Essays on Law

Free essays on Law are online resources containing academic papers, research works or case studies that explore various areas of law. These essays provide useful insights into legal issues, court judgments, case precedents, legal debates, and theoretical frameworks related to the study of law. They can be beneficial to law students, legal professionals, researchers, and academicians who seek to broaden their understanding of legal knowledge and its application. These essays can also serve as a source of inspiration and guidance for students who may be required to submit similar papers. These essays are provided free of charge, making them accessible to anyone who is interested in learning about law.
The Reasons Why the Stanford Prison Experiment Was Wrong
Words • 469
Pages • 2
The Stanford Prison Experiment is in some ways an experiment gone wrong. While we did learn some pretty valuable information from it, I believe there were more ethical ways to achieve the same results. While watching the video, I thought "there is no way this was at all ethical”; Mostly due to the emotional and physical stress it was clearly causing the "prisoners”. Alas, the American Psychological Association (APA) deemed in 1973 that all ethical principles were followed (Zimbardo, 1999).…...
Stanford Prison Experiment
Ethical issues in Milgram and Zimbardo’s experiments
Words • 1056
Pages • 5
The ethical issues surrounding the subject of psychology have been ever-changing throughout the years. The standard ethical guidelines have been altered and influenced on multiple different occasions due to on-going experiments and investigations conducted in the field of psychology. Over the last fifty years, the ethical standards have become more rigid and stricter, particularly due to the influence of two investigations; Milgram's Obedience Study and Zimbardo's Stanford Prison Experiment. Phillip Zimbardo's Stanford Prison Experiment, completed in 1971 was a study…...
Stanford Prison Experiment
Behavior of People in the Stanford Prison Experiment
Words • 1193
Pages • 5
The case of the Standard Ford Experiment is what happens when convicted persons are put in a confined place with relatively good people. The central inquiry at this juncture is whether the conquest between evil and good could bear any fruit. The Standard Ford experiment was an initiative launched to investigate the psychological effects of imaginary power, maintain a close focus on the struggle that prison guards encounter when they are confined with inmates. The experiment took place in 1971,…...
Stanford Prison Experiment
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An Overview of the Stanford Prison Experiment
Words • 634
Pages • 3
The Stanford Prison Experiment was a study done at Stanford University located in California. The study was done to determine the psychology behind the imprisoned and the guards who help keep them in check. One of the questions that were poised at the beginning of the experiment was would the students picked to join the experiment end up turning into the role of prisoner or guard, or would they resist. In other words, would the simulation force the subjects into…...
Stanford Prison Experiment
Guard Actions in Stanford Prison Experiment: Nature or Nurture?
Words • 727
Pages • 3
Nature Vs Nurture Essay The “Stanford Prison Experiment” led to a debate on whether the guards' actions were due to nature or nurture. Nature is based on genetics and nurture is based on the environment. In “Stanford Prison Experiment” by Saul McLeod, he discusses an experiment conducted by Philip Zimbardo, a psychologist. In this experiment, people were tested to see how they would react in a simulated prison environment. Additionally, in "The Making and Unmaking of a criminal" by Lindsay…...
Stanford Prison Experiment
A Discussion on the Morality of the Stanford Prison Experiment
Words • 682
Pages • 3
Stanford Prison Experiment It is difficult to discuss the morality of the Stanford Prison Experiment without feeling conflicted to some degree. It appears to be undeniable that the experiment was hugely important for the field of psychology. There is a reason that it is cited in psychology classes like this one around the country: it gave us keen insight into how the brain works. It tells us that it is possible for individuals to simply slip into a role given…...
Stanford Prison Experiment
In Today’s Society Filled With Technology, Everything is Online
Words • 937
Pages • 4
The ability to buy, sell, and share has never been easier. Banking accounts and information that is personal is now stored by computer programs instead of pen and paper. However, it has also never been easier for criminals to get access to these accounts and private information. Crimes that occur online are known as cybercrimes and are becoming more and more common in today’s criminal world. Cybercrimes are crimes that either are aimed to bypass a computer (hacking) or they…...
Identity TheftTechnology And Society
Facebook- Cambridge Analytica Data Scandal.
