Essays on Law

Free essays on Law are online resources containing academic papers, research works or case studies that explore various areas of law. These essays provide useful insights into legal issues, court judgments, case precedents, legal debates, and theoretical frameworks related to the study of law. They can be beneficial to law students, legal professionals, researchers, and academicians who seek to broaden their understanding of legal knowledge and its application. These essays can also serve as a source of inspiration and guidance for students who may be required to submit similar papers. These essays are provided free of charge, making them accessible to anyone who is interested in learning about law.
US Serial Killer John F Hickey’s First Murder
Words • 470
Pages • 2
Five years before Jack the Ripper emerged on the streets of London, in 1883, the first murder was conducted by the United States first profiled serial killer John F. Hickey, dubbed the “Postcard Killer”. (citation needed) Hickey traveled along the East Coast of the United States for 28 years, raping and killing newsboys. Hickey would write and send letters and postcards after the murders to torment the parents of the children and the police. However, these letters and postcard eventually…...
CrimeCriminal JusticeHuman NatureJack The RipperRacial ProfilingRacism
Police Brutality and Bad Policing in Our Community
Words • 1856
Pages • 8
Police brutality is one of several forms of police misconduct which involves undue violence by police members. Widespread police brutality exists in many part of country and territory states, even those that prosecute it have to bear in mind that, most police men and women around the country are operating under the authority of the state and federal institutions. Once a person becomes a police officer they automatically become states employees which separates them and sets them apart from the…...
AbuseCrimeCriminal JusticeJusticePolicePolice Brutality
Police: Power & Protection
Words • 1769
Pages • 8
The police are a comprised assortment of people with some powers to protect public, stop crime, maintain law and peace in society. The Police word comes from Latin word politia, Police are frequently additionally endowed with different authorizing and administrative exercises. In history there is various development of police services like from early modern police to modern police. Police forces are divided to different categories for different proper function such as detective and religious police. Today, cops are seen watching…...
CrimeCriminal JusticeCriminal LawDetectiveLaw EnforcementPolice
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Roger Stafford: Serial Killer with Wife Accomplice
Words • 713
Pages • 3
Roger Dale Stafford is a serial killer who started his killing spree with his wife Verna and his brother Harold on January 12th, 1974 by killing 21-year-old jimmy earl a student at the university of north Alabama. But the killing that shocked the whole of Oklahoma was when he killed a family by luring them from there car, by pretending to be a marooned motorcyclist. Verna first shot melvin Lorenz when he wasn't able to fork out all of his…...
Common LawCrimeDeath PenaltyJusticeLaw
The Only Agency Involved in Policy Decisions Regarding Homelessness
Words • 722
Pages • 3
The state cannot be the only agency involved in policy decisions regarding homelessness. Though decisions made by elected officials regarding policy are important and impactful, the input of civil actors working closely with the issue at hand is arguably more important. Innovation in policy depends on new and different ideas from involved and informed people. The solution to homelessness thus depends on the inclusion of many perspectives and bodies, especially civil actors and organizations dealing directly with the homeless population.…...
HomelessnessHuman NatureInnovationPolicyPoliticsPoverty
The Murder of Martin Luther King and the murder of Malcom X
Words • 769
Pages • 4
Im writing this paper to illustrate and show the four defining moments of the 1960's That had a big impact on the world.And how each moment led to the next.The four that I chose were Thurgood Marshall the activist thatwas appointed to the U.S supreme court.The Murder of Martin Luther King Jr. and the murder of Malcom X and the Murder of Medgar Evans the Civil rights activist.Standing up for African americans and And African americans rights is what put…...
African American CultureCivil Rights MovementJusticeLawMalcolm XPolitics
The Racial Discrimination in To Kill a Mockingbird
Words • 1244
Pages • 5
To Kill a Mockingbird is an autobiographical novel written by an outstanding American female writer Harper Lee. It was published in 1957 when the American black rights movement is ongoing fiercely. In 1961, the book gained The Pulitzer Prizes and was translated into more than forty languages. In the same year, the film of the same name was adapted from it. With more than 30 million copies have been sold, the book acquired an illustrious reputation. SPACE The story is…...
JusticeSocial Issues
David and Goliath Rhetorical Analysis
Words • 1567
Pages • 7
David and Goliath's book, in chapter eight, Gladwell unites his two arguments concerning the "inverted U-curve" with his beliefs on the limits of power. He makes an argument that power is always beneficial, but at some point, it causes more harm than good. He gives an example of the Three Strikes Law in California to make an illustration of how power and punishment could be beneficial but have to a certain standard. In chapter eight of his novel “David and…...
