Assessment Task 2: Research Essay Outline

Name: Lim Pei Gee

Monash ID: 30882974 Class: English 2-8

Topic: Juvenile Delinquency

Question: Recent data has shown there is an increase in the rate of juvenile delinquency in some countries. What are the causes and effects of juvenile delinquency? How can the problems that arise be resolved?

Introduction (1 Paragraph)

What information is necessary for the introduction?

Definition of terms related to the topic

Brief introduction to the problem

Include in-text citations

Paragraph 1 Hook (Definition/ Interesting Info/ Quote)

“Behaviour of teenagers that is so marked by violation of law, continual mischievousness, delinquent behaviour, disobedience, or intractability as to thwart correction by parents and to constitute a rely for motion by the juvenile courts.

” (, n.d.).

Brief situation

Major social concern

Numerous cases – arrested on charges ranging from minor status offenses (Smith, 2019).

Often carries over into adult criminal behaviour (Smith, 2019).


Affected by the others

Lack of attention

Vent anger


Being concern on youth

Thesis Statement (Complete sentence)

This essay investigates the causes and effect of juvenile delinquency that often happened in younger generations nowadays, suggest reasonable solutions for the problems and evaluates the effectiveness of these solutions.

Situation (4 Paragraphs)

What information is necessary for the situation section?

Provide TWO (2) current situations related to the topic

In each situation, provide at least TWO (2) examples -NOT from the same source

TWO [2] in-text citations

Paragraph 1 Introductory Statement (introduce the 2 situations):

Family environment

Social circumstances

Paragraph 2 First Body Paragraph (First Situation):

Topic Sentence: (complete sentence)

Family environment are the major reason for the rise of juvenile delinquency.

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Parents exhibit hyper-aggressive behaviour to educate their children

Parents indifferent to children’s development – Lack of Communication

Parents marital relationships have been disrupted

Evidence 1 & Explanation:

Parents display aggressive behaviour

Children learn to imitate it – acceptable means of achieving goals (Wright & Wright 1994).

Teach children aggressive, antisocial, and violent behaviour (Wright & Wright 1994).

Evidence 2 & Explanation:

Children who witness marital discord are at greater risk of becoming delinquents

Psychological distress in adulthood (Amato & Sobolewski 2001).

Finds the home empty – would not stay there

Go out with peers

Antisocial behaviour or values – involve in juvenile delinquency

Vent anger

Linking Sentence:

Family – most influential institutions in socializing youth

Paragraph 3 Second Body Paragraph (Second Situation)

Topic Sentence: (complete sentence)

Secondly, social circumstances had also become a reason that lead to an increase in cases of juvenile delinquency.


Affected by friends

Being discriminate by others

Lack of attention

Evidence 1 & Explanation:

Friends commit crime adolescents

Learn to do it

Cannot understand the consequences of the crime

Evidence 2 & Explanation:

Friends discriminate



Cannot get similar resources

Show delinquent

Vent anger

Attract attention from the others

Linking Sentence:

Tarnish image and reputation

Paragraph 4 Concluding Paragraph (summarise situations)

Brings serious repercussions

Affect image of society

Problems (4 Paragraphs)

What information is necessary for the problems section?

Provide TWO (2) current problems and the effects related to the topic

In each problem, provide at least TWO (2) evidences- NOT from the same source

TWO [2] in-text citations

Paragraph 1 Introductory Statement (introduce the 2 problems):

Juvenile delinquency will causes

Social problem

Government have to pay a high costs

Paragraph 2 First Body Paragraph (First Problem):

Topic Sentence: (complete sentence)

The biggest effect cause by juvenile delinquency is it will lead to numerous social problems.


Youth that involved in Juvenile delinquency will slowly sinking into a life of crime

Evidence 1 & Explanation:

Ignoring teen’s crime

Encourage them repeat their behaviour

Raising their level of criminal offenses

Desire to commit crime

Evidence 2 & Explanation:

Juvenile Delinquent not accept by the society – repentance

Be aware of juvenile delinquent

Not treat them like the others


Given up by the society

Linking Sentence:

High social risk – safety

Paragraph 3 Second Body Paragraph (Second Problem):

Topic Sentence: (complete sentence)

The second effect of juvenile delinquency is it will carry a high cost to government system.


Government will need to pay a higher cost in term of money and societal costs when there’s case of juvenile delinquency

Evidence 1 & Explanation:

Costs in term of money (Seidel, 2018)

Increasing policing

Costs of judicial system process

Medical cost

Evidence 2 & Explanation:

Societal costs (Seidel, 2018)

Citizen is removed from society and placed in a juvenile facility or jail

No longer a functional, contributing person to the society

Linking Sentence:

Money and societal costs required when there’s a case of juvenile delinquency

Paragraph 4 Concluding Paragraph (summarise problems)

Solutions (4 Paragraphs)

What information is necessary for the solutions section?

Provide TWO (2) solutions related to the topic

In each solution, provide at least TWO (2) evidences – NOT from the same source

TWO [2] in-text citations

Paragraph 1 Introductory Statement (introduce the 2 solutions):

Be concerned about the youth

Educational strategies

Paragraph 2 First Body Paragraph (First Solution):

Topic Sentence: (complete sentence)

To solve this problem, society should pay more attention on youth behaviour.

Explanation 1:

Being concern on their development

Treat them fairly

Evidence 1 & Explanation:

Implementation of curfew laws ()

Evidence 2 & Explanation:

Linking Sentence:

Paragraph 3 Second Body Paragraph (Second Solution):

Topic Sentence: (complete sentence)

Besides that, educational strategies are also a way to resolve the problem.

Explanation 1:

Educators’ responsibility

Psychological way

Evidence 1 & Explanation:

Educators’ responsibility

Provide help to those young individuals having behavioural problems

Ensure security and control over the educational environments.

Evidence 2 & Explanation:

Psychological way

Send them to supervise probation in the community.

Linking Sentence:

Paragraph 4 Concluding Paragraph (summarise solutions)

Evaluation (2-3 Paragraphs)

What information is necessary for the evaluation section?

Choose the best solution out of the two you have provided

Provide an explanation (in-text citation required)

Paragraph 1 Evaluate the first solution

Topic Sentence: (complete sentence)

To begin with, paying attention on youth development and being concern on them seem as a strong deterrent.

Explanation 1:

Evidence 1 & Explanation:

Evidence 2 & Explanation:

Linking Sentence:

Paragraph 2 Evaluate the second solution

Topic Sentence: (complete sentence)


Evidence 1 and Explanation:

Evidence 2 & Explanation:

Linking Sentence:

Paragraph 3 Decide on the best solution

Topic Sentence: (complete sentence)


Evidence 1 & Explanation:

Evidence 2 & Explanation:

Linking Sentence:


What information is necessary for the evaluation section?

Provide a concluding statement

Provide a summary

Concluding Statement:



Reiteration of Thesis Statement:

References, (n.d) Retrieved from C. S. (2019). Juvenile delinquency. Salem Press Encyclopedia. Retrieved from

L. J. . W. B. C., & Welsh, B. C. (2014). Juvenile delinquency?: the core /. Wadsworth. Retrieved from

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