Essays on Learning

Free essays on learning are written to help students understand the different theories, methods, and practices related to the acquisition and development of knowledge and skills. These essays cover a wide range of topics, including the psychology of learning, principles of effective teaching, instructional design, e-learning, and more. They contain useful insights, research findings, and real-life examples that help readers gain a deeper understanding of how learning works and how it can be optimized. These free essays on learning are typically written by experts in the field or talented students who have a passion for the subject matter, and serve as valuable resources for anyone interested in improving their learning experience.
Arguments For Year Round School
Words • 1215
Pages • 5
The following academic paper highlights the up-to-date issues and questions of Arguments For Year Round School. This sample provides just some ideas on how this topic can be analyzed and discussed. Public opinion is divided on the issue of whether or not American schools should adopt year long curriculums. But conventionally, schools across the country have adhered to schedules that would give pupils a break of three months followed by nine months of study. In recent years, some journalists and…...
Sociology Project
Words • 2820
Pages • 12
Introduction Religion, superstitions and legends have played an important role in the society defining each individual’s behaviour and actions. As Merriam Webster dictionary says “Superstition is a belief that a certain event or thing that bring a good or bad luck.” The number thirteen, black cats braking mirrors or walking under ladders may all be things you actively avoid. Even if you don’t consider yourself a particularly superstitious person, you probably say “bless you” when someone sneezes, just in case…...
BeliefCultural AnthropologyCultureFolkloreLearningProject
Promoting positive behaviour of children and students
Words • 440
Pages • 2
It’s very essential to promote positive behaviour because if it’s not recognised amongst the youth they won’t have positive behaviour and it’ll create negativity amongst students and students towards the staff and others. Positive behaviour is strongly linked to respect for others and what is generally accepted as 'good' behaviour tends to be centred on this. Their logic tells them that in repeating the unwanted behaviour they will get more attention.Promoting positive behaviour is also very essential as if it…...
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University of the Cumberlands Research Paper on Deception
Words • 2040
Pages • 9
The following sample essay on "University of the Cumberlands Research Paper on Deception":  deception technology is the coordination of cheating procedures into security gadgets and computerization, proposed to attract assailants from authentic assets and trap or keep them in zones showed after certified limit or framework zones. Abstract Deception technology is the coordination of cheating procedures into security gadgets and computerization, proposed to attract assailants from authentic assets and trap or keep them in zones showed after certified limit or…...
Computer SecurityDeceptionLearningResearchTruthUniversity
My Choice To Study Optometry
Words • 654
Pages • 3
The following sample essay on my choice to study optometry has stemmed from my volunteer visit to the Sahajanand orphanage in Kenya. I learnt valuable lessons in empathy and patience, and truly understood the definition of privilege. The experience was not only rewarding but an eye opener to the struggles that children encounter in less developed countries. I was astounded by the number of children who were visually impaired as well as those who were developing or had already developed…...
Scifi Summative Project Written By Kai ZhengDuring the course of
Words • 1348
Pages • 6
During the course of this unit, we had been reading through and analyzing 4 stories. Robot Dreams, The Veldt, Harrison Bergeron, and Super Toys Last All Summer Long. We were to analyze these stories ourselves in individual groups. Each group member were to have a different job per story. My job was to be the connecter of the story Super-Toys Last All Summer Long. The information that I have gathered are connections to the story. I made 2 text to…...
Harrison BergeronLearningProject
Inductive Method
Words • 368
Pages • 2
Written Report in Principles of Teaching DEDUCTIVE METHOD VERSUS INDUCTIVE METHOD All teaching methods can be classified into two, namely deductive method and inductive method. The deductive method, the teacher tells or shows directly what he/she wants to teach. The inductive method begins with questions, problems and details and end up with answers, generalizations and conclusions. Deductive method, in this method the teacher presents first the main topic she will discuss. Explain the subject matter before students make activities. The…...
