Essays on Humanities

Free essays on Humanities refer to essays that are available for downloading or reading online without having to pay any fees. These essays cover a wide range of topics within the field of humanities, including literature, philosophy, religion, history, art, culture, and language. They are written by scholars, academics, and students, and provide valuable insights and perspectives on various issues and debates within the humanities. Free essays on Humanities offer a great resource for people looking to explore new ideas or gain more knowledge in the area of humanities, without having to spend money on expensive books or journals.
Go Through a Horrible Period of History
Words • 1202
Pages • 5
Blacks faced terrible discrimination in the United States and South Africa, which is shown in this documentary. This documentary goes over a couple of topics which will be summarized in this essay, topics included are the origins of Afrikaners, the link between religion and white supremacy, a system of Apartheid, Nelson Mandela’s role, the Anti-segregation movement in the United States and black voting rights in the United States. Black had a period in history when they were completely discriminated against,…...
HistoryNelson Mandela
Alternative Approaches to Learning Styles
Words • 963
Pages • 4
Established by the trainer (this can be determined by widely available VAK questionnaires), the development action can be tailored to match this. If the training is being delivered to a group of learners who may have different preferred learning styles (e.g. web-based e-learning or group training), all three style should be incorporated to ensure that all learners can engage with the material at some stage during the learning process. Reflecting on my personal learning style, I tend to fall into…...
Goals In Life
Learning Process Is Different
Words • 810
Pages • 4
Learning is a process where knowledge and skill are acquired by instruction or study. This process of learning however is different for everyone. Or in simpler words each person has a unique way of learning. They all have their own learning style or way of acquiring skills and knowledge. Additionally, one’s unique way of learning depends on their learning style. Learning style of definition is a “set of factors, behaviors, and attitudes that facilitate learning for an individual in a…...
CommunicationLearningLearning StylesPsychology
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The Importance of Finding Light Instead of Darkness
Words • 1424
Pages • 6
These are a collection of proverbs from the course of the galaxy. A book written in teaching the importance of seeking the Light instead of the Dark. For use in attaining peace; for following the Force for that which is good and just; for acquiring knowledge for not falling into that of the Dark side. Let the master Jedi add to their understanding and let the Padawans gain new insight – for understanding important teachings, the sayings of masters within…...
Rhetorical Rationale: to Write or Not 
Words • 1170
Pages • 5
Waiting days and days to start a writing assignment after it has been given may be the definition of procrastination to many people. For me, it is a little bit different. I do not procrastinate on my writing assignment because I do not want to do them, but rather take a few days to decide what to write and how to portray it. I ponder through many possibilities and think about who will be reading my paper and what will make…...
Defining Work and Its Significance
Words • 1060
Pages • 5
What is work? The meaning of “work” is the utilization of exertion to do or make something that has value, and for which you are normally paid. There are many differences between work and Passionate. Work is not intended to be enjoyed. Inherent in that voice is the possibility that needing to cherish your work is by means one way or another outlandish and even silly. Passionate is the vitality that originates from bringing a greater amount of you into…...
Ancillary Care Obligations
Words • 1096
Pages • 5
Intro Ancillary Care Obligations are moral duties binding a medical researcher to provide information, treatment, or other resources to study participants for reasons other than scientific soundness, roughly their responsibilities are conducting medical research to aid study participants for diseases or injuries that were not caused by the study. In the “ Ancillary Care Obligations in the Light of an African Bioethics” by Thaddeus Metz, he explains the model called the partial-entrustment model presented by Henry Richardson which concerns what…...
History of Europe – The Age of Revolution
Words • 1052
Pages • 5
To be European, specifically French or British, in the late 1700s meant one’s mind was going to be pulled in all kinds of directions regarding the meaning of life, purpose and change. Two very contradictory ideas emerge during this time period, one being Enlightenment the other Romanticism. The Enlightenment Era was brought about when the Europeans began searching for reason and facts to explain the elements surrounding them, whereas Romanticism encouraged people to look inward at one’s feelings, emotions and…...
Reign Of Terror
Autonomy in Neuroethics 
Words • 2276
Pages • 10
Neurosciences is multidisciplinary sciences which is mainly concern with the study of the structure and function of the brain system. This area of study is quite relatives new in Malaysia compared to western countries that have been involved in this area of study for quite some long time ago. Advances in neurosciences raise ethical, social and legal issues in relation to the human person and the brain. Ethical problems resulting from brain research have induced the emergence of a new…...
Reign of Terror in the French Revolution
Words • 833
Pages • 4
Power can be described as control when an individual sees it as a way of manipulation when above law. People of power will go to extremes such as murder to deceive the public and benefit themselves. Maximilien Robespierre believed murder was a tool to frighten the society. Robespierre was born in Nothern France on May 6, 1758. He followed his father's tracks by attending school in Paris to become an attorney. Over time, Robespierre started to obtain jurisdiction because he…...