Words • 469
Pages • 2
Give examples of trends that have increased the risk of using data technology in an unethical manner MEDIA PIRACY – piracy us actually illegal infringement on copyrights held by owner of media, in other simple words we may say that piracy is the illegal distribution of music, movies, books, and other intellectual media as the internet has vast network all over the world it is not that easy to catch pirates For example number of movies are released every week…...
FacebookIdentity Theft
Michael Nuccitelli Cybercriminal Thought
Words • 962
Pages • 4
“Cyberspace allows our darkest fantasies to be fueled by the like minded. Once validated they are one step closer to becoming reality.” -Michael Nuccitelli, The Mind of a Cyber Criminal. Technology is everywhere. You see it wherever you go when you got out to eat, drive down the road, go to the doctors; in fact it would be much easier to name places where it cannot be seen. Its true that technology has helped make huge advances to our world…...
CrimeCyberbullyingIdentity Theft
Controlling Police On Decisions
Words • 2578
Pages • 11
Each and every day police officers respond to calls and are required to make the best decisions when reacting to the situation. There are many factors that control how the officers respond to calls. The first and most important part is the officer’s discretion. They also will refer to internal controls set by their department. They also look at external controls such as laws, court rulings and the way the community views the police. Law enforcement officers have to make…...
Community PolicingDecisionPolice Officer
Williams Enjoys free Rooms and Meals at Las Vegas Casinos
Words • 571
Pages • 3
In addition, information revealed in December 1994, that Williams regularly enjoys free rooms and meals at a casino in Las Vegas, dislikes highly in an organization that has had an incorruptible image since the Parker era, officers can be suspended, if not fired, for similar facts. Community policing is closely associated with him - he was specifically appointed to enforce it in Los Angeles - his unpopularity among police officers tends to rub off on their perception of this approach.…...
Community PolicingPolice Officer
Special Juvenile Police Unit
Words • 865
Pages • 4
POCSO act provide a legal scheme and structure to acknowledge the issue of child abuse in a more stringent and impressive way. In India children are victims of many forms of sexual abuses, evil practices immensely they are unnoticed and not reported to the authority. But due to the fare and profitable provision, it is very helpful for victim and their family to cope up and come out from the difficult phase of life. As the above grounds it can…...
Child ProtectionPoliceSpecial Education
Analysis of Documentary Film about the Capital Punishment
Words • 817
Pages • 4
During this documentary I think the most important part of the Criminal Justice system involved were the police and detectives. The police/detectives were constantly investigating and trying to solve these murders. They were present at every missing person scene and when bodies were found. Eventually, they determined Bundy as the serial killer. During the documentary many police/detectives involved in the case were the ones describing the events of the past. An article from the Crime Museum explains Ted Bundy’s story,…...
Capital Punishment
The Future and the Goal of Correction
Words • 496
Pages • 2
The prisoner should use rehabilitation, incapacitation or retribution for many reasons because the people who works there and inmates a lot of trouble and situation. What do they better for the inmates for rehabilitation? There many of people trouble in the United States of America includes: drug, robbery, murder, burglary, and motivation. The most time of the people can’t stop them own self from drug. The police officer caught some of the people incarcerated from drug. The population incarcerated who…...
Capital Punishment
The Debate on Capital Punishment
Words • 2534
Pages • 11
Marriage: The Free License to Rape? The problem of underreporting of rape is an open wound that has been infecting the Indian social fabrics since antiquity. Even though the reporting rate has increased over the years, there are still lacuna, as ‘only one in ten cases is reported to police’19. And even such a dismal rate of reporting is ‘limited by the legal exception which rules out the possibility of most marital rape.’ The debate on marital rape has the…...
Capital Punishment
To Scherr, Toma and Schuster
Words • 452
Pages • 2
The main focus of this study is the research question. How does people using social media and those who use Facebook Surveillance and Facebook Envy affect one’s individual health and human being? The hypothesis in this article becomes developed as depressed humans individually tend to experience a great extent of some sort of stress and emotional behavior in the text of admiring sociable encounters. The dependent variable in this study I believe would be the Facebook users, while the independent…...