CommunicationEducational PsychologyLearningTeaching
Unique Communication System of Humans
Words • 973
Pages • 4
Worlds are the lone species that has evolved an advanced system of communicating between persons. Whereas other species communicate through ritualized and repetitive vocals, calls, or gestures, worlds have developed lingual systems that can show a literally infinite assortment of separate and distinguishable ideas both vocally every bit good as written. This unbelievable evolutionary spring is what distinguished worlds from all other beings on Earth. But it ca n’t, nevertheless, go unmentioned the unbelievable communicating systems animate beings, more specifically…...
Why Study History Essay
Words • 349
Pages • 2
Why study history? When trying to apprehend why you should study history it is good to have the understanding on what history is and what it contains. In the essay written by Peter N. Stearns, he gives a multitude of examples and reasons why history is a subject that should be studied. Throughout my life people have always used the allusion: learn from your history, I agree with this and it’s meaning. Even though historians don’t affect anything in the…...
CommunicationEducationHuman NatureLearningReasonStudy
Why Students Dropout Of School Essay
Words • 364
Pages • 2
Why Does High School Fail So Many? Majority of students decide to drop out because of not having the support they need from their parents or the fact that school is uninteresting to them. Once the students’ self-esteem goes down, the thought of them doing well in school is impossible. When their self-esteem drops the students may to think “why even attend school” or “what is the point of going to class”. Students find it hard to pay attention in…...
CommunicationEducationHuman NatureLearningSchoolStudent
My Contribution To The Group Project
Words • 964
Pages • 4
When we first began working as a collective none of us were very sure about how to proceed; we knew that for this to work, everyone would need to take their role within the group, but the problem was in finding what those roles should be. As we were in a very small group, everyone’s full input was needed throughout the process as we realised early on that if this did not happen then there would be a large proportion…...
CommunicationHuman NatureLearningProjectResearch
Psychology Reflection Paper
Words • 655
Pages • 3
Whenever I hear the term psychology the first thing that comes to my mind is behavior. We as humans have so many different types of behaviors that can affect our everyday lives in either a negative or positive way. Throughout this course of psychology there are 3 topics that really stood out to me. I’m going to answer the following questions in this review. 1. Are there effective forms of memory? 2. Can you slow the negatives of human development?…...
Collateral Learning
Words • 601
Pages • 3
When it came to Neil Postman who talked about how television and movies can also double as being educational, I would have to agree with him. There are many shows on television that prove to be a good way to learn about different aspects of life that one may not have known about before. For example, the food network is where one would turn in order to learn more about a certain food dish, while a channel like the history…...
CommunicationHuman NatureLearningResearch
Beam Deflection Lab Report
Words • 689
Pages • 3
When loads are applied to a beam their originally straight axes become curved. Displacements from the initial axes are called bending or flexural deflections. The amount of flexural deflection in a beam is related to the beams area moment of inertia (l), the single applied concentrated load (P), length of the beam (L), the modulus of elasticity (E), and the position of the applied load on the beam. The amount of deflection due to a single concentrated load P, is…...
Civil EngineeringConstructionExperimentMechanical EngineeringPhysics
Personal Reading History Essay
Words • 715
Pages • 3
Paper Type:Personal essays
When I was a younger I don’t remember if I was read to or not, but I read a lot of books. I enjoy reading books because they allow me to reach new heights in my imagination. At my age many kids say that reading is boring and is for losers. I think it’s cool to read and will continue to read throughout my life. I have read many different types of books from fiction to biographies. The longest book…...
CommunicationCultureEducationEnglish LanguageLearningReading
Defining and Explaining Morphology
Words • 315
Pages • 2
WHAT IS MORPHOLOGY? It is the study of words formation or the internal structures of words. DERIVATIONAL AND INFLECTIONAL MORPHOLOGY Derivation: it is process of creating a new word out of an old word usually by adding a prefix or a suffix to change its meaning or function. Most derivational morpheme changed the parts of the speech. Morphology Summary Examples: -ance changes the verb resemble into noun resemblance. Derivation prefix de, is added to verb base construct to get verb…...