Reign Of Terror
French Revolution: Historical Research
Words • 1750
Pages • 7
In this study, I will discuss the reasons that led Maximilien de Robespierre, Jacobin leader and one of the principal figures of the French Revolution, to distort the principles of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, and to rationalize the so called “Reign of Terror” between 1793 and 1794. I will examine how and why, under the influence of philosopher and writer Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s work “The Social Contract” (1762), Robespierre theorized the necessity of terror…...
Reign Of Terror
A History of the French Revolution: The Reign of Terror
Words • 1041
Pages • 5
Revolutions do not happen, they are made through actions and choices of the driving forces taken to succeed one common goal. The revolts have various responses by the people. Maximilien Robespierre fueled the Reign of Terror by articulating a vision of a French Utopia. The new French Republic would be a Democracy led by the virtue of mankind. The Reign of Terror was driven by the ideas, organization, and underlying motives of Maximilien Robespierre. He was skilled with his words,…...
Reign Of Terror
You Would Be Ten
Words • 1758
Pages • 8
The presence of toxic masculinity in the twenty-first century is persistent, advancing the stigma around men showing emotion or behaving in a way that is deemed “weak.” Undoubtedly, the social expectations for men to be strong, unshakable figures contribute to this prolonged practice of stifling natural emotional responses in any general circumstance in favor of fulfilling these expectations. However, when that circumstance itself is considered to be only a women’s issue, a man’s emotional health becomes more than just disregarded:…...
A Process that Cannot Be Reversed and Will Lead to Regret
Words • 1056
Pages • 5
Throughout all the books read in class, there has always been a question of identity. The books that had the most prevalent showing of an identity crisis were The Great Gatsby and Passing. The main characters that had a problem with their identities were Jay Gatsby in The Great Gatsby and Clare Kendry in Passing. Gatsby’s change in identity was due to his unhappiness in the social class he was in. Clare Kendry’s change in identity was due to her…...
RegretThe Great Gatsby
Thomas Paine Is My Motivation
Words • 847
Pages • 4
Thomas Paine once said that a real man or woman will smile in trouble, gather his/ her strength from distress that he/she faces and grow brave through reflection. It was with these thoughts that I took up the strength finder assessment with the aim of getting a deeper understanding of my own strengths. The assessment gave me a mirror of what I thought of myself and some other incites that I never took keenly as my strength. The objective of…...
Goals In Life
Payne Considered It Impossible Under the Reign of the King of Freedom
Words • 658
Pages • 3
Americans wanted freedom and to be able to vote for their government. They thought that they would be a united front and be able to stand alone and finally receive peace. Yet problems were already starting to arise. One of the contradictions was that George Washington thought that there shouldn’t really be any political parties. The country was already a little divided on whether they wanted to be fully independent or not at this point and people were already starting…...
James MadisonPoliticsThomas Paine
Scenarios of Psychological Disorders
Words • 1697
Pages • 7
In this paper I will discuss three scenarios about individuals with psychological disorders. Each scenario is very unique and gives little details of what each person is experiencing. There is a seven year old girl who scored low on her IQ test that I will try to diagnosis successfully. Then there is albert who recently just went through a divorce who has different types of emotions. Lastly there is Gary a thirty year old male who loves to be the…...
Mental DisorderNarcissistic Personality Disorder
Is Psychotherapy Effective for Narcissistic Personality Disorder?
Words • 2017
Pages • 9
Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder which affects around one percent of the world’s population. It happens to appear more often in men than women and affecting the juveniles more than older people. Those people who have this condition is characterized by having an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others. The hallmark description of narcissistic personality disorder is gaudiness – the exaggerated…...
Mental DisorderMental HealthNarcissistic Personality Disorder
The Creation Myth: The Story That Explains The Origins Of Life And Of All Things
Words • 547
Pages • 3
Probably the most compelling motivation why these two civic establishments had these distinctions is because of their topography. Everybody is in the long run going to pass on, it is inescapable, and the Greek and Norse individuals knew this. Discussing some type of the hereafter is extremely basic in both of these societies. Subsequent to taking a gander at the two folklores, the subject of where the normal American would go when they pass on as indicated by Norse and…...
Ancient GreeceCreation Myth
Ethics In Disasters: Nurses Play A Key Role In Disaster Response Worldwide
Words • 1848
Pages • 8
During a disaster, medical personnel will be forced to make many critical decisions. These decisions, made in urgent and high stress environments, should be ethically based on autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice. At a disaster site, nurses may triage patients using ethical principles and the theory of utilitarianism. The theory of utilitarianism is an ethical theory based on what is best for the community instead of what is best for the individual. Utilitarianism is often employed during the response to…...