Alcohol Legislation in North Carolina
Words • 1793
Pages • 8
In reference to Alcohol sales, a State that is “Controlled” means that alcohol can only be purchased through the state. Therefore, restaurants, ABC stores, and grocery stores must adhere to the restrictive laws that North Carolina puts in place. The Agency overseeing this regulation is the Alcohol Law Enforcement Branch (ironically, ALE). According to their website, the agency intends to uphold public safety, claiming that unregulated and free-spirited alcohol sales are a haven for gambling, drug activity, and other crimes.…...
CrimeDrunk Driving
Drunk Driving Is a Serious Crime
Words • 974
Pages • 4
The strategy focuses on both the public health and public safety aspects of drug use and substance abuse disorders. This policy focuses on addiction disease and on the importance of preventing drug use, as well as providing treatment to those who need it, including those who are involved in the criminal justice system (ONDCP, 2014). This policy also emphasizes support for millions of individuals who are in recovery from substance abuse use disorders involving drugs (ONDCP, 2014). The importance of…...
CrimeDrunk Driving
Black Lives Matter Movement During The era of Covid-19 and Racial Injustice
Words • 717
Pages • 3
As a young black man growing up in Georgia, I experienced racism. Therefore, I can appreciate the “Black Lives Matter” movement. The Black Lives Matter movement has helped eliminate racial disparities through various interventions. However, from a medical standpoint “All Lives Matter”. In this article, I will review two public health crisis: Covid-19 and racial injustice and how the Black Lives Matter movement strives to improve injustice and unify people. Racial Injustice The Black Lives Matter movement began in 2013…...
Black Lives MatterInjustice
“Minority Threat Hypothesis and New York Police Termination and Rampage Policy”
Words • 863
Pages • 4
The article “Minority Threat Hypothesis and NYPD Stop and Frisk Policy” by Joseph Ferrandino focuses on New York’s stop and frisk policy and how it is used to target members of minority groups. Joseph Ferrandino uses data gathered from the 2012 Stop, Question, and Frisk database which clearly shows bias against members of minority groups by the NYPD. Ferrandino's main argument is that that the NYPD uses its power to suppress and retain dominance against minority groups. I believe the…...
HypothesisMinorityPolicySocial Norms
Marijuana Legalization Leads to Decrease In Opioid Deaths
Words • 682
Pages • 3
The American Academy of Pain Medicine reports that as many as 100 million americans suffer from some form of chronic pain. In order to relieve that pain, many people have sought out opioid prescriptions, which have doubled over the past 10 years. With this immense increase the number of prescriptions opioids like xanax, hydrocodone, and oxycodone are running rampant in the streets and have become popular among teens. Opioid use has recently become a problem nationwide and legalized marijuana has…...
Marijuana Legalization
Marijuana Is An Illegal Drug
Words • 419
Pages • 2
More than half of US adults, over 128 million people, have tried marijuana, despite it being an illegal drug under federal law. Nearly 600,000 Americans are arrested for possession annually – more than one person per minute. Public support for legalizing marijuana went from 12% in 1969 to 66% today. Starting with Colorado and Washington in 2012, recreational marijuana, also known as adult-use marijuana, has been legalized in nine states and D.C. I think it is more money to be…...
Marijuana Legalization
Health Benefits of Marijuana Natalie Turner
Words • 1231
Pages • 5
For the longest time marijuana has been looked at as a gateway drug, or in some cases as bad as cocaine. The more time that has passed the more we understand the true benefits of marijuana. Not only has it been proven to work just as well as pain medication, it has also been proven to not be addictive. The more we research this product the more we understand that it is not a drug, but in fact a step…...
Marijuana Legalization
The Legalization Of Marijuana
Words • 1756
Pages • 8
Alexis Shipley essay for Neosho County Community College over the subject of the legalization of marijuana is titled, “ The Legalization of Marijuana”. Negative propaganda has led portions of the United States to be persuaded that the use of cannabis will lead to more and stronger drugs. The legalization of cannabis has been a controversial topic in the United States for decades. This essay explores the advantages of the practice of cannabis for revenue, recreational and medical use. The legalization…...