Practicing Cultural Humility Essay
Words • 950
Pages • 4
What is the relevance of practicing cultural humility in the field of counseling? The relevance of practicing cultural humility in the field of counseling is that this practice builds trust in the counselor-client relationship, rather than the tearing down or stereotyping of that or other cultures. In helping professions it is mandatory to consider the needs of the client as well as factors that influence the client’s needs or communication of needs. By practicing cultural humility in the field of…...
Character TraitsCultureHuman NatureHumilityLearningPersonality
House On Mango Street Project Ideas
Words • 353
Pages • 2
This project will take a week. Your rough draft is due Tuesday of this week, and your final copy is due on Friday of this week. You MUST turn in your rough draft in order to receive credit for this project. It is completed in phases, and the schedule is imperative. 100 points Sandra Cisneros’ book The House on Mango Street raises a number of issues that merit further discussion. In this paper you are to choose a vignette and…...
CommunicationLearningProjectThe House On Mango Street
Grandparents Generation
Words • 752
Pages • 4
This question has been asked about numerous times in the past and yet with so many people pondering and contemplating about it, there’s no definite answer to this question. It all comes down to how you look at it. From my point of view, I think that the current generation Is becoming more and more of a ‘book smart’. There Is a clear divide between a ‘book smart’ and a ‘street smart’. Being ‘book smarts’ means being smarter while ‘street…...
The Art Of Losing Poem
Words • 854
Pages • 4
This essay is mainly focused on Elizabeth Bishop’s poem One Art, and the recurrent theme of “losing”, depicted as an art, or as the poet might say: “the art of losing”. This paper will also focus on the poem’s form and the way in which the usage of certain conventions, such as tone, language, syntax (adjectives, adverbs and verbs) and form help to convey the poet’s message, which suggests that loss can lead to the mastery of “the art of…...
Marriott Rooms Forecasting Case Study Solution
Words • 693
Pages • 3
This case involves the study of the Hamilton Hotel and the use of forecasting to help predict their demand on a specific day. Marriott Hotels operated the Hamilton hotel. Marriott has been known for a culture that puts people first. Marriott is recognized worldwide for their enduring values, their spirit to serve, and their corporate commitment to creating better places to live and work. 1) Critical Issue: The critical issue is the manager has to choose either to accept up…...
Case StudyCommunicationEducationForecastingHotelLearning
Overcoming Barriers To Learning
Words • 341
Pages • 2
This assignment attempts to clarify some of the institutional and personal factors, which may prevent adults or young people from seeking basic skills tuition. It will suggest how some of these barriers may be overcome. In particular, it will consider what the teacher can do to create positive attitudes towards learning in the student. Personal and Institutional factors Although I have attempted to place the factors under the appropriate heading, usually the factor relates both to the individuals’ personal factors…...
Analytical Report Writing
Words • 735
Pages • 3
Paper Type:Analytical essays
There are various assignments that a student will face at college such as essay papers, term paper and research papers. Most students are familiar with that kind of papers and before going to college or university they had a decent experience with them. Those papers are the most common assignments at every college or university, yet they are quite challenging and hard to deal with. Among the variety of assignments there are also quite specific ones that differ from papers…...
CommunicationCritical ThinkingHuman NatureResearch
Misjudgments about Students
Words • 995
Pages • 4
There are several misjudgments about students or student’s community at large. A new student, who enters the college for the first time, makes an impression of himself on the minds of his friends, teachers and others, with whom he interacts. (For convenience of writing this essay the male gender has been chosen) This impression is made consciously. Most students try to project a positive impression, yet the image created invariably varies with each person .The image the student tries to…...