Hurricane KatrinaNatural Disasters
Hurricane Katrina: In What Way Can The Media Influence Us?
Words • 917
Pages • 4
Intro:In his essay “Frames of Reference”, Michael Dyson brings to light how the media conveys false stories based on race. For example, Dyson references the news coverage during Hurricane Katrina. Blacks were being persecuted as “thieves” and “looters” who were taking advantage of such a horrific time. In contrast, whites who were stockpiling food and materials from stores and homes were described as resourceful for gathering resources that they “found” to survive. The essay title, “Frames of Reference”, is a…...
Hurricane KatrinaNatural Disasters
Preparing for Hurricane Katrina’s damage
Words • 1630
Pages • 7
New Orleans endured one of the most traumatic turning points for the state of Louisiana in 2005. Hurricane Katrina, which was known to be a category four storm, had hit the state of Louisiana. Category four storms can have winds that range anywhere from 130 miles per hour to 160 miles per hour, and can cause disastrous harm to different building and properties including humans and pets. Category 4 hurricanes regularly include long periods of wipeouts of all electricity water…...
Hurricane KatrinaNatural Disasters
Planning: Setting Goals and Prioritising
Words • 940
Pages • 4
Planning is about setting goals, establishing strategies to achieve the goals, and developing plans to unite and consort activities. Through planning, we can have a clear direction to accomplish goals. It also reduces the uncertainty and the time than wasting. In the film, the family has the same purpose; they all want to steal the money from the Brazilian police station to punish the rich person who kills one of their members. All members are doing much preparation before they…...
Goals In Life
Setting Goals Lead To Success
Words • 761
Pages • 4
Famous comedian and political activist Sir Anthony Robinson, once said that “People who succeed have momentum. The more they succeed, the more they want to succeed, and the more they find a way to succeed. Similarly, when someone is failing, the tendency is to get on a downward spiral that can even become a self-fulfilling prophecy.” Personally this quote embodies the process of what it takes to be successful. First, setting goals is important and a fundamental component to long-term…...
Goals In Life
Importance of Goal Setting
Words • 680
Pages • 3
Goal setting is one way to enable us to get more out of life or any circumstance as a whole (Smart goal guide, 2014), setting goals is a way to concentrate on what is important to you or your organization as a whole. This paper attempts to define some my goals as a doctoral student of Colorado Technical University. A goal gives you something to work towards, pushes you forward and is a constant reminder of what you want to…...
Goals In Life
Rhetorical Strategies: Ethos, Pathos, and Logos
Words • 1106
Pages • 5
It is important for both listeners and readers to easily recognize how speakers and writers apply the three rhetorical strategies; ethos, pathos, and logos in their attempts to communicate effectively. Ethos generally refers to the credibility of the writer and how effectively the writer convinces the reader that her/his writing is qualified. Pathos refers to the readers ‘emotion. For instance, triggering a sympathy feeling through impacting fear to the audience. Finally, logos demonstrate the writers’ use of fact and figures…...
Fake It Till You Make It
Words • 1521
Pages • 7
Students new to the collegiate experience are thrown into mature classes full of academic discourse. They must actively participate as though they are seasoned veterans of the topic, all while having limited skills to perform well. Discourse is defined as written or spoken communication or debate, meaning the subject of study is present in all aspects of a student’s life. Whether it be academic writing and classes, or the social discourse of a cafeteria students are surrounded. David Bartholomae offers…...
The Challenges Facing African Americans
Words • 1061
Pages • 5
The name 'March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom' is a mouth full, but this is to weight the Washington foundation to give careful consideration to social liberties and find a way to prohibit isolation is something or other that people need to think about. Martin Luther King, Jr. was the huge finale. There were such a large number of speakers that day that when he went to the platform and conveyed 'I Have a Dream,' a few people had…...
Overcoming Adversity
Overcoming Adversity Leads to Success
Words • 2503
Pages • 11
When speaking about school, lessons learned or things that need improvement. It has always been important to think ahead and plan for everything, but not for the reasons everyone might consider. When starting high school and even up to college the next four years was always daunting and inexorable, which weighed heavy on my mind. It was constantly all I could think about and worry about. Furthermore, through further analysis with the help of Landis’ “Studying Engineering,” this realization came…...
Overcoming Adversity
Social Media Campaigns: Challenges to Overcome
Words • 1207
Pages • 5
According to a survey conducted by Pew Research Center, “69% of the public uses some type of social media” today (“Social Media Fact Sheet,” 2018). Because the majority of Americans are on social networking sites, social media campaigns have become an extremely valuable promotional tool for companies to advertise their brand. From traditional print, advertising has evolved over time so that brands can continue to be relevant in the digital age. In this paper, I will examine a creative social…...