CompassionForgivenessHuman NaturePunishmentRhetoric
Should Marijuana Be Legalized in Texas
Words • 468
Pages • 2
The legalization of marijuana has been the subject of debt for the last few years. Marijuana is a drug that has sparked much controversy over the past years as to whether or not it should be legalized. Marijuana, which can also be called weed, or cannabis, is the dried flowers and leaves of the cannabis plant. It contains mind-altering compounds like tetrahydrocannabinol. This weed can change a person’s personality which can lead to crime and violence through selling and buying.…...
Marijuana LegalizationSmoking
The List Pros Cons Gun Control Essay With Laws
Words • 628
Pages • 3
This is the complete essay in Pros and Cons and its laws. Well in first part we read that what is gun control and why we need it.? After that pros and cons of gun control and in the end some laws and tips about this topic. So let’s have look. Gun Control is the set of laws and policies of civilian about manufacturing, regulation of selling, modification, transfer and about its uses. Or we can also say that laws…...
Gun ControlJusticeLawPoliticsSocial Issues
A young couple sits in a car out on Lake Herman Road
Words • 1266
Pages • 6
A young couple sits in a car out on Lake Herman Road in San-Francisco. Seventeen-year-old boy David Faraday and sixteen-year-old Betty Lou Jensen are enjoying their night out on December 20th of 1968. Suddenly at around 11:15 pm, witnesses found the couple dead or extremely wounded on the ground near their bullet holed car. Betty was found feet from the car dead with 5 or more bullets in her back while David was found still breathing but died while being…...
In T A Dellaca v PDL Industries Ltd the court considers part
Words • 1361
Pages • 6
In T A Dellaca v PDL Industries Ltd the court considers part performance in 2 steps there has been an oral agreement between mark and Frieda which a) showed a step in the performance of contractual obligation or the exercise of a contractual right under the oral contract and b) when viewed independently of the oral contract was, on the possibilities, done on the footing that a contract relating to the land and such as that alleged in existence. under…...
AnimalsBusiness LawCommon LawJusticeLawProperty
The Importance of Reputation Reflection
Words • 1417
Pages • 6
The following sample essay on "Reflection": one of the most important human evolutionary behaviors is reputation. Reflection Paper One of the most important human evolutionary behaviors is reputation. Reputation building almost exclusively depends on the individual behavior of the party concerned in addition to factors which require other individuals intervention. Such intervention might include what we call gossip and scandals which directly affect the individuals reputation both positively and negatively. Gossip is an important societal and cultural phenomenon (Gluckman, 1963,…...
CommunicationConfidenceLawLawyersReputationSocial Psychology
Writing Assignment
Words • 1159
Pages • 5
Nicole ShieldsHistory 108Writing Assignment #14May 2nd, 2019Car safety has always been extremely important in today’s society for the sole reason that owning a car is now a social norm and necessity. For the Library of Congress to allow an exemption of the DMCA, which lets anyone who owns a car tamper with their car control codes, is not only an atrocity but also an extremely reckless decision that could very well make the matter of cheating regulations worse and may…...
Traditional marker in Vietnam
Words • 1241
Pages • 5
The following sample essay on " Traditional marker in Vietnam" .In Vietnam having beautiful thick hair is a traditional marker. In Vietnam, having beautiful thick hair is a traditional marker of beauty. Nguyen Thi Thuy has hair that reaches to her hips, she takes care of it every day and it is one of her greatest possessions (Lebsack, 2018). Unfortunately, hair traders travel to rural areas and target women like her who suffer financially and are desperate for money, they…...
Catholic ChurchHinduismHuman TraffickingSacrificeSlaveryWaste
Subconscious Copyright Infringement in the Music Industry             
Words • 2628
Pages • 11
Introduction Copyright law aims to protect creative works from unwanted plagiarism. The laws surrounding copyright act to protect and promote exclusive rights of owners so that they may be able to exploit their work without fear that others will copy their output. In cases of conscious copying, the application of copyright law is straightforward as the misappropriation of the works is clear and evident. However, the appropriation application is less clear in the context of subconscious and unconscious copying; this…...