CommunicationHuman NatureLanguage
Wounded Warrior Project Annual Report
Words • 686
Pages • 3
The Wounded Warrior Project The Wounded Warrior Project (WAP) was started in 2003 in Ranked Virginia by John Amelia. During John’s tour his Marine Corps helicopter crashed killing four and injuring 14 more including himself. His experience coming home opened up many gaps in service delivery to wounded military members. To help fill in these gaps John created WAP in his basement with 50 dollars. Today WAP is one of the nation’s most recognized and fastest growing veteran service charities.…...
Hypothesis About the Origin and Nature of Emotions by James Lange
Words • 1049
Pages • 5
The following sample essay focuses on hypothesis about the origin and nature of emotions by James Lange. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. The world is a big place, filled with people full of curiosity and with their own individual quests. People are constantly talking, looking, hearing, smelling, and gaining knowledge from things and people from their environment. The scope of knowledge gained on a day to day basis is therefore vast. To what extent…...
Body LanguageLanguageMetaphysicsTruth
Miss Julie Analysis
Words • 989
Pages • 4
The use of language in Miss Julie is very complicated and simple throughout the play and also was written in 1888. The language of the play is Swedish written by August Strindberg but was translated into English by Kenneth McLeish and when you translate a language into English its really hard to make it sense. In my opinion the playwright uses different types of language; and also how the play has different types high and low classes for example Miss…...
Poem John Clare First Love
Words • 813
Pages • 4
The verse form First Love by John Clare is written about the poet’s feelings of unanswered love for a affluent farmer’s girl. Mary Joyce. The poet uses assorted unusual effects in the verse form to convey this sense of loss. supplying deep penetrations into his head in a apparently simple and brief piece. Combined with words which reflect the temper in each poetry. these make it a really powerful verse form. An unusual signifier of contrast is used in First…...
Emotive Language Examples
Words • 463
Pages • 2
The two texts look at the event from opposite viewpoints. Of the two I thought that the language used in the first article was more shocking and made the event sound devastating and more like a disaster compared to the way in which the event was described in the second article. One of the main reasons it sounded more realistic and shocking was because statistics were used to show the readers just how bad the disaster really was. Another reason…...
Freud Psychosexual Stages
Words • 681
Pages • 3
The theory of psychosexual development describes how personality develops throughout our childhood and our experiences during childhood. This theory was developed by Freud. and is good known to the universe of psychological science. Even though it is good known it is besides considered one of the most controversial theories. Freud developed this theory in which there are five different phases. Phase one is considered the unwritten phase. This phase starts at the birth of the kid and ends when the…...
Human DevelopmentHuman NaturePsychoanalysisSigmund Freud
Educational Psychology Essay
Words • 791
Pages • 4
The textbook speaks of a cultural “mismatch” that may interfere with a student’s ability to succeed in a traditional classroom. Describe the types of mismatches that might occur related to each of these traditional educational practices: a. The daily school time schedule b. The use of Standard English c. Whole-class question-answer sessions Traditional Education Essay d. Classroom competition Many people regulate their lives by the clock: Being on time to appointments, social engagements, and the dinner table is important. This…...
CommunicationCultureDialectEnglish LanguageLanguagePsychology
The Sea Raiders
Words • 905
Pages • 4
The sentence structure varies in the two different narratives. The author of “The Sea Raiders”, H. G. Wells, uses longer sentences overall than the author of “The Fog Horn” (Ray Bradbury). This is because “The Sea Raiders” was written in the Victorian era, unlike “The Fog Horn”, which is more modern – from the nineteen seventies. Therefore H. G. Wells uses a lot of archaic language throughout the story, and this alters the sentence length. In “The Fog Horn”, Ray…...
CultureLanguageVictorian Era
Data Control Language
Words • 174
Pages • 1
The security is a very important feature of any table mainly because when there are multiple people that require access. Any of these people may only need access to a specific table to edit the information and placing limitations on this access enables the database manager to maintain better control of any of the sensitive information as well as to ensure that the data is accurate and integrity. I think a class scheduler, for example, would only need access to…...