Marijuana Legalization
Legalizing Marijuana In Medicine
Words • 1822
Pages • 8
Introduction The purpose of this paper is not to make an argument but to research the legalization of marijuana. The main purpose is to identify the rhetoric used in favor and against the legalization of marijuana by the media, federal legislators, state legislators, and the public. Examples such as use of language and rhetorical devices are used to influence people by appealing to their emotions, logic, or taking advantage of speaker's credibility. Through critical thinking and an unbiased position, we…...
Marijuana Legalization
Legalizing Marijuana For Medical Purposes
Words • 1583
Pages • 7
As I grew up in a little town in Kentucky that was infested with drugs, I never knew why someone would jeopardize their life using illegal substances. Growing up all I heard was, “don’t do drugs.” Marijuana is a popular drug used and sold in my hometown. Legalizing marijuana has been debated all over the nation for decades. Legalizing marijuana could help society in many aspects. It can be used for medical and recreational uses all across the world making…...
Marijuana LegalizationMedical Marijuana
Pros And Cons Of Marijuana
Words • 714
Pages • 3
Marijuana is a drug that has pros, and cons. But for Marijuana, there are more pros, than cons. The reason for that, is, because it is people's lives, and they can choose whether, or not to use Marijuana. Marijuana has a positive role in medicine. Anything, besides drugs as well, that is taken, or used heavily, is going to be bad for people’s health. A positive effect of Marijuana is that it has a potential to help people feel better…...
Marijuana Legalization
Path to Equality, Civil Rights Movement
Words • 1503
Pages • 7
The 1950s and 1960s were a period of protest and continued struggle for social justice and equality for black Americans. It was during the middle of this movement, in 1965, that the Selma to Montgomery march in Alabama occurred. This march was organized as part of the effort to register black voters in the South, especially in Alabama. During the march, “protesters marching the 54-mile route from Selma to the state capital of Montgomery were confronted with deadly violence from…...
Civil Rights MovementEqualityLegend
Analysis Of Plagiarism Policy
Words • 1409
Pages • 6
Summary of Argument At Umass Boston, the policy on plagiarism is very cut and dry. Academic Honesty is something that should be taken very seriously. After analyzing the policy there is many things I would change. From the way things are handled when getting caught, to the reasons some things are considered plagiarism. You can not deny the fact that plagiarism is a big part in higher education. Schools everywhere have created zero-tolerance policies on plagiarism. Of course while these…...
Community Policing: An Exploration of African-American Youth Perceptions
Words • 2780
Pages • 12
Introduction Police brutality towards African-American men, predominantly youth between the ages of 10 and 24, have frequented news reports in the recent years. Human rights protests have developed in urban cities, such as Chicago. For example, the death of sixteen-year-old Laquan McDonald, who shot by a police officer while unarmed in his community. This instance, along with others, have caused a growth in the tension between minority communities and law enforcement officers. Recently, there appears to be a racial variable…...
African AmericanCommunity PolicingPolice BrutalityPolicy
Commentary by Atticus Finch
Words • 527
Pages • 3
“To kill a mockingbird” is about segregation and how the white people doesn't like the black people so they have their differences with each other. Atticus Finch is a lawyer that is defending a black man known as Tom Robinson. In the book “To Kill a Mockingbird” atticus’s residents are upset at him because he cares for everyone and he is not racist. Atticus made thoughtful choices because he wanted to teach his kids that no matter what their color…...
Atticus FinchJustice
Hard childhood Frank Timmons
Words • 978
Pages • 4
Frank Timmons is a 55-year-old African American male, who was the second youngest out of 13 children and was born in a large metropolitan city in 1964 (Southern New Hampshire University, 2019). Timmons lost his mother at the age of 12, but leading up to that his mother, Loretta was not an active parent, she was an absent parent who rarely cared for her children when she was alive. Loretta would often leave him in the care of his older…...
12 Angry MenJusticeLaw
And then there were none
Words • 527
Pages • 3
Don’t you feel some weirdness and anger when your life is tied to someone? And you don’t have anything to do. So imagine if the end of your life was restricted by anthropomorphism and a few lines of poetry. This is exactly what happened in one of the best detective novels “And Then There were None”, which was written by Agatha Christie in 1939. The events began when ten paper messages were sent to ten different people who did not…...
