Free essays on Humanities refer to essays that are available for downloading or reading online without having to pay any fees. These essays cover a wide range of topics within the field of humanities, including literature, philosophy, religion, history, art, culture, and language. They are written by scholars, academics, and students, and provide valuable insights and perspectives on various issues and debates within the humanities. Free essays on Humanities offer a great resource for people looking to explore new ideas or gain more knowledge in the area of humanities, without having to spend money on expensive books or journals.
African’s Contributions to the Allied War
The Allied War, which is another name for World War II, was a global war that lasted from 1939 to 1945. This war was the greatest and deadliest war yet, including in over 30 different nations. Started by the 1939 Nazi attack of Poland, the war lasted for six grisly years until the Allies crushed Nazi Germany and Japan in 1945. The countries that most often come to mind when one thinks about the second world war are generally Britain,…...
Texas Is a State Full of Heroes
Texas is one of the most recognized and history filled states, due to its size and previous independence. This means that within its borders, it holds many heroes. Most Texas hero such as Stephen F. Austin or Davy Crockett are the most notable ones. Almost any major general involved in the Alamo got major recognition, except for one in particular. Juan Seguin played a major part in the development of Texas history, but has gone unnoticed due to his origins.…...
Davy CrockettHistory
The History of the Cherokee Eviction in the 1700s
In the period of the North American colonization in the early 1700’s to 1800’s, there was a lot of tension due to the Native Americans, specifically the Cherokees, that had previously been inhabiting the land in West America, specifically Georgia. Whites coming into that territory were not willing to compromise with the Natives and wanted what was eventually referred to as the Cherokee Removal. There were multiple points of view from both the whites and the Cherokee Nation. The arguments…...
Us History
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Justice Is a Way to Assess Our Government and Society
Justice is the focus of a well-managed society, according to philosopher John Rawls. Rawls is responsible for the Original position or the difference principle. To understand the difference principle, you must first understand the “Veil of Ignorance”. Rawls states that the principles of justice are chosen behind a veil of ignorance. The questions that he asks are; how would a person want to organize society if the person were placed in what Rawls called the original position. (May, and Delston…...
PhilosophersPhilosophyRobin Hood
The Life of H. H. Holmes, America’s First Serial Killer
H.H. Holmes was arguably the first serial killer in American history. His powerful charisma and charm seemed to coax his victims into the arms of their inevitable deaths. He preyed on the weaknesses of young women in a way that kept him from being discovered.A man of unquestionable allurement, H.H. Holmes weakened his victim by simply looking her in the eye. His deep and mysterious “blue gaze” was something that women fawned over(65). Bystanders like Ned Connor, Julia's husband and…...
HistorySerial Killer
The Psychological Theories and Aspects That Makes an Individual a Serial Killer
Serial killers are formed in staged of an individual’s life. Before an individual is even considering being the cause of another’s death, they tend to separate themselves from the people around them and even the world. These killers tend to sneak off to a world which is controlled by them, in other words, a fantasy. In order to not experience any pain or the feeling for being an underachiever, an individual makes up a world which they decide what course…...
Abnormal PsychologySerial Killer
Achieving Goals: Understanding Success
When the word success appears, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? An accomplishment of a written goal? Whether the answer is yes or no, you all perhaps know the meaning of success based out of the dictionary, your teacher, or even of an authority figure. According to The, success is the accomplishment of one’s goals. From my own perspective, success is measure by multiple factors which include, respect, appreciation, visualization, accomplishment, and self-motivation. Applying the…...
Personal StrengthsSelf Discipline
Religious Belief as Spiritual Sustenance
I can well remember that there was a time when I was five years old my mother took me to attend a ceremony in church. On that time, I knew nothing about religions, even never hearing about this term. But the candlelight with glow and moving sound of singing were impressive for me. Later, I knew that church’s belonging to Catholicism and that day was Christmas Eve. In my family, only my aunt gets along with the religion indeed. As…...
ReligionSelf Discipline
Self-Discipline’s Significance in Decision-Making
Freedom is a sometimes passive ability where a choice is made about what action to take, and the acceptance of any consequences that arise from that choice, although whoever made that choice may regret it, and fight against the consequences. Discipline is needed to carry through with whatever choices are made using freedom; discipline is not needed to achieve freedom.Whenever a choice is made, the people who make that choice are challenged, whether by those with opposing views, or nature.…...
Personal PhilosophySelf Discipline
The Road to Success: Goal Setting & Self-Discipline
To many people, being successful has many different meanings. Some people see success as having a family and well-paying job, others see it as becoming a billionaire. There’s many ways to become successful. You can become successful by setting goals for yourself. Another way is to have some self-discipline. Lastly you’ll need to work on self-improvement. These are just a few things that’ll help you to become successful.To start out in becoming successful, you’ll need to set some goals. Have…...