Computer ScienceDataInformation AgeInformation ScienceInformation TechnologyLanguage
Judith Ortiz Cofer The Myth Of The Latin Woman
Words • 930
Pages • 4
The Perspective of Cultural Differences “The Myth of the Latin Women” by Judith Ortiz Cofer, the author states how she has been treated by different people in different countries due to their conception of her as a Latin woman. She points out several incidents where she is viewed, stereotypically, as a woman only capable of being a housewife and as a sexual object. She also shows the cross-cultural conflict Hispanics have to deal with on an everyday basis. This country,…...
Intel in China Case Study
Words • 900
Pages • 4
The newly appointed manager of marketing programs in China Charles Tang has just got out of an emotionally charged meeting with Yong Lui, an account manager in Tangs division. As of Tangs arrival to China many things within Intel changed. Tangs decision to stop a project that was started by Lui a while back made Lui unhappy and against the chose Tang made. The case study “Intel in China” has many more issues then that one but this is the…...
AsiaCase StudyChinaCountryEducationLearning
No Child Left Behind Research Paper
Words • 898
Pages • 4
The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) is a program enacted by the Bush administration to answer necessities of implementing bipartisan solutions to fortify the foundation of the educational system in the United States. Concepts framing the NCLB involve granting accountability to the federal, state, and local governments as well as educational institutions regarding academic performance of students, implementing programs and utilizing facilities and resources that highly contribute to learning, providing funds to the grassroots level of educational administration, and…...
CommunicationCurriculumLearningNo Child Left Behind ActTeaching
Blood Brothers Narrator
Words • 922
Pages • 4
The narrator’s role in ‘Blood Brothers’ is quite unusual. The convention of the narrator in most plays is such that they are usually brought on to introduce the next part of the play and then move offstage and the play continues. However, in Blood Brothers the narrator is a physical character and is on stage all of the time. At the beginning of the play the narrator says, “So did y’ hear the story of the Johnston twins? ” This…...
CultureEnglish Language
Difference Between Adn And Bsn Competencies
Words • 788
Pages • 4
The National Advisory Council on Nurse Education and Practice (NACNEP), policy advisors to Congress and the Secretary for Health and Human Services on nursing issues, has urged that at least two-thirds of the nurse workforce hold baccalaureate or higher degrees in nursing by 2010. Baccalaureate Nursing Program Baccalaureate nursing programs encompass all of the course work taught in associate degree and diploma programs plus a more in-depth treatment of the physical and social sciences, nursing research, public and community health,…...
Bachelor'S DegreeHealthHealth CareNursing
Bootstraps Villanueva
Words • 346
Pages • 2
The following sample essay on "Bootstraps Villanueva":  the main points of Gee’s piece Literacy, Discourse, and Linguistics, Villanueva’s piece Excerpts from Bootstraps: From an Academic of Color, and Priors piece Tracing Process: How Tests Come into Being are discourse. In the first reading Gee describes the main discourses, which are primary discourse, and secondary discourse. Primary discourse was explained more as the influence of your language and writing from your house hold, and family. Then secondary discourse would be the…...
CommunicationCultureHuman NatureLanguageLinguistics
Tok Ways Of Knowing
Words • 805
Pages • 4
The main reason why I positioned perception above the other four WOKs is because perception, among others, is the one tool that is absolutely necessary to gain knowledge. Regardless of how much knowledge of reasoning, emotion, or language you possess, it all revolves around the idea of perception. Perception, in my view, is the ability to understand various matters at ease, a skill which represents basis of the course. I believe it is perception that ultimately gives shape to ambiguous…...
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FAQ about Learning

Why Study History Essay
...When the author begins talking about change, I completely agree on the fact that history is needed to move forward and change. But when the author is talking about how history is used in the study and understanding of things like alcoholism, I don’...
Why Students Dropout Of School Essay
...Students would go into class late because of how boring it would be, or not making it interesting. Math was a subject to teach students how to work the numbers and how to use them, but he never really made any sense to what he was saying or doing. Fo...
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