CopyrightCopyright LawEconomicsIndustryJusticeLaw
The morality of pornography
Words • 919
Pages • 4
The following sample essay on The morality of pornography tells about ethical theories. In this paper, I will be analyzing the morality of pornography based off two ethical theories. The two ethical theories in which I will be analyzing is Kants Deontology and Aristotle's Virtue Ethics. The viewpoints of pornography are on one side it is viewed as degrading to women and often considered obscene. On the other hand, the other viewpoint could be it is pleasurable to a viewer,…...
EthicsPhilosophical TheoriesPornographyProstitutionReason
Participating in Criminal Justice Community Engagement Events
Words • 1115
Pages • 5
The following sample essay on "Participating in Criminal Justice Community Engagement Events": describing experience of participating in criminal justice community engagement events. Throughout this semester I have participated in a few criminal justice community engagement events outside of class. These events include two panels and one presentation. The first panel involved many criminal justice related field employees who described who they are and what their role in the field is. The second engagement was called the “Offender panel.” During this…...
CrimeCriminal JusticeCriminal LawJusticeLaw
Words • 962
Pages • 4
Assessment Task 2: Research Essay OutlineName: Lim Pei GeeMonash ID: 30882974 Class: English 2-8Topic: Juvenile DelinquencyQuestion: Recent data has shown there is an increase in the rate of juvenile delinquency in some countries. What are the causes and effects of juvenile delinquency? How can the problems that arise be resolved?Introduction (1 Paragraph)What information is necessary for the introduction?Definition of terms related to the topicBrief introduction to the problemInclude in-text citationsParagraph 1 Hook (Definition/ Interesting Info/ Quote)“Behaviour of teenagers that is…...
Community PolicingCrimeHuman NatureJuvenile DelinquencyLaw EnforcementSocial Issues
DUI stands for driving under the influence of intoxicants 2 It is
Words • 1346
Pages • 6
DUI stands for driving under the influence of intoxicants. 2. It is a US law that any person is prohibited from driving a vehicle while being under any kind of drug or alcohol influence. 3. The Police of the country is allowed to administer a breathalyzer or any other forms of tests on the driver if they are stopped with suspicion of being under the influence of an intoxicant of any kind. 4. Similar forms of laws exist allover the…...
AddictionCrimeCriminal LawDrunk DrivingJusticeLaw
The Difference Between Accidental Wrongs And Structural Wrongs
Words • 649
Pages • 3
The Cambridge online dictionary describes wrong as not correct. A rather simplistic explanation when viewed in terms of law enforcement and the potential for devastation including loss of life of officers and civilians when law enforcement goes wrong. In this essay, the author will discuss case studies as identified by Patrick O'Hara the author of Why Law Enforcement Organizations Fail and use them to illustrate how we can identify the difference between accidental wrongs and structural wrongs in so far…...
CommunicationHealthHuman NatureLawLaw EnforcementMental Health
Whenever particularly sozzled Claudia Lawrence liked to play the
Words • 3025
Pages • 13
Whenever particularly sozzled, Claudia Lawrence liked to play the same Elton John track, Your Song, repeatedly at the Nag’s Head pub, Heworth, York, to amused groans from all those present until eventually someone intervened to prise the next pound coin destined for the jukebox from her hand. Usually only to play and wail along to Motorcycle Emptiness and a maximum of two other songs on repeat for an hour or two instead. When I first heard the terrible news she…...
AddictionDrunk DrivingMurderPoliceWitness
In this article Anderson gives an account of the serial killer
Words • 1791
Pages • 8
In this article Anderson gives an account of the serial killer reviews he has created for the past 30 years. He focuses on “the history, definitions of murder and serial murder, the motives, and phases of serial murder” (Anderson, 1999). They are reviewed as a foundation for better understanding of the etiology and motivations of serial killers (Anderson, 1999). Anderson stated that every single little detail is of extreme importance when it comes to studying and understanding the mind of…...
AdhdHuman NatureMental DisorderMental HealthMurderSerial Killer
Problems in the Development of Existing Exercises on Basic Infantry Tactics
Words • 2572
Pages • 11
The following example of an essay on the topic - what are the problems in developing existing exercises on basic infantry tactics to disperse the crowd. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. INTRODUCTION A crowd we can describe as more or less large gathering or individuals in one place in close physical proximity to one another with a tendency to develop psychological interaction. Control a crowd is a very important thing to the police as…...