Goals In Life
In Search for the Real Identity of Jack the Ripper
Abstract Jack the Ripper terrorized the East End of London with his heinous acts of senseless violence in the Nineteenth century. The perpetrator who committed these malicious murders in which the victim's body was viciously mutilated is under speculation. By analyzing each murder, acknowledging the characteristics of the murderer, and providing a scenario which links Prince Eddy to the murders, it establishes that he is a likely suspect to be Jack the Ripper.The Murders by Jack the RipperThe first murder…...
Jack The RipperViolence
5 Interesting and Important Topics That You Should Know About Medieval England
Medieval England was a great time period because it was fun and happy, but it also had some wars and fighting. In this paper there will be 5 interesting and important topics that you should know about Medieval England.Those topics are kings, the battle of Hastings, bouquets, castles and Robin Hood. Castles in Medieval England were mainly built in Southern Italy before they became popular in England. Castles mainly had 2 main parts which were a stone and a gate…...
EnglandHistoryRobin Hood
The Impossibility of Perpetual Youth
Since the beginning of time, people have attempted various methods to stay young for as long as they possibly can. Though perpetual youth is impossible, people still go to extremes to try to deceive time and reason to stay young. People quickly decide that youth is the only character worth having, and Dorian Gray is no exception. Perpetual youth is impossible in The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. Dorian’s obsession with his own youth and youth in general…...
NarcissismNarcissistic Personality DisorderThe Picture Of Dorian Gray
Narcissism in Christian Marriage
In today’s society, there is a high degree of tolerance that is practiced and associated within the faith movement and life of a Christian. In marriage, we stay regardless of how toxic, it is for many reasons that surround the opportunities to co-parent children, or from the mere feeling of not being able to face having a failed marriage. For individuals born or raised in the Christian faith, it has been cognitively expected and explained that marriage is a good…...
MarriageNarcissismNarcissistic Personality Disorder
The Search for Jack the Ripper
You Dont Know Jack: The Search for Jack the RipperJack the Ripper is one of the most notonous yet romanticized characters in modern history. His gruesome prostitute murder rampage of 1868 in Whitechapel, a poor district on the East Side of London, shocked Victorian society and fascinated the world for over a century. Jack the Ripper is not the first serial killer in history, but he is the first greatly publicized killer of the modem age. It is generally accepted…...
HistoryJack The Ripper
Most People Have No Idea They Have a Personality Disorder
An estimated 6.1% of the world has a personality disorder, only counting reported cases. Most people that have them, don’t know that they do. Their way of thinking is completely normal to them, causing them to blame all of their problems on other people. It can cause them to have trouble relating to both people and situations. This makes problems and limitations to arise in social activities, work, school, and relationships. Personality disorders cause the recipient to have a rigid,…...
NarcissismNarcissistic Personality DisorderPersonality Disorder
Understanding Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Narcissistic Personality Disorder, or NPD, is most often recognized as a condition that contains patterns of behaviors and thoughts that can cause difficulties in multiple aspects of life. NPD is classified under the Dramatic/Erratic Cluster personality disorders that are “characterized by symptoms that range from highly inconsistent behaviors to inflated self-esteem, rule-breaking behavior, and exaggerated emotional displays,”(Abnormal Psychology, Kring). Individuals with NPD can be described to think very highly of oneself’s importance as well as requiring a need for admiration…...
NarcissismNarcissistic Personality DisorderPersonality Disorder
Black Hole Instead of a Heart
I saw a giant humanoid character with no face and slightly dark skin (similar to a common artist's poseable wooden figure, but buffer physique) that was biologically part-mountain; it had grass, soil and ecosystems around its body like armor around a human, cliffsides at the edges of its shoulder-blades, etc. the soil/eco-elements were somewhat fused with the body. It had a glowing cyan-blue symbol on the back of its head, I can't remember what the symbol was so you should…...
Black HoleHumanityImmortality
Babe Ruth’s Affect on the 1920s
In America, in the 1920s, Babe Ruth was a great symbol of the open era. The 1920s was an era where the people of America had a lack intention to follow the law. This made the 1920s a lawless era (Nash 374). An example of the lack of attention to the law is in the times of Prohibition many Americans gave no attempt to follow that law. Prohibition is the prevention to make or sell alcohol. However, many Americans did…...
