs in the field of mechanical engineering,…...
Team Dynamics Project Management
Words • 858
Pages • 4
Project Management in Team Dynamics Project Management has been a major aspect in Team Dynamics, throughout the years in project planning. Project Management has prepared a way to plan, arrange and supervise resources, so that team projects will be more consistent in production and quality. Project Management has many features that make a team more reliable and dependable. For example, defining the goal and objectives; participates in a team; checkpoints to identify the project progress; standard and guidelines; and a…...
BusinessEducationLearningManagementProjectProject Management
Allegory Of The Cave Meaning And Interpretation
Words • 792
Pages • 4
Plato’s Allegory of the Cave: Meaning and Interpretation Of all the beliefs, the most important and difficult to prove are the matters we cannot see but just feel and perceive. Plato’s allegory of the cave is a illustration of truth, which is left out in the war of reasoning. Plato was a Greek philosopher and mathematician who left his mark in history. His classical philosophies on human nature reveal the basic truth as well as the flaws in the psychological…...
Allegory Of The CaveEducationInterpretationLearningPhilosophyScience
Peer Tutoring Essay
Words • 512
Pages • 3
Paper Type:Proposal essays
Peer tutoring is the process of education characterized by the fact that the teacher of the tutee is his classmate or merely the person of the same age and social status. Peer tutoring is a favorite tradition practiced in the USA, Great Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Smart students are involved in the teaching process and share their knowledge with their contemporaries trying to improve the current progress of the latter. The system of peer tutoring is straightforward. If…...
CommunicationHuman NatureLearningResearch
A Day In The Life Of A College Student Essay
Words • 503
Pages • 3
Paper Type:College essays
Patrice Williams November 12, 2013 Conflicts of A College Student The daily life of a college student is filled with many conflicts. To begin with, students face everyday conflicts such as having transportation, family issues, financial problems, and also lack of focus and responsibility. In college if one is without a car or a reliable source of transportation every day, it can really affect them in school. One might could have a car but it is currently broke down or…...
CommunicationEducationHuman NatureLearningStudent
How Babies Learn Language: Surprising Discoveries
Words • 305
Pages • 2
Patricia Kohl discusses amazing discoveries about how babies and young children learn language. Professor Kohl explains that language has a critical p eroded for learning. Babies and children are geniuses until the age of seven, and then the ere is a decline. After a child goes through puberty, the universal listening skills are n inexistent. Kohl refers to babies as “Citizens of the World”, which means that they can did fraternity all the sounds of all languages. Adults are “culture…...
CommunicationCultureLanguageLanguage AcquisitionLinguistics
Paper Presentation Competition
Words • 1919
Pages • 8
Paper  presentation  competition  at  college  was  always  going  to  be  tough.  I  started  my  preparation  with  going  into  deep  research  on  topic  of  my  paper.  Secondary  data  collection  and  questionnaire  were  the  methods  that  I used  for  collecting  data.  I  consulted  with  the  concern  faculty  to  guide   me  further.  On  the  basis  of  recommendations  told  by  the  faculty,  I  made  the  required  changes.  Finishing  the  paper  with  ample  amount  of  time  left  for  the  presentation  helped  me  in  preparing  for …...
CommunicationCompetitionCritical ThinkingHuman NatureResearchStrategy
Issue of Off Campus Lunches for Students
Words • 768
Pages • 4
Open Campus Lunches Being a teenager is a great time. You start to gain certain freedoms that you were not able to enjoy when you were younger. Responsibility Is an Inevitable part of growing up. Although it may not be a necessity, eating lunch off campus Is not an option that our school offers, which Isn’t fair to the students. In fact, only 1 In every 3 high school campuses are allowed to eat lunch off school grounds. In previous…...
Never Hurt Anyone Essay
Words • 701
Pages • 3
One important step in order to avoid any kind of fight and unpleasant situation in class is to ignore bullying done by some students. The students, who get into bullying others their main purpose is to cause frustration, arouse anger and pinch others. However, if they do not get any response they simply leave it. Some students find pleasure in making others angry and disturbing them. Parents and teachers interference is a must when students fight or bully each other.…...
Suntans And Sunburns Case Study
Words • 896
Pages • 4
On the first day after arriving in Australia for Christmas vacation, a University of Niagara student plays out in the sun for six hours. Later that night he notices that the skin on his trunk, legs and arms becomes red, swollen and extremely painful. By morning all of the afflicted areas have developed numerous blisters. These areas cover about 30% of the trunk (front and back) and 40% of the arms and legs. 1. What organ has been damaged? The…...
BiologyCase StudyEducationLearningMedicineMuscle
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What I Learned From The Broken Spears
...I learn a great deal by reading this book. I was particularly moved by the capitulation of the Aztec empire under the technologically superior Spanish army was an early historical instance of mass brutality bordering on genocide. Although the demise ...
What Is The Second Step In The Addie Training Process
...The last stage in the ADDIE instructional design is evaluation. During this phase, the quality and effectiveness of the instructional program is being assessed for future reference. The result of the evaluation will then be used as basis in deciding ...
How Babies Learn Language: Surprising Discoveries
...If language is presented to the child through television or audio, then there is n o learning at all. An infant’s social skills play an important role in learning. Even though the presentation was very thorough, there are still a few remain nag que...
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