CrimeCriminal JusticeJusticeMilitaryPolitics
Social Media: Virtual Life and Freedom of Expression
Words • 2612
Pages • 11
Introduction Social media is a platform which provides a kind of virtual life for a people to openly express feeling, opinions and beliefs. Various events are affected by peoples sentiments which provided by the social media. Unfortunately, hateful speech and abusive language target or harassed the many users engaging online, either on social media or forums. So before publication of the any online content there is a need of detecting such hateful and abusive language. The services provided by different…...
Artificial IntelligenceCyber LawLanguageLearningResearchSocial Media
English SBA Cannabis Legalization Issue
Words • 1153
Pages • 5
ANNA REGINA SECONDARY SCHOOL SCHOOL BASED ASSESSMENT ENGLISH A&B 11023601993265 Name of student: Aneeza Johnson Centre number: 090003 Class: Grade 11 Science Territory: Guyana Teacher: Nikita James Acknowledgement The researcher would like to thank God for his guidance, her parents, group members, and most of all her extinguish English teacher for her guidance in making the completion of this SBA a success. Introduction Cannabis, also known as marijuana among other names is a psychoactive drug from cannabis plant used for…...
Marijuana Legalization
Ramanpreet KaurProfessor BayneEnglish 111Is Police Violence a
Words • 2195
Pages • 9
The following sample essay on problem of police violence: revealing of social problem of police aggression, brutality and violence. Is Police Violence a Real Problem in Society? OMG!!!! There is so much discrimination around me please helppppp!!!! Police violence is a controversial issue that has many sides to it, but what is the brutal truth? Is it a real problem? Many people think that it is real and that police officers abuse the amount of power they have. On the…...
Community PolicingCrimeJusticeLaw EnforcementPoliticsSocial Issues
In The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
Words • 1037
Pages • 5
The following sample essay on In The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, social class is united with ethnicity, wealth, power, and gender. Everyone in Afghanistan was being treated differently in some type of way and Amir saw this in his early childhood when he witnessed Hassan being raped. The main characters were separated by their ethnicity and religious background. Hassan was made fun because of his characteristics. Assef stated to Amir, “We are the true Afghans, the pure Afghans, not…...
InjusticeSocial IssuesThe Kite Runner
Finance Trends in Healthcare Industry
Words • 1023
Pages • 5
The following sample essay on "Finance trends": finance trends, issues and necessities in market, healthcare industry. The medical field is consistently changing and advancing, making diverse financial patterns inside the healthcare framework. With the different examples evolving ceaselessly, it is of extreme significance to evaluate the job of morals and compliance issues inside the social insurance fund condition to help break down organic market. After an investigation of the patterns, techniques are expected to help forestall the expanding costs in…...
Affordable Care ActHealth CareHipaaInsurancePatient
White Collar Psychopaths and the Most Common Types of Crime
Words • 1443
Pages • 6
White collar psychopaths have amazing interpersonal skills, highly intelligent and powerfully persuasive that when incorporated into their persona make them a very good master at disguise. Their most common types of crime committed are Theft crimes like fraud, theft by deceit, embezzlement, and abuse of trust crimes. First, we will explore the crime of fraud and how it pertains to white collar criminals. Fraud is defined as getting property by deception. This is one of the easiest white-collar crimes to…...
CrimeDeceptionIdentity TheftInsuranceLawPsychology
International Law
Words • 1938
Pages • 8
The following sample essay on "International Law": why has international law found it difficult to find a resolution to the Syrian conflict. In 2018, Russian and Iran supported Syrian government to recapture areas in eastern Ghouta in Damascus countryside and Daraa governorate. Syrian government used different methods to make anti-groups in these areas to surrender. In Syrian conflict for a particular time chemical attacks were taken place, the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) was authorized to attribute…...
ContractHuman TraffickingInternational LawJusticeLawPolitics
The Problem of Fundamentalism in India
Words • 470
Pages • 2
The following sample essay on "The problem of fundamentalism in India" discusses many issues facing up in the name of religious as Hindu, Muslims, Christians etc. Can mob violence be justified? We all know that India is called as unity in diversity. But what we say today is very vast different.  They have their own beliefs and rituals that leads to fundamentalism. Policies correction is Facismpretending to be manner. - George Carnol There have been several alrouties and valunable groups.…...
JusticeLawMahatma GandhiPoliticsSocial Issues
Cybersecurity has been growing rapidly since 2006 when cloud
Words • 1311
Pages • 6
Cybersecurity has been growing rapidly since 2006 when cloud computing was introduced by most companies. Has a result more and more companies are spending more cash to improve their networks. There is no doubt that cyber has brought more problems with, however lack of training, unwarranted attacks, loss of property and human error have become a barrier that cannot be escaped within the cyber field. The conspiracy. With the internet connections in a world where technology underpins almost every aspect…...