Consequences of Episodes of Homophobia
National School Climate Survey every two years on the school experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) students. It shows that the manifestations of homophobia in schools are plural and take sometimes the appearance of a physical violence (jostling, blows, unwanted sexual touching), sometimes those of a less direct denigration (rumors, setting to the gap, cyberbullying). 40.1% of 7261 students surveyed in the 2009 school year reported having been physically abused because of their sexual orientation, and 27.2% because…...
HomosexualityPerseveranceSexual Orientation
The Creation Myth in Plato’s Timaeus
The relationship between Man and nature as seen through Plato's creation myth Timaeus can be summed up relatively succinctly: all is one, and therefore, Man is nature and nature is Man. Plato’s scholarship analyzes a variety of elements and principles, but ultimately concludes that the creator “led it from chaos to order, which he regarded as in all ways better”.[footnoteRef:1] For Plato, all is born from chaos into order, all is made of the same elements, and all becomes chaos…...
Creation MythPhilosophyPlato
A Trap That Only Patrick Has Seen
I agreed with him when he said, “Trust it not, sir; it will prove a snare to your feet. Suffer not yourselves to be betrayed with a kiss (Henry, 2003).” Although the British signed a peace treaty, they were preparing like people who were ready for war. There are no other enemies that the British had apart from the American colonies. Patrick pointed out that their lands were flocking with the British navy. He told them to look with open…...
British EmpirePatrick HenryReligion
Give me Liberty, or Give me Death
This famous phrase of the American Revolution, introduced by Patrick Henry, is embedded within every educated American, most simply because of its importance to history. His words, spoken towards the truly American leaders like General Washington, assisted in fanning the flames of revolution that guided the 13 colonies on to draft a Declaration of Independence, fight against the Intolerable Acts, and eventually fight a war against a powerful nation, though that is not for over a year after he spoke.…...
American RevolutionPatrick HenryPolitics
People Are Born From Scratch
There are quite a few contributors of empiricism. Empiricism as define from the textbook states “the pursuit of knowledge through the observation of nature and the attribution of all knowledge to experience.” There are also different contributions of empiricism from different contributors including primary role of the process of sensation, analysis of conscious experience into elements, association, and the focus on conscious processes. Besides Comte and Barkley who laid the foundation of positivism and materialism Locke, James Mill and John…...
ExperienceMindTabula Rasa
Distinction of the Philosophies of Locke and Descartes
When I think of something significant that indicates the concept of knowledge, I think of Epistemology. This is one of the most significant divisions of philosophy. There has been numerous of efforts by philosophers to find the source of knowledge. Knowledge is the ethics or principles by which we can criticize the dependability of knowledge itself. Even though we are sometimes shocked to realize that something that we once believed in or still do believe in was sure and certain,…...
IdealismMindTabula Rasa
Trade in the Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egypt was a wondrous place. The Egyptians had very big constructions, myths that make you think, and amazing history. But ancient Egypt wouldn’t be the same without one factor. That factor is trade. Let's take a look at the way that they traded. Two types of trade There were two types of trade that the ancient Egyptians used. The first type of trade was barter. Barter is when the Egyptians would sail down the Nile river to meet other countries with their…...
Ancient EgyptEgyptTrade
Ethical Theories
A fine line… between right and wrong or what you ought to do. Sometimes it is hard to do what is right, even though you may think it is right. There are many different theories to help decide what is the most ethical choice. With the following scenario I am going to figure out what would be the best theory. “Trudy is an executive with a large corporation. After reading a confidential memorandum revealing that her corporation is concluding negotiations…...
The Tell-Tale Heart
If your like the rest of us humans, you must have felt so guilty about a situation that you had to divulge about what you did. Edgar Allan Poe, American writer and poet, illustrates in his story The Tell-Tale Heart, how an obsession can drive you to do things that you will only regret in the long run. He then portrays how one’s guilt can ultimately lead to a lack of consciousness therefore pressuring them into confession. Poe shows us…...
Edgar Allan PoeGuiltMind
Music Gives Teenagers a Strong Cultural Identity
Music plays an important role in life of a teenager and is practically everywhere. It manifest itself in our lives in the form of television, video games, educational videos, a car or bus ride to school, culture, religions, or even eating dinner at a restaurant. Simply put, music is inevitable! The reality of this forces parents to wonder what kind of music their teen listens to when they aren’t around and how might this affect their behavior. During the adolescent…...
AdolescenceCultural IdentityMusic
The Green River Killer
What were the signs Gary Ridgway showed as a child that would suggest he had a troubled life ahead? Charles Montaldo says that “Gary Ridgway, known as the Green River Killer, went on a 20-year killing spree, making him the most prolific serial killers in the U.S. history (Montaldo).” My reasoning behind choosing to do research on Gary Ridgway was because I found it very fascinating how Ridgway portrayed himself to be a family man, but really he was a…...