And Then There Were NoneCrimeNatural Law
The title hero is not one that is easily earned or claimed
Words • 1062
Pages • 5
Most people view heroes as brave, good-hearted, and strong individuals. Being a hero is not easy, it is physically and mentally challenging. Being a hero requires strong willpower, honestly, and over all a strong mentality. People such as soldiers, sacrifice their lives to protect others and their land. That is one perspective of a hero, there are many more, for instance, supernatural heroes are viewed as heroes. One supernatural hero that can be classified as a hero is spiderman. Spiderman…...
Hero'S JourneyJustice
Laws against Cyber Crimes
Words • 889
Pages • 4
The first bill we will be elaborating is AZ H2177 which revises provisions relating to the Regulatory Sandbox Program, revises certain definitions, relates to temporary testing of an innovation without otherwise being licensed, revises provisions connecting to the application process & demands, provides for financial products & services, requires the employment of cybersecurity measures to avoid breaches (Cybersecurity Legislation. 2018). If you’re not accustomed with the significance of the Regulatory Sandbox Program it’s a framework created by a financial sector…...
CrimeCrime PreventionCriminal LawCyber CrimeLaw
Is CBD legal in North Carolina
Words • 990
Pages • 4
North Carolina is known as the home of wildflowers and milkweeds. However, there is one herb that it doesn’t currently freely allow in its lands, marijuana. As much as lawmakers hate to admit, marijuana and its other family members have medicinal benefits that cannot be found in other herbs in normal gardens; it has CBD. Is CBD legal in NC? Moreover, is CBD oil legal in NC? This article will answer these questions and will clarify, once and for all…...
Marijuana Legalization
Action by the Wrongdoer to Form Good the Loss Suffered by the Victim
Words • 1247
Pages • 5
The following sample essay on Action by the Wrongdoer to Form Good the Loss Suffered by the Victim deals with community suffers. The question becomes whether or not the community really ever could be a victim, and if so, whether or not community service really makes sensible the community losses. Some have answered within the affirmative, positing that the community could be a secondary victim that's indirectly eviscerate by crime. for instance, the community suffers psychological injury from the concern…...
CommunityCrimeCriminal LawJusticeLawSociety
Investigative Journalism Powered by Curiosity
Words • 723
Pages • 3
The following sample essay focuses on investigative journalism and what drives it. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. Investigative journalism, powered by curiosity and a desire to uncover issues which are a matter of interest for the general public should not be a crime. In July 2017, ABC journalists Dan Oakes and Sam Clark published a series of articles titled the Afghan Files which gave an unprecedented insight into the way the elite special forces operated…...
Civil RightsCrimeHuman RightsJusticeLawPolitics
Homo Sapiens Are Complex Species That Conquered the Earth
Words • 1600
Pages • 7
Вy dint of their intellectual skills and ability of socialization. From years, humans are working hard to fulfil their desires and need. With a great capacity to think, reason and analyze, the psychological level of humanity is far beyond other creatures. Satisfaction means fulfilment of ones need and that is what every human being strive to achieve. They have myriad of needs which can be broadly divided into two, that is, physical and psychological. Physical needs include food, shelter and…...
Civil RightsCrimeGenderHomosexualityHuman RightsJustice
“Nobody” by Marc Lamont
Words • 2096
Pages • 9
The following example essay on "Nobody by Marc Lamont" is an analysis of a literary work that reveals the stereotype of undocumented emigrants. The essay reveals the plot of the book and reveals the images of the main characters of the story. On June 3rd, 2018 Daniel Castro was driving with his father-in-law, Melvin Serrano. Daniel was sitting in the passenger seat of the car. Daniel Castro’s fiancée, Kasandra asked Daniel to pick up warm water to make a baby…...
CrimeJusticeLawPoliticsRacial ProfilingRacism
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The Reasons Why the Stanford Prison Experiment Was Wrong
...If these college students where the average joe, why did they behave so differently? Some punished and tormented while others did not. According to an article on the experiment itself there were three kinds of guards. The first kind of guard was the ...
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