Overcoming Adversity
Importance of Treating People With Respect
Words • 904
Pages • 4
Being a good person ultimately boils down to one thing: how well you treat others; race, social status, and religion are not the deciding factors they are made out to be because we are all born with a good and loving mind and can be friends with everyone. Not a single person has ever been born with a mind that is already ‘mean’ or ‘not kind’: it is the treatment of others that turns someone bitter. The statement, ‘All People…...
Reasons to Respect Nature
Words • 1064
Pages • 5
For this paper, I will choose Paul Taylor as the first author. Taylors’s reasoning and beliefs will also be compared with Karen Warren’s way of thinking about ecofeminism and nature in relation to subordination of women by men. Both authors have their stances on how nature is perceived and how we should look at the differentiation of humans and nature. With Warren, her stance on women being compared with nature and both being subordinate to man will be a main…...
Dignity and Respect: Most Important Values in Life
Words • 819
Pages • 4
Dignity and respect. Probably the two most important values to live by on a daily basis. First impressions are everything. Without respect there is no dignity. The state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect play a huge role in our day to day life. Some cases more often than others or, at a higher value and stake than others. A person strives to be respected and valued not only in the present, but throughout their lifetime. But…...
A View on the Existentialism and Human Freedom by Jean Paul Sartre
Words • 665
Pages • 3
In “Existentialism and Human Freedom”, the author, Jean Paul Sartre, discussesexistence and identity. The first main point is that in terms of humans, “existence precedes essence.” Essence makes a thing what it is. It is how we categorize things. It is a summation of all the qualities of an object or a person that we are able to observe. It comes after existence because, according to Sartre, we are bom blank and develop our essense after coming into existence. This…...
Philosophical TheoriesTabula Rasa
The Social Problem of Gun Violence in the United States
Words • 483
Pages • 2
             Gun Violence Gun violence in the U.S. can exhibit many different aspects from the modem liberal theories of Kant, Locke, and Smith. First, Kant’s exploration of social criticism can play a key role in why people participate in gun violence. Not all, but many perpetrators who use firearms to harm people in their community feel victimized or threatened by the structure or acts of society. A key example of this can be seen in…...
Philosophical TheoriesTabula Rasa
A Discussion on Whether Ideas Are Innate
Words • 1032
Pages • 5
"Ideas are innate", discuss Innatism is the theory that we are born with knowledge and ideas, meaning that from the moment we are born, we all start with certain innate ideas. Rene Descartes was one such believer in innate knowledge. Descartes was a skeptic and doubted everything. The reason Descartes did not doubt innate ideas was that some ideas had no satisfactory empirical origin, and so he thought there was no other explanation than that we are born with these…...
Philosophical TheoriesTabula Rasa
The Origins and Meaning of Knowledge and Tabula Rasa
Words • 1291
Pages • 6
How knowledge is obtained is a question that has been studied for years. Knowledge is something one gains throughout life. From the time of birth, knowledge begins. A group of philosophers stated the mind was a Tabula Rusa. This means the mind begins like a blank sheet of paper. So, if the mind begins as they suggested how does one gain knowledge. As humans, it is assumed that all people have knowledge. But what exactly is knowledge defined as and…...
Philosophical TheoriesTabula Rasa
An Analysis of John Locke’s Theory of Tabula Rasa
Words • 753
Pages • 4
The seventeenth and eighteenth centuries represented a period in which radical changes took place in society. John Locke's theory of tabula rasa described how the "mind was like a blank sheet of paper upon which ideas are imprinted" (Ozmon and Graver 145). In short, his theory rationalized that all ideas are derived from experience by way of sensation and reflection. At the time, his theory had to potential to nullify divine right, the estate system, and any institution that denied…...
PhilosophyTabula Rasa
Less Than 13 Seconds
Words • 1288
Pages • 6
Is it really going to hurt your child to stand for 12.93 seconds every morning to pledge to a country where your freedom was built on? That is exactly how long it took to reciting this controversial pledge. Although our 1st amendment rights do not force children to recite the pledge of allegiance in schools, our youth should pledge to respectfully honor those who sacrificed for our free way of life on political views. Just last year there was a…...
The Fall of Japan Imperial Nation And Mobilization in Japan
Words • 1072
Pages • 5
“The fall of Imperial Japan struck us like a thunderbolt from the suddenly darkened sky.” The fall of Japan, imperial nation happened so quickly and was seen as unexpected., and a majority of its people were drowned by their patriotism and were oblivious to the potential downfall of their country. Japan’s desire to become a global power of the East deprived its people of their own judgment creating a division between itself and other nations. What seemed to be an…...
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Hurricane Katrina: In What Way Can The Media Influence Us?
...Intro:In his essay “Frames of Reference”, Michael Dyson brings to light how the media conveys false stories based on race. For example, Dyson references the news coverage during Hurricane Katrina. Blacks were being persecuted as “th...
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