CriminologyPsychologySerial Killer
College Skills for Future Life
General education is the courses like science, math, history and to have a basic understanding of your subjects. In the lecture given by Dr. Matthew Sanders published on Jun 27,2014, He mainly talks about the importance of general education and needs of the general education. The author says that the general education helps the students to learn to think better and improve they're problem-solving skills. He takes the example of athletes, who work really hard to keep themselves strong and…...
EducationProblem SolvingSelf Discipline
Military and Professional Bearing
The ability of an Army to fight and emerge victorious for the wars its nation faces is not solely dependent on the kind of training they are exposed to and the kind of weapons they have alone. Several factors also contribute to the ability of an Army to win the war for its nation. Some of the other factors may include the climate of the units or the attitude, soldiers and the leadership. Finding the victorious army and you will…...
ArmyConfidenceSelf Discipline
What You Need to Know Before Adopting a Child
You or you and your spouse are unable to have children of your own, but you are very fortunate to have found a baby to adopt. You are both “over the moon.” You are fixing up the nursery, you have had the baby bed delivered and you bought a car seat. Background Information It is a wonderful time when you bring home a baby, and of course you should enjoy those moments, but remember, prior to the adoption, gather as…...
AdoptionChildSelf Discipline
Who Was Jack the Ripper Hunting For
In this weeks blog I will be focusing on who Jack The Ripper normally aimed to kill instead of focusing on The Ripper himself. I will be barely listing any facts on how they were killed, but I will me listing numerous facts on what they all had in common. The ladies he killed were known as The Canonical Five. They were all killed in the year of 1888, which is not the only similarity that these ladies have. All…...
AlcoholJack The RipperMurder
The Blood on the Tombstone
“Stop! Get away!” Screamed out the poor middle aged woman as she was shoved into the unlit part of the alley. She fell, and couldn’t get back up because of the heels she was wearing. What use would it have made anyway? There was no escape. It was quiet that night, in the East End. The year was 1888 in London, England. The air fresh, The paveways lit by streetlights. All interrupted by this terrible event. The man, standing tall…...
Jack The RipperThunderstorm
America’s First Killer
Tall, charming, and blue eyed, H.H. Holmes was a mysterious but yet extremely intelligent guy. Holmes graduated from Michigan University’s medical school. During his time at Michigan he studied and excelled in chemistry and Anatomy. Soon after he graduated Holmes began a career in fraud, poison, and murder. He had many victims, and is known to be America’s first serial killer. Some say he may even be Jack the Ripper from the U.K (Jones 1). Herman Mudgett aka: H.H. Holmes…...
CrimeJack The RipperLaw
Who Hides Under the Pseudonym Jack the Ripper
During the months of August through November in 1888, the residents of the Whitechapel district in London’s East End lived with hearts filled to the brim with terror. A serial killer, fearfully dubbed as Jack the Ripper, was haunting the night. His victims: prostitutes; his method: gutting; his motive: unknown, as he was never caught. Though the Victorian era police of Scotland Yard - and many conspirators of the present day - had many suspects in mind, no one knows…...
CrimeJack The RipperMurder
Who Is Jack the Ripper
In 1888, in White Chapel London, there were five prostitutes that were brutally murdered by a person known as “Jack the Ripper”. He was of the most infamous killers globally and was believed to be a butcher or even a doctor since he had such anatomical knowledge (Simon 38) Throughout the years it had become a sensation to solve the murder case, and some have believed this person to have been H.H. Holmes. Holmes was the first serial killer in…...
CrimeJack The RipperMurder
Philosophy of personal responsbility
Aristotle considers virtue to fall in between scarcity and overabundance. He believed that we should focus more so on how we act than the results or intentions of our actions. To understand ethics, according to Aristotle, it was necessary to observe the behavior of other people. Aristotle's Philosophy of Life Aristotle was very practical in his approach and many of his beliefs were based on the actual actions of people. Aristotle assumes that humans innately think and behave in ways to achieve…...
AristotleImmanuel KantPhilosophyResponsibilityUtilitarianism
The Use of Suspense in Shakespeare’s Plays
William Shakespeare uses suspense in his plays. The suspense adds to the stories and shows different elements of it. The use of suspense in William Shakespeare's plays not only develops the story but it also attracts the crowd's attention. Two of William Shakespeare's plays that include multiple elements of suspense are: Much Ado About Nothing and Julius Caesar. Suspense has different ways of showing itself. In both of these plays they include a villain and elements of foreshadowing. Different parts…...
Julius CaesarMuch Ado About NothingSuspenseWilliam Shakespeare
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