Computer SecurityCyber CrimeCyber SecurityInformation AgeInformation TechnologySecurity
11 Experience with online learning When I started with online module
Words • 1126
Pages • 5
1.1 Experience with online learningWhen I started with online module, I knew I did not have time to commit because it was my first time using computer. Studying online is a truly global experience and I appreciated hearing or sharing opinions with other students that are differing from my own. Consequently, online classes allowed me to work on my pace, since no one was there to rush me. Online learning taught me to save money I used to pay the…...
CrimeCriminal JusticeEthicsJustice
The idea of power is very complex and profound making it both
Words • 1824
Pages • 8
The following sample essay on The idea of power is very complex and profound making it both tells about abuse of power. The idea of power is very complex and profound, making it both a challenging yet intriguing topic. This is particularly true in Atwoods dystopian novel,The Handmaids Tale, in relation to the unstable nature of the Gileadean society. Power is a major theme in the novel, in this case specifically the desire for it. Atwood allows the reader to…...
ProstitutionThe Handmaid'S Tale
Abstract Forensic science is the application of scientific
Words • 1671
Pages • 7
AbstractForensic science is the application of scientific techniques and theories to solve crimes. Forensic science consists of many different disciplines e.g Forensic Pathology, Forensic Odontology, Forensic DNA Analysis, Forensic Anthropology, Digital Forensics and many more other disciplines. [19]Advances in DNA analysis and replication and the implementation of the CODIS (Combined DNA Index System) allows DNA evidence to be more effective in solving current and cold cases as well as tying perpetrators to multiple cases. [5]GlossaryDNA: DNA is a biological signature…...
CancerCervical CancerCrimeCriminal JusticeCriminologyDisease
Reinstitution of Death Sentence: Pros and Cons
Words • 502
Pages • 3
Some others assume it was a good thing to revoke the death sentence since its unethical to execute people for one mistake, and its against human right to kill one of our kind. To begin with, the death sentence has always terrified people even more than a lifetime in prison, because they know when theyll die, and cannot see their family anymore. In some cases, the panic of death sentence prevents killers from doing more crimes. The reason is that…...
CrimeCriminal JusticeDeath PenaltyJusticeLaw
My Own View of Justice
Words • 845
Pages • 4
The following sample essay on "My Own View of Justice": people who are relatively well-off should give a reasonable percentage of their earnings to help reduce absolute poverty on a global scale. Within todays society, the gap between poor and rich has never been wider. While some people have more money than it is possible to spend in a lifespan, no matter how extravagantly they might make purchases; others are not able to provide even for their most simple and…...
EthicsJusticePoliticsPovertySocial IssuesSociety
Part I Haggling and Bargaining Decade of Sanctions Leading to
Words • 692
Pages • 3
Part I: Haggling and Bargaining: Decade of Sanctions Leading to a Mutually Hurting StalemateFrom 1998 till 1997, the negotiations between the US, UK and Libya moved at a glacial pace culminating in a hurting stalemate from 1994. The interdependence of decisions in this scenario prescribed a haggling and bargaining approach to negotiations since each party had partial control over the its own consequence and the other party’s outcome. Understanding negotiations as a bargaining process in which both parties move from…...
Problem of Internet Scam
Words • 1216
Pages • 5
The following sample essay on "Problem of Internet Scam": describing issue of internet scam and  way to solve. Internet Scams are the trending business for 21st century criminals. Technology has made life easier in a good and bad way in that millions of money is lost through internet scams. Business leaders, IT security experts, and other parties are yet to fully understand the precise crimes perpetrated through the internet. They are yet to develop a concrete results that can reduce…...
Computer SecurityCrimeInformation AgeInformation TechnologyInternet
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Cybersecurity has been growing rapidly since 2006 when cloud
...In conclusion, Human error, lack of training, unwarranted attacks have been challenges that will continue to trouble cybersecurity experts. It is the role of users, Cybersecurity experts alongside platform owners to exercise vigilance towards the cha...
11 Experience with online learning When I started with online module
...4.2 Role model are those who possess the qualities that we would like to have, those who affect us in way that makes us to be better people in future or in our life. I looked at Lebang Willy as my role model, reason being is because he has ethical ch...
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