The Importance of Finding Light Instead of Darkness

Topics: Passion

These are a collection of proverbs from the course of the galaxy. A book written in teaching the importance of seeking the Light instead of the Dark. For use in attaining peace; for following the Force for that which is good and just; for acquiring knowledge for not falling into that of the Dark side. Let the master Jedi add to their understanding and let the Padawans gain new insight – for understanding important teachings, the sayings of masters within the Light.

The submission to the Force is to begin understanding, but the Dark side despises peace and only listens to their passion.

Listen, my Padawan, to your master’s teaching and remember the instruction of the the Light around you. They will be a braid that comes from your hair and a crown upon your head.

My Padawan, if the Dark side persuades you, do not give in to your own emotions. When they speak, ‘Join our side; unleash the true potential and strength that lies inside of you, let your passions and emotions run free; bring vengeance against those who have wronged you, and show your wrath to all who try to stop you; we will become rulers of the galaxy and gain submission of everyone within our path; come over to our side, and you will reap bountiful reward.

My Padawan, do not let the Dark side entice you, become aware of the lies they proclaim; for their actions are steadfast, they do not think about the greater picture.

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They think only of themselves, wanting to gain power and strength over those below them. The Dark side is not aware of their own schemes, falling into their own trap of demise time and time again. This is the result of all who go to the Dark side; they lose their life as soon as they give it away. The Light speaks aloud throughout the galaxy, she constantly raises her voice for all to lay witness; on the planet of Lothal she echoes her words; in Coruscant she is voicing her speech. ‘When will the Dark side halt its ruthless ways? When will the Sith instill order and justice, as they continue a wave of selfish rule? If you called out for my help, I would have given you the gift of peace and made knowledge abundant to you. But you have rejected my will and you have all chosen to ignore my gift, since you have disregarded the truth and have chosen to not accept my tranquility, I will not grow weary of your downfall; I will show my lack of support for your decision when you are overtaken by your passion, when you are overwhelmed with rage, when you feel the inability to gain my peace. ‘In this time, they will cry out for me; they will search for my presence. But they disregarded understanding and did not submit themselves to the Force, because they did not accept my peace and disregarded my knowledge, they will fall victim to their own ways and become filled with uncontrollable rage for the way of the Dark side will overpower them, and the lack of submission will lead them to death; but whoever chooses to follow my path will live in tranquility, and be at peace, knowing they will be unharmed.’

My Padawan, uphold my words, and store these teachings within your heart for they will give you victory over the Dark side and reconcile peace and diligence within you. Have harmony and serenity never leave you, place them within your saber, ponder over them daily. Then you will be in line with that which is good in the sight of the Light and the masters before you. Trust in the Force with all of your being and do not let your emotions control you; in all that you do submit to the Force, and your paths will be made right. Do not manipulate the Force to your own will; fear the Force and shun your negative thoughts. This will bring alignment within your body and wellness throughout your heart. Submit yourself to the Force, showing humility and benevolence; then your mind will be overflowing with knowledge, and your life filled with absolute serenity.

My Padawan, do not despise the ways of the Light, and do not fall into your own passions, because the Force will give you peace as a Master his Padawan finds pleasure in. Gifted are those who are able to find the Light, those who gain insight and knowledge, for she is more valued than Imperial Credit and has more profit than any bounty hunter. She is more valuable than Manuur Stones; nothing you could want is equal to her. She holds peace and understanding in her right hand; in her left hand are harmony and tranquility. She is one filled with compassion and selflessness, and everything about her is of peace. She is a Kyber crystal to those who accept her, those who cling to her truth will be gifted. Through the Light the Force creates a bond with its user, by knowledge the user gains a new level of self-awareness; through understanding he is given a relationship, and will be guided for the remainder of his life.

My Padawan, keep the Light and knowledge within your grasp, maintain justice and a peaceful mind; they will be the source of the Light within you, a Kyber crystal to fill your saber. Then you will live a life in line with the Force and will not stumble into the ways of the Dark side. When you rest, you will not be in fear of your own passion; when you rest, your bond with the Force will withstand. Do not be afraid of sudden change or of the Dark that overtakes the Light for the Force will be with you and will keep you from falling into the ways of the Sith. Do justice and maintain selflessness to those who need it, they too must understand the importance of following the Light. Do not tell a friend, “I will show you the ways of the Force when you are ready”— when you already understand it yourself. Do not plan destruction against your friend, who lives in harmony by your side. Do not bring accusations against others—when they have done nothing but remain in peace. Do not envy the Dark side or follow the path that they have selfishly chosen. For the Force should not be used for our own passions but should be followed in an act of submission. The Light detests those who use the Force for selfish gain but bring honor to those who find peace and humility within it. The Light is defensive to the aggressor of the Dark side but is favoring of those who actively seek humility. The Light will receive tranquility and peace, but the Dark will get disruption and wrath.


Similar to wisdom and folly, the Light and Dark side within Star Wars are constantly at odds with one another. Within the middle of this constant internal/external battle is the use of the Force. Although the Force is a neutral power that can be used for either good or evil, the Light side understands that ultimate understanding of the Force comes through peace, tranquility, and submission. On the other hand, the Dark side wishes to manipulate the Force in a way that will bring them absolute authority and strength over the galaxy. They use their own passion, wrath, and emotion to sway the Force to their own desires. Similar to folly, the Dark side is easy to fall into; there seems to be a great sense of gain that one can achieve through exploiting the Force in a selfish way. However, these gains are only temporary, lasting only for a short period of time until the Darkness completely overtakes them. Through the Light, one is able to experience absolute peace and understanding, bring long term reward and pleasures. Similar to how wisdom is interpreted to be a woman calling out within the street, the Light is said to be a woman on the steps of the Capital. She is yearning for those living within the Dark side to see their inequity and turn over to a path of peace and justice. Furthermore, as Proverbs uses a father speaking to a son, I chose to implement a master Jedi speaking to his apprentice, a Padawan. In this way, the element of teaching an immature youth is implemented and formulated throughout the passages.

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